Guo Yuhou and Zi Yingming danced with both hands, and the gods on the top of the head only emerged, and their own combat power was fully elicited. Their slow speed increased immediately, not only catching up with the three people of Zhong Gufeng, but also three people. Behind him. .

Zhong Gufeng The three people are not in a hurry, they will never disturb their rhythm because of others.

The rhythm of this kind of gravity step by step is very important.

Mastering a good rhythm allows you to go further.

Guo Yuhou and Zi Yingming are getting faster and faster, and they are getting farther and farther behind, and they can’t stop. After the power of their own to the extreme, the two stopped on the 56th piece of bluestone, which is only three steps less than Zhang Yuting, and they have not yet sacrificed the fairy!

At this time, they are not allowed to hide their own privacy. The two men offered a high-ranking fairy, especially a broken jade and a white jade bottle, for this Hang Family. After the festival, the jade was surrounded by Zi Yingming, and the golden light rushed. He was guarded by the group, and the jade bottle in the hands of Guo Yuhou was sprinkled with nectar, and a drop of ripples swayed on the bluestone.

The fairy works, the two still maintain the momentum of triumph, and rushed to the 73 block of bluestone, but their footsteps have been lifted, but they have been unable to let go. This step may lead them to live. Pressure!

The key is the 70 four bluestone!

If it is the last piece, then they can still fight for life. This is a victory. But now the situation is that even if there are twenty-six bluestones in the past, it is still like the sky.

They stopped, but they were reluctant to retreat, relying on the fairy to bite their teeth.

Zhong Gufeng Three people came to the 50th Bluestone. Hey, Zhong Gufeng and Yuan Shaohuang also presented the 5th Round full moon! Surprisingly, Cha Sui also appeared the fifth full moon behind him, and competed with Zhong Gufeng.

Zhou Heng is startled first, but even if it is darkly nodded, the two masters of this guy are all Sublimation King. How can the discipline of the training be lost to the Sunshine Boundary family?

He should also start!

Zhou Heng strode up and walked through the 16 pieces of bluestone in an instant. Hey, he raised the 1 Round full moon behind his back!

“Moonbright Emperor !”

Zhong Gufeng, Guo Yuhou, Zi Yingming, and others who had contact with Zhou Heng were snoring. They had already sensed that Zhou Heng was the same as Moonbright Emperor, but it was another shock. !

This guy, before it was just 14 Round Moonbright Sovereign, how could it be possible to complete the breakthrough from Moonbright Sovereign to Moonbright Emperor in such a short time?

Only a few days have passed!

This kind of precision speed is the enchanting level of Cha Sui, Zhong Gufeng, Yuan Shaohuang, and the like.

The more the number of moons, the more real moons can be formed into the next realm. If you enter the Moonbright Emperor like 14 Round Moonbright Sovereign, you can at least get the 3 Round full moon. The moon like Zhou Heng is so pure, you can even Get the 5 Round Month!

Zhou Heng is not eager to move forward, he also has his own rhythm, behind a path of full moon, 2 Round, 3 Round, 4 Round, 5 Round!

He is on a par with the Zhong Gufeng trio!

Sure enough, 5 Round Moonbright Emperor!

Zhong Gufeng The three people have the expectation that the Moonbright Sovereign of 14 Round and the moon wheel are so pure, it is not unusual to enter the 5 Round Moonbright Emperor in one step! But guessing and seeing are completely different, and they are once again shocked.

Zi Yingming and Guo Yuhou are already an arrow at the end of its flight, completely withdrawing from the competition. It was originally a tripartite competition. Now, because of the addition of Zhou Heng, it has become a four-party chaos. Who will stand out from the crowd or fall to the last level of Absolute Immortal City?

Zhong Gufeng The three men took back the attention of Zhou Heng and stepped forward to move on.

After five steps, they stopped again at the same time, and the power of 5 Round only supported them to come here. The three people have started the fairy tales, and the pieces are shining. If they are God reincarnation, they are close to invincible in the Moonbright Emperor level!

Zhou Heng’s moon is the most pure, and 5 Round is enough to support him to move forward two or three bluestones. However, it is obvious that the three people of Zhong Gufeng have not come up with all their strength. He does not want to expose his true strength too early. The right hand turns and slams against the bluestone underneath. Turning Heaven Palm has already sacrificed it.


This bluestone is absolutely sturdy, otherwise it will not be able to resist the bombardment of the people. The Turning Heaven Palm only hits a strong wind, but this wind is quite offset by Zhou Heng. The gravity he received allowed him to move on.

The four people learned from each exhibition, step by step, but the manpower was sometimes poor, and the four people stopped on the 67th piece of bluestone.

If you want to go forward, they will either sacrifice the fairy or upgrade their strength!

For example, Zhou Heng, he also has 3 Round full moon does not work, and he believes that Zhong Shifeng definitely hides the number of moons, and will never be less than him!

