Zhou Heng thought that this Qi Yuan was the hedonistic son of rich parents of the big family, and he gave the money to get the top three rankings. .

But when he rushed to the other side, he knew that this young man might be a good-looking dog, but it was definitely not a jealousy, but a savvy mind!

“Please sit!” Qi Yuan reached out and he also had a chair opposite him.

“Thank you!” Zhou Heng was also welcome. He sat down and looked at Qi Yuan with great interest.

“Brother Zhou, I am not a good man!” Qi Yuan seems to be unable to eat Zhou Heng’s sight, and quickly raised his hand.

“I am not a good man!” Zhou Heng said with a smile, “Just want to remember Brother Qi clearly, don’t forget it later!” This person reminds him of Fang Heqing of Mortal Realm, who is not Very strong, but very intelligent, and very charismatic, and he has united a lot of “masters” who are stronger than him.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for people with high strength to do things under the hands of low-powered people!

But Fang Heqing did it, and it wasn’t the power behind it!

Qi Yuan reminded Zhou Heng of Fang Heqing, but in this world, Zhizhi usually doesn’t have much room to play. As long as he has enough strength, what strategy is in vain.

Qi Yuan laughed heartily, said: “Brother Zhou, you are a very nice person!”

“Brother Qi, go straight to the point, you want to kill… Star Boundary Monster Beast?” Zhou Heng suddenly turned the subject.

“I did have such a plan, but after seeing Brother Zhou, I changed my mind!” Qi Yuan said with a smile, “I want to kill Star Boundary Monster Beast. The picture is just that more. The score, let me board the first position!”

“But since Brother Zhou, who is in the first place, is in front of me, why should I ask for it?”

“Brother Zhou, I want you to sell me the first ranking!”

Zhou Heng laughed and said, “Why should I do this?”

“I think, Brother Zhou is a more practical person. The first ranking should be for the rewards. As long as Brother Zhou agrees to give me the first position, then Brother Zhou can get the second. The reward of the name, but also get the first prize!”

“In addition, there is one of my personalities!”

When Qi Yuan said the last sentence, there was a hard arrogance on his face.

Zhou Heng smiled at Qi Yuan and said: “Brother Qi has that many people, why don’t you attack and attack my score? I am already the eighth, and you score the first and second. No one should be able to surpass you anymore!”

Qi Yuan shook his head and cocked a finger and shook it to emphasize it. “Brother Zhou can beat Niu Gang and plunder this person’s admission card. I know that in this new assessment, Brother Zhou Not only the first force, but also the first to overwhelm the surname!”

“Going to Brother Zhou, it’s a shame!”

“So, I sincerely want to do business with Brother Zhou, and I would like to ask Brother Zhou to sell me a favor!”

Zhou Heng did not agree, and did not refuse, but asked: “I am very surprised, Brother Qi seems to be rich and wealthy, there is no shortage of so-called treasure, then why bother to snatch the first?”

“I promised to one person, I must get the first of this freshman’s assessment! But my strength is not enough for me to do this, I can only fully play my advantage!” Qi Yuan does not shy away tunnel.

The power of this thing is different from the power, more different from the power. Some Elixir Masters are just Moonbright King, but they can let the Creation Emperor take orders. This is not because of their strength or strength, but because of the power they have.

The trend is a comprehensive factor, including strength, including combat power, including background, money, and connections!

Qi Yuan’s own combat power is not too strong, but the forces he masters are very different. If this is not the emergence of Zhou Heng, he will not have much suspense in winning the first place. Zhou Heng can not be a common sense. to measure!

Zhou Heng noticed that when he mentioned “one person”, Qi Yuan’s eyes showed a gentle color.

This person should be the one he likes?

Zhou Heng showed a smile and said: “Well, I promise you!” He is not a reward for the other party, or Qi Yuan’s human feelings, but because of that infatuation, let him think of the Huotian women.

If they have such a request, will they do the same?

“many thanks!” Qi Yuan was slightly stunned to show his gratitude.

“Little girl, go!” Zhou Heng went to pull Jiāng Zishuang.

“Tiantian hasn’t eaten enough yet!” The little girl looked up from the buried table, the little face was covered with crumbs of food, and looked at Zhou Heng with a grievous look, like a puppy.

“It’s fine, you can let Yue Ji look at her for a while, how can Brother Zhou go hunting with me?” Qi Yuan suggested to Zhou Heng.

“Go!” Zhou Heng is even more crisp.

Although Xiaotoutou is sometimes very cute, but more often it is to make him a big head. Now, if someone is on his behalf, he can’t ask for it.

“Little girl, remember to be a little bit!” He was instructed.

“But Tiantian is already very embarrassed, can’t be smashed again!” Jiāng Zishuang said in a helpless tone.


Regardless of the arrogant little girl, Zhou Heng and Qi Yuan left the “camp” and began to look for Monster Beast to kill.

