Zhou Heng is really a coincidence, if he is coming back one day, Zhong Yuetian they have already set off. .

Early the next morning, Sang Qingshan took Zhou Heng on the road and joined them with Zhong Yuetian.

They are not the earliest, of course, not the latest. There are seven people in front of them, from three different families, male and female, but they are all young people who look like a dozen or twenty.

– Warrior’s age can no longer be measured by the standard of ordinary people, anyway, it seems to be young.

“Hey, Sang Qingshan, your injury is actually good!” Seeing Sang Qingshan come and go, the seven people are all surprised.

When Sang Qingshan and Zhong Yuetian played against each other, they saw it with their own eyes. Zhong Yuetian’s intention, Sang Qingshan suffered injuries, they are all Qingqing Chu, how can it be better to have a month of nursed back to health?

But the facts speak louder than words. If the guy’s red light looks like a sick person, then all the people in the world are sick!

“Nature is good, not multiple injuries!” Sang Qingshan pretended to be casual.

Young people, the best is face.

The seven people are all whispering, and Sang Qingshan’s such a casual sentence is naturally impossible for them to let go. Obviously, Sang Qingshan can’t tell the truth, they can only be curious in their hearts.

“Brother Sang, who is this?” A beautiful girl dressed in red-clothed looked at Zhou Heng, her eyes showing a clear color of interest.

Although Zhou Heng converges on the atmosphere, pressing his cultivation base and pressing it now, it is the appearance of the Forming Embryo Boundary, but he will inadvertently reveal the supreme temperament, which is deterrent to the male surname. For the female surname, it is like the most fascinating poison, letting people know that the fireworks are still going into it.

“cough cough, let me introduce you!” Sang Qingshan pointed to Zhou Heng, “He is my watch… brother, surnamed Zhou, named Zhou Heng! Zhou Heng, these seven are from Zhai Family, Mou Family The genius of Xiè Family!”

“My name is Zhai Jieyu!” The red-clothed girl didn’t wait for Sang Qingshan to make an introduction. “Where was Brother Zhou?”

“Far away!” Zhou Heng pointed to the sky, meaning Immortal Realm, but other people naturally could not guess, only thought that he was referring to the stars in the sky, from other planets.

The other six people also made self-introduction. Although Zhou Heng did not use his heart to remember, but after listening to his surname, naturally remembered Qingqing.

Their adventures, each family can send up to three people, but definitely can not bring the family’s older generation of people, this is their young generation’s adventure.

Zhou Heng Although the identity is unknown, it is a real young people. Even younger than everyone here is a hundred or two years old. It is not difficult to integrate into this small group. No one believes that his strength will exceed the Forming Embryo Boundary.

Not long after, there were three other families coming over, Gu Family and Xing Family.

Gu Family comes with a pair of twin brothers, both of which are the cultivation base of the Forming Embryo 2nd Stratum. Xing Family also came with two people, a man and a woman. The man just entered the Forming Embryo Boundary, and the look was quite arrogant. The woman was another old acquaintance of Zhou Heng, Xing Yewu, who is known as Ice Phoenix.

“Zhou, Zhou Heng!” Xing Yewu suddenly showed amazed expression when he saw Zhou Heng.

I will meet the Legendary character of this Profound Qian Star here!

“haha, I forgot Yewu also recognized my cousin!” Sang Qingshan said quickly, he was afraid that Xing Yewu would say Zhou Heng’s enchanting before Profound Qian Star, then he still played a fart!

“Table, cousin!” Xing Yewu is also a seven-year-old exquisite heart, but just like a flirtatious eye to think about the relationship, of course, she still does not know how Zhou Heng came over.

After so many years, the enchanting of Zhou Heng should have already risen to Immortal Realm. How can it appear here now?

“Sister Yewu, who is this person? Zhou Heng… It seems to have heard it!” Xing Family asked the arrogant young man that there was no look at Zhou Heng in his eyes.

Xing Yewu glanced at the other side and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, Brother Zhou is naturally the cousin of Qingshan!” She smiled apologetically to Zhou Heng, “Brother Zhou, this is Han Family’s brother Xing Heqiao, who has been immersed in cultivation before. I don’t know what kind of world is, so please take Brother Zhou!”

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, said: “Nothing!”

Xing Heqiao is a little dissatisfied. He just broke through Forming Embryo Boundary and made a half-step Immortal. It is just a matter of arrogance. He doesn’t put any peers in his eyes, but what about the older generation’s characters, they just Live a few more years, he will catch up with them!

Now Xing Yewu reprimands him as a child, naturally making him extremely unconvinced!

It’s just that Xing Yewu has always been the Tianjiao of Xing Family. Under the prestige, he didn’t dare to face it, but his face was completely displayed.

