(Return to Suzhou, resume normal update, another double monthly ticket is coming, and the land is rolling for a monthly ticket)

Dragon Emperor is very strong, he is the Star King of Bright Realm, but Zhou Heng is also against the sky, but mastered the existence of One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures, its strength is absolutely the existence of Immortal Realm. .

They are going to encounter good talents, chess opponents, and it is difficult to compete.

“Hahaha, this Emperor has some people who look down on this world!” Dragon Emperor popped up and turned into an azure Sky Dragon, but the 30 feet were long, but the dragon body was so solid that it passed through Zhou Heng’s attack circle. His back screamed away.

Zhou Heng opened the shield of the earth, but when the True Dragon hit the body, he was trembled heavily. The shield of this layer of earth was shattered by the students, and the Sky Dragon continued to fly to him with almost no pause. go with.

He couldn’t help but be surprised. He quickly set the defense of 1st Layer Five Elements rune. Hey, he took a few steps forward, but this attack was eventually exhausted by him.

In order to save the spiritual consumption, Zhou Heng has been using the soil rune for defense. Because he has been fighting hard with each other, the opponent’s attack can not directly hit him, to block a few waves, then a soil rune is enough.

I did not expect this attack to be so powerful!

“Zhou Heng, this is your last chance, and it will be returned to this Emperor, otherwise you will be ruined!” Dragon Emperor said loudly.

“Infatuation!” Zhou Heng loudly shouted, left fist and right sword, he swayed the terrifying offensive.

In the two-player battle, Dragon Emperor re-applied a path of small Azure Dragon, but Zhou Heng naturally took precautions after eating a loss. Divine Idol runs the Five Elements rune to defend. The real body is Against the Dragon Emperor.

Now Black Sword draws a lot of life, enough for him to squander!

Their combat power is terrifying matchless. Both of them are scarred for a long time, but Zhou Heng is relatively more injured. After all, his real cultivation base realm is only Creation King. But if you really want to fight it, the Dragon Emperor will not be able to retreat.

“This will stop here!” After Dragon Emperor forced Zhou Heng back, he issued an order for the truce, taking the lead in a roll and stepping back.

Zhou Heng did not chase, on the real combat power, he is actually not the opponent of Dragon Emperor – if he had absorbed a lot of life before, he could not afford it! And Dragon Emperor is not losing now, just don’t want to be hurt too much that’s all.

He took a roll and helped the three Dragon Sovereign to take Green Dragon Sovereigness and Black Dragon Sovereigness.

“Why don’t you ask her out?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness whispered to Zhou Heng, her attitude towards Zhou Heng has changed from the original anger and helplessness to worship and awe. After all, this world is powered by powerhouse. .

She naturally refers to Hóng Yue.

Zhou Heng shook his head, but did not answer. Now that the distance is too close, maybe Hóng Yue will appear from the fairy house, and Huotian will immediately feel it, and then rush to kill it!

He naturally tends to Huotian, so many days with Hóng Yue, this woman has always been very good to him, it really makes it difficult for him to raise the killing intent. Besides, after so many years, he does not know what kind of grievances between the two women. If they don’t understand the situation, they can’t feel the hatred of Huotian. I only think that there is a possibility of reconciliation between the two women.

For Hóng Yue, he only had a touch of gratitude, and he was far from it, and did not want to have something to do with the other party.

– He still does not know that Hóng Yue is a bewildered enemy of his beloved woman.

The Xinghai bandit temporarily retired, and Zhou Heng was also greeted by Absolute Immortal City by Bright Immortal. Because of the title of Sacred Elixir Master, Zhou Heng’s popularity in Absolute Immortal City is very high, not to mention everyone, but at least all senior executives recognize him.

Unexpectedly, this kid came back around the circle and actually had the horrible power to kill Bright Immortal, so that everyone standing in front of him had a feeling of trepidation.

The powerhouse won’t kill people, because there is more than one powerhouse in the world, and the deliberate destruction of rules may be attacked. The existence of Zhou Heng is no longer a powerhouse to describe, it can kill the powerhouse completely, and no rules can be bound to him!

Who knows if he will kill people because of the brief remark?

Can not say hello to Zhou Heng, no one, people just forced to retreat the Xinghai bandit army, in case of offending Zhou Heng, he was killed by the door to what to do?

Zhou Heng didn’t mean anything. After saying hello to everyone, he found a place to stay and entered the Xianju with five Dragon Sovereign.

The secrets of Green Dragon Sovereigness and Black Dragon Sovereigness are naturally solved, otherwise 5 Dharma Bright Immortal with two friends and friends, and even those who can explode 7 Dharma Bright Immortal are around. Kill yourself.

Hóng Yue was also simply, and the last two Dragon Sovereign were restored to their original state, but she added something to the two, and the two Dragon Sovereign also recognized Zhou Heng as the main.

That’s fine. Three of the top five Dragon Sovereign are completely obedient to Zhou Heng, and Blue Dragon Sovereigness is now conquering Zhou Heng, even without the Blood Moon Curse. Only the last Red Dragon Sovereigness is still struggling on the skill at death’s door, but if Zhou Heng is willing to take some time, this woman may also go to Zhou Heng’s thief boat – this does not already have four sisters Mixed with Zhou Heng, not too much for her.

