The mysterious Dragon Emperor finally appeared!

He is burly and taller than the average person. The thick black hair flashes with a jade-like brilliance, looks handsome, and has a noble and noble atmosphere. .

But what is even more amazing is the Air of an Overlord that he formed the day after tomorrow. The Emperor of the mortal world, when people see it, shakes their hearts and can not help but give birth to a strong awe.

His Dragon-Tiger Steps, every step after the ** has a path of Sky Dragon phantom, there is no Supreme trend.

Such people do have the grace to make countless powerhouses work for them!

“Little guy, you are lucky, you have gathered One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures!” said the Dragon Emperor serene, but the sound is like thunder, swaying in the ears of everyone!

Even 9 Dharma Bright Immortal can’t help but feel an indescribable sense of trepidation, which is an instinct for high-end Warrior!

This Dragon Emperor is Star King!

What, this kid actually has One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures?

Any Heavenly Scripture can make people break their heads. What is the concept of One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures?

No wonder this guy can kill 13 Bright Immortal in one sword, and he actually gathered One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures! Although no one knows what kind of big improvement will happen to One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures, it does not prevent them from carrying out all kinds of rumors.

Zhou Heng spurred Black Sword and said: “You have launched such a big battle for a selfish desire, so that how many innocent people have sent their surnames because of you!”

“Hahaha, how about dying in the area?” The Dragon Emperor dismissed the truth. “You gather One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures and are qualified to be the servants of this Emperor, not yet accelerated allegiance!”

“Fart!” Zhou Heng loudly shouted, a fist to meet, a gold Guangyao turn, he has launched the Five Elements rune!

Shooting people first shoot horses, thieves first smash the king, as long as the Dragon Emperor is killed, the Xinghai robbers will have no leader, this battle will naturally disappear invisible! He didn’t like Absolute Immortal City, but Bing Xiulan sisters also had a good relationship with him in Absolute Immortal City and Dongguo Family, so the preference for the surname is definitely obvious.

Dragon Emperor smiled lightly and greeted him.


An azure Sky Dragon emerged from behind him. The dragon smashed tens of thousands of zhang high, and the shape was not weaker than Zhou Heng’s Violetflame Sky Dragon, but the reality was too high, a circle of dragons Concussion, pā pā pā 啪, countless people are crouching down, even Bright Immortal is no exception, only one or two high-end Bright Immortal can barely support.

In the Four Divine Beasts, Azure Dragon is a water, also known as the dragon!

His Dragon Shadow is the most authentic Azure Dragon, meaning that his bloodline purity is indeed far above the three women of Blue Dragon Sovereigness. Therefore, he is the emperor, Blue Dragon Sovereigness, they can only be emperors!

Dragon Emperor took a shot, and a row of floods rolled up the thousand zhang high waves, and greeted Zhou Heng, and it was very powerful.


The golden rune collided with the huge waves, and it burst into bright brilliance, and the power of terror was indiscriminate.

After a long period of hard work, these brilliances were scattered, and two outstanding silhouettes stood up.

Zhou Heng ! Dragon Emperor !

Really strong! Both people are really strong big!

Dragon Emperor’s prestige is only in the rumor. As the general leader of the organization of the Xinghai bandit to 49 Immortal Cities, if he does not have real skills, who will be sent by him?

What is the use of even if he makes more benefits? There is not enough power to guard, it will only be eaten toroughly!

How strong is the Dragon Emperor? Nobody knows!

However, Zhou Heng can kill 13 Bright Immortal swords, and his strength is completely materialized! Now Dragon Emperor can easily solve the Zhou Heng attack. For reference, the strength of the Dragon Emperor can be imagined!

Zhou Heng expression Awesome, this is the first opponent he encountered that can withstand the Five Elements rune!

There is no doubt that this Dragon Emperor is too powerful!

Of course, this is also because Zhou Heng’s cultivation base realm is only Creation King. If he can reach the Bright Immortal level, then the Five Elements Rune’s formidable power must be at least several times more, and it is truly invincible!

The other party is not Bright Immortal. The real cultivation base is Star King. Now, after the strength of Immortal Realm is suppressed, you can still play the power of 99 Divine Idol!

This is the power of the crushing Xinghai bandit, Absolute Immortal City, all Bright Immortal, against the Five Elements rune!

The Blue Dragon Sovereigness was all shocked. They thought that Zhou Heng would definitely be able to stand under the Dragon Emperor, but I didn’t expect the Dragon Emperor to be far more powerful than their imagination!

Dragon Emperor held his hands in the air, and he was domineering. He looked at Zhou Heng with a smile, saying: “How is the strength of this Emperor?”

“Zhou Heng, not to the Dragon Emperor!” Feng Zidou rose from the ground, and it was impossible for him to give back the lost Divine Idol in just a few years, but the strength of 6 Dharma Bright Immortal was amazing enough. It is.

“I don’t want to go back soon!” Eight people are flying in the air, Zhantai Gujin is also in it. If Feng Zidou is included, it is just nine people. It is not difficult to imagine that it is the so-called Dragon Emperor seat Nine Heavenly Generals.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, said: “I can only match Creation King. What is the qualification of Dragon Emperor for me? Go to **100 years!”