“This is a broken thing!” Zhong Gufeng murderous aura turned, and in the absence of sacrifices to use the fairy, to enhance the power, actually went forward two bluestone! Don’t underestimate the two bluestones. In the limit state, it is a bluestone that is difficult to cross. Just like the youngest person in the beginning, his life was crushed by his arms and legs. Now he still mourns. !

Both Yuan Shaohuang and Cha Sui are complexion changed. Now everyone is also the 5 Round full moon force. Zhong Gufeng does not rely on external forces. Forcibly takes two more steps forward, which means they are at the 5 Round month level. Lost to this wild surname killing intent teenager!

Killing intent can still be used like this!

All around people are exclaimed, the affiliation of Moonsplendor Lotus has become the first battle of the Moonbright Boundary, this is a glory, everyone wants this title to wear on their heads .

Zhou Heng fighting intent, like the blazing, also took a step, two steps, and keep pace with Zhong Gufeng!


How is this guy so enchanting?

What happened to Starwind Trial this time? It’s not the well-recognized powerhouse Guo Yuhou and Zi Yingming, but a few people I have never heard of!

Who knows Yuan Shaohuang is which Immortal City? Where did Zhong Gufeng come from? And where is Zhou Heng again? What is barely known is Cha Sui, the two Sublimation King’s discipline, but his rays of light are completely obscured!

Yuan Shaohuang flashed an unwilling color in his eyes. He finally reached for a shot in the chest, and a glimmer of light flashed. His breath grew in vain, and the new full moon of 1 Round rose behind him!

6 Round Moonbright Emperor !

Sure enough, he also sealed the number of moons, otherwise how could it be regarded as a rival by Zhong Gufeng?

Zhong Gufeng laughed heartily, said: “Yuan Shaohuang, I still look at overestimating you! You are not worthy of being an enemy!”

Yuan Shaohuang is furious, but the fact is better than eloquence. He really is worse than Zhong Gufeng, which makes him have nothing to say.

There is also 6th Round month behind Cha Sui. He didn’t seal his own moon, but he never experienced the battle that he had to go all out. He didn’t need to fully exert his power.

“Zhou Heng, you have not lived up to my expectations, let me see how far you can reach!” Zhong Gufeng also shot on his chest, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡, a path of flashing light, A new moon wheel appeared behind him one after another.

6th Round , 7th Round , 8th Round , 9th Round , 10th Round !

10 Round Moonbright Emperor !


Everyone knows that he definitely hides his strength, but no one thinks that the number of moons he hides is not 1 Round 2 Round, but a total of 6 Round!

The 8 Round Moonbright Emperor is a qualitative change, and the 7 Round Moonbright Emperor is absolutely crushed, while the 10 Round Moonbright Emperor is unlikely to penetrate the Sunshine Boundary barrier, but it is even more impossible for the ordinary Moonbright Emperor to compete. .

“Hahahaha, who can fight with me?” Zhong Gufeng laughed loudly and kept moving forward. 10 Round was full of Moonshine, and he showed the true invincibility of the Moonbright Emperor.

Cha Sui sighed, turned and retired.

He actually has 1 Round not running in the month, but 7 Round Moonbright Emperor and 10 Round Moonbright Emperor are fundamentally different. Even if he takes out the fairy, how can Zhong Gufeng not?

He is not a loser!

“Zhong Gufeng, there is not only one genius in the world!” Yuan Shaohuang also opened his own ban, and the full moon jumped out again and again. He is also 10 Round Moonbright Emperor!

Good guy!

Zhou Heng secretly laughed at himself, as if he was a little bit worse, only 8 Round!

Zhong Gufeng and Yuan Shaohuang are all full of strength, they are making great strides, and they are sure to have a Moonsplendor Lotus!

Eighty-seventh bluestone!

The two stood at this position at the same time, but after Zhong Gufeng was slightly stopped, he took out the 88th piece of bluestone – his killing intent was again built, but even here his killing intent can only make him more Take a step.

Weng! weng!

Both of them also offered the fairy, Zhong Gufeng used two daggers, and Yuan Shaohuang used a purple gold long spear.

Xiu xiu xiu, two daggers danced a little dragon of azure, coiled around the Zhong Gufeng, and glared from time to time, showing domineering. And Yuan Shaohuang round dance long spear, big open and big, the wind formed a white Tiger, roaring like thunder.

Under the prestige of the fairy, the two stopped their steps again.

Yuan Shaohuang stopped on the 97th step, while Zhong Gufeng was on the ninth Eighteen.

But this is already the limit of two people!

All around the people saw this scene, they could not help but swallow their mouths and made a “snap”. Not Absolute Immortal City does not allow the testers to get Moonsplendor Lotus, but it is really too weak!

If anyone can break the real limit and have the 11 Round full moon, then with the help of the fairy, you can definitely get out of a hundred bluestones and pick the Moonsplendor Lotus!

Unfortunately, none of the people present is 11 Round Moonbright Emperor!

Zhou Heng took a deep breath and moved on. (To be continued.)

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