Although there are still six days, Zhou Heng can’t go back to Ying Mengfan anymore – he can’t afford to use Teleportation Formation anymore!

In these six days, let’s take a rest!

It is a pity that although he has collected some spiral grass, he cannot refine it because of the incomplete variety. .

At Bright Realm, herbs can be divided into spiral medicine, Immortal Medicine and holy medicine according to the finished product. Because of the level, the spirit medicine here is comparable to the holy medicine of Immortal Realm. As for the sacred medicine of the mortal world, there is no such qualification.

However, Immortal Realm’s holy medicine can only be formed after millions of years of growth. After all, it has its own special features. One after another can be used as medicine. Bright Realm’s spirit medicine, because it has only one 20,000 year of age, so to achieve the same effect, it must be paired with several spiral medicines.

Of course, looking for a few strains of 20,000 vintage is easier than finding a million-year-old holy medicine!

When he first arrived, what he needed most was money. What should he do?

Simple, isn’t there Fire God’s Furnace?

Zhou Heng came to the local pharmacy, ** a few spiral medicines, and then according to the remaining spiral medicine with the auxiliary medicinal ingredient, just to refine a medicine pill.

When he left the pharmacy, he couldn’t help but think, how did the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, which seems to be omnipresent in both the Xian and Fan dynasties, disappear?

Maybe Bright Realm is too big, so Heavenly Treasure Pavilion hasn’t stretched its reach yet, or it’s not strong enough to do it!

Obviously, Hóng Yue is the person that Heavenly Treasure Pavilion has been looking for, because with the Grand Void lineage, he was suspected to be that person! However, although Hóng Yue was strong, it was shot down to Immortal Realm and has been recovering from more than 60 years.

Without such a strong character support, the remaining powerhouse of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is to be able to cross the fairy, and the two worlds are naturally easy to relax. It can be said that if you want to rule Bright Realm, Hóng Yue may not dare to say so.

Therefore, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, even if it has power in Bright Realm, is probably confined to a certain star field. Out of this range, no one will sell the face of Heavenly Treasure Pavilion!

After all, the peers are home!

And the power of Bright Realm is too complicated. For example, Great River Coin can only be used in Crossing Yang Star. Who will recognize this kind of thing? It is not like the spirit stone and the stone!

Moreover, if you want to leave with Star Gate, the authorities will not allow users to bring a lot of goods!

– Those who are qualified to do business across the Stars are only those who are in power, or relatives of the authorities, **, in short, this has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhou Heng. The purpose of making money now is to buy more medicinal ingredient and refine his medicine pill to improve his cultivation base!

“However, even in Bright Realm, the number of spirit medicine is not much!” Zhou Heng stuffed the materials in his hands into Fire God’s Furnace.

“stinky brat, lighter, this Eminence is not a trash can!” Fire God’s Furnace said dissatisfiedly, “You don’t want to think about it, although the spirit medicine is not too precious in Bright Realm, how many Warrior there are in Bright Realm, demand The amount is naturally amazing! Moreover, the growth period of an 20,000 year is definitely not too short. It is very lucky that you can buy these accessories this time!”

Zhou Heng nodded, he almost swept the pharmacy’s top spirit medicine! And Immortal Medicine? It can be called Immortal Medicine, which is used by Skyriver Boundary and Comet Boundary powerhouse. How can this small pharmacy be there!

At the level of Star Boundary, spirit medicine is the highest level! Immortal Medicine is used at the Skyriver Boundary and Comet Boundary levels, and the Holy Medicine is exclusive to the Black Hole Boundary powerhouse.

The drugs used under Creation Emperor fall into the usual category, ranging from a few years to a few thousand years. One thing is certain, the higher the Warrior’s rank, the higher the medicinal ingredient needed.

Fire God’s Furnace started the alchemy while talking about the trash, but this time it took a full ten minutes to refine the “Astral Spirit Pill”.

“Hot, are you lazy, how has it taken so long?” Zhou Heng looked at 11 pills in his hand, because the Astral Spirit Pill can only be used by the Creation Emperor level, not comparable to Seven Stars Pill. It took more time than Seven Stars Pill, which is not ok!

“Hey, your kid standing and talking is not hurting. This is Bright Realm. It is also the medicinal ingredient of Bright Realm. Can it be slow?” Fire God’s Furnace snarled.

“That is, if you have more advanced materials in the future, will you be slower in refining?” Zhou Heng asked.

“Crap, so don’t bother this Eminence in the future!” Fire God’s Furnace took the opportunity to improve the treatment.

Zhou Heng picked up the 11 pills and went out. Since these medicine pills don’t use him, they naturally have to go out and exchange money, and then buy more materials to make money to make money.

He changed a pharmacy and sold all 11 pills.

These medicine pill brought back the income of up to 110,000 Great River Coin, and Zhou Heng used the money to buy more than 50,000 surplus of the spice grass in the drug shop for more than 10,000 years, and these spirit grass were re-refined. Ten Astral Spirit Pill came out.

