Actually rushed out!

“Too don’t give face, what do Dragon Emperor like to run around like this?” Black screamed like a thunder, and its full-fledged dreams suddenly turned into nothing! This bastard!

“It’s False Dragon Emperor!” The three Dragon Sovereign screamed at the same time, scared the black scorpion and set off. Ten zhang, and squatted down. .

Since the big expedition to the 49 Immortal Cities has begun, the last two Dragon Sovereign must have followed the road, and the eyes of the three Dragon Sovereign immediately looked at Zhou Heng, full of the meaning of the request.

They naturally hope that Zhou Heng will leave immediately and pursue the Dragon Emperor.

Zhou Heng is in trouble.

If you want to go back to 49 Immortal Cities, would you like to have Huotian and Hóng Yue meet? If the two masters really want to fight, the destructive power may be more terrifying than the Dragon Emperor and 49 Immortal Cities. 10,000 times!

If Dragon Emperor is really invading 49 Immortal Cities, Zhou Heng is also a bit worried. Why can’t it be ignored and sit on the side?

However, 49 Immortal Cities is so big, as long as he does not take the initiative to find Huotian, they want to come to Hóng Yue and have no chance to see the Peerless Goddess. Of course, they do not rule out their sensory ability terrifying matchless, they can smell each other’s breath when they are far apart, thus launching a big battle!

This Zhou Heng really has no way!

In addition, isn’t Seven Stars Fruit not far from maturity? I can’t take it all to Hóng Yue and send her directly to Bright Realm. After sending a grandmother, it’s naturally impossible to fight again!

That’s it!

After leaving for so long, Zhou Heng also began to think of home.

“Let’s go back to Immortal City!”

Four people robbed a star ship and also kidnapped some Xinghai bandits to drive them and returned to the 49 Immortal Cities.

From here, it takes almost a five-month trek to get to the 49 Immortal Cities, so after just a month, Seven Stars Fruit is fully mature!

This holy medicine can be taken directly, and each fruit can at least make Bright Immortal form a Divine Idol, which contains the rise and fall of the universe witnessed by 70’s multi-year growth.

It is a precious insight that can help Bright Immortal to understand Star Boundary’s prototype mystery and soar!

The black squat jumped up and down. If it wasn’t for Zhou Heng to stare at it, it must have stolen the seven Seven Stars Fruits. This cockroach definitely did something that didn’t mean anything.

Zhou Heng asked Hóng Yue to come out and said, “I don’t care,” Hóng Yue was unhealed, and the holy medicine was first used by her.

“How can such a lower spirit grass cure my serious injuries?” Hóng Yue’s contemptuous color, a look of your hometown 佬 佬 radish radish as a ginseng, “You can take it yourself!”

She left in a fluttering manner, leaving Zhou Heng with a beautiful back, the lotus steps are light and graceful.

Rely, I was despised to the ground!

“Zhou boy, she doesn’t eat, this Eminence eats!” The black mouthwash flowed to the ground.

Zhou Heng shook his head and said: “No!”

“Why not? This Eminence is going to eat! This Eminence is going to eat!” This head squats across Zhou Heng’s neck.

Zhou Heng put it aside and said: “After going back, let Fire God’s Furnace first make Seven Stars Fruit into a medicine pill, which can increase the number of 1 time, but the effect is the same!”

He had planned this way, just to prevent Hóng Yue from meeting with Huotian. He only managed to find a way to waste Hazard and send Hóng Yue away. Who knows it was greatly despised by Hóng Yue.

In this case, it is naturally impossible for him to take Seven Stars Fruit directly to spoil the holy medicine.

Black cockroach suddenly pulled his head and reluctantly looked at Zhou Heng, strewing Seven Stars Fruit, and his eyes continued to turn.

“You have no chance to steal, let your heart be!”

“Hey, is this Eminence the kind of defamatory?”

“It’s not just like it, it’s clearly!”

“Don’t insult the product of this Eminence!”

“Are you not always selling the festival?”

“Hahaha, hey, this Eminence, why are you laughing?”

The three Dragon Sovereign ones were in the Blood Moon Curse, and they were forced to defy Zhou Heng. One was moved by Hóng Yue. The last one was lazy. The last one was too lazy to go home. They dealt with Seven Stars Fruit for Zhou Heng. The idea is naturally not objectionable.

The Starship broke through the stars and continued to move. Five months later, the 49 Immortal Cities were already in sight.

came back!

Hong long long, the starship marched in the direction of Northern 12th Pig City and slowly landed.

The checkpoint was guarded, but it was not the guards originally belonging to Absolute Immortal City. Instead, the Xinghai bandits were all around, and the air around them was full of blood and smell!

– Dragon Emperor’s troops set off a month earlier than they did, so the battle here was at most a month ago, and the slaughter’s breath naturally did not completely subside.

Sou sou sou, Zhou Heng The four jumped off the starship.

“Hey, beautiful girl!” Immediately there was a starburst in the mouth of the Xinghai, watching the three Dragon Sovereign eyes shine, if the Golden Dragon Sovereigness is now dressed, he must be out of the eye.

