The enrollment card is just a number, and it does not correspond to one after another. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you lose your enrollment card. As long as you can grab someone else’s enrollment card in one day, you can continue. .

Therefore, after coming out, it is also through the admission card to recognize the results, and then correspond to the holder.

Of course, this time you can definitely do the tricks, such as exchanging the enrollment cards. But the school seems to have no intention to stop, just urge everyone to go straight to complete the verification of the score and the new certification.

Because the score has been finalized, the scores of the admission cards are naturally fixed, and they can only be exchanged and can no longer rob others’ scores. So although many people gather in small groups to discuss them, most of them are still Go to the final checkpoint and hold your heart to uncover your destiny.

Whether it was eliminated or passed.

“Ah!” “wa!” “Yeah!”

There are always a lot of screams, some are full of surprises, some are full of frustration. Obviously, the person who is pleasantly surprised has passed the assessment, and the lost person is naturally eliminated.

Zhou Heng holding Jiāng Zishuang did not move, now people are squeezing to death, he is not in a hurry.

However, Qi Yuan obviously had to pack a lot of bags. Under the protection of Yue Ji, he quickly squeezed into the checkpoint. After handing in his enrollment card, the crowd there suddenly burst into exclamation.

“It turned out that he is Qi Yuan!”

“The first place in this assessment!”

“Not necessarily, the final day score is not announced, maybe it has been exceeded?”

“You can’t eat grapes and say that the grapes are sour, and you can see at a glance that he is definitely the first!”

Qi Yuan looked around and looked very proud.

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but smile. This guy said that it is for a woman to get the first, but she doesn’t know who is the woman who makes him so enamored? After all, he is not an old man of seventy and eighty, and his curiosity is still very big.

Jiāng Zishuang grabbed Zhou Heng’s ear and whispered: “There is no mother beautiful!”

“You are Ghost Spirit Essence, even I want to know everything!” Zhou Heng hit her little ass.

“Zhou boy, you are not dead, you want to die this Eminence!” At this time, the black scorpion also found it, the dog’s son carrying his face lost.

“I am not so depressed, are you so disappointed?” Zhou Heng sighed.

“Yeah, if you are dead, Little Fire is this Eminence!” Black is outspoken.

This one!

Huh? Zhou Heng couldn’t help but look at it. This cockroach is really big, but its cultivation speed is just breaking through the sky. It’s just ten days, it actually broke through Bright Immortal!

Although it is 1 Dharma Bright Immortal, Bright Immortal is Bright Immortal, and it has crossed 1st!

Here, the black cockroaches obviously can’t get any medicine pill, and in just ten days, they have upgraded six Divine Idols, which really makes people even drop their eyes!

This is definitely a special effect of Heaven and Earth Fruit, because Bright Realm’s Spiritual Qi is particularly rich, causing the black scorpion to break out after a big outbreak.

In this way, Black Sable can even step into Star Boundary faster than him!

Because this scorpion is actually not a good qualification, 9 Dharma Bright Immortal is estimated to be the end point, you can directly break through Star King. One that only needs to upgrade eight Divine Idols and the other to raise 70 is obviously not a difficulty.

“Good, cute dog!” After seeing Little Fire, Jiāng Zishuang immediately brightened his eyes and couldn’t look away.

“woof!” Little Fire jumped into the arms of Zhou Heng, and after being caught by the little girl, it revealed the innocent appearance, and the lethality directly exploded.

“Hey, obviously this Eminence is also a mother, how is the gap so big?” Blackbird stared at Little Fire, his mouth was squatting.

The crowd is getting smaller and smaller, and people are being eliminated. The people who have been admitted are also arranged elsewhere. There are fewer and fewer people in the square.

“Tiantian!” A sweet woman voiced.

“mother!” Jiāng Zishuang immediately struggled in Zhou Heng’s arms. After Zhou Heng put her on the ground, she boarded the Little Fire and greeted a full-bodied woman, but she was anxious. Fire is screaming.

Zhou Heng made a don’t be impatient action to Little Fire, and when he glanced over the rich woman, he could not help but feel a sense of surprise.

No wonder the little girl is so confident, this woman is really beautiful, full of mature women’s unique charm, fat buttocks round, crisp chest bulging, showing a familiar charm between every move.

If Zhou Heng is just a debut boy, after seeing this full-bodied beauty, he will be frustrated and completely unable to hold it.

After a while, the rich beauty was holding Jiāng Zishuang Yingying, and the fat buttocks naturally twisted around, swaying the charming arc of the surname, full of temptation. She is facing Zhou Heng lightly smiled and said: “Belong to Yang Yuhua, many thanks Young Master’s photo of the little girl a few days ago!”

Zhou Heng returned to the ceremony and said: “Make it a little, Madame doesn’t have to worry!”

“Don’t just say thank you, if there is any gift, this Eminence will be accepted on behalf of Zhou boy!” Blackbird shouted on the side.

Yang Yuhua Yanran smiled and flattered, her right hand spurred, and there was already a purple dagger in her palm. “This is the ‘Violetjade Dagger’ made by the whole body. After the attack, the limit Star King can burst. The power of the shock, but only used three times!”

