The Great Origin Learning Institute is large, even several times larger than the Peaceful Winds City, which occupies a large area, and everyone naturally doesn’t have to squeeze a room with others. .

The Thousand Frost Courtyard is a small and a small courtyard of each and everyone. Although it is not very big, the living room, the yard and the bedroom are all there. A few rockeries can block a side World and have a flavor.

After Zhou Heng walked into the corresponding “146243” hospital, Little Fire immediately ran over in the yard, squatting on the roots and stones, and peeing the urine to show the site. Occupation.

The black cockroach is rummaging through the room in the house. It used to be a student. It may have been removed. It may have gone to the Star King Institute. It may have fallen in the experience of going out. I don’t know if it will. Will leave a treasure.

It’s just that this scorpion is destined to be disappointed. This house has been cleaned up and sorted out. How could it still have treasure left? There is a list of “new students’ instructions”, which lists some taboos in the school, as well as an introduction to the contribution values.

Within the school, it is strictly forbidden to fight privately, otherwise there is nothing to say, and both sides of the fight are directly expelled. If it is serious, it may be executed!

Don’t try to provoke the school. Although it is called a school, it can be called the palace, and it has the power to kill one area!

Zhou Heng is concerned with the contribution value and the contribution required to redeem the material, Great River Coin.

The detailed exchange price is not listed on the list, but the students who are different from the Academy can exchange different things. This is the permission. The higher the level of the branch, the higher the authority, the spirit medicine that can be exchanged. Cultivation techniques, the more advanced the material.

For example, Zhou Heng has an astronomical contribution and Great River Coin, but he is unable to exchange high-end spirit medicine as a discriminator of the Bright Immortal Institute.

Spirit medicine covers the five big small realm from Creation Emperor to Star Emperor, so the school has subdivided it, dividing the spirit medicine into five grades, and the grade is simple, 1-Star 2-Star 3 -Star is so divided, although lazy, but very clear.

1-Star spirit medicine is used by Creation Emperor, 2-Star corresponds to Bright Immortal, 3-Star corresponds to Star King, 4-Star corresponds to Star Sovereign, and 5-Star corresponds to Star Emperor.

The Bright Immortal Institute’s discipline can be redeemed for 1-Star and 2-Star spirit medicine, and 3-Star spirit medicine must have higher authority, which is promoted to the Star King Institute’s discipline.

Zhou Heng now naturally does not need 3-Star spirit medicine, so he only cares about how to get the contribution value.

Completing the tasks enacted by the Academy is one of the most common and the most common ones. Others have the extreme personal performance of breaking records, which is only suitable for people with innate talent.

For example, the strongest strength, the fastest speed, the most agile reaction!

It’s just that the school has been established for many years. How difficult is it to break the record. Is there a rare genius among the ancestors?

It doesn’t matter if you break it, can you look at it?

Overnight, Zhou Heng went to the square yesterday, where a simple new gathering will be held and rewards will be given to the top three winners.

Compared with yesterday, there are fewer people today, and 10,000 people here are empty. Moreover, some people are still being carried, and some people are covered with white cloth, full of medicine.

“Brother Zhou!” Qi Yuan came over and took a cup of fist in the other hand to Zhou Heng. As for Yue Ji, it was like a shadow. She naturally passed the assessment, otherwise the non-student could not stay in the school. .

Zhou Heng made a four-point look and then said: “Brother Qi, what about your confidante?”

Qi Yuan quickly shook his head and nervously said: “Brother Zhou, you can’t say this in front of her face!”

“…you shouldn’t just be unrequited?” Zhou Heng glanced.

“No?” Qi Yuan’s face was a little red.

Sure enough, I can’t think of this guy who is self-satisfied, but actually will be single-love!

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but smile, but there was no victory in chasing. There is nothing wrong with like a person. This is everyone’s freedom. Why should he set it?

“From today, you are a member of the Great Origin Learning Institute!” Or the one who can’t see the looks, has a radiant dance, but now, this brilliance has faded away, showing a look of sixty The old man from the old age, “old man Liu Hetian, is the head of the Bright Immortal Institute, you can call the old man Eminence Liu!”

“Because you are a member of the Great Origin Learning Institute, you have to take responsibility and be proud to be a member of the school!”

“No one can do anything to shame the school, or the old man will kill him!”

“You get a Promoting Spirit Pill every month, which saves you ten years of hard work! If you want more Spirit Pill, you need to earn your own contribution!”

“Everyone can use his identity token to go to Wujingtang to borrow a this cultivation technique, but limited to 1-Star cultivation technique! If you want a more advanced cultivation technique, you should use the contribution value to change it!”

“The school is not a good church. If you want to get something, you have to see what you have paid for it!”

