The invasion of Xinghai Robbers is an absolutely unexpected thing for 49 Immortal Cities!

Who can think of being a rogue Xinghai bandit who dares to take the initiative to attack 49 Immortal Cities? 49 Immortal Cities is the representative of Bright Realm in this world. It represents orthodoxy. Just like the king of Heaven’s Fate, how can you think that the robbers who have always been robbed dare to make such a big deal?

Among the Xinghai robbers, there are many superpowerhouses that compete with Absolute Immortal City. They are led by the team and they are naturally invincible! And because of the special class distribution of 49 Immortal Cities, the top powerhouses are all concentrated in Absolute Immortal City, and there is no effective support!

The Immortal City was so lightning-stricken and fell into the hands of the Xinghai bandits. .

Western 12th Pig City is one of the four major gateway cities. Naturally, it is the first to fall, and the damage it suffers is the most serious. The Xinghai bandit is everywhere, and the silver slaughter is not evil.

The only good news is that the target of the Xinghai bandit is to take Absolute Immortal City. Therefore, after the Immortal City was crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, most of the Xinghai robbers are using the Teleportation Formation. Going up, leaving only a small number of associates to plunder the resources in Immortal City.

For example, meat, don’t look at this thing is very common, but for the Xinghai robbers who can only wander in the dark and the moonless universe for many years, this is a luxury! As a result, all the survivors of Wild Horse City were taken to White Crane Canyon, where a small number of Xinghai robbers plundered.

Most of the Xinghai robbers were killed by 49 Immortal Cities because of their heinous behavior. They were forced to flee into the depths of the Xinghai and became a rogue, and a few were forced to go into exile. After joining the Xinghai bandits, they will also be forced to kill and become insensitive, and Immortal City is even more full of hate.

Such a group of people killed back to Immortal City. Represents a complete disaster!

They are like slaves bullied by the master, and now they have turned over. All hatred has turned into a brutal atrocity. They don’t care who forced them to leave the 49 Immortal Cities, but the entire Immortal City people as revenge.

They are unscrupulously murderous, ruthless and afflicted, and they are happy to show the dark side of the surname.

——As a Xinghai bandit, they did not have to do such a thing after looting the starship. It was only this time that there was plenty of time and a large number of people, so that they could have more fun.

Where there is oppression, there will be resistance!

The captives were certainly not willing to be tortured and slaughter as animals, so they chose to “rebel.” But this is a world worthy of Wu!

For Western 12th Pig City, Sunshine King stands for invincibility, not to mention three Sunshine Kings and one Sunshine Sovereign for Xinghai Robbers?

Rebellion against nature was suppressed without any suspense, and the twelve rebellious leaders were also arrested and sentenced in public!

Death is an inevitable result. It is not so easy to die. How can it be used for convincing without being tortured?


The long-haired man was pumping a whip and hitting the blood on one’s back like a fireworks. He put out his tongue and licked his lower lip, his eyes showing the ruin of the rays of light.

His name is Wéi Huadong. Born in Western 12th Pig City, it was just a little shepherd boy. Because of her handsome appearance, she was taken to be a deaf child by a giant Young Master. I have been suffering for a few years.

But his heart was resolute, and he secretly practiced the cultivation technique after breaking into Moonbright King. The glimpse of the opportunity to wipe the young master who abused him, and then hid in the prospecting ship on the sea. Escaped into the stars.

The star ship accidentally encountered the Xinghai bandit, and Wéi Huadong joined the Xinghai bandit at that time. Through my own efforts, it is now Sunshine King!

This time, he is also considered to be “clothing back home”!

Those who have been abused into surnames are prone to abuse, and he is so famous in the Xinghai bandits that they are cruelly tortured. Therefore, the punishment of the 12 leading rebels was also handed to him.

Pa! pa! pa!

He constantly whipped, using the power is very clever, each time can bring a flesh and a large amount of blood, but avoid the key position, so that the whipper can take longer time!

“This is your role model!” He took a coldly said, “There is only one end to the rebellion, dead! But falling into my hands, death is a luxury, it is not so easy to die!”

“Remember your identity, you are a pig now, a dog, don’t be yourself again! You are not!”

“It is the greatest gift to you that you can enjoy a meal and let you live!”

“I still want freedom, but also want to resist?”

“This is to be free to end!”

“This is the end of resistance!”

“Ah-!” The 12 tortured people are screaming again and again, not because their bones are not hard, but Wéi Huadong knows how to torture people. Every whip is drawn in the weakest part of them, and it hurts. Heart!

