Everyone is surrounded by all directions like a tide, the target is Moonsplendor Lotus in Fire God’s Furnace!

No one knows why Zhou Heng is so stupid, and obviously got the Moonsplendor Lotus but didn’t eat it? But this is not something they need to care about. The important thing is that Moonsplendor Lotus is still there, and they all have hopes of winning. .

Zhou Heng started the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step. After a flash, he came to the side of Fire God’s Furnace. The left hand picked up the pill furnace. The right hand slammed Black Sword and shouted: “Who wants to die?”

A broken drink, a shock!

He has Air of a King. This drink is to let most people have their legs and softness and directly hit the ground. Only a few people who are determined to stand can stand, and the only one is not affected. The only person is Zhong Gufeng.

– He also has Air of a King, naturally not affected by Zhou Heng!

“Come with me!” Zhong Gufeng also shouted the road, murderous aura mad, the original people were chilled by Zhou Heng, in his murderous aura, the heart of someone was bursting!

The Moonbright Emperor came here. Originally, neither Zhou Heng nor Zhong Gufeng could do this with their own momentum. But both of them put their own momentum out, but the two are superimposed. This terrifying result!

Pa! pa! pa!

One after another The heart burst, at least a dozen people smashed in an instant, and even the gods were crushed into pieces, and they died completely.

Everyone is a big man, they are already the arrogance of the younger generation of their respective families, they are all famous in the Immortal City, and they can be called a leader in the population of 10 billion!

It can be compared with Zhou Heng and Zhong Gufeng, but they are eclipsed!

But this did not make them retreat, but instead made them more eager to get Moonsplendor Lotus!

Why Zhou Heng and Zhong Gufeng are so strong, of course, because both of them have at least 8 Round Month, which is absolutely crushing for the ordinary Moonbright Emperor! If they can get Moonsplendor Lotus, it means they can form 8 Round at least, and they can have the same strength as the two!

Can this be crazy?

Immortal Realm is a world of strength, and everyone has a madness in their strength. If Zhou Heng or Zhong Gufeng is the powerhouse of Sunshine Boundary, then they are eager and will not run up to death.

Moonbright Emperor is the last 1st Stratum of Moonbright Boundary. Even 8 Round and 10 Round can’t penetrate realm barriers, so they also give them the hope and motivation to fight hard.

Besides, now Zhou Heng is in a bloody battle with Zhong Gufeng. There must be a wound between the two strong players. No matter who wins, they will be injured. It is the best chance for them to enter the market! And maybe he is playing, Zhou Heng will not be able to control the pill furnace, where Mount Moonsplendor Lotus, grab it and go!

Everyone has flocked, although their combat power is far from being comparable to 8 Round, but it is also Moonbright Emperor, definitely not to be underestimated!

Zhou Heng is only a strong force, and its defense has not changed much. It will definitely hurt if you are bombarded by Moonbright Emperor! Not to mention the so many bombards of Moonbright Emperor?

When it was changed, Zhou Heng slammed and punched more than ten people with a single shot of 8 Round. But he is now fighting Zhong Gufeng, how can he get it?

“Give me a roll!” Zhong Gufeng was furious, and he had to fight with Zhou Heng to prove that he was the strongest Moonbright Emperor. He was so arrogant that he was so arrogant that he did not show mercy to the help of these people. Instead, he turned back and punched. The violent force rolled over the murderous aura of the Hittites, and seven people were directly killed!

This guy is really messy. You know that these Moonbright Emperors are all from the Sunshine Boundary family. They all say that they are all very big, but he says killing and killing, no mercy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Heng also turned around and Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step unfolded, Black Sword crossed!

He is now 8 Round Month, plus the momentum of the suppression, those Moonbright Emperor in his eyes is like a mustard, can be harvested at will!

Pu! pu! pu!

Nine heads flew out of the air, and the headless body was squirting blood. Zhou Heng stood by the sword and looked sour. The murderous aura in his eyes was already burning. He was invincible from King’s teacher, murderous aura. Strong is not weaker than Zhong Gufeng!

Everyone is a big man, no one thinks that Zhong Gufeng will “join with Zhou Heng”, and the two synergies beyond the 7 Round Moonbright Emperor are really terrifying!

They have retired, and they dare not participate in it. Whoever goes up is dead!

“Hand over Moonsplendor Lotus!” Yuan Shaohuang, who has been silent, killed him. He stunned Zilong long spear and killed it toward Zhou Heng. He shot a spurt and became a white Tiger Divine Beast. Roaring, powerful!

Zhou Heng swayed Black Sword, Soaring Universe Seven Swords, and greeted each other.


The sword and the gun hit each other, and a series of sparks flashed. The two men stepped back a few steps at the same time. The face flashed a blush, and it was actually a bird of a feather.

Yuan Shaohuang, like Zhong Gufeng, has won the 2 Round full moon more than Zhou Heng, but his moon wheel is not pure Zhou Heng, but also suppressed by Zhou Heng Violetflame Sky Dragon, so the two A blow is a fight.

