Zhou Heng took out the last block to open the ban, and everyone entered it. .


In a strange wave, they came to the deepest part of the whole Nine Beasts Valley. It is not big. There are three rounds of the size of the hundred zhang. There is a circular area in the middle. It is paved with bluestone, with a radius of hundred zhang. In the middle of the middle, there is a small pool with a white lotus flower in the whole body. There is a white lotus flower on the top, which gives off a faint fragrance. It can be smelled when you enter here. Deaf people heart and lungs.

Needless to say, that must be Moonsplendor Lotus.

The goal of everyone is in front of us. Is there no one to shoot?

It’s not that no one is shooting. In fact, these people are already moving, but their speed is like a snail. It seems that they have rickets suddenly, and some people can’t even get up. These people are all on the bluestone, and the outer area is empty.

Zhou Heng immediately came to the conclusion that these bluestones were not used for viewing, but for the tenth test of the adventurer.

These bluestones form the rings of each and everyone. Each piece is one foot wide. From any angle or direction to the center, there are a hundred blocks of bluestone. There are a hundred rings.

He looked around and saw that 70 multiple Moonbright Emperors took the bluestone from different angles, but the first group of people just passed through 14 pieces of bluestone, which can be clearly seen. There was rolling sweat on his face and his back was completely soaked.

Zhong Gufeng, Yuan Shaohuang, Zi Yingming, and Guo Yuhou all stepped on the first piece of bluestone, but did not hurry to move forward.

With their strength, it is impossible to stop on the first piece of bluestone, and they are sure to have their reason for stopping.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this point is the last moment to compete for the Moonsplendor Lotus, most people can not help but sacrifice all the strength, 1 Round round full moon, with pure color, but also mottled and messy. They stepped forward step by step, and the footsteps were heavy as if they had taken up a mountain.

They are all great men from the high-end Immortal City. Many people can even match the 7 Round’s Peak Moonbright Emperor, but they are so pale in the face of this most test.

“Ah——!” screamed, I saw a young man barely embarked on the fifteenth piece of bluestone. When one foot fell, the calf bone was broken, and there were silver white bone marrow overflows in the two broken bones. Bloody.

His whole man suddenly fell to the ground and made a heavy muffled sound. He still wants to get up again, but the two arms just lifted up and they made a kakaka crack, and suddenly broke open. The white bones were stained with blushing blood, which was terrible.

Everyone was ashamed, and those who stood on the 14th Bluestone and had intended to take another step suddenly stopped. This step would be the same as the one just now!

The young man’s body is glory, he wants to heal the wound and then reinvigorate it, or he can return to the Xutu map. It is useless to let him change his spiritual power. The blood will soon flow through the ground, passing the bluestone under him and flowing toward other bluestones.

This lost blood can be his life, his cultivation base!

“Save me! Save me!” His god floated out and shouted at the person behind him. He could not get out of his own strength. Although he will not die between time and time, no one can save him, he will be killed here live.

He has a bright future, he has a bright future, how can he die here?

No one lends a helping hand!

Everyone is fighting for Moonsplendor Lotus, except that everyone else is an opponent and an enemy. Anyway, it is not killing themselves. It does not cause cause and effect, and will not lead to revenge. Who will eat enough to find yourself uncomfortable?

Besides, although this young man is 3 Round Moonbright Emperor, there is obviously no fairy weapon in his body. The family behind him is absolutely limited, and there is no need to fear or love the kind of small family.

Immortal Realm is such a naked reality.

If Huotian is dispatched, whether it is a battle or an institution, it will definitely not work on her body, and it will be easy to pick up Moonsplendor Lotus. But how can such an interesting thing not be played first?

Zhou Heng said: “You are waiting here, I am going to play!”

“We have to go too!” The girls said at the same time, they looked very determined.

They all have strong physique, and they don’t want to hide behind Zhou Heng, they hope to solve their men’s problems! Such a challenge, they also want to try it.

“Let them go, I will look at them!” Huotian indifferently said.

Zhou Heng originally disagreed, but since Huotian made a guarantee, she said that it would be OK. He will be nodded and said: “Do your best, but don’t force yourself!”

“Yeah!” The girls are nodded.

Zhou Heng and the women walked forward, and they embarked on the first piece of bluestone. They all felt a heavy body, as if the five internal organs and six lungs had to be pulled out of the body.

Thousand times of gravity, no, even more than 10,000 times the gravity!

Obviously, the more forward, the greater the gravity, so the young man would have broken his legs and arms on the fifteenth piece of bluestone!

