(The land is rolling for a monthly ticket, kiss, come to one~~~)

If you have no choice but to do so, Dragon Emperor never wants to use this trick!

He only has a hundred drops of True Dragon blood, which is used to save lives! Moreover, once the number of True Dragon’s blood is reduced to a certain amount, he can no longer maintain the status of “pure breed” Dragon Clan!

The body mutates and becomes a “variety” such as Black Dragon Sovereigness and Red Dragon Sovereigness. .

Purebred Dragon Clan, that is the pride of every Dragon Clan. If you fall down from this level, it is the shameful disgrace of Dragon Clan!

But as long as you can get Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture, the price is worth it!

Dragon Emperor looked at Zhou Heng indifferently, and the momentum of the whole body expanded infinitely. It spread like a tide, and there was a great power to probate oneself in admiration.

True Dragon Teng Nine Heavens, who can be disrespectful?


With the expansion of the momentum, the shape of the Dragon Emperor has undergone tremendous changes, and the clothes on the body are exploded in an instant. The azure Sky Dragon comes out, and the wind is long, and it becomes the length of the thousand zhang!

The most powerful form of Dragon Clan is naturally the dragon body. After the blood of True Dragon, the Dragon Emperor also returns to the strongest state. Each of the four paws is stepping on a cloud, and the dragon must be fluttering, and it seems to be dusty and proud.

“Zhou Heng, you can force this Emperor to burn blood essence, but it is a bit of a degree! But the same sin can not be forgiven, this Emperor wants you to pay the price!” Dragon Emperor proudly said, the sound banged to the four fields, There is a great power that makes everyone sway.

Dragon Clan inheritance Since the ancient Azure Dragon, this is one of the Four Divine Beasts in the world, ** everything! Now Dragon Emperor burns blood essence, which is equivalent to becoming the spokesperson of Azure Dragon in a short time.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, the same momentum will be burned to the extreme, without the help of Black Sword can face each other’s Longwei. He is not respectful, disrespectful, only believes in a tenacious heart, and when it is not flat, I am a sword!

“Dragon Emperor, are you not afraid of this sly?” He teased.

“Bold!” Dragon Emperor is going crazy, this is the ultimate form of Dragon Clan’s most Supreme, who is not worshipped in the world? Is this guy too fast to die? He screamed, the dragon screamed, the four fields were shocked, and even the mountains in the distance were a little short, as if they were afraid.

He shot with a claw, and the dragon claw of the hundred zhang immediately pressed against Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng has no fear, but wants to see how powerful this so-called dragon form is. He shouts and greets the sword.


In a loud reverberation, Dragon Emperor shot straight to the ground, and Zhou Heng disappeared.

– He was shot into the ground.

Dragon Emperor caught his claws, hey, Zhou Heng immediately broke through the ground, with a sacred golden light flashing, Black Sword is even darker, exudes a heart-rending cool glow.

“A little bit, come again!” Zhou Heng grinned a smile and spurred Black Sword!

Hey, Absolute Immortal City suddenly issued Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cheers, they naturally do not want to see Zhou Heng defeated, then no one can stop the Dragon Emperor from breaking the city! Moreover, they were searched by Zhou Heng for the many precious grasses, and they did not want these “investments” to be squandered.

In their minds, nature most hopes that Zhou Heng and Dragon Emperor perish together, then Immortal Realm is business as usual, no one can be above the rules.

Dragon Emperor coldly snorted, said: “The attack just now, this Emperor just used the power of **, did not use the power, but did not use the law, you still naively able to block this Emperor?”

“How did you know if you haven’t tried it?” Zhou Heng laughed heartily, his favorite challenge.

“That will let you completely die!” Dragon Emperor once again waved his paws toward Zhou Heng, a claw out, the cold wind whistling, to completely chill the thousands of miles.

He has the power of 99 Divine Idol, plus the burning blood essence, which has the power of some rules. After paying a great price, his power is not strong at this time, 50 Dharma Bright Immortal will be instantly Frozen!

Azure Dragon is water, purebred Dragon Clan is naturally the law of Water Element, but the Water Element rule is also endless, Dragon Emperor is the way to the ice, the shape is over, the ice is not even a blade of grass Grows!

Zhou Heng used the fire system rune to fight against the cold, Black Sword swayed, and launched a counterattack against the other side, Nebula Sword Art swayed, a piece of Star evolved, and formidable power surged numerous times under the blessing of Five Elements rune.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

One person and one dragon once again fought, but since Dragon Emperor paid the price of burning blood essence, the combat power naturally gained a horrible boost.

This is not in power, because Dragon Emperor has already reached the limit of Immortal Realm, and 99 Divine Idol is no longer able to do even a slight improvement, but he also has the law!

Star King is not qualified to touch the law – unless you have Heavenly Scripture, but after burning the blood essence, Dragon Emperor can temporarily use the law, which is the law of Divine Beast Azure Dragon!

Although it is only a part, although it is only temporary, it can let Dragon Emperor come into contact with the law in advance, which is of great benefit to his cultivation! Of course, this price is too big, he will drop the blood of True Dragon!


