Everyone let them go, and Zhou Heng didn’t want to make extra-budgets. He took the black scorpion back to the side and didn’t hurry to hurry. He wanted to see who was so arrogant.

The four big horses spewed with the flame of fire. When the first one was the tallest, the horse was full of two zhang long, and the fire red mane was worn. It seemed to be burning as he hunted and danced.

This horse is sitting on a purple clothed youth. It looks like a kind of hedonistic son of rich parents. He is a little fat. Even if he has a pretty face, he can’t hide his eyes. He has been searching in the crowd. Looking for prey.

Behind him, the other three horses will be inferior, not only the size of the head is much smaller, the color of the coat is far less pure than the first one, and the person riding immediately is obviously the stream of the next generation, constantly sipping it there. Let the people in front flash a way.

“Get out! Let go!”

“Today is the guise of Young Master Jin’s report to the Great Origin Martial Institute. If you missed the Young Master, can you afford it?”

“Get out of the way!”

The three men were called martyrdom, and they pointed out the fox exploits the tiger’s might’s henchman.

The temper of the first Malaysian horse is really bad. All the way is rampant. People who are not able to dodge in the future will fly, but because of the overbearing behavior of these four people, the people who are kicked are only afraid to anger and dare not say, forcibly Swallowed this breath.

Immediately, the purple clothed youth did not stop at all, but instead laughed heartily, indulging the horrible horse under the seat to continue rampage, making the chicken fly.

Although everyone does not recognize who this Young Master Jin is, they recognize this mount.

This kind of horse is called Firecloud Horse. It can reach the Creation Emperor after adulthood. It not only runs fast, but also has endurance. It is the best walking ride for long-distance running. However, the number of such horses is quite rare, and having one head not only represents money, but also represents status!

Less to say, it must be the Town Mayor level to buy, can afford, can afford!

Town Mayor, that’s at least the Star King’s powerhouse!

Ordinary people dare to offend such existence?

Zhou Heng saw it in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but feel an angry anger. On the head of Little Fire, Divine Beast immediately met, and a Fiend Qi suddenly slammed into the four Firecloud Horses.


Although these four horses are both Creation King and even the Monster Beast of Creation Emperor, after all, it is just a species, how can it resist the suffocation of Divine Beast? Don’t say that there is a difference between the two realm, even if there is no, under the same realm, you have to be scared!

Is Divine Beast blown out?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Because the horse ran fast, the above three henchman were suddenly smashed out, and it was too late to make any strain and was smashed. But the purple clothed Tsing Yi is Bright Immortal, a fold in the air, it must be steady.

Zhou Heng smirked at the corner of his mouth and smiled. The momentum was quiet, and the purple clothed youth felt a numbness. The spiritual power couldn’t lift it, and suddenly he couldn’t control his figure. He slammed and he fell. A solid.

“Ah-!” is more than that. He is used to flying out. It is faster than the Firecloud Horse under his ass. After he fell, the Firecloud Horse just followed, a horseshoe. Unbiased just stepped on his chrysanthemum position!

Such a delicate part was shocked, and the purple clothed youth suddenly squirmed and painfully pulled the upper body straight up, but the head was immediately stepped on by the horseshoe, slamming and falling down.

Four people and four horses fell to the ground at the same time, a scream, the people around are inexplicable, but all have a sense of pleasure.

Although it is said that people have lost their hands and horses have lost their hoofs, it is also a coincidence that four people and four horses have lost their hands together and lost their hoofs together!

If things under the sun are too clever, it is no coincidence, but participation by external forces!

“Who? Who *** dare to count this Young Master?” Purple clothed youth after all is Bright Immortal, by the Creation Emperor level Firecloud Horse stepping on the chrysanthemum pain is painful, but it is not likely to cause too much damage to him, Immediately a body jumped up and touched his ass and shouted.

Of course, he would not believe that this was just an accident. A pair of eyes stalked fiercely in the crowd, as if they wanted to eat people.

“Which hybrid is dry, hurry up grandfather!”

“Dry your mother, live impatient, and dare to count our Jin Family!”

The three henchman also climbed up, their strength is not as good as the purple clothed youth, so the injury is also heavier. There is a guy who has blossomed his nose and has a lot of blood. .

——Bright Realm’s land is also very strong, hitting the ground at high speed, and it’s not a bad thing to hit a Star King!

Zhou Heng frowned, these guys’ mouths are really stinky!

His thoughts move, murderous aura has the essence of general, pā pā pā, purple clothed four young people are timid and cold, involuntarily collapsed! Within the realm, Martial King can’t completely resist his momentum, not to mention that the purple clothed youth is not a Martial King!