Liu Hetian’s voice is loud and full of the pressure of the high-ranking Warrior, so that everyone seems to be holding a stone in his heart, involuntarily giving rise to sorrow. He looked around the crowd and said: “Next, give the rewards to the top three people in this assessment. I hope everyone will catch up with these three people!”

“Third place, Zhù Mulan!”

His voice fell, a black clothed youth strode out of the crowd, came to Liu Hetian’s side, medium-sized, looks very ordinary, but a pair of eyes are very beautiful, can be recognized in the crowd The kind that comes out.

This person and Tāng Yanfei’s score has been stunned, but in the end he won with a slight advantage, and he did not worry that he had been delayed for a hundred years, otherwise he would still be in the fourth place, it is estimated that he will hit the wall.

“The reward contribution is worth 100 points, and the Promoting Spirit Pill is three!”

Zhù Mulan took a small box, his face was calm and waveless, and he didn’t know that he was happy inside. He was still depressed and this time he had two more enchanting, and he pressed his life to the third.

“Second place, Zhou Heng!”

Zhou Heng strode out of the crowd, and all the students also looked at him at the same time, full of curiosity.

In the previous assessment, he occupied the first position of the score for eight days, until the last two days, but still ranked second, higher than the third, a lot compared to the first The name is only slightly worse.

Like Qi Yuan, the name Zhou Heng is equally unfamiliar, and everyone is thinking about what this guy is!

Every 100 years, there will be a big enrollment. Over time, it has formed a habit. Many geniuses will choose to participate in the 100-year enrollment. At the time of assessment, they will be amaze the world with a single brilliant feat!

The top three students who have enrolled hundreds of years of enrollment, as long as they have not fallen in the middle, have basically become the heroes of the storm, at least have become Star Emperor, as for Skyriver Boundary?

That’s too hard, the entire Great Origin Learning Institute is good every hundred thousand years!

After all, Crossing Yang Star’s Skyriver Boundary powerhouse adds up to a few thousand!

“The reward contribution is worth two hundred points, and the Promoting Spirit Pill is five!”

Zhou Heng was also given a small box, the weight is very light, but only five medicine pill, it really does not have any weight.

“First place, Qi Yuan!”

Liu Hetian called the last person, and the reward was almost predictable: three hundred points of contribution, ten Promoting Spirit Pill.

“Cultivate well, don’t be slack!” Liu Hetian then screamed and floated away.

“Brother Zhou, the contribution value cannot be transferred, so if you want to buy something, you can just say it, and the money you need is covered by me!” Qi Yuan said very generously.

For local tyrants, money… is simply not money!

Zhou Heng is not polite, this is what he deserves. He looked around and said, “Your dream, Fairy, no one is watching you!”

“Brother Zhou, you won’t have any intentions for her?” Qi Yuan is full of doubts.

“No one has ever seen it, what can be an attempt?” Zhou Heng was not very good.

“That is, if you see it, you will have an attempt!” Qi Yuan screamed, “The friend is not careful!”

He can’t help but lament. Of course, Zhou Heng knows that this guy is deliberately exaggerating. The intention is to deepen friendship with Zhou Heng. Friends, naturally, they are joking with each other.

Zhou Heng is not so busy. He is absolutely safe in the school, but he can’t stay here all the time. He wants to earn the contribution of the task. At least 99 of 100 missions need to leave the school.

He went to the Precious Materials Pavilion for the first time, where the value of the contribution was exchanged for the material – he had Fire God’s Furnace, and his own alchemy was much more expensive than a direct replacement for the finished product.

After watching the price, Zhou Heng was long exhaled, counting Qi Yuan’s three hundred points of contribution, enough for him to buy the material of the first medicine medicine pill.

He immediately grabbed Qi Yuan and spent the scores of the two.

“Hey, Brother Zhou, do you know her identity?” Qi Yuan saw Zhou Heng buy a lot of materials, and could not help but reveal a strange expression.

“Who is she?” Zhou Heng naturally didn’t know what he was talking about.

“Don’t you know that Fairy Tái is Elixir Master, which bought so much material?” said Qi Yuan astonished.

“Fairy Tái?” Zhou Heng gave a slight glimpse. This surname is rare, and he happens to know that a woman named Taiwan is helping Tái Nianning with his help! Not so smart, this guy’s dream lover is her?

“you have heard?”

“Is it Tái Nianning?”

“Rely, you really have no intentions!” Qi Yuan squats.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily: “Don’t get me wrong, I just got help from her once and I can’t talk about anything! But if you want to pursue her, I think it’s very difficult!”

Tái Nianning is just Star King, but she has a more prominent identity – Elixir Master!

Just as Zhou Heng only certified an 3-Star Elixir Master at Moonbright King, it would allow Sunshine King to intersect, and the cultivation base realm could not represent the status of Elixir Master!

This is a transcendent group!

No wonder Qi Yuan values ​​the first ranking so much. If you want to match an Elixir Master, you really have to stand out. (To be continued.)

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