How could this be?

This Yang Tiehu eats aphrodisiac, how could it be so fierce, and a fist hits Sunshine King to vomit blood! too exaggerated!

Don’t say that the Stars and Sea Robbers can’t believe it, that is, the prisoners can’t say a word!

Yang Tiehu won is a good thing, they can’t wait for each other to incarnation for Creation Emperor, and do everything in the Xinghai bandit! But they are not small children, know the difference between reality and fantasy. .

If Yang Tiehu is so powerful, how can he be arrested by Xinghai bandits? How could it be abolished before the cultivation base?

This can’t be done again!

Does Zhou Heng’s Immortal Pill have a stronger role?

Can be stronger and only Moonbright Emperor, how can you fight against Sunshine King?

Everyone has the urge to catch a hair madness. This is simply a puzzling thing. How could it be so incredible!

It is Yang Tiehu who is inexplicable. He knows his strength best. It is really far from Sunshine King. How can it be such a strong “strike force”? To say that the other party is deliberately teasing him, just pretending to be defeated by him… The other party is too young!

Because everyone is in shock, the battle is temporarily stagnation.

“Hey!” The Sunshine King vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and earned it from the wall of a hole. He was out of surprise, “my cultivation base, my cultivation base.” Being cut to Moonbright Emperor!”

Hey, is there such a thing?

Now everyone understands why he will be beaten by Yang Tiehu. It is very simple. His cultivation base has been cut to Moonbright Emperor. And he doesn’t have the breakthrough limit, it’s only the power of 7 Round. What is the consequence of the 8 Round month?

From 7 Round to 8 Round, it’s breaking the limit!

This 1 Round month gap. The strength is at least ten times the difference!

It’s normal to be vomited by a punch, and it’s a great fortune even if it’s not killed!

But a puzzle has been solved, but there is a bigger puzzle, that is how the Sunshine King’s cultivation base was cut off! This is not to eat the wrong thing, stomach pain will affect the combat power!

After a horror, everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Zhou Heng.

It was him who saved Yang Tiehu and gave Yang Tiehu a bottle of medicine pill, and then Yang Tiehu followed the chicken blood. And a punch hit Sunshine King vomiting blood!

To say that this has nothing to do with Zhou Heng, killing them is not to believe!

The key point is, does this young man have such ability? Many people know Zhou Heng and know that he is a famous 3-Star Elixir Master. Although Elixir Master has a high status, it has never been related to the value of force!

Of course, everyone is at a loss.

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, said: “Father, take time. We have other things to do!”

Yang Tiehu was shocked. He felt a glimpse of him, thinking that he was because of Zhou Heng, and now both sides are Moonbright Emperor. But he broke through the limit, it is a steady victory, at this time do not wait for more!

“Kill!” He was loudly shouted. Killed like a lion.

After being captured, he was no different from dogs these days. I have already had a bad smell, murderous aura, and I was beaten to death before. That kind of hate can be crazy!

Now, once he turns over, can he kill intent like boiling?

Yang Tiehu made a strong attack, and the Sunshine King was cut off because of the cultivation base. It was not his opponent. He was only defeated by the festival. He was vomited and vomited. He couldn’t stand up for a long time and would hang up.

– 7 Round Moonbright Emperor and 8 Round Moonbright Emperor are two levels at all!

“Everyone is together!” Sunshine Sovereign of the other party couldn’t sit still, and quickly greeted Wéi Huadong and the third Sunshine King to besiege to Yang Tiehu.

They made a tragic discovery that their realm was also cut to Moonbright Emperor!


The realm is being cut down. It is only superficial, but what is the meaning behind it? There is a power that is far above their level, affecting their bodies without their knowledge!

This kind of power is going to kill them… it’s all in one mind!

At the thought of this, all four people are shaking their bodies, and they have an unspeakable chill!

Unknown power is the most terrifying!

Yang Tiehu is no matter how much, seeing that all four people have been cut to the Moonbright Emperor, haha ​​laughed and shook his fists toward the four people!

The breakthrough limit is just a few geniuses that can be done, and you can break through the ten limits, reach 11 Round month, 11 Round 曰, 11 Dharma, Divine Idol, and that can be called Martial King!

There are no geniuses under the sun, at least these four Xinghai robbers are definitely not!

Yang Tiehu’s 8 Round full moon is absolutely invincible, even though one enemy and four are holding the upper hand, the four people can’t breathe. Because he hated Wéi Huadong most, he naturally dumped most of his firepower on this person, and Wéi Huadong screamed.

“Play well!”

“Kill this trick!”

“This animal husbandry has already tortured dozens of people alive, and today it is time to let him pay the price!”

The feelings of anger, Wéi Huadong cruel killing, before everyone is afraid to speak, but now reversal of the wheel of fortune, they naturally want to vent their anger.

