Liǔ Family Old Ancestor couldn’t help but be angry. He is 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal!

In Mortal Realm, 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is the biggest, 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal 10% is about to fly to Immortal Realm, because the breath of the moment just breaking through can not be suppressed, and will be rejected in an instant!

Since Mortal Realm is the biggest, why does 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal threaten him?

Don’t look at 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal has only experienced 1 Tribulation more than 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal, but it can’t be compared with one another. It’s like playing with ten!

1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal Dare to talk to him, this is disrespectful!

“Are you threatening the old man?” Liǔ Family Old Ancestor took his eyes and sighed. .

– He respects Zhou Heng, because Zhou Heng is “Upper”, this is the low-level Warrior awe of the high-end Warrior instinct! But whoever thinks that Liǔ Family Old Ancestor is a good talker, even a good old man, is a big mistake!

He is a tiger, King of Hundred Beasts, can the tiger buttocks touch?

Before the Quasi-Immortal couldn’t help but the 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal’s momentum was so oppressive that he couldn’t stand it and had to run the defense to defend. However, he did not have much fear. He said, “Senior, I also advise you to think twice before you go. Some of them can be ruined!”

“impudent!” Liǔ Family Old Ancestor shouted, the sound is thunderous, the half-step Immortal is shaken to death, and the half-step Immortal is not good, only the ear hong long long, uncomfortable.

“This old man, the old saying is reasonable, not so high, why bother to pull such a big trick?” Just then, a faint voice sounded, the voice is not high, but it is sharp and sharp, forcibly will stun those The man woke up again.

But this voice is too ugly. Many people woke up and suddenly spurted out of blood, so they went back and forth to toss. They all looked pale and white, just like a big illness.

This is natural, what horrible lethality does the Quasi-Immortal attack have? It is a little bit of power that is not enough for the Warrior under the Immortal.

If you want to watch a movie, you have to be mentally prepared to buy a movie ticket. Of course, this price is too big!

“Who is you?” Liǔ Family Old Ancestor’s expression became cautious, and the strength of the other party was not inferior to him, but an 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal!

No wonder these seven 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal are not awesome to him. They still have strong support!

Unfortunately, is it stronger than the powerhouse of Immortal Realm?

“old man lived too long, no name is remembered, but the old man has a nickname, known as…Blood Scorpion!” A short old man appeared quietly, wearing a green robe Five short stature, full of white hair, or a hunchback, at first glance is a Messy Old Man.

If you look at it again, you will find that the old man has an incomparable Qi of Evil!

“Blood Scorpion?” Liǔ Family Old Ancestor was slightly scorned, but after a moment, he immediately glanced at him, “It’s you! Blood Scorpion that kills Sky Wolf Star!”


Killing a planet? What is this concept? How is this cruel?

Not only do you need the ability to be horrible, but you must have enough fierce and cruel hearts. Otherwise, this kind of thing that kills a planet is not even imaginable!

“ga ga 嘎, the original old man has a reputation!” Blood Scorpion blame said with a smile.

This is not a bit of fame, but a fierce name!

Everyone is absolute silence, this Blood Scorpion is too fierce, he does not need a reason to kill, want to kill and kill! Who would have provoked the Lord to be unhappy, and he was mad at the death of Dragonriver Continent?

Liǔ Family Old Ancestor has a subtle expression, this is no less than his powerhouse, he is absolutely not able to care! Moreover, Zhao Family is only an 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal, a Divine Transformation Boundary. The opposite power is known as 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal and seven 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal. The strength of both sides is not in a grade!

Fortunately, he believes that Zhou Heng must be sitting in the dark, or how would Zhao Family make such a suicide-like move?

There is a squadron, nothing to fear!

“Brother Liǔ, sell old man face, don’t you intervene?” Blood Scorpion blame said with a smile.

“Brother Blood Scorpion, why don’t you sell old man face, don’t intervene?” Liǔ Family Old Ancestor is an army.

Blood Scorpion complexion sank, two black gas spurted out of his nostrils, and drilled into his ears, it looked very strange. There are very few people in this world who dare not give him face. Especially after he slaughtered the Sky Wolf Star, even the same 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal must be afraid of him for three points. Kill it!

“Brother Liǔ, are you not afraid of old man going to Tianjun Star to kill it?” He blamed said with a smile.

Liǔ Family Old Ancestor is a black face, this is really a big threat!

This Blood Scorpion is not only powerful, but also has no lower limit for shameless!

Zhou Heng is Immortal. If you want to be in Immortal Realm, he can kill Blood Scorpion a hundred times with one hand! But this is Mortal Realm. He can’t bring these forces to Mortal Realm again in Immortal Realm.

