These Bright Immortal are old fritters. Anyway, I just don’t take it out. Can you help me how?

Zhou Heng showed a sneer. He knocked on the table and thanked Brightguo Family’s Bright Immortal and Grand Singularity Cult Lord slightly nodded, saying: “many thanks Old Sir Dongguo and Grand Singularity Cult Lord!” Then he went to everyone Looking cold and cold, his eyes are sharp like a sword. .

It is obvious that this kid is only Creation King. They can be crushed to death by a finger, but now they are swept by Zhou Heng’s eyes, and everyone is involuntarily bowing their heads.

Whether it’s Mortal Realm Immortal Realm or Bright Realm, everything is based on strength!

It is strength, not realm!

In fact, realm represents strength in general, but who makes Zhou Heng so bad?

“In three days, if you don’t send the things I want, I will kill you all!” Zhou Heng icily said, he is a little good for these guys who have to treasure themselves. No.

Everyone looks at each other in dismay, hesitating in his heart, is Zhou Heng really dare?

“If you don’t believe it, you will try it! But I advise you to wash your neck first!” Zhou Heng added.

He licked his hand and signaled that everyone could leave.

Although everyone has the heart to say a few more words, but see Zhou Heng a murderous-looking cold expression, they and everyone swallowed their words back. However, Dongguo Family’s Bright Immortal and Grand Singularity Cult Lord were left behind by Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng once again thanked the two people. The Bright Immortal of Dongguo Family left first, and the Grand Singularity Cult Lord still didn’t leave. They were inconvenient to say in front of outsiders.

“The two hoes are okay?” Zhou Heng first asked the Bing Xiulan sisters.

Grand Singularity Cult Lord nodded, then said: “How much do you have to deal with the Dragon Emperor?”

Zhou Heng frowned, said: “If I only have the strength of the present, then even 10% has no grasp!” It is impossible to have a large number of Bright Immortal slaughter him, and continue to supply his spiritual power.

Without the addition of spiritual power, he will soon be exhausted by the blast of Dragon Emperor, and the ending can be imagined.

“Do you collect the materials to refine a certain medicine pill and improve your strength?” Grand Singularity Cult Lord asked.

“Yeah!” This is nothing to hide, Zhou Heng nodded.

Grand Singularity Cult Lord sighed, said: “If this Eminence is not healed, it is not difficult to retreat the Dragon Emperor!”

Zhou Heng shook her head. She didn’t know that Dragon Emperor was actually going to her Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture. How could she be forced to retreat before she succeeded? However, Zhou Heng did not intend to tell the Grand Singularity Cult Lord that it was meaningless.

How did Dragon Emperor know about Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture?

Didn’t the only Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture get Grand Singularity Cult Lord and her best friends? Zhou Heng immediately stunned, this must be the secret of the “friends” leaked!

From Immortal Realm to Mortal Realm is fairly simple, although the gates can only be opened once every 100 years, but there are a total of 49 Immortal Cities, which can be opened once every two years on average. Moreover, the opening of the gates only requires a large number of top grades. Although some of them burn money, they are not burnt.

According to several Dragon Sovereign, Bright Realm’s boundaries are difficult to open, and it is easy to never give people a lower bound.

The “friends” certainly do not have this qualification lower bound, but they are not willing to let the Grand Singularity Cult Lord sit like Heavenly Scripture, and even worry about the Grand Singularity Cult Lord wound healing to avenge, so the best way is to leak!

Even if you don’t get Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture, you can at least get rid of the Grand Singularity Cult Lord, don’t worry about someone looking for revenge!

Speaking of Bright Realm, Zhou Heng suddenly remembered someone!

After speaking to Grand Singularity Cult Lord, he immediately left Absolute Immortal City and headed for Northern 3rd Tiger City.

– He is going to find Wang Youyue.

This beauty comes from Bright Realm and was ordered to find Sky Profound Spirit Crystal.

This person’s strength is according to Fire God’s Furnace… 100 times stronger than the old Immortal Realm 1st Powerhouse Dugu Xuan, then she is at least Star King! If you can ask her to go out, it is not difficult to withstand the Dragon Emperor.

He resonated with the earth with the Earth Element rune, freed from the shackles of gravity, and his speed soared to the extreme. Just one day later, he came to the Northern 3rd Tiger City.

Zhou Heng’s first stop was naturally Supreme Yin City. This was because the portal of Northern 6th Snake City was destroyed and could not be seen. The Xinghai robbers above rushed to attack Absolute Immortal City, except for some Xinghai robbers in Northern 1st Rat City. In addition to the raging, other places are too flat and become the last pure land.

Therefore, the songs and dances here are flat and life is still the same, but they can still see their fears from the serious expressions of pedestrian traders.

Under the nest, have the eggs finished?

If Absolute Immortal City falls, they will also suffer!

Under such circumstances, Zhou Heng came to the house where Wang Youyue lived.

Because he asked for help, he knocked on the door and decided to retaliate.

The younger sister of the courtyard actually remembered him. When he introduced him to the back garden, the sacred piano of Xianxian Xianyu was also passed over. Obviously, Wang Youyue was playing the piano again.

