Zhou Heng strode forward, hey, he raised the sixth full moon!


People who don’t know Zhou Heng also have that’s all, but like Zi Yingming and the others, they almost gave their eyes, 6 Round full moon! To know that they are just 4 Round Moonbright Emperor, and Zhou Heng was just 14 Round Moonbright Sovereign, which suddenly surpassed them on realm!

This strong gap made their minds lose their balance, and they could not wait to destroy Zhou Heng immediately. .

Zhou Heng did not care, striding forward, he opened the seventh full moon!

Zi Yingming and the others’ mouths are already big enough to be stuffed into a huge duck egg. 7 Round Moonbright Emperor ! Fuck, 7 Round Moonbright Emperor!

This is too exaggerated. How can I get the 7 Round full moon from Moonbright Sovereign to Moonbright Emperor? He also only owns 14 Round for half a month. According to the two-and-a-half-month limit of the limit, the 7 Round base is removed, and the 5 Round full moon can be formed at most!

What Zhou Heng has is the 7 Round full moon!

Who told me that this must not be true!

Hey, Zhou Heng soon opened the 8th Round full moon.

In fact, 5 Round, 6 Round, and 7 Round are each a decade more powerful, but after all, they are just Moonbright Emperor. There is no qualitative change. Only 8 Round is a qualitative change.


Zi Yingming, Guo Yuhou, Zhang Yuting and the others fell to the ground at the same time. It’s not that they deliberately did this, but it’s too surprising to be surprised to not be able to soften their legs.

8 Round Month, breaking the realm barrier! Although the barriers to great realm are not likely to be so easy to break, 8 Round Month is absolutely crushing for 7 Round Month, and it is already strong enough to crush them with one finger.

Is this kidding?

How can someone have a breakthrough to have the power to break realm barriers? Don’t say 14 Round is not working, it is the strongest 15 Round in the history of Immortal Realm!

Could this guy eat Moonsplendor Lotus after the breakthrough?

Yes, only the treasures like Moonsplendor Lotus can make a moonlight instantly, and at least have 8 Round Month!

Can Moonsplendor Lotus not be clear? Is there a second strain?

They are all embarrassed.

Zhou Heng stopped at the 84th Bluestone. He was the 8 Round month. Even if the 8 Round is so pure, it is impossible to make up for the gap between the Zhong Gufeng and Yuan Shaohuang 2 Round.

His right hand spurred and Hundred Ghosts Sword sacrificed it.

Brush, brush, brush, he cut a sword, a path of spiritual ghosts appear. He did not rush to move forward, but he summoned all the hundred spiritual ghosts in one breath.

Screaming resounds in everyone’s heart, not through the ears, but straight into the sea!

Spiritual ghosts are not entities, they are impossible to make a real voice, this is the fluctuation of the gods. Hundred Ghosts Sword is at least Sunshine Boundary. Although Zhou Heng can’t fully play the Hundred Ghosts Sword’s formidable power, a path of ghost has the same level of power.

All are 8 Round Moonbright Emperor!

Such a horrible lineup, even Zhong Gufeng and Yuan Shaohuang, is not straightforward!

Zhou Heng took a group of horrible spiritual ghosts and strode forward.

Pa! pa! pa!

When I set foot on the 85th piece of bluestone, there were seven ghosts and pieces that broke down immediately. It was also between Yu Tian, ​​but Zhou Heng right hand was dancing, but there was a path of ghost generation. They were not living creatures. The killing is endless and endless.

Everyone looks at the scalp and numbness. One person makes a hundred 8 Round Moonbright Emperor. How is this scene?

Who can fight with Zhou Heng alone?

I have seen **, but I have never seen such a **!

Eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight… ninety-seven!

Zhou Heng has caught up with Yuan Shaohuang and has only one bluestone from Zhong Shifeng, but can he take the last three crucial steps?

Everyone’s breathing was stopped by self-control, and the mood was also tense.

If no one can reach the end, it means that everyone can’t get Moonsplendor Lotus, which is something that no one wants to see. So they know that they don’t have the ability to go to the end. As long as someone can take out the Moonsplendor Lotus, they can still attack and attack.

At this moment, they all have the same idea, that is, whether it is Zhou Heng, Yuan Shaohuang, or Zhong Gufeng, who can get Moonsplendor Lotus!

For the Zhou Heng trio, this Moonsplendor Lotus is like the crown of the first Moonbright Emperor. Whoever grabs the hand can put the crown on the head.

They are all arrogant people, this has to fight!

Zhou Heng paused a little, took another step, and embarked on the 98th Bluestone, keeping pace with Zhong Gufeng.

Zhong Gufeng looked at Zhou Heng and didn’t speak.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk, but he doesn’t have the strength to speak. He has reached the limit now, and any extra moves may cause him to completely collapse.

Who can step on the 99 block of bluestone first? Who can go further to the last 100th block of bluestone and pick Moonsplendor Lotus?

