The sword is unparalleled, and the strong people of the bones are a routine.

Especially the old age, heard the sword is unparalleled, the completion is a white, the bottom is roaring, "Who knows that you at least two turn, the strong, will be hidden to hide your own breath? You If you show your breath in the morning, I will come to provoke you long! "

Indeed, if the sword is unparalleled, it is a respect, whether it is the old man, or a purple man who started the neccence level, it will ask clearly, determine whether the sword is unparalleled is a helpless helper, and then do it.

But just a eternal, at this time, in the vicinity of the Tianfang family, they are too lazy to manage so much, and they do it.

Who once thought that this eternal is actually a top power that plays pigs and tigers.


After leaving the battlefield of the Tianki nationality, it took a while, and the sword was unparalleled on a raised mountain range.

The middle-aged man holding a child in the hands, stopped, standing in front of the sword.

The middle-aged man puts down the child in his hand, and then immediately in the sword, there is no pair of respect, "Tianjia family, Yuan Gang, thank everyone to save the grace."

"Haoer, fast, thank you for your life-saving." The middle-aged man also urged the child.

"Thank you." The child directly gave the sword without double kneeling.

"Get up." The sword is unparalleled, and the middle-aged man, Yuan Gang, there is one child, which is traged by a force, not from the autonomous stand.

"If you don't have adults today, I will definitely flee from Lei, this kind of love, my father is two people, I will keep it." Yuan Gang said in the mouth.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is uncomfortable.

"Unfortunately, although my father and son escaped, but I am a family ..." Yuan Gang's glorge, the child next to the child is also holding hands.

The sword is unbolded. He just arrived back to the mainland. He didn't have any meluo with the Tianki family. You can save this Yuan, the father and son are very good.

That Yuan Jigang is also very clear about Yuan Hao.

"Tianjiao?" The sword was unbearable.

"The sword is unparalleled, if I have not read a wrong, this so-called Tianjia family should be the descendant of the ancient chaos world, the demeasure of the beasts and human mating, you are in front of these people, there are some devils. The blood of the tale, but it is very thin, thinner is not able to use blood power, so they can't help them with people. "The voice of Kings is unparalleled in the sword." Heart sounded.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

He has an ancient blood, and did not go to the ancient monk. After the baptism awakened, this ancient gods he couldn't play it out. After the baptism, the truly changed is ancient god, his war has increased .

This day, a family, although there is also a unique blood, it is not excited at all.

"Yuan Gang, I have a few questions to ask you, I hope you can answer me truthfully." The sword said.

"The adults have a life-saving, no matter what adults ask, I know anything more than." Yuan Gang.

"Well, I will ask you some simple questions." The sword is unparalleled to ask.

He asked, it is indeed a reincarnation of the mainland, some simple common sense, usually as long as it is in the reincarnation, it can be known for a long time, but only after a moment, the sword has got the answer. .

"This round of the ethnic group is so many?" The sword has a shock.

According to Yuan Gang, this round of the ethnic group is not exhausted, and there are too many quantities.

These ethnic groups, all year round, for their respective interests, fight each other, and gradually also have hierarchical division.

On the reincarnation, between many ethnic groups, it is divided into weak groups, medium ethnic groups, high ethnic groups, and highest levels of peak.

The weak group, the number, all the corners of the reincarnation, these weak groups, due to weak strength, is most likely to be erased, like the Tianjia family, is one of the many weak ethnic groups, but after a war, Tianjia The family should have disappeared thoroughly on the reincarnation.

The medium ethnic group, there is a lot of strong quantities, there is still a lot of quantities, and there is still no problem in the reincarnation of the mainland. The secondary group will not be too mad, don't be guilty of the high ethnic group or those strong, generally rarely .

Like a bone magic, it belongs to a secondary group.

The Sword is now in this territory, there are dozens of ethnic groups in the foot, and in dozens of ethnic groups are only three medium ethnic groups.

And higher ethnic groups, it is even more rare.

As for the peak ethnic group, in the reincarnation of the mainland, it is the existence of the hegemony, no one dares to provoke.

In addition, people who reincarn back to the mainland, most of them have some angrical beasts, their talents are better than ordinary humans, so the chance of birth is higher.

According to Yuan Gang, in the reincarnation of the mainland, even the weak group, there is generally a strong person in the town level.

As for the medium ethnic group, there will be a number, and even nearly ten roads, and there will be two turn to sit on the town.

The high ethnic group and the peak ethnic group are naturally stronger.

"Even if it is a weak group, there will be a road to see the town, and the incompetent weak ethnic group in the mainland is, this is, this round of the road to the mainland, it is definitely a large number." The sword is unparalleled. "

Returning to the mainland, than the void continent, the overall strength is indeed strong.

In the void continent, one ordinary domain, there are several roads to exist, but in the reincarnation of the mainland, the same area of ​​the territory, the birth of the Daozun is more than double, which also leads to reincarnation mainland More more than the void continent.

"The sword is unparalleled, the area is a reincarnation of the mainland to make you shocking? When you continue to grow up in the future, you will be more shocking when you go to the vast chaotic world, are you more shock?" The voice of the king suddenly sounded. "But some of the roads, in the world of chaotic world, Dazun is nothing to do, one is a big, what is so beautiful."

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

Indeed, now he, can only be considered a frog in a well.

"Yuan Gang, I asked you again, you have lived in the mainland for so long, should you know the existence of the Temple of the Temple?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Renai Temple?" Yuan Gang blinked, "Of course, that is, our mainland is high, even those peak groups are more than."

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