Sure enough, Wang Youyue was white clothed, sitting on the stone bench and concentrating on the piano. There were seven young men sitting quietly on the side, each and everyone looked as if they were all music.

Zhou Heng coughed softly.

Wang Youyue immediately stopped his hands and lifted the pretty face, revealing an unpleasant color. But when her eyes saw Zhou Heng, she could not help but reveal the color of astonished – how could she not remember Zhou Heng!

Just the original Zhou Heng is just Sunshine Emperor, but now it is a Creation King!

This cultivation base realm speed can be considered extremely fast when it comes to Bright Realm, and it happens in Immortal Realm… This is simply against the sky!

Wang Youyue is of course shocked!

“Where are the rough people, I dare to interrupt the interest of Youyue Young Lady!” A young people immediately attacked Zhou Heng. Of course, he is not enemies with Zhou Heng, but because this is a good opportunity to pay attention to Wang Youyue!


His face suddenly slaps, but it is neither Zhou Heng nor Wang Youyue, but another young man beside him.

“Yang Xiaoxiong, do you dare to beat me?” The young people were so hot that they didn’t even think that the person who had previously called his brother and brother had actually slapped him a slap in the face, which he did not think of.

“Hey, this Young Master is smoking for you!” Yang Xiaoxiong took a sip of his face, his face was disdainful, but when he turned to look at Zhou Heng, he immediately piled up with a smile, sprinting and slicking, charmingly : “Brother Zhou, how come you!”

——Zhou Heng will know Wang Youyue, or the line he is holding.

Brother Zhou?

When did Supreme Yin City’s first Eldest Young Master actually whisper and bow down to another young people? Be aware that since this guy and Sacred Elixir Master Zhou Heng have a relationship, it’s amazing!

Hey, Brother Zhou, Zhou? Zhou Heng !

The remaining six young people looked at Zhou Heng with a shocked look. They never imagined that they had the privilege of witnessing the Legendary character!

The slap of Yang Xiaoxiong is really good for the young people, dare to speak out to Sacred Elixir Master? If Zhou Heng really wants to take care of it, what about his home, Old Ancestor?

The young people just scared their knees and softened. “Week, Greatmaster Zhou, is a dog with Junior eyes. If you have a lot of bosses, you will spare Junior this time!”

Zhou Heng is indeed somewhat dissatisfied. The Xinghai bandits have all come to the door. These guys are still so beautiful! But he was not interested in chatting with these people at this time, and immediately waved his hand and said, “Let’s leave!”

“Yes! Yes!” Including Yang Xiaoxiong, everyone has quit, even if Zhou Heng is “coming for women”, do they have the qualification to challenge with Zhou Heng?

In the courtyard, only Zhou Heng and Wang Youyue were left.

“What do you mean by licking the blister?” Wang Youyue continued to sing the piano, but she obviously had no mood, and she only sent out a monotonous voice, and she was absent-minded. Although Zhou Heng cultivation base is very fast, it is not in her eyes. After all, it is only Creation King. Her single thought head can kill tens of thousands of times.

“Xinghai robbers have come over, I want to ask you to shoot and stop them!” Zhou Heng said something.

“It’s none of my business!” Wang Youyue categorically refused, and said, “This is also not your business! Don’t forget our identity!” She thought that Zhou Heng was also Bright Realm, or at least by Bright. The life of Realm has the same mission as her.

Zhou Heng shook his head and said: “If Absolute Immortal City is broken by the Xinghai bandit, then you will be able to get rid of the eggs under the nest. You can kill 99%, and you will let them go. Looking for Sky Profound Spirit Crystal ?”

This said Wang Youyue willow brows wrinkle, which apparently poked her pain. But after only a while, she looked up towards towards Zhou Heng and said: “Ao Hongjie is not weak in Dragon Clan, I don’t want to conflict with him!”

Ao Hongjie? Dragon Emperor?

Zhou Heng frowned, apparently the position of Dragon Emperor in Bright Realm out of the ordinary, Wang Youyue did not want to offend him!

This road is nowhere to go!

Zhou Heng turned and left, he still has no ability to force Wang Youyue to play – in fact, if he has such ability, why should he ask Wang Youyue to shoot, he himself can flatten the Dragon Emperor.

Wang Youyue did not retain him. Although she did not reveal anything, the intrusion of Xinghai Robbers was also a huge trouble for her. Who would give her a stone to play in the troubled times?

She has big troubles herself, and there is room for Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng resisted the urge to continue to the Northern 6th Snake City. Since the Northern 3rd Tiger City is safe, the Northern 6th Snake City is definitely safer. On the contrary, if Huotian and Hóng Yue are hit, the destructive power that is erupted must be more terrifying than the Xinghai bandit 100 times!

Another day later, he returned to Absolute Immortal City.

Since others are unreliable, it is only by yourself!

“brother-in-law !brother-in-law !” He just returned to the place where he lived, and he saw Bing Xiulan rushing up like a cry, screaming and crying, “brother-in-law You can come back, and if you don’t come back, you will be tortured by the elder sister and die!”

“Is there such an exaggeration?” Bing Xinzhu shouted on the side.

Zhou Heng is finally showing a smile, and seeing the old man is always a happy thing. (To be continued.)

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