Snacks are definitely broken by the black cockroaches!

The so-called Zhu Zhe Chi, the near-inker black, the snack goods were taken by the black scorpion for a while, surely that the school was broken at that time!

“Why are you looking at this Eminence?” The black scorpion was eating it, and everyone saw it, but he couldn’t help but look at it, but it immediately made a slap in the face. “You have all come to this Eminence.” what!”


All the girls are scolding, this shameless shameless, it is absolutely unacceptable to give it a three-point color. .

“I didn’t expect that, what a lovely kid was the snack food!”

“Now it’s not cute!”

“I blame that head!”

The black cock turned his eyes and continued to eat. He said, “You like it so much. Why don’t you find Zhou Boy?”

Listening to this one, I said that not only the eyes of the women became sad, but even Zhou Dinghai and Zhao Kexin looked at Zhou Heng. The sons are so promising. They have no good expectations. That is, there is no grandson yet!

Zhou Heng suddenly became cold, not that he didn’t want to be born, but the higher the realm of Warrior, the more difficult it is to give birth. Otherwise, how many offspring can I have with a long life essence of Immortal?

“Hahaha, this Eminence is a few secret recipes, you can make a big fat son!” Fire God’s Furnace also made a lot of fun, “As long as ten fires, how about, is this transaction worthwhile?”

Zhou Heng turned a blind eye, what is urgency? He is only in his thirties, and he is now at the stage of the life essence of 300,000. At least, the thousand years belong to the stage of “enrichment and strength”!

If you have such a long time to work, you will not be able to bear fruit?

He does not believe it!

“The stove, you can be considered profiting from somebody’s misfortune, believe it or not, I will throw you into the Wannian Glacier, let you enjoy it?” He was facing Fire God’s Furnace said with a sneer.

“Hehehe, make a joke, why bother with it, who is the one who is with whom!” Fire God’s Furnace quickly started haha, if it gave birth, it must be a back-to-back, a pair The appearance of a dog friend.

They talked in the sky, and the bottom was playing more intensely.

Jǐng Tian was unaware of how much scum was sprayed on the face. Naturally, the anger reached the extreme. After a touch of his face, Barbarian God Clan’s bloodline was spurred to the extreme, and the azure’s brilliance flowed, and there was a god who would descend.

The snack goods are not afraid. In fact, he has mastered the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step and is in an invincible position. He can make the opponent attack harder. He can move away instantly with a single click.

With his current Divine Transformation Boundary’s spiritual cultivation base enough to support his tumultuous shift, and not a long-distance journey, he can only run the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step for up to five minutes.

After more than an hour of fighting, Jǐng Tian finally showed his lack of support.

He can’t inspire Barbarian God Clan’s bloodline indefinitely. After all, Barbarian God Clan is the existence of Immortal Realm. He is just Divine Transformation Boundary. Even the ultimate of Mortal Realm has not been reached, and how can it remain in this state. .

When his body shape changed back to its original size, the power naturally fell, and the snack goods immediately seized the opportunity to launch a mad attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A three-shot, Jǐng Tian chest suddenly hit a three-box, squirting a blood spurt out, his face pale, and there is an unacceptable loss.

Losing to Zhou Heng is no problem, the guy is a tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years to get a freak, but he actually lost to Zhou Heng’s discipline!

How can this be?

Should he live in the shadow of Zhou Heng for the rest of his life?

“The farce is enough!” in the coldly snorted, xiu xiu xiu, seven powerful Warrior appearing to tear this space, everyone’s body is steaming like a flame-like momentum, terrifying matchless.


However, it is only 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal. 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is more severely rejected by the world, and the arrogance is much higher.

“It’s all from one place, but it’s a shame to fight each other!” A Quasi-Immortal coldly said.

“Zhao Duotian, since you decided not to hide, are you going to hand over the secret?” Another Quasi-Immortal said, there was a look of hope on his face.

They naturally don’t believe that Zhao Duotian is an idiot, and they don’t believe that he is advertising the world to fight for them! But Zhao Duotian wants to open, and use that secret in exchange for the safety of Zhao Family.

In fact, the seven Quasi-Immortal are not interested in ruling Dragonriver Continent. They will one day fly up to Immortal Realm, and they will find ways to fly with the family owners, so Mortal Realm will create another big family business. What is the use?

They are very willing to make such an exchange!

Take a look at Zhao Duotian. In just five years, I rushed to the Divine Transformation Boundary from the Forming Embryo Boundary. There is no big secret in it, the ghosts won’t believe it?

Oh, no, this guy has entered the Quasi-Immortal!

He must have mastered the big secret!