Qi Yuan’s identity makes Zhou Heng curious. After all, to reach his level is not just a light-minded, glamorous personality, it needs to master a certain “potential”, otherwise who will care for him?

Qi Family, should be a big family within the Great Origin Learning Institute!

Qi Yuan’s ability to look at the color is very strong, immediately said with a smile: “Forgot to tell Brother Zhou, my Qi Family ancestor is one of the founders of this Great Origin Learning Institute, the family is currently the Great Origin Learning Institute One of the Deputy Dean!”


Zhou Heng is nodded in the heart. If this guy only wants to enter the Great Origin Learning Institute, it would be too simple. The grandson of the dignified Deputy Dean still needs to be assessed.

I just don’t know which girl the girl is looking at. It’s so infatuated, it’s such a big move!

Although the school does not stipulate that the assessors can’t form an alliance, it seems that using such a means is contrary to the selection of the best talents. Even if he is the grandson of Deputy Dean, he will certainly be subject to some blame.

Soon, the two came to a hole in Hessen.

“This is Sovereign Ant Nest, which is the most annoying Elephant Sovereign Ant of Bright Realm. Although the individual strength of Elephant Sovereign Ant is not strong, the number is too much. After the formation of the ant wave, even Star King must be big! Said Qi Yuan.

Zhou Heng is a smile. For him, as long as the realm is at the level of Bright Immortal, then the sea tactics are useless! He said with a smile : “Then don’t waste time, first put your score up, otherwise you can sit down and dong!”

“Brother Zhou is so sure?” Qi Yuan is finally showing a touch of surprise.

This is Sovereign Anthill, not the Star King’s lair but it’s more dangerous than the average Star King’s nest. It’s really possible to get out again after entering it!

Zhou Heng is just smiling, his feet moving, and he is walking into the cave.

Although this is an ant colony, the cave is outrageous because it is the Elephant Sovereign Ant, and each has an elephant shape. Naturally, the caves will be excavated to a large extent, otherwise they will not be able to pass.

Within the scope of opening up to these appraisers, there is only one Elephant Sovereign Ant, but no one dares to set foot here, that is, the team of thousands of people may be swallowed up by the endless sea of ​​ants!

Qi Yuan doesn’t really know whether Zhou Heng is strong enough or confident.

An Elephant Sovereign Ant climbed out and found Zhou Heng and immediately attacked him. It is very fast, not like an ant, but a sly.

Zhou Heng slammed out, golden rays of light, stunned, and under heavy blow, the Monster Beast was immediately dying. He strode forward and kept going.

Strong, too strong!

Qi Yuan is also a person who has seen the world. His grandfather can serve as the Deputy Dean of the Great Origin Learning Institute. It is also the existence of the Skyriver King. There is no shortage of players in the family to defeat the entire Elephant Sovereign Ant group.

But it’s just Bright Immortal, the simple ordinary punch can blast the same order Monster Beast dying, this battle is too horrible!

He is completely convinced that if Zhou Heng wants to leave the score to him, this fist down the Elephant Sovereign Ant is absolutely dead!

However, although this individual strength is strong, can it stand the siege of Anthai? Be aware that the terrifying of Elephant Sovereign Ant is never the individual’s strength, but the amount of terror!

Qi Yuan is not afraid. He dares to come to Zhou Heng with this dangerous place. He is fully confident that he can leave safely. However, Zhou Heng should not have such a treasure. He is so emboldened?

How many secrets are hidden in this young people?

Qi Yuan can’t help but be more curious about Zhou Heng, and his mindset has changed, resulting in a proactive idea.

The death of an Elephant Sovereign Ant, like the fire of the stars, immediately ignited the fire of the Suiyuan, only listening to the sound of hong long long, the whole cave was shaking. .

In Mortal Realm, there is a saying that describes Warrior of Body Refining Boundary, which is the sound of the ant sound, representing the strength of the Great Accomplishment, is expected to break into the Spirit-Gathering Boundary. However, it is really an ant now, because there are too many, and these Elephant Sovereign Ants are too big!

The black-pressed ant colony appears, and the densely packed scene is enough for some timid people to collapse immediately!

Qi Yuan couldn’t help but change his face. Forbidden Artifact on his body can be automatically activated to form a defensive layer to block the Star King Rank attack. He can protect him until the power is exhausted!

But he suspects that this Forbidden Artifact can last a few seconds under the attack of the ant colony!

What makes him feel relieved is that he also has a transmission treasure, which is divided into two parts, and the child can return to the mother machine as soon as it starts. The parent device is currently in the previous camp, and as long as the Forbidden Artifact on his body gives him a slight reaction time, he can safely get out.

He looked at towards Zhou Heng and wanted to know what ability this guy had to fight against such a large number of ants!

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, Violetflame Sky Dragon launched, hey, the unstoppable momentum, bang bang bang, all the Elephant Sovereign Ant are not belly-turning!

Qi Yuan suddenly suddenly came out with his tongue: “…” (to be continued.)

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