On the third, fourth and fifth days, Zhou Heng continued to keep a high spurt, not only continued to hold the first throne, but also constantly widened the distance from the second place. .

If nothing special happens, Zhou Heng will hold the first place in this assessment.

But there will always be exceptions. On the seventh day, a mysterious man suddenly sneaked up. From rushing into the top ten to killing the second, it was completed within this day!

Because only the names, scores and location of the top ten people will be notified, so that everyone does not know that this mysterious person has been in the eleventh and twelfth places before, and now suddenly broke out, or he ran into the game. I met two batches of Monster Beast racks, and he just had to walk past the harvest.

Second Type may hardly happen, because the Monster Beast here is a big illusion, how can there be a conflict?

This mysterious man surnamed Qi, single name a metacharacter.

When the news of this shocked surname was issued, everyone was hotly debated. Who is this Qi Yuan, how could it suddenly come out, even his rise is even more sudden than Zhou Heng!

Coincidentally, Zhou Heng and this Qi Yuan are in the same area, but I don’t know how far apart.

Zhou Heng is eating apricot cake and is full of sweetness. In the past few days, he seems to be fascinated by the dessert of Jiāng Zishuang, and he is curious about the origin of Qi Yuan.

In Bright Immortal, he is absolutely invincible!

Therefore, if Qi Yuan’s hunting efficiency is higher than him, it is simply unrealistic! But the score of the other side is really arrogant. If the next day can still keep the madness of yesterday, then it is not a problem to surpass him to be the first.

He is not the first thing to fight for the first place. It can be said that his strength should be his first. If he is inexplicably robbed, he will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

“uncle, is it delicious?” asked Jiāng Zishuang.

“Good!” Zhou Heng replied casually, and Qi Yuan was in the vicinity. Was he looking for it? It’s just that he doesn’t know each other at all, even if he really meets, he can’t recognize it!

“hehe, mother, but under the supervision of Tiantian, I practiced this craft!” The little girl glared at the big black eyes, and the face thief laughed. “Only grab the man’s stomach to grasp the man’s heart!” Uncle, is your heart caught?”

By the way, this little girl is too eccentric, right?

Zhou Heng sighed, said: “Small girl, if you want to marry again, you will regenerate a **, Little Sister, and don’t like you anymore! Is this what you think?”

He began to intimidate this little girl, lest she always want to sell her mother, the same pit as Bing Xiulan!

Jiāng Zishuang suddenly paused. After a while, the little face began to whiten, and then slammed into Zhou Heng’s arms. Wow, he cried: “Tiantian don’t younger brother younger sister, Tiantian don’t mother not hurt Tiantian !”

“Then you want to let ** kiss you?”

“Oh, don’t! Mother is Tiantian alone, can’t be taken away by anyone!” There were two lines of tears on the little girl’s face, but there was a insistence between the look.

Sin and sin!

Zhou Heng said in his heart that this little girl will probably be safe afterwards.

One night passed.

“Uncle, after leaving here, Tiantian will take you to see mother! You are Tiantian’s savior, mother will be moved to devote one’s life to, you must seize the opportunity!” After the little girl fell asleep, It was completely forgotten yesterday’s things to be thorough.

Zhou Heng reloads his hand, forbears, and can endure for three days to leave here, no longer need to be smashed by this little girl!

“Why do you always call me uncle? I am obviously very young?” He couldn’t help but say.

“It’s awkward, if Tiantian calls you big brother, how can Mother marry you!” Little girl gave Zhou Heng a blank eye, and seemed to think that the problem was stupid.

“If you say it again, why do you want to marry you out?”

“Because, mother sometimes cries very sadly, Tiantian asks why mother wants to cry, mother said that he wants to swear!” Xiaotou seriously said, “Tiantian does not want to see mother sad, so find a new 爹爹, then mother will not Will cry again!”

Zhou Heng is speechless. Although the idea of ​​Xiaotoutou is absurd, it does not lose a filial piety, so that he does not know how to answer it.

Forget it, she will always grow up!

“Let’s go, let’s go hunting!”

“Uncle, you are really bored, do the same thing every day, why don’t we play hide-and-seek today?”


Talking to children is sometimes very interesting, and sometimes it is very helpless. Their thoughts are like arrogance, and the jump is quite large.

Zhou Heng learned, and when he was helpless, he did not hear it. He followed Jiāng Zishuang’s little hand and wandered around, looking for the whereabouts of Monster Beast.

Good luck, just five minutes later he met a Monster Beast of 47 Dharma and killed it in two or two. But when he was about to leave, he saw three sturdy men coming over.

When the three saw the Monster Beast, they were slightly surprised. They looked at towards the Zhou Heng with a shocking look. It was a Monster Beast of 47 Dharma. It was able to kill such a Monster Beast alone. powerful?

