On the fairy? Immortal?

Is this young people Immortal? Impossible, so young is Immortal? What makes them so hard to cultivate hundreds of thousands of years?

Liǔ Family Old Ancestor is absolutely impossible to lose heart, go to a person who is weaker than him! This is in front of millions of people, the news spread, even if Tianjun Star is far away, it will definitely make his face empty!

So, is this young people really Immortal?

Hey, is he a child of the big family of Immortal Realm, otherwise how could he become Immortal so young?

Everyone looked toward towards Zhou Heng’s eyes are full of envy, who does not want to exchange his position? This is an 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, and it’s a dead cow!


“Zhou Heng !”

Snacks, Blazing Flame Monster Venerate and Sea Clan Dragon King greeted Zhou Heng. .

Master ? Zhou Heng ?

This is… King of Destruction that killed Dragonriver Continent five years ago!

It turned out to be him! It turns out that this is the card of Zhao Family! It turned out that Zhou Heng was back from Immortal Realm!

As Zhou Heng’s identity was revealed, everything became logical. No wonder Liǔ Family Old Ancestor wants to stumble to Zhou Heng, people are indeed Immortal! And Zhou Heng will help Zhao Family to be right, people are relatives!

Hehe, but now it’s fun, one side is Immortal, one side is four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, and the other is 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal. Which side can win?

Zhou Heng party?

Not necessarily!

Immortal is strong in Immortal Realm, but here is Mortal Realm, and Immortal is also suppressed to the level of 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal. Can 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal win? Not necessarily, once the 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is put together, there is a great possibility that Immortal will explode more than 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal.

Then fly directly to Immortal Realm, it’s over!

This can be thought of even by the average person, not to mention the four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal! They were shocked first, then calmed down immediately, and Immortal was not a good deal, but it was not absolutely impossible to fight.

“Your kid is Zhou Heng?” Blood Scorpion looked at Zhou Heng coldly.

Since you have already torn your face and become an enemy, why bother with Zhou Heng? At Immortal Realm, they are naturally suppressed by the other side, but here is Mortal Realm, Immortal is equivalent to 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal – even worse than some powerful 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal!

The four of them joined forces to kill or win Zhou Heng. I don’t think about it, but it’s quite possible to force the other party to fly!

When the other party is so young, it becomes Immortal. It must have mastered some powerful cultivation technique, and now this cultivation technique must be passed to Zhao Duotian. Otherwise, how could Zhao Duotian jump from Forming Embryo Boundary in just five years? For 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal?

First push Zhou Heng back to Immortal Realm, then take Zhao Duotian and take the cultivation technique!

Blood Scorpion After seeing each other, the four people didn’t have to exchange ideas. They saw the same decision directly from the eyes of the other three people.


The four people also sang at the same time, and they launched the strongest attack and rushed toward Zhou Heng.

Be sure to push Zhou Heng for the first time!

The four people showed their full strength, and the four brilliances of different colors flowed behind them. In Mortal Realm, 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal was so powerful, but their attack was already in the blink of an eye.

For Zhou Heng, this kind of attack is not painful even if you don’t hide it and hit it all on him! How powerful is his physique? That is the equivalent of Sublimation Boundary!

But he does not need these four people to test his strength!

He has a right hand, a golden light that circulates and confines the four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal.

In the horror of the eyes, the four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal held the action like a puppet, but it was strangely not falling from the sky, as if losing gravity, can float in the air.

What’s happening here?

Everyone knows that Immortal is powerful and has the power above this world! Mortal Realm has Mortal Realm’s Great Dao of World, otherwise Mortal Realm hasn’t long been smashed by Immortal?

2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal should have represented Mortal Realm’s top-notch combat power, even if it is not as strong as Immortal is suppressed to the power of 3 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, it should never be so one-sided!

Hey, King of Destruction! It’s a King of Destruction!

For a time, everyone looked away towards Zhou Heng’s eyes full of awe.

They don’t know that Immortal has to be divided into Moonbright Boundary, Sunshine Boundary, Sublimation Boundary, even the Creation Emperor and the extreme power of 99 Divine Idol. I don’t understand what Zhou Heng has for 27 Divine Idols!

Can not be afraid of not knowing the goods, as long as there is a comparison!

The four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, of course, the 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal can not cross the planet, rule a planet? But now? Four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is like a fish!

The strength of the King of Destruction… strong against the sky!

Everyone looks at towards Zhou Heng’s eyes are both awe and incomparable, this is called a real powerhouse, only to suppress 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, invincible Yu Tian!

“Senior, forgive!”

“Upper immortal, is an old man, confused, bewildered, please ask for forgiveness!”