Yang Tiehu is fully open. With the extra power of the key name 1 Round, he is like a god, and Wéi Huadong is constantly bleeding, bleeding, and vomiting blood! The former hatred and new hate are added together. Yang Tiehu is not a good man or a woman. He is not guilty of grievances with him. He must report his name.

Under his strong bombardment, Wéi Huadong has already swam on the edge of life and death. If not the other three are fully rescued, he must have hung several times. But this is only the struggle on the at the death’s door. Yang Tiehu hates Wéi Huadong. Every move is to rush to the other side. The ending is already doomed.

Zhou Heng was a little impatient, and the mind was moving, and the Five Elements rune added a little more suppression. The power of the four people of Wéi Huadong was once again weakened by him.

“Ah——! ”

This effect is simply immediate, and Wéi Huadong suddenly got an arm down. After crossing an arc in the sky, it fell into the crowd. It was like throwing a bone in the group of evil dogs, and the captives were fighting for the broken arm. Open your mouth and bite it!

Wéi Huadong’s hatefulness is enough to make people want to eat their meat!


Wéi Huadong screams again and again. Another arm was pulled down and thrown into the crowd, which also caused the looting of everyone, like a treasure, a holy medicine. After a while, another thigh was smashed down, followed by the second thigh. Finally, the body of his torso was thrown into the crowd, and the angry crowd rushed up. The screams were weaker than a scream. . Finally, it was attributed to silence.

And all the Xinghai robbers are chilling. They are not killing people. They can bite and kill a piece of meat, which is beyond the limit they can bear.

Yang Tiehu “Dafa Shenwei” quickly killed all the Xinghai bandits, and suddenly there was a huge cheer in the crowd, and Yang Tiehu was adored with inexplicable gaze.

But for Zhou Heng, they are in the fear of the ultimate!

All this happened after Zhou Heng came, as long as it was not a fool, it could be guessed that Zhou Heng or the two beautiful women behind him were moving hands and feet. It is just a fake hand to achieve that’s all in Yang Tiehu.

The pride of this Wild Horse City, the first 3-Star Elixir Master in history, is now a terrifying strength?

The Xinghai bandits are completely destroyed, and then naturally it is the work of the aftermath.

However, everyone is afraid to return to Wild Horse City. At least they didn’t dare before Absolute Immortal City launched a big counterattack! After thanking Zhou Heng and Yang Tiehu, they left the distance, World is so big. They can find a place to hide first.

“Greatmaster Zhou!” A young people appeared in front of Zhou Heng and shouted respectfully to Zhou Heng.

“It turned out to be Brother Situ!” Zhou Heng cup one fist in the other hand. This young people is Situ Ling, his first friend at Immortal Realm.

Situ Ling was suddenly screamed by his voice. Full of excitement. He naturally can’t see the strength of Zhou Heng. He knows that Zhou Heng is at least one 3-Star Elixir Master. His status can be compared with Sunshine Emperor. Zhou Heng can call “brother”. He has a natural face. .

Looking at Situ Ling, who had just entered Moonbright Sovereign, it was not long before, Zhou Heng couldn’t help but feel that they had already entered the Starwind Space to participate in the trial. After a few years, the other party was just Moonbright Sovereign, but he already Became Creation King.

Under the hustle and bustle, he became a boy and sent a good Moonsplendor Pill, enough to send the other person to the 8 Round Moonbright Emperor!

But can you break through Sunshine King? You have to look at Situ Ling’s own surname. If Zhou Heng wants to help him out this step, it is not a matter of paying a few medicine pill, but to lose his own cultivation base. cost.

Zhou Heng’s relationship with him is not good enough for this!

Even so, Situ Ling has been surprised to be stupid, and with Dan Dan even thank you, I can’t say it, just look at Zhou Heng.

——This Moonsplendor Pill, he had eaten one, it was the 8 Round month that formed at Moonbright King, and even got the opportunity of breakthrough. Otherwise, he would not have to go into Moonbright Sovereign for 50 to 100 years!

“Brother Zhou, I don’t know how to thank you!” Situ Ling was flushed and looked at Zhou Heng. “This is great, I don’t say anything to express my gratitude. I only say one sentence, as long as What is Brother Zhou sending, whether it is in the fire or in the water, Shangdaoshan or Xiahai, as long as you say a word, my Situ Ling is not regrettable!”

Zhou Heng nodded, received the other party’s gift, otherwise Situ Ling may not dare to accept such a noble gift.

After two days of rest, Zhou Heng said to Yang Tiehu: “Father, you leave with me, Lanxin must be worried about you too!”

After Yang Tiehu sighed, he promised that Yang Family, who had worked so hard to build up, had been completely destroyed by the Xinghai bandit. Now he is alone, and after the previous torture, he has no ambition and just wants to be with the daughter. With the help of grandchildren. . )

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