When Zhou Heng left, Páng Shaolong had only one beach of rotten meat!

If the other party is Bright Immortal Rank, he has been killed for such a heavy injury. At this time, his powerful physique has become a drag, so that he can withstand the pain that countless ordinary people can not afford.

Zhou Heng has no sympathy. This guy dares to threaten his relatives and friends. It is really courting death!

If he has not been watched here and can’t kill, he has already slaughtered the bastard.

Compared with the Páng Family, Zhou Heng is not qualified enough. People can be called “upstarts”. Although this title is very derogatory, it also shows that the Páng Family is very strong.

This is Bright Realm. Bright Immortal can only be regarded as the lower level of the pyramid. It is Zhou Heng who can sweep all the invincible Bright Immortal. When he meets Star King, he is definitely not an opponent. When he first entered Bright Realm, the demon tiger has already Proof.

However, precisely because the Páng Family is a nouveau riche, it also shows that the power of the Páng Family is temporarily impossible to reach the Great Origin Learning Institute!

The school, not Mortal Realm is only a place to teach martial arts, in Bright Realm, at least in Crossing Yang Star, this is a power center, and even the next level of power of the Great River Learning Institute, equivalent to the palace of the Minister of the Union!

This kind of place, is it a little money, you can put your hand in to share a piece of cake?

The power circle has a large exclusive name. Those who are in power are extremely hostile to others. The Páng Family will only be attacked by the many people of the Great Origin Learning Institute if they are outstretched!

What about the Deany Dean of the Great River Learning Institute behind the Páng Family? The whip is beyond the reach!

Therefore, as long as you stay within the Great Origin Learning Institute, Zhou Heng is absolutely safe. And what he has to do is to enter Star King as soon as possible, so that he has a certain strength!

Zhou Heng walked back to Qi Yuan, and the little girl immediately jumped over and threw himself into his arms, hanging in his head and neck and laughing.

Qi Yuan looked at him with suspicion.

Zhou Heng spread his hand and said: “Reassure, I didn’t kill him! Otherwise, you thought I could stand here, are you staring at this strange look?”

“Brother Zhou, sometimes telling the truth is very sad!”

“Then you want me to tell you a lie?”

“…forget it, or the truth, I think my ability to withstand it is not bad!”

Zhou Heng threw the enrollment card he had taken from Páng Shaolong to Qi Yuan. If the score above was used by him, it would definitely exceed Qi Yuan. Qi Yuan is also welcome, even the thank you did not say a word.

In the next day, they can rest completely, unless others can find another Sovereign Ant Nest and sweep clean, no one can surpass Zhou Heng and Qi Yuan in scores.

Zhou Heng has no shortage of such slaughter and blood trials, but Qi Yuan is very interested, he asked Zhou Heng to press and start the next journey of experience.

Qi Yuan was so happy that Zhou Heng asked him about many of the Great Origin Learning Institute.

——Jiāng Zishuang After all, it’s just a little girl of seven or eight years old. Many things can’t be remembered. That’s what she remembers. Zhou Heng also has to wonder if the little girl has made a mistake.

Therefore, it is still reliable from Qi Yuan’s mouth.

Jiāng Zishuang was very dissatisfied with this, and she said that she would ignore Zhou Heng, but after a while she forgot about it and pulled Zhou Heng’s hand chirp chirp twitter twitter.

Qi Yuan is not so suspicious. He is the grandson of the school’s Deputy Dean. He is very familiar with the school, but other people’s words may not be necessary. It is reasonable to ask him.

Zhou Heng knows that although the school has opened three branches, the Sky Martial Institute, the Sky Formation Institute and the Sky Elixir Institute, in fact, there is almost no sense of existence in the latter two branches, because there are too few students!

Whether it is alchemy or engraving, this requires a very high innate talent, innate talent in this area, not the qualification of cultivation! This is no easier than finding a Martial King, so the number of people in the two branches is only fifty.

The number of people is so small, and each Elixir Master or Formation Mark Master is a special home. If you have nothing to do, you can study Dandao and scribble in the house. As a result, the presence of these two branches is even lower.

However, things are rare, because the Elixir Master and the Formation Mark Master are small but indispensable, so they are highly valued by the university. Every Elixir Master and Formation Mark Master will be cultivated by the university.

Of course this has nothing to do with Zhou Heng unless he wants to enter the Sky Elixir Institute.

His concern is to cultivate resources.

In the Great Origin Learning Institute, in addition to the need for money, there is one more important thing, that is, the contribution value.

The contribution value is well understood, that is, the contribution to the school is quantified as a numerical value.

In Academy, basically anything needs to contribute value to buy. For example, a “Cold Bone Pill” requires ten contributions and 20,000 Great River Coin.