However, there are two pharmacies in the city. Zhou Heng is not in a hurry to sell Astral Spirit Pill in his hand. Anyway, he still has 50,000 Great River Coins, which is enough for a period of time.

Of course, the scope of Peaceful Winds City does not have such a poor spiritual grass reserve, but most of the spiral grass is in the hands of the Great Origin Learning Institute. There are spirit grass ** in the two pharmacies. Most of the raw materials come from the Great Origin Learning Institute. After being awarded to the students by the university, some people took out the money to exchange for other materials.

Therefore, in order to get enough resources, you must enter the Great Origin Learning Institute, and then enter the Great River Learning Institute.

After six days, Zhou Heng once again came to the Great Origin Learning Institute, and entered the school with the enrollment card. The black scorpion follows closely from behind, and Little Fire is kneeling on the back of the black scorpion. .

This time, there are more than one million people who have signed up for registration. All of them are gathered in a square, some are closing their eyes to adjust their status to maintain their best, and others are communicating with people around them. With.

Zhou Heng found a corner and sat down, but he couldn’t be quiet. Black is a slogan. If you don’t talk for a moment, you will die.

Time passed a little bit, and after an hour, until the deadline for today’s assessment, the gates of the school were immediately closed, and those who were late could only regret losing this opportunity.

A daoist silhouette floats out, and the powerful atmosphere fluctuates like a wave. The person who immediately speaks immediately closes his mouth, and the person who closes his eyes also opens his eyes.

This is a Star Boundary’s powerhouse. As for Star King or Star Sovereign, or even Star Emperor, it’s hard to judge.

The three levels of Star Boundary are actually divided by humans. There is only a difference in the number of Stars. Therefore, although the combat power is completely different, it is difficult to distinguish in the breath.

However, since the school has made this person appear, it must be the one who can hold the foot, and the strength is absolutely strong enough!

“There are a total of 98,400 three hundred sixty registrations, but the government will only recruit 10,000 people. Therefore, more than 970,000 people must be eliminated!” A group of scarlet red light and shadow, so that the people underneath can not see his appearance.

Although everyone knows that the elimination rate will be terrible, you can’t help but burst into horror when you hear this amazing number.

“All you have to do is pass a single assessment, that is to enter the Place of Wilderness for hunting!”

“This Eminence only reminds you once that Place of Wilderness is extremely dangerous. If you don’t want to die inside, now is the chance to quit. After you enter it, you will be born and died!”

“The rules for Place of Wilderness are as follows: Every time you kill a Monster Beast, your enrollment card will have a corresponding score change. The stronger the Monster Beast is, the higher the score will be!”

“Finally, the top 10,000 people can be recruited by the university! However, there is a minimum requirement, that is, the score is at least one thousand, less than one thousand, even if you don’t have enough people, you don’t need to burn it!”

“In the assessment, it is allowed to take other people’s admission cards, you can plunder the opponent’s score and destroy the admission card, and eliminate some opponents in advance!”

“But it doesn’t matter if you lose your enrollment card. You can rob others! Remember that you will never be allowed to kill! Whoever kills, will be immediately rushed out and executed in public!”

“If you lose your enrollment card for more than a day, you will completely lose your chance and be expelled in advance!”

“The time lasts for ten days. After ten days, everyone will be sent out of the Teleportation Formation to end the assessment.”

“let’s start!”

After the silence was finished, it fell from the sky, and no one knew where he went.

Immediately, the crowd began to move, with a portal at the forefront, blocked by an iron fence, and ten passages to pass. At the entrance of each channel, there is a checkpoint for detecting realm. Special personnel are attached to special instruments for inspection and shaking.

Time is limited, everyone is hurrying up, passing the test quickly, and plunging into the portal, and the light and shadow flashed, they disappeared without a trace.

Only Bright Immortal here, no more than Bright Immortal’s direct brushing, and more than Bright Immortal into Star King, will also be directly admitted to the school, become a Star King Institute student.

At Bright Realm, Star Boundary is a very difficult threshold to cross, stopping at least 90% of Warrior under this realm.

Zhou Heng was in a very backward position. When it was his turn to pass, it was already an hour later.

However, in order to ensure the relative fairness of the assessment, the beast pet is not allowed to be brought in, so Zhou Heng severely warned the black scorpion, absolutely can not mess, and after three more, he entered the portal.

Little Fire screamed and looked very sad. Fortunately, there was a black sly look, otherwise it would have to follow hard.

Hey, the light and shadow flashed, and the traction was strong. Zhou Heng felt that the body was sinking, and the foreground of the eye had changed a lot – he appeared in a Place of Wilderness.

This is a ridiculous land. The yellow sand is everywhere, and only a few sparse grasses grow. Obviously, everyone’s position here is different, because within the scope of Zhou Heng at least 10 li, there is no one else. (To be continued.)

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