Fairy Qinghe is very interested in Zhou Heng. .

This kind of interest certainly does not refer to the feelings between men and women, but she finds that she cannot see Zhou Heng.

It is clear that the other party is “Forming Embryo Boundary”, which is genuine and virgin, but she always feels that something is wrong! Yes, she can’t see through Zhou Heng’s Dantian space!

The breath that flows out can be faked. As long as the cultivation base is wide, the weak can’t see it! But the Dantian space is a fake, like the Mountains and Rivers Boundary, which only forms a mountain river, there is absolutely no existence of the Spirit Sea!

The Forming Embryo Boundary is also only a baby, and it is impossible to cultivate Divine Infant!

She can’t see through Zhou Heng’s Dantian space!

Strange, what kind of treasure can this guy wear, can you shield your own knowledge?

Because of such doubts in her heart, she could not help but say a few words to Zhou Heng. She wanted to find a trace of clues from Zhou Heng’s words, but Zhou Heng lazily did not want to care about her.

But in the eyes of others, this is too irritating!

Goddess in their minds, put it up and look for Zhou Heng to talk, but Zhou Heng actually picks and chooses four unreasonable!

This, this, you don’t let me, don’t block the happiness of others, bastard!

All men are very angry, that is, Sang Qingshan is also lamenting that Zhou Heng should not be brought over. Is this not a wolf into the room? However, the four beautiful women except Fairy Qinghe are very fond of Zhou Heng. The reason is very simple. Fairy Qinghe has robbed them all the time. Now Zhou Heng lets Fairy Qinghe eat, so naturally let them regard Zhou Heng as I am a person.

“Since everyone is ready, we can leave!” said Zhong Yuetian, who really didn’t want Goddess to talk to Zhou Heng and smash his glass heart.

“set off!”

These young people are all arrogant, they are all Proud Son of Heaven, all arrogant, facing an adventure of unknown risk, they only expect and there is no fear.

They set off on the road and headed for the north. After a five-day trip, they came to a small valley, the entrance to the ancient powerhouse Cave Mansion.

It’s also a coincidence that it was just a few of their young people who were jealous and jealous here, and the fierce battles smashed the corner of the mountain, and the result was the entrance to the Cave Mansion.

Because they didn’t prepare for it at that time, they didn’t go deep after trying to test out that the Cave Mansion had a strong defense ban. Instead, they made a cover and went home. They needed to bring enough medicine pill, Dedicated to the banned treasure. Come back.

They soon came to the entrance of the Cave Mansion, and after removing the covered rocks, a black and secluded entrance came out, and despite the blue sky, there was still a chilly chill.

“Everyone joined forces and broke into the ban!” said Zhong Yuetian.

At the same time, the ten men and four women shot at the same time, and they sacrificed the shackles of the ban, and rushed toward the hole. Zhou Heng is leaning against the side of Xingzhi, and the treasure of Mortal Realm really can’t attract his slightest interest!

In fact, Immortal Realm’s treasure is also unlikely to excite him, because he has already reached the Peak of Immortal Realm, what other treasures can make him tempted?

All he wants now is the holy medicine, complete the spiritual accumulation as soon as possible, and then break through Star Boundary, fly Bright Realm, and look for Huotian.

Also of interest is Fairy Qinghe, she is Immortal, naturally it is impossible to see Mortal Realm’s treasure, but she does not want to expose her identity, so she can only install a very interesting look.

She put her attention on Zhou Heng again, because she couldn’t see through, she even wanted to understand what secrets Zhou Heng had hidden.

Fortunately, Sang Qingshan, they all concentrate on breaking the ban, otherwise they will have to eat inexplicable vinegar.

Because of this special preparation, they only untied the ban after only half a day. Although Zhou Heng did not shoot, but can be sensed, this so-called special cracked ban is actually a vessel that absorbs endless blood!

For example, the black dagger used by Sang Qingshan is absolutely soaked in the blood, I don’t know how much blood essence is absorbed! However, when the ban was broken, the blood essence absorbed by the statistic also consumed countless, and several white lines were recovered from the original lacquer black.

This is consumed in the process of breaking the ban.

Zhou Heng now knows that the so-called blood sacrifice is actually using the broken rune in the blood to achieve the effect of breaking the array. Mortal Realm, Immortal Realm may not know why blood sacrifice is useful, but they only need to know that blood sacrifice is effective.

“It is!” A dozen people are excited to say that they are still very young and full of interest in adventure and treasure.


Everyone stalked and entered Cave Mansion.

It was a very dry cave. The passage was very small at first, but it quickly became spacious enough to accommodate ten people side by side.

Gradually, the weakest of the people also reached the Forming Embryo Boundary, which has the ability to fly. It is quiet in this cave, but everyone is young people, how can it be quiet, it is constantly Speaking.