“This opponent is mine!” Zhong Gufeng screamed and broke into the battle group. Two dragons danced in the hands, one stabbed Zhou Heng and one stabbed Yuan Shaohuang.

This madman actually launched an attack on two Moonbright Emperors that exceeded the limit!

Zhou Heng Hahaha smiled long, and left his hand to fire Fire God’s Furnace to Zhong Gufeng. The Black Sword in the right hand was still stabbed to Yuan Shaohuang.

He is also a good-blooded surname, and he does not want to take advantage of what is cheap and Yuan Shaohuang teamed up to kick Zhong Gufeng out of the competition.

“Two madmen!” Yuan Shaohuang cursed in his heart, but two attacks came. He either retreated or stood up and never had 3rd Azure Dragon. He screamed with sorrow, and Long spear made a round and formed a defense in front of him.

He still has a mind, pure defense can definitely save more power than attack, when Zhou Heng and Zhong Gufeng are exhausted, when he runs out to clean up the mess.

Three people scuffle, they all broke the existence of the 7 Round Moonbright Emperor limit, the terrifying matchless, the aftermath of the melee is unbearable, constantly retreating, retreating, retreating, still have to desperately Open defense can stand up.

“Kids, Moonsplendor Pill is refining, this Eminence is going to go to sleep, don’t take this Eminence again, what if you smashed this Eminence? Say, even if it didn’t smash this Eminence, wake this Eminence Wrong!” Fire God’s Furnace suddenly waved to Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng Hahaha laughed and reached for a shot on Fire God’s Furnace, xiu xiu xiu, at least a dozen from the medicine pill from the pill furnace, and he reached out and received all his arms.

Others didn’t see Moonsplendor Lotus with a few lotus roots, but he was naturally Qingqing, a total of three!

Fire God’s Furnace can make ten medicine pills for each section of the lotus root, but Huotian must let Zhou Heng leave a section and branches for her, so Fire God’s Furnace actually refining two sections of Moonsplendor Lotus, a total of twenty Moonsplendor Pill.

He immediately took out one of his mouth and swallowed it.

Zhong Gufeng, Yuan Shaohuang But I saw him throwing Moonsplendor Lotus into the pill furnace, but now there are a few medicine pills coming out. Has this guy already made the Moonsplendor Lotus into a Dan?

Impossible, this is only a few minutes, and he has been in the war, how can he have time to alchemy?

A Moonsplendor Pill into the abdomen, the effect quickly manifested, Zhou Heng only felt hot, World’s Spiritual Qi crazy influx, as if to live him!


A crescent suddenly appeared!

9th Round Month!

Everyone is looking at it, this is… the role of Moonsplendor Lotus!

Zhou Heng really made the Moonsplendor Lotus into a Dan!

It seems that there are more than a dozen…the number of nearly twenty!


How many lotus roots does a Moonsplendor Lotus have? After dying for four or five festivals, after Zhou Heng’s refining, it turned into a medicine pill of up to twenty! Moreover, each medicine pill has the same effect as a lotus root.

This enchanting, not only its own fighting power is amazing, this level of alchemy is even worse!

Everyone’s eyes are red, and now it’s equivalent to nearly 20 knots of Moonsplendor Lotus!

World’s Spiritual Qi continues to nourish Zhou Heng’s body, this crescent is growing rapidly, from crescent to crescent moon, from the crescent moon to half a month!

“Hand over medicine pill!” Yuan Shaohuang was anxious and angry, which made Zhou Heng grow to 9 Round Moonbright Emperor and it was not easy to clean up! And there is that many medicine pill in the other hand, as long as Zhou Heng’s potential is strong enough, he can even break through 10 Round!

Be sure to stop him!

“Interesting!” Zhong Gufeng reveals the smile of the bloodthirsty slaughter. The two daggers are raised. He launches the attack again, but still does not mean to cooperate with Yuan Shaohuang, or attack both people at the same time.

“Zhong Gufeng, you stupid!” Yuan Shaohuang was very angry, how could this idiot be so arrogant? I don’t know if Zhou Heng will grow to the point of completely crushing him?

“hmph, coward!” Zhong Gufeng coldly said, scornful face, “Is this kind of surname also called my enemy? Yuan Shaohuang, starting with Moonbright Emperor, I will open the gap with you, You will only be with me at my feet!”

madman! Crazy!

Yuan Shaohuang really wants to break Zhong Gufeng, and now there is something to fight for. The medical pill made by Moonsplendor Lotus and not Moonsplendor Lotus is the key point. Let the medicine pill be grabbed first, others can slowly Say.

Zhou Heng is on the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step. He is now running the moon, and there is no way to fully play it. But this is only temporary. As long as the monthly XIXX%, he will gain an absolute advantage.

Moonsplendor Pill plays in his with the body, and the ground is constantly conveying the purest Spiritual Qi to Zhou Heng.

9th Round is derived from the half moon to the full moon.

Weng! weng! weng!

Finally, this month has no difference with the size of other 8 Round months. 9 Round reflects each other, and softly trembled releases powerful power.


Zhou Heng suddenly stepped out and punched him on the long spear of Zijin, and took Yuan Shaohuang with a gun and flew together.

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