“Brother, where did you get these three best girls? Be careful not to bend your waist at night!”

“haha, this is called peony, and it’s a ghost!”

Several Xinghai bandits laughed.

Zhou Heng also smiled, but it was a right hand wave, pā pā pā, and each of these Xinghai bandits was slapped by him. He asked: “Where is the Dragon Emperor’s troops now?”

“Our people also fight?” The few Xinghai robbers are full of grievances. In their circles, women are just playthings, not to mention only the flowers on the mouth. It is not uncommon for everyone to borrow and play.

啪pa pa!

Zhou Heng’s backhand was a slap in the face, and the faces of the other half of the people were swollen.

These Xinghai robbers are all stunned. Is this guy not his own? How else might you jump off your own starship? Why do you want to beat them? They didn’t do anything to offend the other party!

“Dragon Emperor, where is it now?” Zhou Heng asked again.

“False Dragon Emperor!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness added.

Zhou Heng is not the corner of mouth twitching, is it time to lift the bar? He glanced at Blue Dragon Sovereigness, and the woman quickly narrowed her neck and retreated to the side.

“Dragon, Dragon Emperor adults have already been hit!” answered a Xinghai robber.

Nonsense, Zhou Heng also knows that Dragon Emperor must have hit it, but which 1st Layer did it hit?

“Speak clearly!” Zhou Heng frowned, although he can directly extract the other person’s knowledge to read, how many years has Immortal lived? Every Immortal’s memory is definitely a huge database, which is time consuming to read.

If there is no way, he does not want to use this method.

“We are not clear!” Those Xinghai bandits have bitter faces.

Indeed, they are only small pawns, what is necessary to inform them about the progress of the battle?

“Let’s go!” Zhou Heng said to the three Dragon Sovereign, he is still somewhat worried, the sword is blind, will anyone in the Zhou Family under the war be hurt? Will his wife be hurt?

Therefore, he subconsciously chose to land in the Northern 12th Pig City.

Pa! pa! pa!

Behind him, the Blue Dragon Sovereigness right hand was lifted, the force of the ice was running, and all the Xinghai bandits were turned into ice sculptures, which instantly took away the lives of all people. This kind of slaughter is completely trivial to her. Before she got out of trouble, she directly killed millions of people!

All four are high-order Immortal, and Zhou Heng has collected the black scorpion into Xianju, and their speed is fast.

Just one day later, they came to the Teleportation Formation of Northern 12th Pig City. There are only a few people in the faint glory. Obviously, they have been conquered by Dragon Emperor, otherwise they should see people in the crowd.

It’s not hard to understand that there are many Power Immortal powerhouses coming to the Xinghai Robbers this time. Is it not easy to sweep the 12th Pig Immortal City?

Don’t say Bright Immortal, as long as Sunshine King can swipe the Lower Three Cities.

Zhou Heng cleared the Xinghai robbers at the Teleportation Formation and started the formation. After the flash, the four of them came to the Northern 11th Dog City.

This Immortal City was also completely occupied by the Xinghai bandits!

Zhou Heng now has no time to kill the people, and he has stopped all the way to the next Teleportation Formation.

The Dragon Emperor line was a month earlier, plus the bandit with Bright Immortal Rank, and there was no opponent before hitting Absolute Immortal City! Unless Absolute Immortal City sends a sniper to attack, the Xinghai bandit can completely control the four-domain Immortal City, which is close to Absolute Immortal City!

The entire 49 Immortal Cities are sealed for Bright Realm, and there is no other way to go except for the four 12th Pig Immortal City. This kind of seal, even the limit of 89 Dharma, Bright Immortal is impossible to blast, because this is not the means of Immortal Realm!

Northern 10th Rooster City, Northern 9th Monkey City, Northern 8th Goat City… Zhou Heng Four people all the way. Their speed is very fast, but the speed of the Xinghai bandits is not slow. Bright Immortal acts as a siege weapon, and they can sweep the invincible all the way.

Fifteen days later, Zhou Heng came to the Teleportation Formation in Northern 6th Snake City.

In his expectation, and a little surprise to him, this Teleportation Formation has gathered a large number of people, the number is more than one million, the masters are numerous, a path of suffocating.

The big forces of the Xinghai bandit have not yet entered the Northern 6th Snake City, and their big forces are blocked here!

– Of course, this is just one of the four units. The other three directions of the Xinghai bandit may have already hit Absolute Immortal City.

Because there is a Zhou Family sitting here, there is also a Peerless Goddess like the King!

Blue Dragon Sovereigness grabbed a person and came to interrogate.

As Zhou Heng thought, these Xinghai bandits had always been invincible. Absolute Immortal City did not respond positively to their invasion and seemed to decide to make a final battle in the final Immortal City.

But when they got here, the army was hit by Hah!

Northern 6th Snake City’s defense force is terrifying, especially a big man with Violet Sky Dragon, forcibly knocking them back to Teleportation Formation! Although they have eleven Bright Immortal on this road, they can’t beat the big man under the joint!

And three days ago, the Teleportation Formation suddenly broke down, so now the truce is temporarily suspended until the repair of the Teleportation Formation. (To be continued.)

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