Ying Mengfan They are all just Moonbright King. This first piece of bluestone is almost their limit, but all the girls are biting their teeth. Under such gravity, they can tempering their spiritual power and make it condensate. The moon is more pure.

The more pure the moon, the faster the spirit of the operation, and the stronger the strength.

Zhong Gufeng was able to press Zi Yingming and Guo Yuhou in the 4 Round month. A big part of the reason was that his moon was more pure. The interval between each attack was shorter, with a dozen hits. Big prevail.

Both Black and Mu Tongtong are too lazy to go to this fun, and Nangong Yuerong and Concubine Lan do not have this ability. They are treated differently by Huotian, and they don’t get any high-level physique. Did not go up and honour your qualifications and necessity.

Standing on the first piece of bluestone, not only Zhou Heng, Zhong Gufeng, and Yuan Shaohuang, but also Zi Yingming, Guo Yuhou, and Cha Sui also stood in this position, distributed in six places in the ring.

They are very calm.

The youth on the ground mourned, but his bloody appearance did not scare the people behind. After a brief silence, someone started to move forward. This is an 4 Round Moonbright Emperor. He started from the seventh piece of bluestone, and he swelled every step of the way.

Eight, nine, ten… fourteen!

He went out from the 14th piece of bluestone with the slightest hesitation, and stood firmly on the fifteenth piece of bluestone, and continued to move forward without stopping.

Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen… twenty-eight!

He finally stopped, but after a pause, he violently danced against the bluestone under his feet, and used this anti-seismic force to reduce the impact of gravity on himself.

Twenty-nine! thirty! thirty-one!

He stopped again, which is another new limit.

The man screamed, the head of the gods emerged, and the 4 Round danced full moon, and he crossed out again.

Thirty-two, thirty-three!

This time, he can only get two more bluestones.


An azure jade umbrella appeared on the top of his head out of thin air, and the jade was splendid, as if the gods were careless, giving him no defense.

This is a fairy, and the grade is definitely beyond the Moonbright Emperor level, otherwise it is not necessary to come out!

With the protection of this jade, the footsteps of the man began to move forward.

Thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six… 40 three!

It is a high-end fairy, even if the user level is not enough, can not play the real formidable power, but still can not be underestimated! Only this 40 three bluestone is already his true limit, and he can’t go any further.

it is good**!

4 Round Moonbright Emperor coupled with the high-end fairy can only support the 40 three pieces of bluestone, and even half of them have not been reached, then who can really finish the hundred pieces of bluestone?

Those who do not have high-ranking fairy instruments have retired, but they are not willing to fail, but waiting outside. If someone can pick up Moonsplendor Lotus, they don’t mind picking up and grabbing it.

The rest of the people will try their best, such as Zhu Xiaoran, such as Zhang Yuting, who are not as famous as Guo Yuhou and Zi Yingming, but also the well-know figure in the Western 7th Horse City young Moonbright Emperor. give up.

Each and everyone Tianjiao is full of its own splendor, but it is useless. Although someone broke the record of 40’s three bluestones and came to the 59th in one fell swoop, it was still far from the final victory.

That person is Zhang Yuting, but unfortunately it has only just passed more than half.

“How could it be so difficult!”

“This is not to make it clear that people can only see it!”

“I see Absolute Immortal City simply don’t want to give us this treasure, just draw a cake for us.”

“Hey, you don’t want to live? You don’t want to live, you have to think about your family. Don’t worry about other people, dare to say bad things about Absolute Immortal City!”

Everyone is complaining, and there is still strength to fight for a fight, only Zhou Heng six people.


As if to say good, except for Zhou Heng, the five of them crossed the First Step at the same time. After this step, they did not stop again, and strode forward. The first thirteen pieces of bluestone were flat. It is not stopped until the 11 is crossed.


They each released a full moon, and the sense of stagnation disappeared immediately and moved on.

But after only crossing nine pieces of bluestone, the sense of stagnation came again. Oh, they released another moon and went forward again.

Weng! weng! weng!

Soon, they all run out of the power of the 4 Round full moon, and also embarked on the 40 three pieces of bluestone. At this time, Zi Yingming and Guo Yuhou have been unable to do anything, and the sweat on their foreheads has fallen, and Zhong Gufeng III People still do not change their color and embark on the 40 four bluestones.

It’s also the power of the 4 Round full moon, because their moonlights are purer and faster, and they have a bigger advantage. (To be continued.)

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