Myriad Ancient Great Emperor is the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor, which has blocked the attack of the Xinghai bandit by one’s own efforts. When he was at Profound Qian Star, he was the only one in the town of Myriad Ancient.

Zhou Heng grinned, since Myriad Ancient Great Emperor blocked the road above, did he have to do something below?

“Look for the whereabouts of your sisters, I will deal with them!” Zhou Heng said to the three Dragon Sovereign, with a murderous aura in his eyes. .

Along the way, he saw many tragedies of charity. He is not a hateful person, but those tragic scenes have caused him to have a strong anger, which should not be what people will do!

Since these Xinghai bandits do not take themselves seriously, why should he treat them as **?

Killed all!

He doesn’t like slaughter, but once he moves the slaughter, he can also incarnation for Shura!


Violetflame Sky Dragon angered, and he completely broke out of his own momentum. The boiling murderous aura formed a black swordstick that went straight into the sky. The Violet Sky Dragon was coiled on it, and it was ten thousand zhang long!

This scene is naturally eye-catching!

“Violet Sky Dragon?”

“Ah, the devil has come here!”


The Xinghai bandits immediately became panicked. They were obviously scared by the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor. At this time, when they saw the signature Violetflame Sky Dragon, each and everyone was not scared of scared witless.

“Afraid of what, this is not what Myriad Ancient Great Emperor, just a Sublimation Emperor kid!” Soon there was Creation King, and said in a disdainful tone.

When he said this, he was calm and the crowd was calmed down. Yeah, although this Violetflame Sky Dragon doesn’t seem inferior to the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor, it is completely different, just a hairy boy that’s all.

Zhou Heng showed Black Sword and said: “Let’s stretch your neck, I want to kill you!”

“Ha, Hahahaha!” All the Xinghai robbers are laughing, and a Sublimation Emperor singlehanded kills them. They even dare to speak out and let them stretch their necks to slaughter. Isn’t this the biggest joke in the world?

“Dead!” The Creation King flew in, and there was already a long halberd in his hand. He went to Zhou Heng, and in the long halberd dance, there were countless suffocating coils, forming a terrifying black light.

Zhou Heng greeted and Black Sword swayed.


Black Sword has been cut, long halberd has no suspense to break into two, Zhou Heng is full of face, continue to kill the past!


The Creation King was shocked, and a quick reversal of the spirit, forcibly stunned his figure. He just wanted a little bit at the foot, temporarily avoiding Zhou Heng’s edge, but if the sole of the foot grows like a root, it can’t move without moving!

His mind swept away, and he found a stone layer on his foot and connected him to the earth.

How is this going?

He tried to break free, but found that he was like a baby, and he couldn’t help it in the face of such imprisonment!

Zhou Heng is killing, Black Sword crossed!

The Creation King looked at him sharply and slammed his palms away! If you want to kill him, then you are ready to burn the jade stone. Is he so easy to be killed?


His palms hit the front of Zhou Heng, but a golden light shield emerged, and his attack was absorbed!


He looked up and saw a flash of light, Black Sword has crossed his neck.

Hey, a blood light skyrocketed, the Creation King’s body crashed down, a good man flew up and fell to the ground, rolling for more than a dozen laps before stopping, a face I have a strong shock and incredible.

– Sublimation Emperor, how could a sword kill him? Moreover, it is the complete killing of destroy both body and soul, and there is no chance for him to escape!

Zhou Heng is standing on the sword and Black Sword does not touch a trace of blood.

He hasn’t wasted for more than nine months, and he is studying chaotic rune every day. Although he is not qualified to truly understand World Law with his current cultivation base, he only has the qualification to “copy” rune, but he has made great progress in its application.

Split, split, group, and combine, he can combine the Five Elements rune to achieve the strongest power, and can also use the Five Elements rune separately to reduce the consumption of spiritual power.

After more than nine months, he is already familiar with it!

This deals with a Creation King. Naturally, you don’t need to use the Five Elements rune. A stone rune and a gold rune are enough to create a chance to kill!

The nearby Xinghai bandits are scared of bile!

Dignified Creation King was actually slaughtered by a sword, and there is no reason for it!

After Zhou Giant’s body is stopped, the sword is moving, Black Sword refers to the sky, and a path of s’s sword qi, which does not need to run Five Elements rune, he is a high-order Sublimation Emperor, originally come Everything under Creation King is crushed!

His body was over, his limbs and blood flew together, and instantly turned it into Shura!

“impudent!” Screaming, a Creation Sovereign killed, wanting to stop Zhou Heng, but only after the next moment he became a body, completely hit back the soy sauce!

——Five Elements rune is divided into five Heavenly Scriptures, and a Heavenly Scripture can be regarded as a powerhouse. What is the qualification of Creation Sovereign? Naturally is the second kill!