“old man is willing to pay all the price to eliminate the anger of the immortal and compensate Zhao’s loss!”

The four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, while unable to move the body, did not prevent them from speaking, and each and everyone was asking for it.

No way, this must be hard to fight!

Their strength gap with Zhou Heng is as far as heaven and earth, and it is desperate!

Anti-positive Immortal is not how to lose face, who would expect 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal to press Immortal?

I have to say that the cultivation base is high and the skin is thicker.

Zhou Heng is expressionless. Even if he doesn’t use terrifying power and doesn’t use Five Elements rune, it’s enough to make thousands of times more Dantian space than the usual Heavenly Venerate in Divine Transformation Boundary. He swept 99% of Quasi-Immortal!

No matter which realm he suppresses his cultivation base, he will always be King in this realm!

His foundation is more solid than anyone else, so with Realm, he can sweep everything!

“Do you know what is wrong?” he indifferently said.

“We know it is wrong!” The four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal are nodded, can you know if you are wrong? Zhao Family has Immortal sitting, and this Immortal can also sweep invincible in Mortal Realm, knowing that, killing them will not come!

“When you know the mistake!” Zhou Heng lightly smiled, just when other people thought he was going to put four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, he was right hand tight, pā pā pā 啪, the four 2 Tribulations Quasi -Immortal is all in order for blood rain!

Relatives, is his reverse scale, the touch of the dead!

The blood of the sky is flying, and the power of 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal is swaying, and everyone is dull.

Four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal standing at Mortal Realm Peak hangs like this?

Death is so silent, so insignificant!

Wipe off the four 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, it’s as easy as stepping on four ants!

“Master, it’s a pity that you pinch them!” The snacks licked their lips. “There are two heads but Monster Beast, which is delicious for cooking!”


Everyone is shaking in the heart, but 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal, this guy actually wants to eat! Damn, it’s a good food!

“The human form is not allowed to eat!” Zhou Heng indifferently said.

“Oh!” The snacks immediately became dejected.

“The top is forgiving!” The other seven 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal had four squats, and the other three were pale and fled in different directions. Their bile has been scared out, too embarrassing, not only to kill 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal such as pinching dead ants, but also a cold food, toothpaste!

Zhou Heng casually pointed, 啪, 啪, 啪, the three escaped 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal suddenly turned into blood rain, their strength and breath suddenly wandered in the air in a disorderly manner, it will disappear completely after a long time .

The remaining four 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal squatted on the ground, and the body trembled like a candle in the wind, showing a pitiful.

Unfortunately, no one sympathizes with them.

– You kill someone else’s door, but because the strength is not as good as someone else’s turn, does this need to be pitiful?

Poor ghost!

“Zhou Heng, these four people will be handed over to me!” Zhao Duotian fighting intent said, he just entered the 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal, is trying to find an opponent to do a good job. Unfortunately, Zhou Heng is too strong, and it is purely to find out what to do with this outside. Now the opportunity is coming.

“Well!” Zhou Heng took back the momentum. He didn’t care if this would be swollen by the four 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal. This smashed up the parents, and Zhou Heng is still angry and very happy to see it. Someone will put Zhao Duotian on the stop, as long as you don’t die.

Zhao Duotian shouted and rushed toward the four 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal, waving his hands and waving thousands of brilliance.

They were all killed on the door, and the four Quasi-Immortal had to be shot.

In the beginning, they still want to cope with a few tricks, pretending to be overwhelmed by Zhao Duotian, satisfying each other’s vanity, and maybe they can get a surname. But after a few strokes, they feel that something is wrong!

Zhao Duotian’s fighting power is too strong! Powerful to them, even if they go all out, they are stretched!

They suddenly remembered that Zhao Duotian had said that he could win the 2 Tribulations Quasi-Immortal! At that time they all thought that Zhao Duotian was bragging, but now it seems that this guy is really a enchanting!

The four people joined hands and were completely suppressed by Zhao Duotian. There was no decent revolt!

They want to escape!

It stands to reason that if Divine Transformation Boundary Heavenly Venerate wants to run, no one can stop it. Quasi-Immortal is even stronger, so you don’t have to worry about survival. Zhou Heng can be on the side, although he did not help Zhao Duotian, who wants to escape the battle group? no way!

Can’t escape can only fight!

Have to say, no matter which 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal, can be cultivated into this realm is definitely not a memorable! The fighting power of these four people is quite impressive. If they fight for their lives, the fighting power will be even more fierce.

Zhao Duotian held the upper hand and blew the four people to vomit blood, and the arm was broken. But he paid a considerable price for it, and one eye was poked!

But it doesn’t matter. Is there any serious injury that Zhou Heng can cure?

He is so hearty! (To be continued.)

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