Fairy Qinghe is naturally the center of the men, but the other four beautiful women are surrounded by Zhou Heng as a confrontation to Fairy Qinghe.

The other three women didn’t know how to think about it, but Xing Yewu really wanted to make a new relationship with Zhou Heng, even if she couldn’t make Zhou Heng feel tempted and make an ordinary friend.

– The other party is Immortal!

Zhou Heng Although there is no temptation, the four women are all young and beautiful, and they are different in style. It is at least not boring to talk to them. He casually said, after ten minutes, he suddenly waved his hand and said: “There is movement!”

The crowd immediately stopped and showed the way they were listening, but nothing was heard.

“You guy, is this a sensation?” Xing Heqiao said dissatisfied.

“Shut up!” Sang Qingshan immediately yelled, but he knew that Zhou Heng was Immortal. Since Zhou Heng said there was movement, there must be movement!

“You–” Xing Heqiao was furious and wanted to shoot a flat man.


Just then, the weird sound sounded and circulated in the cave. In fact, this voice is not very big, but everyone is at least the existence of Forming Embryo Boundary, they are all heard Qingqing!

Sure enough, there is movement!

Everyone looked at Zhou Heng. The guy’s ears are really spiritual, they have heard so long before them!

In fact, Zhou Heng heard the movement earlier, but it was too scary to say that at least ten minutes before everyone could hear it!

Fairy Qinghe must have been aware of it for a long time, but Zhou Heng is stuck at this point in time. After she has at least found that it is only a minute later, it will be announced to the public, then Fairy Qinghe will not doubt him. .

It’s all because of Sang Qingshan, otherwise he’s full of power, and it’s not enough to break this Cave Mansion directly.

This is a giant lizard, more than thirty feet long, the body is thicker than the buffalo, covered with the scales of the ink green, the long tongue vomiting, exudes a strong smell. When Zhou Heng walked into the cave, it noticed that the movement began to climb out, that is, Zhou Heng also heard the movement.

“What?” In addition to Zhou Heng, Fairy Qinghe knew what was coming in advance, and everyone else exclaimed.

The Cave Mansion of the ancient powerhouse, everything is unknown, who knows what dangers are hidden here.

This time, Zhou Heng didn’t talk. He is just the “cousin” of Sang Qingshan. He gave him the scene and there is no need to show anything.

“Everyone is careful!” Zhong Yuetian grabbed the front of the crowd and made a warning. The more this time, the more he could perform in front of the beautiful woman.

Brushing, the other nine young people also not to be outdone to grab a step forward, standing side by side with Zhong Yuetian, not letting him monopolize the opportunity of performance.

Zhou Heng shook his head and laughed, both hands crossed near chest. Although he was younger than anyone else here, he didn’t know how many battles he had experienced in these years. His mind had already been trained as Elder. The behavior of the fight is really boring in his opinion.

“A group of bloody punks!” Zhai Jieyu grinned and couldn’t understand their behavior.

Hey! Hey!

Just then, the giant lizard finally appeared.

“Monster Beast !”

“Forming Embryo 3rd Stratum !”

“This kind of Monster Beast is bound to be highly toxic, everyone pays attention!”

Although the competition is jealous, when it comes to business, everyone has a big picture. At this time, there is no distraction.

“Hey–” This giant lizard swallowed a red letter, a big mouth, and suddenly a black mist spurted out and swept away toward everyone.

Monster Beast is Monster Beast, and it is fierce. Otherwise, if you change to Warrior, you must first consider the enemy and I will never show up at this time, let alone take the initiative to attack.

“Everyone is together!”

There is no need to talk about Monster Beast. Ten young men, including Sang Qingshan, attacked the giant lizard. They are looking for treasure, not to find Monster Beast.

Naturally, the sooner the problem is solved, the better.

Ten Forming Embryo Boundary youths have joined forces, and each has a talented genius, which is naturally powerful! Even if the Monster Beast has a strong body, amazing defense, and the big skill of poisoning, there is still no chance of a pair of ten.

Without the reminder of Zhou Heng, this Monster Beast will launch a sneak attack, which may cause trouble for the man-made people, but now only the share of the crowd is left.

However, in ten minutes, the Monster Beast was killed on the spot.

This place is a bit weird!

Zhou Heng said in his heart that the ingenuity of Monster Beast can of course not be compared with human beings, but it is instinct to survive. Why do you want to die? It should be influenced by the environment here, so that this Monster Beast has no idea of ​​retreating.

But, with him, even the treasures of Immortal Realm are not in his eyes, let alone the things left by Mortal Realm.

He just watched the excitement, plus Sang Qingshan to support the scene, to satisfy the vanity of this guy, but the girl is not thinking, Fairy Qinghe is really Immortal, it is impossible to like Sang Qingshan.

This is destined to be a single lovesick! (To be continued.)

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