At most, the power of 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal Rank, and always pay attention, otherwise it will be rejected by Mortal Realm’s Great Dao of World.

Such a presence, to defeat 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is certainly not difficult, but it can be said that it is possible to kill 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, which is almost impossible. After all, no matter how many times, Quasi-Immortal, it is Quasi-Immortal, the weak side wants to run is not a problem.

Zhou Heng certainly can’t stay in Mortal Realm all the time, and once he returns to Immortal Realm, how can he still manage Blood Scorpion?

At that time, Blood Scorpion ran to Tianjun Star to kill him. Who else would be spared besides him?

He is not a lonely one! Liǔ Family is a big family!

Liǔ Family Old Ancestor couldn’t help but make a hard time. He really wanted to hold Zhou Heng’s thick legs, but if he wanted to take the whole family up, he would have to think twice.

“Brother Liǔ, how do you say that?” Blood Scorpion said on the side of the yin side.

Liǔ Family Old Ancestor didn’t talk, but the body couldn’t help but move to the side—who met Blood Scorpion, a person who did things without rules and shameless skin, and he seemed to have only chosen to give way.

Blood Scorpion is proud of it, but it does not win the pursuit, and it is cheaper in verbal. After all, the opponent is also 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, and it will cause adverse effects. He looked at Zhao Duotian and said, “Primary, what else do you rely on?”

“More!” Zhao Duotian indifferently said.

This is not a boast, except for Zhou Heng, which of the women is not Immortal? Just pull out and you can kill 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal hundreds of times!

“Oh, then call it out!” Blood Scorpion is not anxious, since the person is already in front of him, he is not in a hurry to shoot.

He did not know how many times he killed the murder. It was just a matter of killing people. He now enjoys tormenting his opponents and letting the other party completely lose hope of life.

“this Eminence is here!”

“And this King!”

The Blazing Flame Monster Venerate and Sea Clan Dragon King drops from the sky have released the 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal.

They are all the existence of Profound Qian Star outstanding. After coming to the relatively rich place of World’s Spiritual Qi, they made a leap-breaking breakthrough in a short time!

The so-called thick product and thin hair, it is this truth!

“ga ga 嘎, but three 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal, old man can only suppress, and want to pull out what kind of splash?” Blood Scorpion smirk, “old man’s favorite thing to do is to make people completely desperate. !”

“Three brothers, come out, it is time to launch the final blow!” he said. .

Xiu xiu xiu, the voice fell, the scene suddenly added three different styles, different styles of the old man, which has only one Human Clan, the other two have an eagle wing, the other has a wolf head.

They are not filled with a powerful flame, everyone’s breath is not weaker than Blood Scorpion, they are the existence of 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal!

Four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal!

“Well, this Zhao Family is really finished!”

“Yeah, I thought they invited a 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal to sweep invincible. I didn’t expect the other party to have four!”

“It is estimated that they are not coming out, but the four people came running by themselves!”

“Yes, this secret that can become stronger, of course, the less people know the better!”

“There is nothing for us, and who is in his hands!”

Four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, naturally no one is optimistic about Zhao Family, this force swept the entire Dragonriver Continent!

In fact, since the Dragonriver Continent was cleaned five years ago, even the Creation Emperor is hard to find, let alone four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, one light is enough to suppress the world!

Therefore, the appearance of Liǔ Family Old Ancestor will cause such a big sensation, but this time the Blood Scorpion has actually sent four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, which is naturally more invincible.

“ga ga 嘎, junior, trembled?” Blood Scorpion blame said with a smile.

The other three 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal are all slightly disdainful. They don’t have the quirks like Blood Scorpion. They have to “tweak” before killing. The only way to avoid dignity in Blood Scorpion is not only Liǔ Family Old Ancestor, but they are also the same!

No one wants to anger this old pervert, causing trouble for the family.

“2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is really powerful!” Zhao Duotian is realistic and honest. “I have no problem with one, two are stubborn, three are defeated, four are… there is no life!”

“Great tone!” Not only did Blood Scorpion show his anger, but the other three 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal.

What does this guy think of 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal? Still single-handedly no problem, do two reluctance!


Between Warrior, the level is strict!

“Zhou Heng, let’s go, big fish should all appear!” Zhao Duotian said to the sky.

It’s your turn to appear!

Zhou Heng laughed, his body flashed, and it was already around Zhao Duotian.

“Well? Do you want to rely on this hairy boy to turn over?” Blood Scorpion suddenly laughed.

“Seeing the fairy!” Liǔ Family Old Ancestor quickly greeted him and went to the end.

what’s the situation!

Is this old guy not 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal? How can you face a small young man without paying attention to your face?

For a while, the audience was stunned and everyone was blind! (To be continued.)

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