Although the Monster Beast here can’t be true with the outside of the difference on the terms, the power level is there!

Zhou Heng glanced at them, and as long as others did not come to provoke him, he was not interested in being a bully.

“Your!” Seeing Zhou Heng turned and was about to leave. A strong man quickly shouted. “Please stay here, there is something to do!”

Zhou Heng stopped, but did not turn around. Instead, Jiāng Zishuang turned a small face and said: “We are very busy, what do you want to do?”

The three people didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, this little girl is too eccentric. Still the first strong man, said: “Hello, we do have something to do, want to ask you to help, kill a Monster Beast!”

“Kill Monster Beast?” Zhou Heng laughed. “Don the people who come here not kill Monster Beast?”

“This Monster Beast score is required by my Young Master. As long as you are willing to take it, we are willing to pay you 10,000 Great River Coin. If successful, add another 50,000 Great River Coin!” Robust man said.

This hand is not small!

To know that alchemy is a very profitable business, Zhou Heng searched two pharmacies and only produced about 20 Astral Spirit Pill. Although it is a Creation Emperor level, it is a little worse than Bright Immortal. It’s not much worse!

But an Astral Spirit Pill can also sell 10,000 Great River Coin!

The other party’s opening is 60,000 Great River Coin, which is really rich and imposing!

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but feel that he was moving to the 60,000 Great River Coin, but suddenly thought of Qi Yuan.

Money can make a ghost push, and if you have money, you can ask someone to kill Monster Beast. If you come to yourself and make up the last blow, the score will be recorded on the last person’s head. If you can ask a large number of people to come with the dying Monster Beast, as long as xiu xiu xiu fills in the last sword, then this score will naturally soar.

What’s more, if you ask someone to plunder the enrollment card, can you let your score soar?

Is Qi Yuan doing this?

Zhou Heng suddenly wanted to meet the Young Master in the three populations. He said: “That took me to see your young Master. I will discuss the price with him!”

The three people look at each other in dismay for a while, all are nodded.

To ask Zhou Heng to kill Monster Beast, he will always let him meet the Young Master, even if he sees the side is not hurt. Besides, it is strictly forbidden to kill people here, and no one dares to take risks.

The three men lead the way ahead, and Zhou Heng is holding the small hand of Jiāng Zishuang and walking behind.

Ten minutes later, they came to an open space.

Good guy!

There is a head of Monster Beast corpse, not too high, generally more than a dozen phases, and even the Creation Emperor level. But when these Monster Beasts are added together, the score is quite impressive.

Zhou Heng has a feeling that the young Master of the three is Qi Yuan!

In addition to Monster Beast, there are hundreds of Warriors, and the strength is equally uneven, but at least Bright Immortal, unlike Jiāng Zishuang.

The three strong men and Zhou Heng both crowded through the crowd and came to the front of a tent.

Because it is strictly forbidden to carry Xianju within the school, and the ten-day assessment time is invaluable. Everyone will only race for the second time. Who will spend a tent here?

“Young Master, who found a very good person, but he is not very satisfied with the price of Young Master, want to talk to Young Master!” A strong man said in front of the tent.

“Let him come in!” There was a man’s voice, and the voice was clear and very magnetic.

A strong man opened the tent and smiled at Zhou Heng and said, “Please!”

Zhou Heng took the hand of Jiāng Zishuang and entered it. The tent is large and the space inside is very spacious. If you don’t know, this tent will be regarded as a normal house.

In the middle of the tent is a long table with a jug, wine glasses, fruit and snacks, and a Tsing Yi man sitting in the opposite position of Zhou Heng, who has a face like a jade, but has a The stock is mad.

On his cock, a beautiful woman with only a veil is sitting, not only the lithe and graceful figure, but also the ** ** is clearly visible, but the fabric at the critical part is thick.

This beautiful woman is peeling the grapes and feeding it to the Tsing Yi man. The face is smiling and shy, very charming.

However, Zhou Heng has no doubt that if he is going to the Tsing Yi man at the moment, this seemingly weak beauty will immediately incarnation Shura and launch a storm!

That’s right, this beauty is the highest person here cultivation base!

Absolutely Bright Immortal above 40 Dharma!

“You are Qi Yuan?” Zhou Heng said.

Listening to the name of Qi Yuan, the beautiful woman immediately became a little stiff, and her eyes turned out to be a fighting intent.

“Yue Ji, don’t be impulsive, you are not his opponent!” The Tsing Yi man gently licked the back of the beautiful woman, letting the beauty immediately turn into a spring water, and the cockroach was in his arms.

He looked up and said, “You should be Zhou Heng?”

The two looked at each other and smiled. (To be continued.)

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