Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 994 does not commit me, I don't commit crimes!

"Pay the price?"

The sword is not double-finished, and it is also a bit angry.

He didn't say anything with the Tiamao, the battle of the extinguishment, he didn't plan to intervene before, but now this bones are actively enacted to him, it is completely different.

"Kid, death!"

The red robe old man is cold, and it is a heavy murder. His body shape appears in front of the sword, and the palm of the black secret tattoo is equipped with a darkness of the sword. .

This shot, I crusted directly.

The fighting power of the turn to the red robe is also completely revealed.

"I still want to kill me?"

The sword is unhealthy, the power of the vast ancient god is like a tide, instantly gathered on his right hand palm.

The sword is unparalleled, the explosive power is swayed, and directly venting.

This boxing is a horrible storm.


The sword has collided with the palm of the red robe old, after emitting a low impact, it is a snoring that is rubbed ... The sound of crisp bone burst sound.


The red robe is fierce, and in his horror, his whole right hand arm is actually bursting with the speed visible to the naked eye. Just a moment, his entire arm is crushed. The chemistry is for a smell.

The strength of the sword and unparalleled fists is still inherently, and it is passed to him.


The old red robe spoke, the face is very miserable, and his body is more stunned, but his body has not stopped, but it has been coming to him, but it has been coming to him. A giant hand in the dark golden rays, grabbing it directly towards his neck.

The red robe old in the Tang Daozun, was actually caught by this giant hand, like a chicken, picked up.

"Old things, you just said, do you have to pay a price?" The sword flashed in the cold, and the horrible killing will completely cover the red robes.

The hearts of the red robe are already cool, and the fear of the sky is coming in his heart. His eyes are full of horror.

He didn't think about it at all, and this is in the forefront.

"Fast, come and save me!"

The red robe is in terrorism, and it is also the first time to ask for help with the strong people of the bones.


A flawthrough in this world, I saw it from the huge battlefield next to it, and the three figure gave birth to the moment, and there was no double in the sword.

The three men, two men and a woman, and the breath, not more than the sword, this red robes are weak, obviously the strong.

"You, please also put the old age of our family." The only blue robe woman in the three people opened. The atmosphere of this blue robe is the strongest in the field, and the faintness has reached the threshold of the second turn.

"Hey, ridiculous, you want me to put, I put it?" The sword is unparalleled, but the force in his hand is a bit, the red robe is unparalleled by the sword. No, the face has also risen into pig liver color.

"Do you have to be with my bone magic?" The blue robe woman is also anxious, and immediately drink.

"Bone magic?" The sword is unparalleled. "I have no hatred with your bones, but you can say that I will say me into the helper of the Tianyi family. In this day, I will help this day today. One of the monks, how can you, how do you? "

The sword is unparalleled. This is a one who cannot be a day.

At the beginning of the ancient world, he was just a crust of ants, and he had dared to call the first dominant on the Nanyang mainland.

Now, his strength is also standing at the top of this green fire world. It can be able to kill him. The whole green industry is still countless, such a strength is relying, and he is not necessary to scruple so much.

And the principle of his pursuit has always been a person who doesn't commit me, I don't commit crimes, today's things, the root is the trouble of this bones.

Since it is troublesome, he will not be polite.

"Apricots are old, fast, save me." The old man of the red robe was in the hands of the sword, and she barely opened his mouth and shouted a few words.

"Shut up!" The woman in the blue robe has been in the face of the sword. "You, today's things, it is our people who are not in the first, but also hope that you can give me a bones. The thin face, put the old age. "

"Oh?" The sword was unpaired, and he snorted. Hey, it was a loose hand. The old man immediately pulled down from his hand, and then slammed back to the woman's woman in the first time, and he looked at his face. The sword is unparalleled.

"Thank you." The woman in the blue robe is relaxing.

Originally, the bone magic is in the surrounding styles of the territory. Under normal circumstances, it will never be low to people, but just a woman who has just learned that the sword is unparalleled, and the elder is old. Heavy injured and smashed the arm of the latter.

The elders are old, and they are also a turnover, and they can't hold a trick in the sword, and the strength of the sword is unparalleled.

"At the very least, the second turn is the strength, even the two turn to respect the top, and it is very good at power." The woman of the blue robe thought.

A two turn to respect, it is enough to pay the bones, if it is not necessary, it will never be easy to provoke, and the strength of the sword is unparalleled, and there is no a bit of the blue robe woman.

"You, today my bone is a family of this day, and I have passed the news from ten days ago, so this plain today will almost come. If you don't have anything else. , Please also ask you to leave here. "The women's woman opened.

"I can leave, but that two people, I will take it away." The sword did not point to a void in the distance.

At the end of the void, the middle-aged man hugged the child, and rapidly fled in front of the front. It has escaped the distant distance, but if it is a word to take the chasing, you can still catch up. Kill it.

In that middle-aged man, in the escaping, it also noticed everything that happened behind, but his head did not dare to return, and he could only take care of everything.

"Yes." The woman of the blue robe bit his teeth and nodded.

Just just escapes two people who have a family, it is still within the acceptance of the bones.

"That's okay." The sword has no double turns, but the eyes are a woman behind the blue robe behind. "Your bone is still a good thing, it is good, don't be arrogant, otherwise it can be It's not so good. "

After finishing, the sword is unparalleled.

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