The eyes of the seven major Quasi-Immortal can’t help but become more hot. Divine Transformation Boundary’s previous “big secrets” may not care much, but if they can work on the Quasi-Immortal level, can they not be moved?

Zhao Duotian stepped forward and said: “You want to be willing to go out with your unrespected people for your own selfish desires, but you are holding some strengths that’s all. Today, I will let you know that your strength is not enough. !”

“haha, Hahahaha!” The seven major Quasi-Immortal are laughing.

Zhao Duotian’s promotion to Quasi-Immortal is soaring, but he has just broken through, and only one person, how can he resist the seven old Quasi-Immortal? Moreover, three of them have already stepped into the 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal with one foot, and the strength is extremely strong!

Indeed, what about Zhao Duotian innate talent? He has only one person, how can he resist the seven old Quasi-Immortal?

This is doomed to be a failure!

There are a lot of people talking, but they don’t care who wins and who wins in the end. As long as they are enjoyable, they can be talked about. For example, when talking about this service, you can proudly say that Laozi has seen the clouds and has more face.

People, living is not for a face!

Zhao Duotian laughed heartily, he is now full of enthusiasm, need to fear a few Quasi-Immortal in this area.


Just then, a horrible atmosphere rolled over and instantly suppressed everyone!

2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal !

2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is driving!

I don’t have to see people at all. It’s just that this momentum is enough to explain everything.

Everyone’s gaze immediately looked in the direction of the momentum, the crowd automatically separated, and a wide and long passage came out.

The powerhouse’s appearance is not the same!

An old man walks slowly from afar and has a path of visible flames. He is too strong to push the limits of Mortal Realm, because the body has been rejected by the Great Dao of World. This kind of arrogance comes.

No one knows who this old man is – except Zhou Heng.

This old man is the Liǔ Family Old Ancestor he had met from Immortal Realm before, and he gave him a medicine pill.

What is he doing?

Liǔ Family Old Ancestor walked all the way, everyone is not respectful, this is an 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, the strength of the audience, who dare not respect?

Soon, he came to the center of the venue, forming a triangle with Zhao Duotian and the seven 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal.

“I have seen Senior!” The seven 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal bowed at the same time. Warrior, regardless of age or qualification, only sees who has high realm and strong combat power.

People are 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, you are 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal, don’t look bad, but the difference is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Zhao Duotian didn’t move. If the other party is an enemy, why does he need to bow?

Today is to reinvigorate the Zhao Family, he can’t confess to anyone!

And there is Zhou Heng, he doesn’t need it anymore!

“old man is from Tianjun Star Liǔ Family, and I am here to do something special!” Liǔ Family Old Ancestor is full of smiles.

After Zhou Heng left, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he was. How can he put such a big, thick leg and not hold it? Especially this thick leg is especially generous!

Therefore, he immediately followed the Star Gate and went all the way to Dragonriver Continent.

Although he still doesn’t know the name of Zhou Heng, he can also guess 7788 based on the recent major event. This Shangxian is Zhou Heng, the genius of Immortal Realm who flew five years ago, and has the title of “King of Destruction”!

In this case, his next choice becomes simple, and only needs to support Zhao Family unconditionally.

He didn’t show up too early, because good steel is of course used on the blade. He didn’t have shock value when he appeared too early. Now, the seven 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal are forced together, and the Zhao Family is obviously impossible to resist. It is when he is working hard!

As a result, Liǔ Family Old Ancestor made its own momentum and came to a debut.

In the sky, Zhou Heng couldn’t help but laugh, saying: “This old man has a heart!”

“Football!” The girls are very contemptuous.

Zhou Heng laughs, he naturally knows what Liǔ Family Old Ancestor is, but he is not too stupid, although the low-end Immortal Pill is worthless to him, but he will not squander.

Underneath, Liǔ Family Old Ancestor is extremely majestic. In fact, it is true. He is also in the Liǔ Family and in Tianjun Star. There are only a few 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal on a planet.

Under his momentum, most people are shiver coldly, only half a step of Immortal Rank can barely stand.

Tianjun Star ? Where is that?

But no matter where the Tianjun Star is, Liǔ Family Old Ancestor is the authentic 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal. Why should he run for a special trip?

and many more!

The strength of Zhao Family is obviously weaker than that of the seven major Quasi-Immortal. However, Zhao Duotian seems to have been kicked by the brain. He dared to invite the people from all over the world to observe the Zhao Family. It is this 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is his Card? His dependence?

Yes, an 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal can easily suppress ten 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal. With this main pressure, what’s the fear?

Everyone felt that they were very clever, and they immediately thought about the straightforwardness of things.

“Senior, are you going to give Zhao Family a head start?” said a Quasi-Immortal, although the words are respectful, but there is a threat in the tone. (To be continued.)

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