Yang Tiehu once fantasized about the power of Absolute Immortal City as many as the gods, and suppressed and killed all the Xinghai bandits here, saving everyone. But after a long time, he took this as a luxury.

Can be absolutely beautiful did not think, actually someone like a god like a sudden drop, and this person is his cheap son-in-law!

He was shocked first, then happy, and turned into panic.

“Zhou Heng, run fast, you are weak, not their opponent! Run away! Run away!” In fact, there is not much love between Yang Tiehu and Zhou Heng, but the only daughter who followed this man He naturally wants to think about the happiness of daughter.

“Zhou Heng?” Wéi Huadong pumped the whip hard, but the other hand was in the hands of Zhou Heng, but it was like a cast iron. He couldn’t even move it at all! He couldn’t help but heart slightly startled, but he thought there was another Sunshine Sovereign sitting in the town, and his heart was certain.

“I didn’t expect a fish to leak!” He looked at Zhou Heng coldly.

Brushing, the two Dragon Sovereign also fell from the sky, standing behind Zhou Heng.

“Wow, beautiful ladies!”

“It’s really beautiful, it’s going to be, how can such a good item be missed!”

“Nothing is ok, isn’t this coming to your door?”

When you saw the two Dragon Sovereign, the most obsessed Xinghai bandits were boiling. Have they ever seen such a stunning color? Moreover, the two Dragon Sovereign are all unique, a blue hair, a blonde, and even have antlers on their heads, which add a strange charm.

“Zhou Heng, Lanxin?” Yang Tiehu’s heart burst. How can only Zhou Heng and these two beautiful women? What about his daughter? To say that Zhou Heng is a singlehanded, he will not think too much. But now Zhou Heng is carrying a son-in-law, but she does not have his daughter-in-law. This naturally makes him anxious!

Was it a chaotic horse, this kid lost his loved one?

When he was in a hurry, he wanted to stand up and grab Zhou Heng’s chest, but he forgot that his hands and feet were tied together, and this body suddenly fell to the ground.

Zhou Heng quickly let go of the body. If Yang Lanxin knew that her Laozi was facing her “prostrate oneself in admiration”, she would have to eat her eyes.

“ga ga 嘎, this is not the place where you are old!” Wéi Huadong blames said with a smile, his eyes sweeping through the two Dragon Sovereign. There are cruel rays of light in the eyes, but it has nothing to do with **.

The trauma of his childhood was too heavy, causing him to have no interest in women after his adulthood. Instead, the screams of women can satisfy him.

Torture these two stunning women, he will be cool!

“Lanxin is fine, father-in-law doesn’t have to worry!” Zhou Heng said, his hands were loose, the whip was released, and Yang Tiehu was lifted up. For him, he untied the rope tied to his hands and feet.

Only Yang Tiehu’s cultivation base has been abolished, and the Dantian space is empty and empty, and there is no trace of spiritual power.

Now he has the life essence of Moonbright Emperor. There is no difference between ordinary people and ordinary people. Moreover, he was tortured before, but it is a real thing for ordinary people. Will make his lifespan greatly discounted.

– As a rebel head, it is normal to abolish the cultivation base.

Zhou Heng took out a bottle of medicine pill and handed it over. Road: “Father, you should eat these medicine pill first. Stabilize your body!” With his “Den Dao genius”, what is the difficulty of let Yang Tiehu repeat the cultivation base?

Wéi Huadong did not stop Zhou Heng. In his opinion, the three were self-investigating. What is he worried about?

Prey, you need to play slowly to enjoy!

“Kid, your two female companions are good, let them take off their clothes, let everyone appreciate how?” He sneered and said to Zhou Heng.

“Take off!” “All off!” “Don’t be stingy, your kid must be tired of watching, let the big guys take a look!”

The Stars and Sea Robbers have also screamed. They have seen such a stunning color. Each and everyone is rounding their eyes, and their mouths are screaming with excitement, such as the same hair.

Yang Tiehu is a bitter smile. He knows that this son-in-law is very powerful, but it is amazing in alchemy! But at this time, I only rely on fists. You use alchemy and you are not a bird. What is your use?

Why come, his cultivation base has been abandoned, and he has lost hope for life, why not let him die?


A hot air suddenly rises from the lower abdomen, and his inin the body is madly spreading. The originally dry Dantian seems to have injected a sweet spring, and there is actually a glimmer of life, and then flourishes, wonderful!

His cultivation base… is recovering at a horrible rate!

Oh, his within the body can’t stop the earthquake from swaying out a path of spiritual fluctuations, like water waves, so that everyone can easily sense it.

This guy is recovering the cultivation base!


Before Wéi Huadong, in order to shock everyone, the cultivation base of these twelve people was abolished, but of course, after the cultivation base was abolished, it would naturally hurt to smoke.

But now this guy just ate a few medicine pill, a cultivation base is recovering!

This is this, what is the level of Immortal Pill!