“impudent!” Nine Heavenly Generals is also shouted.

“False Dragon Emperor, let me have two sisters and four sisters!” Golden Dragon Sovereigness and the other two Dragon Sovereign also took off and shouted to Dragon Emperor.

“Dragon Clan is also dare with this Emperor impudent?” Dragon Emperor looked around and there was an infinite flow of power. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the three Dragon Sovereign, and the horrible atmosphere shattered.

Zhou Heng broke out and the golden rune ran to the palm of the Dragon Emperor.


Void oscillated again, this is the confrontation between power and law, and the result is evenly divided!

Zhou Heng knows from Soaring Heaven Nine Forms that power and law belong to two different fields, and you can’t simply say which one is stronger. Moreover, the two are not absolutely opposite, the law can increase the strength and strength can also enhance the law and complement each other.

He has never known how strong the real formidable power of Five Elements rune is, but by playing with Dragon Emperor, he finally understands that his current Five Elements rune is equivalent to Bright Immortal above 80 Dharma!

– He feels that Dragon Emperor has no spare capacity, so the front elementable power of Five Elements rune has a conservative estimate.

It’s not that Five Elements rune can’t kill the existence of Divine Idol with 99. The key is that Zhou Heng’s realm is really low. If he can break through to Bright Immortal, then the power will surge at least 100 million times. Five Elements rune does not. It may also enhance that many times of formidable power, but a dozen times more definitely not to mention!

“Zhou Heng, to this Emperor acknowledge allegiance, this Emperor can take you to Bright Realm within a year and cultivate it with Dragon Clan resources!” Dragon Emperor said to Zhou Heng, the voice is loud and the supreme power .

“You don’t have to worry about it. I want to know when the Bright Realm will fly. I don’t need someone else’s charity!” Zhou Heng shouted and threw himself out and attacked the Dragon Emperor.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two people fight, one has the power close to Immortal Realm’s limit, and the other has Immortal Realm’s highest law, which is Immortal Realm’s top strength and law of the fight, even if it is a aftermath has the heavy impact of Bright Immortal’s formidable power!

Zhou Heng goes all out, he can only run the full-time Five Elements rune, so every hit is a fight against the bone suffer.

Dragon Emperor is more powerful than he imagined!

As he had expected, the other party did not work hard, but it broke out under his tight pressure. After all, Five Elements rune is not a good deal, and it is dangerous to blindly walk the cliff. extremely.

Absolute Immortal City’s Bright Immortal was not a fool. After seeing the biggest threat being stunned by Zhou Heng, he flew out and fought side by side with Zhou Heng, heading for the Nine Heavenly Generals.

The two sides finally broke out at the highest level of the war!

With the large number of Bright Immortal of Absolute Immortal City joining the battle, the Xinghai Robbers naturally also have powerhouses, including the Green Dragon Sovereigness and Black Dragon Sovereigness that have never appeared. But as soon as they appeared, they were blocked by the Golden Dragon Sovereigness and the outsiders were not allowed to intervene.

Zhou Heng is a single-player Dragon Emperor. The battle level of the two is too advanced. If it is not 50 Dharma, Bright Immortal will not even have the qualification to intervene!

Really strong !

Zhou Heng said in his heart that Five Elements rune is not bad, but Dragon Emperor not only has the power of 99 Divine Idol, he is also Dragon Clan! And it’s still a purely pure Dragon Clan!

In the Longwei burst, the other party can even attack the Star King Rank, crushing the space and creating a path of space turbulence!

Five Elements rune definitely can’t get rid of this guy!

– At least not now!

On the other side, Dragon Emperor was also shocked, and Zhou Heng could fight with him for so long! How can the power of this kid support him in running the Five Elements rune? With his strength, it is entirely possible to see how much spiritual accumulation Zhou Heng has, and how much power is required to run the Five Elements rune each time!

In his estimation, Zhou Heng used up to twenty times of the Five Elements rune, but now the opponent has played fifty Five Elements rune, but no formidable power is weakened!

How is this going? Didn’t see him taking medicine pill to add spiritual power!

He never thought that Zhou Heng had a Black Sword that could absorb the essence of life!

Before Zhou Heng killed 13 Bright Immortal, if these vitality is used to improve his cultivation base, then at least he can get five more Divine Idol! And if it is only used to supplement consumption, it can fully support Zhou Heng to play a thousand or even more times of Five Elements rune!

He has the capital to consume!

But whether it is Dragon Emperor or Zhou Heng, I don’t want to spend it, I want to solve my opponent as soon as possible!

Dragon Emperor’s original goal was to capture the Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture that flowed into the world, but now that Zhou Heng has a fusion of Immortal Realm Heavenly Scripture, he doesn’t mind taking it away.

This needs to kill Zhou Heng first!

The words he had said before were completely deceiving Zhou Heng. As long as he captured the lost Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture, he would immediately return to Bright Realm, when his combat power would soar, **Zhou Heng and play Like!

Unfortunately, Zhou Heng did not go to dong! (To be continued.)

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