This is a fox. .

Pink’s fox, the fur is beautiful and has a fascinating sensation. The legs are nine-tailed, and the flat head is a bit like a snake head. It has a sense of sin, and it seems to be out of tune with its beautiful fur.

But this Monster Beast has at least fifty Divine Idols, and Zhou Heng can’t see its bottoms, but it’s definitely not up to Star Boundary, otherwise the pressure of this breath is completely different.

With the head and tail, the body of this fox has reached seventy feet, although it is far more than humans, but it looks like Monster Beast, which is a few hundred and a few thousand zhang. Especially slim!

It seems that every single Monster Beast can represent its strength.

For example, Mortal Realm only has Divine Transformation Boundary’s Monster Beast to grow to the size of a mountain, and the higher the Immortal Realm, the larger the Monster Beast. The strength of this Nine-Tailed Monster Fox is definitely at the hegemon level, but it is a downstream in Bright Realm, so this figure is relatively slim.

This is related to gravity!

The stronger the strength, the bigger the head, but in turn, the bigger the gravity, the smaller the size!

Zhou Heng thought in his heart, but his eyes were already flowing out of the murderous aura.

Here, the gods are greatly restricted, and the naked eye and the auditory role are far stronger than the gods, so when Zhou Heng saw the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox, the demon fox also saw him.

Humans and Monster Beast are absolutely incompatible. You have to kill me, I want to kill you, and whoever dies should not blame anyone.

Of course, the Monster Beast, which has a scent in the bones of Black Skull, is not counted. It is only the old rogue with a suede. As for Little Fire, it was accepted by Zhou Heng in his early life. Otherwise, if it is the reading power to evolve its own will, it is definitely an anti-human butcher!

Nine-Tailed Monster Fox stares at Zhou Heng. The sapphire-like eyes suddenly emit a swirling ray of light, which makes people’s minds instantly lost. They are not knowing when they smash their heads!

Demon fox is addicted!

Zhou Heng’s mind is so determined. This level of confusion only makes him startled slightly, and immediately he will keep his heart shut and not drip.

“woof!” Little Fire is furious. Although it is still a child’s Monster Beast, it is a real-life Divine Beast. Don’t look at Zhou Heng and all the girls, it seems very unproductive, but in the bones. It has great pride!

This little bloody Monster Beast actually shot it?


The little guy rushed out immediately, and the body also swelled a lot in the process, becoming a burdock, but it didn’t continue to grow bigger. After all, the heaven and earth restrictions are also suitable for it. In this gravity place, it doesn’t May be restored to the size of the mountain before.

With the release of horror, Little Fire broke the power of 47 Divine Idol and launched an attack on the fox.

“ang ——” The fox screams, and the nine tails are swaying. The figure is light and inconspicuous. While dodging, while waving nine foxtails, they are pumping toward Little Fire. The wind is whistling and the momentum is powerful.

The power of this fox is definitely more than fifty Divine Idol. In theory, it completely crushes Little Fire and Zhou Heng, but the power is not only dependent on strength, but also on techniques!

Monster Beast naturally does not practice any immortality, but each head will have an innate talent Divine Ability, called a magic, and work with the same!

Just like Raging Flame Hound is born in the flame, it is a natural fire, more fire, power and flame, this is its real strength! Nine-Tailed Monster Fox also has its magic, deception is a kind, and its long tail, twitching can spur the Force of Sharp Metal between the heavens and the earth, several times to enhance the combat power!

Bang! bang! bang!

The demon enchantment is useless to Little Fire. Divine Beast will be confused by Realm’s Monster Beast. The fox can only face the Little Fire. Under the addition of Sharp Metal Qi, its foxtail can instantly break the Warrior and Monster Beast below the 40 Road Divine Idol!

Little Fire is not afraid, just rushing toward Nine-Tailed Monster Fox, it is burning with flames, and the foxtail is so close that it is burned clean!

At the beginning, Zhou Heng had to open the Five Elements rune to fight against such flames. Although the fox has more than 50 Divine Idols, can this compare with the Five Elements rune?

The result of the constant attack of Monster Beast is that all of its nine foxtails are burnt bare, appearing battered and exhausted, and no longer the beautiful and glamorous.

Its intelligence is extremely high, knowing that this person is not easy to provoke a dog – especially this dog, the dog is a fox, as if there is an extra attack bonus, it will not only defeat, but more likely dead!

Good fox does not eat before the loss!


The fox is the agile surname of Monster Beast. It slams its muscles and the body suddenly spurts out. But it just took out the 30 feet distance, but there was a big fist in front of it!

This fist is actually the normal size, but it is especially big because it instantly hits its eyes!


It has been unable to do the dodge again, suddenly being punched and punched, the sound of broken bones sounded, it was forcibly blasted out of ten zhang, a blood stain appeared on the forehead.