This speed of recovery is like speed of light, quickly surpassing Spirit-Gathering, Dividing Earth, Opening Heaven, Mountains and Rivers… all the way to Divine Transformation Boundary, just a pause, then climbed into the Moonbright King.

After becoming Immortal, the recovery speed was a little slower, but it was still amazing. It took only a minute or two to reach Moonbright King Peak and jumped directly into Moonbright Sovereign!

——Yang Tiehu This is the Peak Moonbright Emperor. What he lost is only the accumulation of spiritual power, but his realm comprehension is without any hindrance. And what did Zhou Heng give him? Moonsplendor Pill, that’s made by Moonsplendor Lotus. A medicine pill can increase the power of 1 Round. Can this spiritual recovery be unpleasant?

As for Moonsplendor Pill, there is Mu Tongtong, the future Elf Sovereigness, which is now grown in pieces, even if it is not made into medicine pill. It is enough for his friends and family to take.

Eyes red!

No matter how the Xinghai bandits are crazy and killing, there is one difference between them and the Warrior of 49 Immortal Cities, that is the desire for power!

This Immortal Pill makes Yang Tiehu soaring like a chicken, how can you keep them from squinting? I don’t know who snorted and immediately killed more than a dozen.

Grab Immortal Pill first… and then grab the beauty!

Xinghai bandits can be without any rules, who is the big fist who is the king!

Zhou Heng was a light shock, bang bang bang, and these people were suddenly shocked back by an invisible force. If Zhou Heng deliberately left behind, these people have already died hundreds of times!

It wasn’t Zhou Heng who couldn’t bear to kill, but since he saw his cheap father-in-law suffered such a big grievance, it seems that it is better to give him a revenge.

Wéi Huadong has a tight color. The person who attacked Zhou Heng earlier is only Moonbright Emperor, but Zhou Heng can fly them without lifting them, which means that they are at least Sunshine King’s cultivation base!

Do not underestimate the enemy!

He shouted and sent a notice to the other two Sunshine Kings and the singer–the three people were not as perverted as he was. After coming to this flower world, he must be working hard on women all day long!

Zhou Heng is not in a hurry, just waiting for Yang Tiehu’s cultivation base to complete, which does not take too long.

咻, 咻, 咻, three Sunshine Boundary Warrior shot from the wood house in the valley, each and everyone’s face with a dissatisfied expression. They are all on the head, and it is naturally uncomfortable to be called out suddenly.

When I saw the two Dragon Sovereign, they couldn’t help but blink their eyes, and the dissatisfaction suddenly disappeared!

——Wéi Huadong is still very loyal, this kind of best is not alone! Oh, this guy can’t use the following stuff, and the woman who gives him another beauty can’t be hard!

At this time, Yang Tiehu finally finished the cultivation base. Even under the action of Moonsplendor Pill, he went further and broke the limit and became the 8 Round Moonbright Emperor!

“Father-in-law, you have a head and a debt, and your enmity is naturally made by you personally, and Xiaoyan will not intervene!” Zhou Heng said with a smile, referring to the Xinghai bandit in this valley.

You really can see me!

Yang Tiehu corner of mouth twitching, his cultivation base is full, and even breakthrough the limit. Moonbright Emperor is just Moonbright Emperor, and can compete with Sunshine King – if it is changed, he will achieve 8 Round Moonbright Emperor. But now there is such a mood.

“Despite the peace of mind, my father-in-law will fight for you!” Zhou Heng cheered him up.

Yang Tiehu has a heart, what else is he afraid of?

Already lost a cultivation base, and already have a mortal awareness, then you will fight fiercely!

“Zhou Heng, when the old man shot, you immediately escape!” Yang Tiehu can only afford Zhou Heng’s Dan Dao level, but there is no hope for Zhou Heng’s combat power, he does not want to love women as widows!

“Go!” Zhou Heng nodded, a look that doesn’t care.

Rely, Laozi is your father-in-law!

Yang Tiehu almost came out, but when he thought of the real enemy in front of him, he endured it and smiled at the four people of Wéi Huadong and said, “Are you on each and everyone, or together?”

“act recklessly!” A Sunshine King sneered, his eyes spinning on the perfect lovable body of the two Dragon Sovereign mascots, and some impatiently swept Yang Tiehu as if looking at a flea.

For Sunshine King, Moonbright Emperor is just such a presence.

He turned over at random and went to the town of Yang Tiehu.

“Go!” Yang Tiehu snorted at Zhou Heng and eagerly greeted the other side. The power of 8 Round was full.

“Looking for dead end!” The Sunshine King disdained, and the palm of the hand fell like a mountain.


Yang Tiehu greeted this hand, and a wave of power swayed. He was a strong winner, and his body was like a light, and he shot at the other side, hitting the Sunshine King’s chest.

In the resounding sound, the Sunshine King was suddenly slammed back ten or so, until the body hit the mountain wall and stopped. Wow, a spur a mouthful of blood, the chest was sunken. ! . )

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