Zhong Gufeng murderous murderous aura, 啪, 啪, 啪, his body is constantly ringing the sound of violent bursts, blood light is flowing around, hey, his path spurts a path of blood mist, scattered around him, 腥The red air turns, as if it was an ancient god.

He slammed forward and stepped on the 99 block of bluestone!


Full of killing intent, everyone has a strong sense of fear from their hearts, as if the other’s murderous aura is like a steel knife, they have to cut their bodies and let them involuntarily step back, even more Turn around and run away.

This wild surname is full of murderous aura, just like the reincarnation of King of Slaughter!

Zhou Heng shouted, and he followed suit!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A large number of spiritual ghosts were instantly shattered, and the number was suddenly reduced to more than 60, and the number is still decreasing. Sixty-two, sixty-one, sixty, and almost one breath will be reduced. !

Zhou Heng, there is still hesitation, take another step!

100th block bluestone!

Everyone’s gaze is concentrated on him. If he is smashed and broken, then naturally he can’t pick Moonsplendor Lotus! The most worrying thing is that Zhou Heng will fall down after Moonsplendor Lotus is taken down, then this heavenly materials, earthly treasures will also be crushed!

Spiritual ghosts are instantly extinct!

The pressure on this 100th block of bluestone is so strong that the remaining 60 spiritual ghosts are completely destroyed without a single resistance! But the sacrifice of these spiritual ghosts is not in vain, Zhou Heng screams, the strong fighting intent rises, the golden villain makes a roaring anger, a spiritual wave rushes through, all around the people feel Awkwardly in my head, many people have fallen to the ground.

If Zhong Gufeng is King of Slaughter, then Zhou Heng is the King of Kings!

Domineering unparalleled!

Zhou Heng was in a state of madness, and Essence, Qi, Spirit reached the limit in an instant. He went further and splashed, and he stepped into the last small pool.

Suddenly, the pressure disappeared!

Pass the final test!

Zhou Heng relaxed, showing a touch of satisfaction, although he used Hundred Ghosts Sword, but everyone else also used the fairy, he did not take up too much cheap. Moreover, he has less 2 Round than the Zhong Gufeng, and he can win without the use of the bones, which naturally makes him satisfied.

Zhong Gufeng re-entered angry roar, struggling to take another step, but he has indeed reached the limit, this step is cross-over, but can not fall!


He violently spit a mouthful of blood, the whole person ejected like a sharp arrow, completely flew out of the scope of the bluestone, hit the mountain wall of the canyon heavily, forcibly knocked out a hole, the whole person was embedded Go in.

But no one looks at him more, the loser is not worthy of attention, even if he has strong strength is useless!

Everyone’s eyes are condensed on the silver white lotus, which is the goal of their trip.

They are waiting, waiting for Zhou Heng to take the Moonsplendor Lotus and leave the area of ​​Bluestone, they will be attacked.

Zhou Heng haha ​​laughed a long time, right hand caught a Mosplendor Lotus, he did not see the direct fire of Fire God’s Furnace lost, God sound transmission, said: “Leave a section of lotus root and Stems and leaves, the other immediately refining!”

He knows that people outside are waiting for him to go out. He is not afraid, but he does not want to let these people succeed. He wants to refining Moonsplendor Lotus into Dan, so that these people are anxious!

“Hey, this Eminence, this and the others, is a low-order medicine pill all day long, which is simply an insult to this Eminence!” The stove complained, but there was still a flame in the pill furnace. It has already begun to work.


Zhong Gufeng bounced out of the valley wall, and the momentum of the whole body was not dropped because of the previous injury, but it was even more like a fire! He is King of Slaughter, blood will only make him crazy and more powerful!

Even the person who is bleeding is himself!

He is like a wounded lone wolf, his eyes are red, full of terrifying killing intent, people can’t dare to look at it!

Teng! Teng! Teng!

He once again slammed into the center of the Bluestone area, as fast as a lightning bolt!

Never lose!

His self-esteem does not allow himself to lose to a cultivation base who is weaker than himself!

Zhong Gufeng came back from a strong position and passed through the hundreds of bluestones in an instant. The speed was so fast that he directly killed Zhou Heng!

In the face of this scene, everyone is startled, that is, Zhong Gufeng is a touch of surprise.

It’s not that Zhong Gufeng suddenly becomes so powerful, but the gravity in this bluestone area has disappeared!

Zhou Heng shouted and turned his hand toward Zhong Gufeng, Turning Heaven Palm!


The two of them clashed, and they all went backwards. One wins more 2 Round months, and the other is that the moon is more pure. In this hard fight, Zhou Heng is small, but the difference is not far.


“Get the Moonsplendor Lotus and eat a section with the 1 Round full moon!”

After a glimpse, all the spectators rushed forward to fight, they did not see this Moonsplendor Lotus a few knots of lotus root, but if the number is enough, they can directly breakthrough to 8 Round!

Then it is the same as Zhou Heng!

Have a fight against any Moonbright Emperor!

Grab! (To be continued.)

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