There is money… no!

Local tyrants do not work in the school, the contribution value is king!

How do you get the contribution value?

The most common means is to complete the tasks assigned by the university. The number of tasks is varied and varied, depending on the level of difficulty.

Second, if you make a significant contribution to the school, you will also be rewarded with contributions, such as a higher ranking in the Learning Institute Competition. Of course, if Zhou Heng gets the top three assessments this time, he may also get a reward for the contribution value.

There are other ways, but there is no doubt that none of the above two are common.

Zhou Heng estimates that he will sell all the remaining Astral Spirit Pill, and he will hold 210,000 Great River Coin in his hand. It looks a lot. In the ordinary family, it is enough to make them live a good life. .

Poor and rich, medicine pill This piece is too much money, and the 210,000 Great River Coin may not even be able to refine his medicine pill!

And also need to contribute value, this is the biggest trouble!

After entering the school, the first thing is to earn the contribution value, no time to delay!

Zhou Heng thought about it. He hasn’t entered the school yet. He seems to have provoked many people, such as the son of Town Mayor, Tauren Clan, and Páng Family!

He needs strength!

Time passed quickly, and after the end of 9th day, the scores and location of Zhou Heng and Qi Yuan were reported, which led to the final madness of the assessors. On the tenth day, they searched the mountains and the plains and searched for two people. .

Anyway, will not die, what are you afraid of?

Moreover, the ants are more likely to bite the dead elephant. If you let yourself grab the enrollment cards of these two people, can you jump into the first and second?

There must be a brave man under the reward, and there is a guarantee of the bottom, and will not lose the surname?

People are crazy, the offensive is constant!

Zhou Heng was still very restrained at the beginning, and his hand was very light. But when these people were still there, he couldn’t help but anger. These people thought that they would have no danger when they had a gold medal.

Unfortunately, Páng Shaolong is not there, otherwise he will vividly explain to everyone what is called life is not as good as death, what is called pain?

Zhou Heng has been angry and the consequences are very serious!

He started to be ruthless, except that he did not charge his surname, and every punch in his fist would beat the whole body to crush the bones!

This is not Mortal Realm, Immortal Realm, Warrior can recover the injury. In Bright Realm, Warrior’s recovery speed is too slow. This broken surname fracture can be cured, but there is no two or three months of recuperation.

– Of course, a good Healing Medicine Pill or a treatment rune can speed up the process, depending on the efficacy or treatment of the effect of the rune.

After lying down for thousands of people, the people behind are awake.

That man is Demon Ghost!


Who can 1 against 1,000 besides the devil?

It’s all Bright Immortal, he can swipe with one fist and it’s so powerful that people can’t imagine it!

This school seems to have received a monster!

Zhou Heng’s eyes swept over, covering the mountains and the plains crowd absolute silence, that is, those who were seriously injured also swallowed, and did not want to be stared at his eyes, it would make them feel cold!

Martial King!

Qi Yuan is stirring in his heart. He is a wise man. The value of force is not weak, but it is definitely not strong. This is Martial King, no war but a warrior!

This explains why the Elephant Sovereign Ant in Sovereign Ant Nest can only be left behind!

Because Bright Realm is too big and has a depopulated population, this world’s Martial King must be thousands or even thousands of times more than Immortal Realm. If you average to the Great Origin Learning Institute, it could be tens of thousands of years. A few hundred years to get one!

Qi Yuan had never seen Martial King before, and he didn’t know that his guess was actually wrong. Zhou Heng’s anti-day has exceeded the scope of Martial King!

Otherwise, he is even more excited now!

In the eyes of everyone, ten days have finally passed, xiu xiu xiu, everyone has been sent out here, back to the square that entered before.

In the ten days, a large number of appraisers have been kicked out of the game in advance. Although there are still a few hundred people standing in the square, they will appear to be “empty” compared to the previous million. .

“It is about ten minutes to do the final statistics and check. Everyone will wait patiently!” In the school, the person who can’t see the looks is vacated, and under the strong pressure, everyone is in the air. Even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

He waved his hand and said: “Take the wounded first to treat!”

Like the person who was beaten by Zhou Heng on the last day, he couldn’t stand up even if he didn’t treat it. If he didn’t treat it, he would not leave for two or three months and would like to leave on his own strength.

After saying this, he did not speak again, the atmosphere became a little nervous, and many people involuntarily shed cold sweat.

Finally, ten minutes passed.

“The score has already come out. You all go there to brush your enrollment card. Anyone who has passed the assessment will tell you! If you don’t pass, you will leave the school immediately. After passing the registration, someone will arrange it. Your residence, come here tomorrow at noon, tell you about the rules of the school, and give the top three rewards!” (To be continued.)

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