Seeing that they were still arrogant, they blinked and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye. The cold sweats and the flu, everyone laughed and felt particularly deflated.

“Hahahaha!” The black scorpion is even more full of laughter, but a scorpion even makes human laughter, which is really scary.

The purple clothed youth’s gaze immediately looked over. When I saw Zhou Heng’s cold face, somehow, he had a feeling of stock, that is, this person is so bad!

Yes, other people will not help but show their fear when they meet his eyes. Only this talent is fearless!

It must be him!

Damn, I dare to make him ugly in public!

The purple clothed youth quickly struggled to climb up and stared at Zhou Heng with an angry expression, and seemed to eat like a man. He slammed Zhou Heng and said: “What are you, dare to attack me Jin Huancheng, I don’t know if I am Rangping Town’s Town Mayor!”

Zhou Heng laughed, said: “The little Town Mayor has any arrogance, and you are yours, you are you! Don’t hurry with your henchman, or I will kill you!”

“Wang–” Little Fire also screamed, but if it didn’t change shape, it would look like it was selling, no fierce.

“You, you are waiting!” Purple clothed youth Jin Huancheng angered Zhou Heng, but did not dare to get it. His arrogance is true, but it is not stupid. The other side can not suppress it without lifting it. The strength of both sides is not at one level!

But it doesn’t matter. The look of the other side should also go to the Great Origin Learning Institute, and his big brother entered the Great Origin Learning Institute as early as 700 years ago, and now is a student of the Star King Institute!

What does the Star King Institute mean? This means that his big brother is already Star King, and he can keep pace with his father. Even if he is applying to leave the Great Origin Learning Institute, he can assign a Town Mayor to dong!

Let me endure this breath now!

After Jin Huancheng looked at Zhou Heng with a hateful look, it was only after the horse was in a hurry to leave, so that he would not be stared at by the people around him with a mocking expression.

Little Fire snorted. Suddenly, the four Firecloud Horses that had just ran up were once again soft, bang bang bang, and fell to a solid, and Jin Huancheng four people once again smashed out.

“Hahahaha”, a burst of laughter broke out in the crowd.

After Jin Huancheng got up, he kicked his mounts with hatred. He wanted to throw the mount away, but after thinking about how many Great River Coins he had bought, he was not willing to take it. Lift the Firecloud Horse up and drag it away.

With the power of his Bright Immortal level, it is not difficult to walk with a horse, but such a scene can not help but make everyone laugh more.

“It’s not bad. It’s a bit of a true biography of this Eminence, but it’s not enough. Just to do it later, you can make them fall more!” Blackbird teaches Little Fire on the side and treats it as 驴Mother’s Little Fire also listened to nodded constantly.

When it’s over, this little guy will be completely ruined by how long it will take!

Zhou Heng continued on the road, and because he knew that he had taught Jin Huancheng just now, everyone was very respectful to him, and they had opened a passage, and he gave an eager smile when he passed.

After this episode, Zhou Heng came to the front of Ohara Academy.

Vast crowd, black people everywhere!

This is the large-scale enrollment of Ohara Academy once every 100 years. Relatively speaking, the number of students enrolled this time will be more than usual, and the demand will naturally decrease accordingly.

Therefore, this is the best opportunity to enter the university. I have almost failed to pass the past. If this condition is relaxed, it will definitely pass!

Zhou Heng also started to line up. When I was bored, I could tease Little Fire, and then I was a little bit poor with black. However, the charm of Little Fire is indeed not weak, and many young women are frequently looking at his arms.

Some even bid for him to buy Little Fire, which makes the Divine Beast whisper, but the dog’s eyes are bright and the drooling of the mouth will only make people feel more exciting.

Because the college enrollment has only the minimum cultivation base requirement and no age requirement, not only young men and women can be seen here, but also the old man who is white and white.

Although the number of people gathered at the gate was more than a hundred thousand, Zhou Heng quickly discovered Jin Huancheng, and he entered a special passage, where there were far fewer people waiting in line.

This is specifically for the “official second generation”, and at least the descendants of the Town Mayor level, which is the son of Star King.

Powerhouse, you can enjoy the privilege everywhere, but also the children and grandchildren.

There is nothing to envy, the so-called fairness is earned by strength!

Zhou Heng, after arranging for at least half a day, finally took a thousand Great River Coin and received his registration number, “Three Six Seven One Eighty One One”, that is, to him, the person who came to register this time. They have reached as many as 360,000.

Even if this is a one-year expansion, but at most two 3 times more than usual, the death will be charged 10,000 people, the elimination rate will be very high.

After Zhou Heng received the registration number, he was told to go back and wait. After six days of registration, the elimination test will be carried out. (To be continued.)

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