This part of the law turned into the power of the ice, even if the fire rune can not stop, a little bit of invasion of Zhou Heng’s body, so that his blood flow rate becomes slower, it also affects his spiritual surging, making Zhou Heng could have waved a move, but now it is slow.

At the beginning, there was nothing to slow down so little, but this chill is still expanding!

When Zhou Heng’s spiritual surging speed is slow to a certain extent, he will become like a dead man, but he has a strength but he does not know how to work. He will only be beaten and beaten until he is killed by alive!

Zhou Heng brows slightly wrinkle, this is not a way!

Purebred Dragon Clan is really hard to deal with!

Just burn what blood essence, you can increase your combat power, this is cheating!

How to do?

His mind turned to electricity.

“Stupid, you are now Bright Immortal. Don’t you know if you can use Heavenly Scripture?” Fire God’s Furnace sighed in Zhou Heng’s Dantian, a shame and Zhou Heng.


Zhou Heng suddenly realized that he could not sacrifice Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture or Chaos Heavenly Scripture, because his cultivation base is not enough. Artifact Spirit is not at all! But now?

He is already 7 Dharma Bright Immortal. It is common sense to fly Bright Realm. Can’t you run Heavenly Scripture?

For a long time, Zhou Heng has been accustomed to using Black Sword and his own fists, especially after the Five Elements rune Great Accomplishment, he is almost invincible, and need to borrow additional forces?

By the way, he also has a card, instead of relying on Hóng Yue and Huotian.

“Little Blood, give it to me!” Zhou Heng shouted.


With a sultry and high-spirited atmosphere, Chaos Heavenly Scripture emerged from Zhou Heng’s within the body, emitting a colorful divine light, inexplicably!

Heavenly Scripture represents the highest level in the world, and after the integration of One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures, it is essentially equivalent to upgrading the ranks of the world! The current Chaos Heavenly Scripture is actually not much different from the Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture owned by the Grand Singularity Cult Lord.

The most, it is inferior!

What is the existence of Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture?

Mastering the ability to run Bright Realm! Chaos Heavenly Scripture can compete with such a presence, can it be?

Any law that appears on Zhou Heng will emit golden rays of light, but Chaos Heavenly Scripture is just a treasure. It naturally has its own exclusive rays of light. This colorful rays of light truly represents Chaos Heavenly Scripture!

Divine glow, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering!

Chaos Heavenly Scripture has already recognized Zhou Heng as the main player, but he has not been qualified to make that’s all before. Now his strength has reached this level, just a thought, Chaos Heavenly Scripture will run the Five Elements rune autonomously, will Zhou Heng group to protect.

This is the most powerful defense of Immortal Realm!

Zhou Heng is not unable to run the Five Elements rune bodyguard, but it is too consuming, so he chose to use only a series of rune defense. But Chaos Heavenly Scripture is rich and imposing, completely unscrupulous.

In fact, the Five Elements rune from Chaos Heavenly Scripture is even more powerful for Zhou Heng!

Because Zhou Heng didn’t really understand the secret of rune, he just copied the Five Elements rune and then made it out. How can the copied things compare with the genuine?

Didn’t understand the found mystery of Five Elements rune, then you can only make a hard copy, you can’t really play this Heavenly Scripture’s formidable power!

This is the difference between a teacher who learns to get rich five cars and a freshman who just learned to write!

The latter only writes the shape of the word, but the former can engrave the word God!

Chaos Heavenly Scripture runs automatically and goes against the Dragon Emperor. The five-color divine light is like the Opening Heaven Dividing Earth.

“What!” Dragon Emperor was shocked. Why didn’t he think that Zhou Heng had sacrificed this baby, the combat power would improve that many!

Heavenly Scripture !

This is the Great Accomplishment Heavenly Scripture that blends all of Immortal Realm’s Heavenly Scripture and is comparable to Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture!

Sure enough!

After the horror of Dragon Emperor, the greed in my heart suddenly burned like a flame. He only knew that the Great Accomplishment Heavenly Scripture that Zhou Heng had in his hands was precious, but he didn’t put it at the same level as Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture, but now he found himself wrong.

In fact, Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture doesn’t know which corner of Immortal Realm!

Although the clues he got were combined to analyze that this Heavenly Scripture should be in the 49 Immortal Cities, it was not an easy task to find.

But in front of it, there is a ready-made Heavenly Scripture that is only a little bit weak, or maybe not weak at all!

If this is not taken, it will be destroyed!

Dragon Emperor laughed heartily, this Heavenly Scripture is his!

At all costs, you must win the hand!

“Zhou Heng, this Heavenly Scripture this Emperor is coming!” Dragon Emperor waved the giant claw to Zhou Heng, the wind snarls, 10000 Li Ice Seal.

Hey, Chaos Heavenly Scripture circulates with colorful divine light and greets the Dragon Emperor.

Zhou Heng is not idle, Black Sword dances, he goes all out – Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill has been consumed almost, he did not fight the cost of a long-term battle, must kill Dragon Emperor as soon as possible, or put him Forced back to Bright Realm!

The war is coming back! (To be continued.)

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