Whether it is Zhou Heng or Dragon Emperor, they are looking forward to victory!

They all have the temperament of being King, and they tend to attack rather than defend in combat! Their belief is to destroy the opponent with a torrent-like attack that never stops, instead of using a defensive posture to glimpse the opponent’s flaws and then launch a counterattack. .

As a result, the battle becomes dangerous!

It’s not that they have given up on defense, but instead put more power on the offensive end.

This has been effective, and their offense has made the other side scarred!

Zhou Heng’s body has a piece of ice, the flesh and blood under the ice is completely necrotic, and the Dragon Emperor is not much better, and it is bloody by Black Sword! With the horrible destructive power of Black Sword, unless the wound is removed, the wound is impossible to heal, and it will flow to the end!

Immortal Rank is that only one drop of blood can be recovered, but the premise still needs a drop of blood. If it flows to dry, it really has to hang!

– The wounds destroyed by Black Sword, the blood that has flowed out is also annihilated by all vitality, equal to waste blood!

After more than a hundred strokes, one person and one dragon each retired after the hund zhang or so, they simply handled the wounds on their bodies, cut off the necrotic flesh and blood, or cut off the bleeding wounds completely.

They actually became a tie again!

Dragon Emperor is very anxious, burning a drop of blood essence can not support him to play this time for too long, and once he loses the ability to run the law, how to fight against Zhou Heng? Either retreat or burn a drop of blood essence!

The former he did not consider, for the sake of the lower bound, he has already paid too much price – look at a treasure in his body did not know, all out to exchange this lower bound!

Going back is easy, it’s too difficult. If it’s not a certain death situation, he will never return to Bright Realm.

But he has a hundred drops of blood essence, and burning more drops will make his bloodline purity fall! The heaviest of Divine Beast’s descendants is the purity of the bloodline. If he loses two drops of True Dragon’s blood, or more, he will be despised in the bones after returning to Dragon Clan!

– The noble Dragon Clan actually has to burn his blood essence to save his life or achieve his goal. Isn’t that losing Ancestor’s face?

Moreover, losing a drop of blood essence will make his ranking in Dragon Clan drop, and losing two drops is unimaginable!

When I think that the person who is usually stepping on his feet can reach his head in the future, Dragon Emperor has the urge to kill, which is simply a shame!

It has already burned a drop of blood essence. If he gives up and gets nothing, is he not even more reluctant?

He shouted, and the dragon screamed and madly attacked Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng is also very anxious.

His Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill has been exhausted, and the spiritual power of the body is not enough to support his battle. Fortunately, Chaos Heavenly Scripture does not require him to consume the power to run, just communicate Artifact Spirit with God.

This at least gives him full self-protection ability!

If so, why not be crazy?

Zhou Heng’s eyes in the eyes of Guangyao move, and then dragged on him to remain unbeaten at first, and can not beat Dragon Emperor. And he has a trick to kill… Soaring Heaven Nine Forms!

One hit to solve the battle!

Got it!

Even if he can’t kill the Dragon Emperor, he will be exhausted in the weakest state, but Chaos Heavenly Scripture can protect himself by running, no need to worry about being killed by Dragon Emperor!

He will definitely exhaust his work. This is a matter of time. Why don’t you take a chance when you are still completely at power?

However, you have to find the best offensive opportunity.

Dragon Emperor’s anxiety just gave Zhou Heng the opportunity to focus more on the offense, which means the defense is weakened!

Zhou Heng’s eyes are sharp, his bottoming idea is to push Dragon Emperor back to Bright Realm, but now he wants to kill this opponent with a sword, never stop!

Any success is a price!

He took a deep breath, slammed Chaos Heavenly Scripture, completely removed the defense, and went all out to the Dragon Emperor.

Is this a dead battle?

Dragon Emperor sneered, the other person is impatient? Is it going to be exhausted? Then come and fight!

Abandoning defense means that the attack is more aggressive and more dangerous!

If he chooses to defend, then the scene will be dominated by Zhou Heng, and the battle will be deadlocked. But if he also chooses to attack, then although the danger is dangerous, it will also let the battle break out as soon as possible.

Is he dignified Dragon Clan Tianjiao will be afraid of a small person in the lower bound?

Dragon Clan’s pride does not allow him to retreat, not to mention that he does not want to consume the blood essence again, this kind of defense against the attack is exactly what he wants!

Then come to war!

Dragon Emperor roared, and the dragon screamed and trembled. He shot with his claws, each condensing a huge ice hockey and slamming toward Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng’s figure was turned into two people, one with a Chaos Heavenly Scripture, a colorful flow, and the other with a bare hand from the oblique side to the Dragon Emperor.

One real body, one is Divine Idol!

Which one is true?

Dragon Emperor is unlikely to spread the attack, which does not achieve the effect of a critical strike, he must make a choice!

Time is only a short moment, he can not figure out the true intention of Zhou Heng, but in his opinion, it is naturally the threat of Chaos Heavenly Scripture. After one thought, he will put his claws against the Zhou who holds Chaos Heavenly Scripture. Heng took the past.


