Golden Dragon Sovereigness can’t help but pretty face. .

But when she was given a job by Hóng Yue, it was impossible to refuse Zhou Heng. Secondly, she came along for so many days. She said that if she was not tempted by this man, she would be too self-deceptive.

Of course, if it is not operated by Hóng Yue, then with the pride of Dragon Clan, if Zhou Heng actively pursues her, she will not be able to post it. But since this life can only follow this man, she can’t help but break some of the jar’s mentality, so it is easier for Zhou Heng to fall in love.

This kiss, her kiss is murky heavens dark earth, almost lost hands and feet fell, but was hugged by Zhou Heng, this is free from a fall. This is the case, after a kiss, she still has no bones in her body and is usually in the arms of Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng was just too excited, and this suddenly kissed the Golden Dragon Sovereigness. It didn’t really have any thoughts on the Dragon Clan Sovereigness. After the kiss, he would let go of the Golden Dragon Sovereigness.

Golden Dragon Sovereigness can’t do it. She was kissed by Zhou Heng as a heartbeat, and the whole body blood surged. She suddenly opened her hands and hugged Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng earned, but did not break free.

Before Golden Dragon Sovereigness was 9 Dharma Bright Immortal, he wanted to suppress the other side to play with, but now Golden Dragon Sovereigness has already made Divine Idol into Star, which is the real Star King, this power contrast has completely changed.

He tragically found that he could not make it completely!

“Master, do you kiss me again?” Golden Dragon Sovereigness whispered to Zhou Heng.

Can you still say no? ?

Zhou Heng sighed in the heart, this is really a self-restraint, the Golden Dragon Sovereigness was first sent to Star Boundary, but the result is to push back! Fortunately, after being chaotic by Hóng Yue, he was ready to receive the three Dragon Sovereign. Even Red Dragon Sovereigness didn’t mind buying four get one free.

Therefore, even now, even if he is reversed, he is not humiliated by the overlord.

“Just kiss once!” He said in a majestic manner, the authority of the head of the family is certainly maintained.

“Just once!” Golden Dragon Sovereigness raised his pretty face, and the red rose-like lips were so beautiful that it was so beautiful.

Zhou Heng only kissed him, but this kiss lasted for ten minutes. When Zhou Heng looked up again, Golden Dragon Sovereigness turned into a spring water, softly leaning against his body. .

“You just broke through, first go to stabilize realm!” Zhou Heng said.

In addition to the enchanting like him, the average person must continue to retreat after the breakthrough, otherwise the realm is unstable, that is, it may fall.

With such a reminder, Golden Dragon Sovereigness suddenly woke up a bit.

– This man can be pushed down at any time, but the chance to stabilize the realm is only once. If she falls realm, it will be too difficult to get back up later.

She quickly entered the Xianju.

However, as soon as she entered, the other four Dragon Sovereign, Ying Mengfan, and Moonshadow Saintess Saintess all came out, because they all knew that since Golden Dragon Sovereigness entered Xianju, it shows that everyone has arrived at Bright Realm safely!

Little Fire also jumped out and sprinkled four small short legs and ran around all around. After running for a while, it began to stop and pee against the trees and rocks to show that the place was it.

Although the little guy is Divine Beast, it is essentially a dog!

“Wow, wow, this air is so good, it’s best for Great-Uncle Donkey!” Blackbird ran out of his ass. After greedily taking a few breaths, he suddenly said, “This Eminence is breaking through!”

After that, it immediately sat down on the knees, and the body suddenly surged into a violent breath.

This scorpion ate a Heaven and Earth Fruit, which may be the most powerful holy medicine between heaven and earth, and the effect lasts for tens of thousands of years! Just because World’s Spiritual Qi suddenly became rich, the effectiveness of Heaven and Earth Fruit triggered again and began the breakthrough.

“I have to breakthrough!”

“me too!”

The girls also said that they were all transformed by Physique by Huotian, and the effect is not much worse than Heaven and Earth Fruit.

“Then all breakthrough, I will protect you!” Zhou Heng said, and he did not expect that this entry into Bright Realm actually caused a big explosion. However, other people will not dare to release it again, otherwise everyone will do their cultivation here, and don’t want to hurry.

“That’s hard Husband!” The girls sat down with a smile and began to absorb Bright Realm’s rich and ultimate Spiritual Qi for breakthrough.

Zhou Heng is watching the scene around all around.

The area where they are located is a mountain forest, the mountains are very high, at least a few ten thousand zhang, even less than tens of thousands of miles. However, he is now standing at the foot of the mountain. When he and the Golden Dragon Sovereigness are flying up, the space is torn apart, forming a shock wave that destroys all the trees in the nearby thousand zhang range, showing a very spacious platform.

The more intense Spiritual Qi, the greater the gravity.

Mortal Realm is like this, Immortal Realm is like this, and Bright Realm is the same!

Zhou Heng Even if he had the power of seventeen Bright Immortal, he couldn’t get rid of the horrible gravity. He could only jump up to a height of about twenty feet, but as he formed more Divine Idol, this vertical The height will continue to increase.

When breaking through the Star Boundary, you can definitely get rid of the gravity here to fly in the air!