“Brother Yang, this time I dragged you down!” said a man in the prisoner, next to Yang Tiehu. He looks like 40 is old and burly, but at this time the whole person has become a blood man.

“Hahaha, the only one that has died since ancient times, why should Brother Situ be in the heart? My generation Warrior is waiting for death, naturally it is going to be a battle!” Yang Tiehu laughed.

“Unfortunately, my Situ Family didn’t escape a person. It seems to be a genocide!” said the man named Situ, who is the Situ Ling’s father Situ Xuanying, who had just broken through the Moonbright Emperor. Ranked in the Wild Horse City, but in front of the army of Xinghai bandits is insignificant.

Yang Tiehu also showed his concern. Although his only love girl had left with Zhou Heng, the Xinghai bandit was aggressive, and the sword pointed directly to Absolute Immortal City!

If it is to make them successful, then the entire 49 Immortal Cities will be lost! So no matter which of the Immortal City that Yang Lanxin was taken by Zhou Heng, under the nest, there is an egg?

Especially in this kind of war, it is not a good thing for a woman to grow too beautiful. Instead, she will suffer more unimaginable pains!

At that time, the best result is that you can die cleanly!

I hope that Zhou Heng can leave the 49 Immortal Cities with her daughter, even if it is a lifetime in the stars, it is always better than 10,000 times and 100 million times in the hands of the Xinghai bandits!

“Now give you a chance -” Wéi Huadong’s voice sounded like a demon. “Next, I will only punished a person for three days, then he will die at the third Heavenly General! However, This candidate… you need to pick it out for me!”

When this is said, all around people are making exclamations, which shows that they want to be guilty!

This guy is so poisonous!

But the twelve people are exposed to the color of pain, and Wéi Huadong’s torture is truly terrifying! They are not afraid of death now, but they have to be tortured for three days to die. This thought made them black.

“Nobody?” Wéi Huadong screamed. “If you don’t want to launch someone, I will always torture you! Believe me, at least one of you will die in at least one year!”

When I heard this, Yang Tiehu was trembling, and a few people almost fainted!

In their hearts, there are no more terrifying people than Wéi Huadong!

“I!” Yang Tiehu suddenly yelled, “Like Wei, there is a kind of you will torture Laozi! Hahaha, not three days, three days later you don’t kill Laozi, you are the grandson of Laozi!”

“it is good!”

I don’t know who called first, all around the cheers in the crowd, what people need most in times of crisis is motivation and courage! Yang Tiehu’s righteousness is like a Wang Ganquan infused with their numb heart.

“Hahaha, you have a hard time now, but I hope that you can still do this after a long time!” Wéi Huadong sneered, then swept through the eyes with Sen Han’s eyes, and his eyes swept over, everyone closed involuntarily. Mouth, rising from the bottom of my heart, incomparable fear.

Man is a knife, I am a fish!

What is the heroic righteousness, and finally it will be inevitable to suffer from torture!

When I think of it, the passionate and disappointing disappear without a trace that has just risen in the hearts of the people has turned into a numbness.

Live a day is a day!

Wéi Huadong reveals a cruel smile. What he wants is such a result. It erases the hopes of others a little bit, and finally reaches the desperate life. This is the highest achievement of torture!

“Yang Tiehu, you see for yourself, is anyone willing to stand up for you?” He grabbed Yang Tiehu’s hair and forced Yang Tiehu’s head to turn around and look at everyone’s look.” Does anyone have it? No!”

“You are not a hero, just an idiot!” Wéi Huadong not only tortured Yang Tiehu physically, but also completely destroyed the man in spirit, letting him sink forever in the abyss of despair.

All around A dead silence, only a strong breath.

There is no life to be willing to do, but in the face of cruel reality, indeed most people are not heroes!

“You are wrong!” Situ Xuanying stood up in trembling, and there was a path of blood in the blood vessels. His face was pale, but he was straight and straight! “Brother Yang, I am willing to share with you!”

“And I!”

“And I!”

The other ten prisoners also stood up.

Wéi Huadong can’t help but feel cold, which is simply provoking his authority in public!

This group of act recklessly, let them have a good understanding of his genius in the execution of the sentence!

He raised his whip high, brushed it, and yelled at Yang Tiehu.

Yang Tiehu has a tight muscle and bites his teeth. This is a heroic thing, but reality is another matter! His eyes closed, but after waiting for a long time, he did not wait until the painful whip was drawn!

He couldn’t help but open his eyes and saw a young man standing in front of him, his right hand sticking out, and firmly grasping the whip that was drawn to him!

“Zhou, Zhou Heng !”. )

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