Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 996 Longxin Dan

"Since you know the Temple of the Returning, I wanted to come to the golden clothes of the Temple of the Temple?" The sword didn't ask.

"Golden clothes deacon?" Yuan Gang shook his head. "I have never heard of the golden clothes, but I have heard that the silver clothing deacon is said that there was a silver clothing to the Temple of the Temple to go to the bones. This matter is at the time, it is amazed around many ethnic groups. "

"Yinyi deacon?" The sword was unparalleled.

The silver clothing of the Temple of Temple is just a six-order turn.

The sword is unparalleled to find his father's drop, you must find the Golden Dragon Deacon to help.

"Adults, I am just a weak family in a weak group. I know much in the Temple of the Temple, but I know someone, I know the Temple of the Temple." Yuan Gang said.

"Who?" The sword was unparalleled to see the past.

"Long Wing City," Yuan Gang Road.

"Who he is?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Long Wings, is the most gorgeous people in this territory, and he has strong strength. It is said that it has reached the level of three turnover. In this territory, it is recognized as the first of."

"And the most important thing is that the monument of this Longyi City is very good, the dating is broad, there is a lot of people! Like some very strong medium ethnic groups, even in some high-ethnic groups, he has a situation."

"A few years ago, the Long Wing City owner seems to find a treasure called Jiuqua Dragonne fruit. The news came out, and the people of all parties, and the large number of strong people were looking for him, and even someone also directly replaced him directly. Send a reward, but unfortunately, the nine songs of the dragon roots were too rare, and he did not find it so far. "

"But no matter what, his person is indeed the most widened in the territory. Maybe you can help the adults. "Yuan Gang said.

When I heard Yuan Gang, the sword was unbounded but was bright.

He didn't think about it from Yuan Gang's mouth, after all, he was not realistic. He is like a person who knows from Yuan Gang, it is a person who knows the Golden clothing deacon, and this Dragon Wings, It is very likely to be what he is looking for.

"Narleon Wings, where is it now?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Long Wing City is in the Dragon Wings in the center of this territory. You walk along this direction. After a few days, you should see Longyi City." Yuan Gang pointed to a direction.

"Thank you." The sword has no double road, but immediately asked: "Your ethnic group has been covered, what is going on next?"

"This is easy, we can join other ethnic groups with the identity of a singleer, although the status is low, but it is not a problem." Yuan Gang said.

"That's good." The sword didn't have a little bit slightly, then he waved, "There is a Qiankun ring, there are some gods, perhaps it will be used."

After that, the sword is not doubles, and I leave directly.

"Thank you."

That Yuan just grateful, and when he took the Qiankun ring, conscious browsing to see the number of crystals of the Qiankun ring, his face is a happy, both hands can not help but look down, see the child next to it.

"Leigh, from today, our father and son have a hidden surname. In the future, you can never say that you are the people of the Tianyi people. Only waiting for your strength, achieving the extent like just that adult, you Can you say your own identity, you can retrieve your mother, regenerate you, and revenge and understand the all people of the Tianyi family, understand? "Yuan Gang said.

"Well, the baby understands." Lei Hao looks back.

"In addition, the adults have been rescue for us. You must also remember that waiting for the future, it is necessary to think about this kind of love." Yuan Gang also took the road.

"Well." Lei Hao nodded again.

Many years later, this small guy named Lei Hao finally awakened the blood of the silky magic day of his body. He has grown in the reversal, and has become a top strength of the round to the mainland. He also tastes I destroyed the bones of the bones and reported to his family.

And he has also remembered the sword unparalleled life-saving, but when he wanted to return the sword, the sword was unparalleled, but it wanted to disappear.


According to the guidance of the Yuan Gang, the sword has been moving toward the direction. Two days later, there was a giant city in his sight.

This city is, but the area, the Emperor Tang, the Emperor Tang Dynasty, is also a vastness, but the degree of magnification is not.

In the reincarnation of the mainland, although it is a group of people stand, but there is still a lot of such a city.

This city in front of the sword is called Longyi City, which is created by Long Wings.

Dragon Wings, the same, as the Yuan Gang said, has a good strength, and the vast people.

The sword is unparalleled into the Longyi City. Just find someone to listen, and found the city owner living in Longyi City.

"Longyi City is in the house."

The sword is unparalleled to look at a house in front of it. The house is guarded, and there is also a strong breath, and there is no one in the breath of the strong.

"The sword is unparalleled, will you come to visit the dragon wings?" The voice of the King is ringing in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

Long Wing City, in the nearby quarters of the territory, coming to visit him on weekdays, or want to make it with him, or have something to do, more.

And the sword is unparalleled to go back to the mainland, and there is no name in the middle of the road. In addition, his realm is just a habitat level. If he went to visit Long Wings, I am afraid that the hair of Longyi City is not seen. Let alone, I will find the Long Wings, the main help, referred to the reincarnation of the Temple, the Golden Cloth.

"Don't go to visit, what can you do?" The sword didn't ask.

"Before Yuan Jigang is not looking for nine-song dragon roots, spending a lot of power, is there a lot of people?" Zhu Wang Rao is interested.

"Is there this, do you want me to see the Dragon Wings, but I don't have a nine-song dragon root?"

"Nine-song dragon roots, you have, but you have Long Xin Dan, that Longxin Dan, is refining the main material with Jiuqu Dragonne fruit." Said the King said.

"Long Xin Dan?" The sword was unparalleled.

One thousand two years ago, Huangcheng was a battle, there were a lot of strong people in his hands. Some strong people's Qiankun slammed him to lose, but some he had received the Qiankun Ring. Nature has also got a lot. Treasure, and in those treasures, there is a dragon heart Dan.

"The sword is unparalleled. If I have not guess, the reason why Nako City will find nine songs, the purpose is to refine the dragon heart Dan." King Zheng seriously.


PS: Today's four is more.

Bo married these days, there are too many things, troubles, busy, so today, today, these days, it is normal, wait until the engagement, starting from the 16th, and then add more.

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