From this point of view, Zhou Heng is the true Dragon Emperor. Anyway, he can also use the dragon-shaped phantom, which has the conditions to pretend to be Dragon Emperor.

The five Dragon Sovereign sisters reunion, there are countless words to say, Zhou Heng did not bother them, but immediately refining the life of the Black Sword.

The battle with Dragon Emperor made him understand his weaknesses and was not enough to ramp the entire Immortal Realm.

After all, he is still only Creation King!

Unfortunately, the life of Black Sword was consumed by him about half, but the rest left his realm to 13 Divine Idol, at least broke the realm barrier.

He can now use the Five Elements rune to kill the ordinary Creation Sovereign and create the Breakover Ultimate Creation Sovereign. This kind of existence is comparable to the Dragon Emperor. It’s not even dusty. How is that enough?

This breakthrough, he can run the Five Elements rune up to thirty times.

not enough! Not enough!

I want to be stronger!

Zhou Heng squeezed his fist, his cultivation base entered the speed fast enough, but World’s change will not wait for him, Dragon Emperor just hit it at this time, he can sit back and ignore?

Absolute Immortal City’s high-ranking Warrior is naturally not in his eyes, he is poor ordinary people!

Why did they sin and why they were enslaved? Why are you being slaughter?

The tragedy that has come all the way is vivid, and Zhou Heng has determined his determination to expel and kill the Xinghai bandits. If he is self-interested in this matter, he will never forgive himself.

Then find ways to improve your strength!

Zhou Heng left Xianju and went to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. He was looking for a refining assistant for Seven Stars Pill, which was his biggest bargaining chip.

He believes that as long as he can break into the Creation Emperor, even if he can’t kill the Dragon Emperor, it is not difficult to defeat him and retreat. Dragon Emperor was defeated, and his Xinghai bandit was naturally unable to withstand a single blow.

Don’t look at most of the Xinghai bandits without any powerful power, but most of the evils are committed by them!

There is a matter of priority, Dragon Emperor can be killed in the future, and there is no chance!

Refining Seven Stars Fruit requires a total of three of the most precious excipients. The remaining fourteen excipients are quite valuable, but they are dwarfed by the first three.

Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is one of the biggest forces of Immortal Realm, at least one of them. The headquarters of Absolute Immortal City [***] has eleven kinds of secondary accessories, but the price is too high, even if Zhou Heng will be all The things that are pawned are not necessarily eaten.

But now he doesn’t need to talk about rules, no money to buy? Take it away directly!

If you don’t kill the Dragon Emperor, can this Heavenly Treasure Pavilion be guaranteed? Still not to be robbed by the Xinghai bandits!

The Emperor is not a hungry soldier. Everything he does now is not for himself!

Zhou Heng grabbed the peace of mind and summoned all the giants of Absolute Immortal City to ask for the remaining three main and three auxiliary materials.

As soon as Zhou Heng said that it was so precious, all the old Ancestors were green!

A big appetite, an opening will require them to cherish more than 100,000 years, even a few hundred years of fairy grass!

If you change another person to dare to do this daylight robbery, they must slap the guy to death and then walk away. But when they face Zhou Heng, how dare they dare?

They can only be deliberately confused, and they have been pushed clean.

“I have an Origin Spirit Ice Grass!” Grand Singularity Cult Lord right hand, a cold light immediately stroked Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng took it, it was an ice crystal jade box, you can clearly see that there is a whole body of white milk inside the grass, the whole body has a path of cold surrounding, even if it is through the 1st Layer things can sense out of The ordinary.

Sure enough, Origin Spirit Ice Grass!

Fire God’s Furnace has been confirmed in his Dantian.

The disciple’s Husband is also half a son-in-law, and this half-mother is really generous! However, if there is a choice, Zhou Heng would like to refer to her Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture.

See Grand Singularity Cult Lord, and then sent a parsley that was comparable to the holy medicine. Everyone could not help but exclaim. Several people even stared at the jade box in Zhou Heng with greedy eyes. the meaning of.

Zhou Heng’s face is cold, these guys are really selfish!

Can you win them?

He took out the Black Sword, put it on the table, and the cold light bloomed, and the temperature in the house immediately went cold.

Suddenly, the original room that was still exclaimed suddenly became absolute silence. Everyone looked at Zhou Heng with an astonished look. I don’t know if this is what I mean.

“I will give you three days. After three days, you will put all the remaining five materials into me!” Zhou Heng indifferently said.

“This is impossible!”

“You have to know how precious these materials are, and it is not necessarily collected for tens of thousands of years!”

“You are a strong man!”

Everyone is fried, but they are dignified Bright Immortal. Have they been threatened?

“Han Family has a Turquoise Heart Earth Spirit Fruit and would like to give it to Greatmaster Zhou!” At this time, Bright Immortal of Dongguo Family said – Donggang Heng is not eligible for this occasion.

Even the Dongguo Family has compromised? Everyone else looked at the Bright Immortal and Grand Singularity Cult Lord of Dongguo Family in a bad way. These two people destroyed the alliance. Otherwise, they are united and need to be afraid of Zhou Heng?

Does this kid dare to kill them? (To be continued.)

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