Xing Yewu Looks in my eyes, the heart of you, this guy knows what kind of existence Zhou Heng is? At the Profound Qian Star, I was able to kill Heavenly Venerate! But obviously Zhou Heng is not willing to expose her identity, she does not dare to say anything, can only pay more attention, so that Xing Heqiao said something to anger Zhou Heng.

After a while, Zhong Yuetian also arrived soon.

This is a burly man with the mighty power of the Dragon-Tiger Steps. The black hair seems to be emitting dazzling rays of light. It is also recognized by the standing crowd.

Zhong Family is not just a person, his companion is a beautiful woman, clever smile, quite charming.

Seeing that Sang Qingshan was also present, Zhong Yuetian could not help but reveal the astonished color.

He has more than one hand, and he is naturally the clearest. How can the other party get off the ground so quickly? Have you eat Immortal Pill?

“haha, seeing Brother Sang innocent, Little Brother is really relaxed!” He said with a big smile, although the words between the words have a concern, but he is hurt, and then it would be very fake.

Sang Qingshan knows that the other person is actually ridiculing himself. He also smiled and said: “many thanks Brother Zhong cares, this kind of goodwill will be reported later!”

The two looked at each other and did not hide the blazing flame in their eyes.

“Fairy Qinghe is here!” Suddenly someone shouted. Suddenly, except for Zhou Heng, all the men showed their inspiration and spirit.

Sang Qingshan and Zhong Yuetian also stopped confrontation at the same time. They couldn’t help but sort out their own instruments. It seemed like a messy hair was embarrassed to see people.

What kind of charm does the mysterious beauty have, so that these young people with high visions can be so dumped?

Zhou Heng also had a bit of interest and looked at the past along the eyes of everyone.

A graceful woman is stepping on the lotus step, the facial features are exquisite, the charming eyes are as blurred as the smoke, full of seductive style. Especially her willow waist is really just a grip. Every step, the buttocks will be twisted and twisted, and the cloth will be tight, and the full curve of the meat drum will be highlighted.

She is indeed a beautiful and surnamed woman, but it is not the same as the beauty!

Zhou Heng’s mouth slightly smirked a smile, this woman has such a big charm, one is that she really grows beautiful enough, and one more important reason is that this female cultivator has a special cultivation technique, which can be Enhance her charm and influence others.

He observed it with a little care, and all the secrets of the other party were invisible under his god.

Neither her clothing nor the physical strength of her body can stop Zhou Heng’s gaze. This charming woman is presented in front of Zhou Heng. But Zhou Heng simply dismissed her, her eyes directly penetrated her body and reached the Dantian space.

This is the root of Warrior, and all the secrets will be presented here.

——4 Round Remnant Moonshine moves, like a jade!

4 Round Moonbright King !

Zhou Heng’s mouth showed a smile, no wonder it could affect so many Forming Embryo Boundary “powerhouse” unconsciously. It turned out that this woman was actually an Immortal! Forming Embryo Boundary Although Mortal Realm is known as the half-step Immortal, it belongs to the existence of World Peak, what can you do with the real Immortal?

What’s more, the other party is only affecting their god’s will, admiring her, it is even simpler.

Why is dignified Immortal doing this?

The answer doesn’t have to guess Zhou Heng, you know it – Sky Profound Spirit Crystal!

In fact, Immortal Realm’s “indigenous” has long since died, and now the 49 Immortal Cities are hundreds of thousands of years ago. Bright Realm brought it from Mortal Realm. They don’t know the existence of Sky Profound Spirit Crystal. .

Therefore, there is a point of Wang Youyue!

Therefore, this “Fairy Qinghe” is definitely not sent by Immortal Realm, but Bright Realm! Just like the old liar, Mortal Realm is constantly looking for Sky Profound Spirit Crystal!

For Zhou Heng, as long as the other party does not come to provoke him, then he is not interested in tearing down the other side.

Fairy Qinghe didn’t know that she was seen through the inside out, but Immortal after all is Immortal, she had a feeling of being peeped, but she wanted to find out who was peeping at herself. This feeling was missing, making her wonder if she had an illusion before.

“Everyone, Xiaomei is late!” She smiled apologetically.

“It’s no problem, we are early!” The men said quickly.

“That’s good!” Fairy Qinghe reveals the color of “relieving the burden”, which just makes everyone feel a sense of respect, and her unique and unmatched status is highlighted.

“This Young Master is very raw, I don’t know what to call?” She glanced at Zhou Heng and then looked at the confused eyes toward Sang Qingshan because they were standing late.

“This is my cousin, surnamed Zhou, Mingheng!” Sang Qingshan quickly made an introduction, and by the way, he also put his head in the ear of Zhou Heng, whispered, “Hey, brother, this is my fancy.” Girl, you 10 million can’t grab it!”

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but smile. This is not a problem he can’t grab. People are Immortal. Mortal Realm is just looking for Sky Profound Spirit Crystal. It doesn’t look at any one of them!

Just seeing Sang Qingshan is full of enthusiasm, he can not bear to fight. (To be continued.)

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