After playing a nap on the ground, Nine-Tailed Monster Fox climbed up and his face was shocked.

This human power is really strong, even more powerful than that dog. It was a fist that broke its skull and almost collapsed its knowledge of the sea!

“Wang–” Little Fire is furious, this prey has dared to escape, too much to put it in the eyes, it quickly chased after the legs.

However, dogs are better than endurance, and the burst speed in a short period of time is not fast.

Nine-Tailed Monster Fox is dodging agilely, and it puts most of its attention on Zhou Heng. This human has a speed comparable to it, and it is terrifying matchless, it has to be prevented.

Zhou Heng has no intention of wasting time. The right hand is in full swing and Black Sword is already a sacrifice.

He joined the battle group.

Nine-Tailed Monster Fox instinctively senses the suffocation of Black Sword’s blood that drains the powerhouse, scares the heart, and runs wildly and desperately!


Zhou Heng launched the Violetflame Sky Dragon, and the momentum spread like a tide. The fox was immediately affected, and the action was suddenly smashed. Black Sword was cut out and smashed against the fox.

Hey – bloody, this Nine-Tailed Monster Fox also instantly cut off the breath, lying on the ground without a trace of struggle.

Zhou Heng showed a smile and put the Monster Beast into the space instrument. This level of Monster Beast is the item of great nourishment. It is comparable to the holy medicine. No, it has already reached Bright Realm, and the holy medicine has to be upgraded several times. At most, it is even spiral medicine.

Little Fire was fierce, and began to bite the foot of the fox to prevent Zhou Heng from collecting the spacecraft. Even if Zhou Heng smashed the Monster Beast, it hangs from the four feet.

Zhou Heng comforted it for a long time, the little guy was suffocated, biting a few mouthfuls, and then swayed around Zhou Heng and shook his tail to sell.

This level of battle, the black scorpion can only be seen, but this cockroach will naturally not be embarrassed to sit and enjoy it, immediately asked to roast a fox leg to eat.

“woof woof woof!” Little Fire also sighed and agreed, its diignified high-end Bright Immortal Rank is still not to speak, but it is not difficult to understand people.

“…just rest for an hour!” Zhou Heng said.

He cut a fox leg, and after the roasting, the seductive scent immediately came out, letting Zhou Heng be the index finger, not to mention the black scorpion and Little Fire, each and everyone is the mouth water 30,000 feet.

They are gorge oneself, Nine-Tailed Fox is a very high-end Bright Immortal, with a strong essence in the flesh and blood, even for the Creation Emperor, Bright Immortal is a very good tonic.

Because there are too many essences, they will spit out a light of Xianxia, ​​Zhou Heng has the suppression of Five Elements rune, Little Fire is the Divine Beast, and Blackbird is the Heaven and Earth Fruit. Their appetites are very large, and their digestive abilities are even more powerful. The three mouths quickly ate the fox’s legs.

But the black 驴 驴 cultivation base is the weakest after all, after eating it will swell up the belly, the four feet can not move.

It’s too greedy, not willing to suffer at all, and grabs food with Zhou Heng and Little Fire. Now it’s a self-satisfaction, and the limbs are constantly twitching, if not with the body, there is a medicinal of Heaven and Earth Fruit. The power was propped up, and it was already blasted by the power of terror.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, it is always a pleasure to see black cockroaches when you eat.

He squatted on one leg of the black scorpion and continued on the road with Little Fire. Every time he took a step, the cockroach licked it. However, Heaven and Earth Fruit can definitely be called the first strange medicine between heaven and earth, just half an hour later. Its belly is small.

“Zhou boy, you dare to abuse this Eminence, Great-Uncle Donkey wants you to look good!” The blind man shouted.

Zhou Heng took a sneak peek and threw the black scorpion aside: “The ghost is willing to take your stinky hoof!”

“hehe, where is it stinky?” Blackbird quickly stood up and stood very shameless. “You are clearly licking this Eminence, this beautiful, slender limb!”

“I bother!”

Little Fire also has a kind of learning, spit on the black sputum, obviously 驴 mother is more than awkward, in the eyes of the little guy Zhou Heng decisively ranked first.

They continued to move forward. After more than a day, they came to a stream near the river. The river was clear and the rich Spiritual Qi was moving in it, which was more powerful than the many spirits of Immortal Realm.

Zhou Heng, they took a few mouthfuls of water and drunk, but they still didn’t continue to set off, but they saw a black shadow passing through the sky. When they fell down, it was a ten-zhang tiger, but it was a rib. With the wings, the tiger’s head rises high and looks domineering.

Star Boundary !

This Monster Beast is the presence of Star Boundary, a powerful horror!

The black scorpion immediately scared the whole body, and Little Fire raised his tail as high, licking his mouth and making a low snoring. The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. It is also the Divine Beast raised by Innate Earth. Can you fear a „ordinary” beast? (To be continued.)

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