Zhou Heng carefully guarded, this is Bright Realm, his cultivation base of Bright Immortal Rank is not even able to get started, can you care about it here?

Of course, no matter which sector, it is definitely more ordinary people! It’s just that the division of ordinary people is different.

In Mortal Realm, the definition of ordinary people is really ordinary people, but to Immortal Realm, people are born in the Mountains and Rivers Boundary, then the Mountains and Rivers Boundary is the standard of ordinary people, and in Bright Realm, people are Divine Transformation in their lifetime. Boundary!

Therefore, the ordinary person of Bright Realm is Divine Transformation Boundary Heavenly Venerate!

Of course, no one in Bright Realm would call Divine Transformation Boundary Heavenly Venerate, which is just the name of Mortal Realm. In fact, Hóng Yue is called Heavenly Venerate, and if Divine Transformation Boundary can be with her, this World will be messed up.

Zhou Heng doesn’t have to look too small. The cultivation base of Bright Immortal Rank is not a master in Bright Realm, but it is definitely not the bottom!

He thought in a mess, Little Fire ran for a while and seemed to be boring, ran to his side and sprinkled Jiao, to let him hug. If the little guy doesn’t show his true face, it’s really harmless to human and animals.

Next, where to go?

Zhou Heng thought, he certainly wanted to immediately inquire about the news of Huotian, which required a place with humans, but in Bright Realm, his knowledge was once again greatly suppressed, and only the distance of less than hundred zhang was allowed. And can’t fly into the air, can’t see the scene far away, how do you know where to go?

Although he is now at the foot of the mountain, he is just at the foot of a mountain, in his all around, the mountains are undulating, one is connected.

All in all, he has no clue now.

Then find a direction, keep moving forward, always go out!

The only thing to worry about is the Monster Beast in this forest!

There must be Monster Beast in the mountains, the difference is what level!

Star Boundary The following Monster Beast, there is a thousand heads and tens of thousands of Zhou Heng are not afraid, Violetflame Sky Dragon, what Monster Beast can not shock? But what if there is Star King Rank? Even higher?

This is entirely possible!

It’s luck when you can run away!

Moreover, Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step can be called the most powerful in the world of Xian and Fan, but it is not enough in Bright Realm! Really want to meet Monster Beast of Star King Rank, he wants to escape is very difficult!

“I really have to meet it, then there is no way, I can only see the machine!” he murmured.

“woof!” Little Fire stretched out his long tongue and licked his face.

“Stupid dog, you brush your teeth, don’t think I didn’t see you still licking your paws!”

“woof!” Little Fire is even more energetic.

Three days later, the girls completed the breakthrough, and on 9th day, everyone completed the breakthrough.

Although Huotian is not eccentric in raising the female physique, but according to the characteristics of each person, but the Wushen’s Wu surname is not physique can change, like Moonshadow Saintess, Hu Mei, Feng Lianqing originally owned Martial King The qualifications are naturally the fastest in their progress!

Originally, Bing Xinzhu was the best cultivation base and the best innate talent except for the five Dragon Sovereign. But she did not get the Huotian transformation physique, and was immediately overtaken by others!

This shows the important surname of physique!

Now, the highest growth bases of Moonshadow Saintess, Hu Mei and Feng Lianqing have reached Creation King. Since the great realm has been broken through, the next small realm must be like a hot knife through butter, not to mention Bright Realm’s Spiritual Qi. So rich, naturally more than half the effort.

Besides, as long as you can enter the town, you can buy medicinal ingredient, fired by Fire God’s Furnace, and I am afraid that the cultivation speed of the girls can not be upgraded to a higher level.

Blackbird is even more horrible. With the help of Heaven and Earth Fruit, it is directly on the Creation Emperor, and it is still 5 Dharma Creation Emperor, not far from Bright Immortal, which is really scary!

Heaven and Earth Fruit What is the holy medicine, this is too much!

When you see Huotian in the future, be sure to ask.

“Everyone has entered Xianju, we started to hurry!” Zhou Heng loudly said, it’s almost ten days to come to Bright Realm, but he’s still not able to move.

Although the girls are not willing to separate from Zhou Heng, but this is the remote mountain of Bright Realm, who knows how dangerous? The more people there are, the bigger the natural goal is. What if I get the Star Boundary Monster Beast?

They entered the Xianju very obediently, and only hated their cultivation is not fast enough to give Zhou Heng a solution.

Now with Zhou Heng, there is only Black Dragon and Little Fire.

These two guys are Monster Beast, which should be more adaptable in the wild, and Little Fire’s strength is not necessarily weaker than Zhou Heng, and can be used as his helper.

One person, one dog and one dog started to go on the road, because no one knows where to go, just pick a north, and move towards this direction.

The medicinal herb is indispensable in the mountains, and this is the forest of Bright Realm. From time to time, you can find a drug that can be called the holy drug in Immortal Realm. It is picked up by Zhou Heng. As long as you have the main ingredients, you can use Fire God’s Furnace is made into Dan.

But there are herbs, there will also be Monster Beast!

The strength is so weak that they directly kill and enter the Xianju. This kind of beast is the item of great nourishment for Immortal Realm Warrior, but after only half an hour, they met a fierce guy. (To be continued.)

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