A loud reverberation, the brilliance of the Dragon Emperor’s two claws, was born into a myriad of fragments, and the colorful divine light of the Zhou Heng body was completely broken, and the dragon claws photographed Zhou Heng.

After this confrontation, the destructive power of both sides was extremely weakened.


But when the dragon claws were photographed, Zhou Heng was shot into flesh and blood without any suspense, and the residue was flying!

Dragon Emperor is a hi, then a glimpse, finally shocked!

He was naturally happy when he shot his opponent, but he immediately reacted. This is definitely a Divine Idol of Zhou Heng, so it can be disabled to withstand a single blow! But why does Zhou Heng have to hand over the treasures of Chaos Heavenly Scripture to Divine Idol to run, isn’t this putting the real body in a dangerous situation?

There must be a big plot!

Without Chaos Heavenly Scripture, what kind of combat power can the other party run? He did not have to deal with Zhou Heng. After such a long time, his attack on Zhou Heng is already well known!

At the cost of a Divine Idol, in exchange for a blow to him, hurting and hurting, it looks arrogant, courageous, but actually stupid, a Divine Idol can be “valued” more than a sword It is.

Hey, this kid is also in a hurry!

Dragon Emperor stretched out a dragon claw and grabbed it to Chaos Heavenly Scripture. This is the best chance to win. Just get Chaos Heavenly Scripture, even if this Heavenly Scripture doesn’t recognize him, it also greatly weakens Zhou. Heng’s fighting power!

How can Zhou Heng himself be able to counter the superposition of his power and the power of law?

This kid is at the dead end!

Zhou Heng has a physical shape, and there is no other thought in his heart. Hey, Black Sword is offering, his mind is united, and the sword of Soaring Heaven Nine Forms is flowing.

The highest level is that the Five Elements rune can’t be compared!

Sword out!

Black sword qi Vertical and horizontal, the whole world is suddenly dark, no light and no moon!


Dragon Emperor has no time to exclaim, Black Sword hits!

He did not expect that this sword was so fierce, so overbearing, so brilliant!

The other party sacrificed a Divine Idol, and even gave up the Chaos Heavenly Scripture for the time being, in exchange for this sword!

If he is not greedy and does not have the claw to capture Chaos Heavenly Scripture, then there must be defense, but now? Must eat hard!

Good boy, it’s really a strong man’s broken wrist, too fruitful!

Dragon Emperor secretly stunned, this decisive heart surnamed terrifying, he must not let Zhou Heng grow, this kid will go to Bright Realm, then it will become a big trouble! Even if he burns ten or even twenty drops of blood essence, he must kill this kid!

How about eating a sword, he has not been scratched!

Brush, a sword, Nine Heavens, black sword shadow across the sky!


Dragon Emperor’s chest suddenly burst into a blood, his dragon-shaped face was still shocked with unbelievable!

His defense, his powerful dragon body, this time actually failed to block Zhou Heng’s sword!

All he had suffered before was a flesh wound, because after burning the blood essence, his body was tenacious, even if the Five Elements rune plus Black Sword could only smash his skin and let him bleed.

But now, the horrible sword actually pierced his body!

Pierced his heart!

His vitality is rapidly losing, his mind is becoming bleak, and the sea is dark!

He is going to die!

Dragon Emperor struggled to realize this, but he was unable to make any further moves. Even turning the single thought head was extremely difficult. Everything was blurred, leaving only a lonely silhouette standing in the sky. .

He was actually killed by a scorpion ant in the lower bounds!

Dignified Dragon Clan’s direct bloodline, destined to have a big genius after the smashing, even if there is no chance to escape to Bright Realm, then humiliated to die in the lower bound!

Death is not eye-catching!

But then, the atmosphere of the Dragon Emperor was severely cut off, and his body turned into an azure Sky Dragon with only ten zhang long, and suddenly fell from the sky.

Zhou Heng also began to fall, flying requires spiritual power, even if he has the brute force of Sublimation Boundary. His right hand moves, has been the Dragon Emperor’s body into the space instrument, this is a True Dragon, item of great nourishment!


He landed heavily, and the ground forcibly pulled out a deep pit. Hey, Chaos Heavenly Scripture automatically flew back and plunged from Zhou Heng’s chest.

Dragon, Dragon Emperor is dead!

The Nine Heavenly Generals in the fierce battle are all insane, this is something they never thought of! They also dreamed of being taken to Bright Realm by Dragon Emperor and rushing to Star Boundary with Bright Realm resources, but in the blink of an eye, the powerful and invincible Dragon Emperor would die in the hands of Immortal Realm. in!

Unbelievable! Can’t imagine! Unacceptable!

Nine Heavenly Generals are like prepare for there funeral, but the five Dragon Sovereign will be able to stop, but attack even more!

This dragon was killed by Zhou Heng, can they not make a difference? (To be continued.)

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