Forbidden Artifact !

Blackbird quickly took out his hoof and took Violetjade Dagger. After greedily touching and smelling, he did not give Zhou Heng a chance to get involved, and immediately took it into the space instrument.

If you want to let the black scorpion hand over something, it is harder than going to heaven! However, Zhou Heng has decided to take over the Forbidden Artifact after he has returned. After all, he has now planted a lot of enemies for himself. This kind of life-saving thing is much better.

He quickly hugged cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Respect is not as good as life, many thanks Madame!”

Yang Yuhua slightly nodded, said: “There are some personal matters in the whole body. Let’s leave! If you have any trouble with the Young Master, you can go to the Sky Formation Institute to find out!” She said to Jiāng Zishuang, “Tiantian, Return the dog to someone else!”

“But, Little Fire is so cute, let Tiantian help uncle!” Little girl bargained.

“That is something for people, Tiantian!” Yang Yuhua said softly.

The little girl pouted for a moment and suddenly said, “That mother, you marry uncle, this dog is a gift!”

Hang Niang, pit mother!

Zhou Heng’s face is pumping, and she resists not laughing. Yang Yuhua is didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. In the eyes of Xiaotoutou, her mother is worth the same as a dog. It’s so easy. Sell ​​her?

“Noisy!” She was very strict. Jiāng Zishuang had no choice but to let Little Fire loose, and shook her hand to Zhou Heng. “Uncle, remember to look at Tiantian, and you must pursue your mother.” Hey, Tiantian will open the back door for you!”

Yang Yuhua suddenly fled and fled, and she was born and she was so beautiful!

Zhou Heng is finally laughing, this little girl is really fun.

“The people over there, come over, there are only a few of you left!”

Zhou Heng looked around and there were few people left in the square. He waved to Little Fire and said, “Go!”

He took a dog and a dog to the check-in and handed over his enrollment card.

“Hey, are you Zhou Heng?” The five young people who were responsible for the registration and review were the young women who took the admission card and immediately exclaimed.

Qi Yuan, the first place, and Zhou Heng, the second place, took the third place out of several positions, and it’s hard to be famous!

Therefore, when the other party saw the horrible score and called Zhou Heng’s name, it was not that she really knew.

These five people are all Star King!

It should be the discipline of the Star King Institute, Zhou Heng speculated in his heart, lightly smiled, said: “I am Zhou Heng!”

The other four are men. They all looked at Zhou Heng. Their eyes were more complicated. They couldn’t say whether they were envious or embarrassed or disdain. One person threw out a white brand, which should be made of metal. It had a crisp sound on the table. .

He said: “This is your identity token, drop a drop of blood, complete the registration!”

“Junior Brother, this identity token is the most important thing in your school, with tokens in and out, and records your contribution and so on, so 10 million don’t lose it!” The woman was very kind before Explain.

“many thanks Senior Sister !” Zhou Heng didn’t know what the other person said as Senior or something else, but since the other party called him Junior Brother, he naturally called the other a Senior Sister.

It seems that the four branches are called by fellow apprentices and Senior Sister.

“Bright Immortal Institute, Star King Institute, Star Sovereign Institute, Star Emperor Institute, Purple, Stars only in the school, remember!” The woman handed Zhou Heng a set of clothing It really is azure.

The other five of them are all black, as Zhou Heng thinks, they are all Star King Institute, and they are temporarily taking care of it. This should have a contribution value.

Zhou Heng thought in his heart, and said: “many thanks Senior Sister, do you know if you know the name of Senior Sister?”

He is the surname of Dian Shui and Yong Quan Bao. Although the other party is only a few words of reminder, he is already in mind, and he will report it later.

“haha, do you still want to eat swan meat?” A man immediately sneered, seemingly misinterpreting Zhou Heng’s intentions.

Zhou Heng is too lazy to care about him. Besides, one is Bright Immortal and the other is Star King. The gap between the two is too big. It would be too stupid if he is now in conflict with Star King.

“My name is Jí Tingting!” The woman Yanran smiled, although not a top beauty, but also fascinated. “Junior Brother, let’s go to rest first. The place where you live is…Thousand Snow Courtyard, you are too late, it is estimated that good places are I was taken away, this is your room number, you can find it yourself!”

“Then I said goodbye!” Zhou Heng arched the five men and left with the black scorpion and Little Fire.

The Thousand Snow Courtyard is a hundred miles away, but for Bright Immortal, this distance is a few minutes of footing, which is still not possible to fly in the air and must be around.

The Thousand Snow Courtyard is one of the places where the Bright Immortal Institute students live. There are also the Spring Thunder Courtyard, the Far Hill Courtyard and the Rainstorm Courtyard. The four courtyards combine to form the entire Bright Immortal Institute, with students near 200,000.

The university has only the lowest realm requirements for enrolled students, but it does not stipulate the age. If you enter the school, if there is no breakthrough Star King in the millennium, then I am embarrassed to expel!

Otherwise, the students of the Bright Immortal Institute are more than 200,000? (To be continued.)

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