Zhou Heng is invincible, slaughter countless!

This time, eleven Bright Immortal can’t sit still!

There are Violetflame Sky Dragon, obviously this small and old is a family! But how small is this horror than the old one!

Black Sword’s sword qi has reached four feet. Within this four feet, as long as it is swept by sword qi, there is no difference between being directly smashed by Black Sword. The wound must be smashed and the hit must be dying!

Beyond the four feet, it is the cold glow formed by Black Sword. This formidable power gradually becomes smaller as the distance becomes longer, but the distance is really long enough to reach the thousand zhang! With Zhou Heng’s current strength, this sword glow can instantly kill Sunshine Emperor even in the tail!

He swept all the way, his blood flew, and the horror was unnamed.

“Primary, enough!” A Bright Immortal stopped, and the right hand went to the next button, and immediately turned into countless Daoli swords and slammed against Zhou Heng.

Bright Immortal shot, the Ultra Creation Emperor is only a drink!

Zhou Heng ignored it. When he was in the air, he avoided the Bright Immortal and just started slaughter against other people.

“courting death!” That Bright Immortal sneered, is his attack a paper?

Xiu xiu xiu, sharp sword stabbed, but Zhou Heng’s body floated a golden shield wall, there are rocky lines flowing, hey, all swords hit the shield wall and not collapsed!

Bright Immortal’s blow is already resolved!


The Stars and Seas robbers are all stunned. This is how this is possible? The blow was not what the cats and dogs did, but dignified Bright Immortal! Bright Immortal, is this supposed to be a small Warrior of Sublimation Emperor?

Zhou Heng’s figure is flying, his slaughter doesn’t stop, just a few minutes, the Xinghai bandit army has 10% of people killed by him!

——With the shock of Violetflame Sky Dragon, people who are lower than Zhou Heng realm can’t even escape. They can only lead the way, causing this one-sided big **.

This killing efficiency, the lever!

“This kid is weird!” The other ten Bright Immortal also came forward. They stared at Zhou Heng as if they were watching monsters. The scene was so shocking that they were almost unacceptable.

“What about Bright Realm?” Someone speculated.

“It must be, otherwise it is impossible to have such a defensive ability!”

“Unfortunately, it was so wasted!”

“Exhausted the power of the scorpion, and then take this kid down! It seems that this kid has a deep relationship with the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor above, just take this kid as a hostage and force him to bow!”

Zhou Heng stood up with a sword and revealed a smile. “Good, you all came over, just let me save some strength!”

In the face of the siege of eleven Bright Immortal, he still laughed?

Is this kid an idiot?

Certainly not! Can an idiot be able to ** to Sublimation Emperor? And aside from the Bright Realm “Fan” on this kid, this kid’s combat power is indeed terrifying matchless, even Creation Sovereign can be a sword spike, which completely breaks the martial arts common sense!

This kid’s body must have hidden secrets!

Be sure to take him and squeeze out his secret!

Can be trapped in the encirclement and laugh so brightly, this is not an idiot, it must be a card that can be turned over! But they are Bright Immortal. Is there any way in the world to turn their plates?

To ** them, there is only absolute power, such as 20 Dharma, 30 Dharma level Bright Immortal!

Such a person, Immortal Realm, this broken world can no longer be born!

After reaching Bright Immortal, Warrior couldn’t have another breakthrough, or breakthrough into Star Boundary, or wait for the death of life essence to die. It would never be possible to form the twentieth Divine Idol and achieve 10 Dharma Bright Immortal!

What kind of cards can this kid have?

Zhou Heng’s smile is splendid. If the eleven people are scattered, then he must run the Force Elements rune eleven times, in order to get rid of Immortal Realm’s strongest existence. But now they are on the side, just let him do it all!


At his feet, a golden rune emerged, and the distance from the hundred zhang was smashed, and eleven Bright Immortal were wrapped in it.

“what is this?”

“Is it heaven, Heavenly Scripture!”

“How is it possible, how can Sublimation Emperor master Heavenly Scripture?”

“Not good, the heavens and the earth seem to have become a grinding disc, and I will refining me!”

“Ah——! old man is angry, how can a small Sublimation Emperor master Heavenly Scripture!”

All of Bright Immortal screamed unwillingly, and they could never have imagined that Zhou Heng had mastered the “One” Heavenly Scripture! This is a big disaster. How can they have time to think about it? Even if they have mastered a Heavenly Scripture, they can be invincible in one world. Can they be invincible and represent you can kill everything?

Only the integration of One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures is the killing of me!

Zhou Heng 仗Black Sword and s, sword qi in the vertical and horizontal, wrapped in the gold rune’s sharp, the eleven Bright Immortal’s chest was completely pierced through a transparent hole! (To be continued.)

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