Qi Yuan confirmed again and again that after Zhou Heng had no interest in Tái Nianning, it was not very safe to leave. .

Zhou Heng shook his head, this guy is not very smart, how is it now like a mental retardation!

Love is really blind!

Zhou Heng returned to his place of residence and immediately threw Fire God’s Furnace out and started alchemy.

This Pill Recipe is also what Fire God’s Furnace told him. The medicine pill is called “Bright King Pill” and can form a Divine Idol directly, the same as Seven Stars Pill. However, there is only one medicine pill in the furnace, only a few!

Zhou Heng immediately retired to refining these Bright King Pills, and the black guys and Little Fire didn’t know what to steal. The two guys started retreating as early as half a day ago, so the one didn’t come to fight with him.

He tried his best to refining medicinal power, but it took him seven days to complete the medicine pill refining.

Thirty-nine Divine Idol!

Zhou Heng is laughing, although he already has Divine Idol near 40, he doesn’t feel the chance of breakthrough. It seems that the distance of 108,000 li is still worse.

It is also a loss for him to go to Bright Realm, otherwise I still need to find tens of thousands of years to find enough drugs in Immortal Realm, send him to Star Boundary?

However, the contribution value has now been exhausted, and then we must find a way to earn it.

He went to Sandrage Field first. This is actually the trial field, Martial Fighting Stage, for the academic discipline to learn from here, and there are some special props that can temper the body of Warrior.

Come here, of course, is the contribution value!

In addition to the task to obtain the contribution value, there is another record, such as the strength of the limit, speed, reaction speed and so on. Bright Immortal has a record of Bright Immortal level, and Star King has Star King Rank, which will not be confused.

Zhou Heng would like to try.

After he asked for a message, he came to the northwest corner. There is a stone wall that looks very ordinary, but it is called “Wall of Strength”, which is specially used to record the strongest power.

There are four columns on the wall, each column is ten people, in addition to the name, there are also numbers on the side, such as “three thousand”, “9,644 Stars”, the number between the column and the column is very different, but The difference between the top and bottom of each column is small.

Needless to say, these four numbers represent the four levels of records from Bright Immortal to Star King, Star Sovereign to Star Emperor, with 10 players at each level.

That “three thousand yuan” represents the strength value, and Zhou Heng’s eyes swept to the bottom of the first column, which read “Ma Hongjie, 2,466 yuan.”

In other words, Zhou Heng has to play at least a higher power than this one to get on the list. Although there is no record, as long as the list can get the contribution value, the difference lies in more points and less points.

See Zhou Heng stop in front of this Wall of Strength, and some people nearby can’t help but talk.

“Look at this is a new life!”

“haha, every year, several freshmen think that they are the best in the world, and they can break the record with one punch!”

“I don’t come to bet, how much power can this guy play?”

“This guy is up to 40 Dharma Bright Immortal, I guess it won’t be more than six hundred yuan!”

“You can’t afford him too much, I guess it’s up to four hundred, no more!”

These people did not suppress the sound, enough to let Zhou Heng hear Qingqing.

Six hundred?

Zhou Heng doesn’t know how much force is equal to a few pounds, because he jumped into the level of Bright Immortal. The power of a punch will be counted in trillions of pounds. It is too much trouble to use kilograms as a unit. It will definitely produce new units. .

I don’t know if the power of one dollar is one trillion pounds, or that it is hundreds of kilograms, or more.

Why didn’t he pick the speed record or the record of agile surname?

Because he is really just 29 Dharma Bright Immortal, the speed and the speed of the reaction are all there. The strength is different. The punch can be supplemented by the improvement of the cultivation technique. It is easy to do. He has the Five Elements rune. Strong enough to dominate Bright Immortal, it is not easy to break the record?

This is his most sure and the only record that can be broken.

Laugh at him?

“uncle!uncle!” The squeaky voice sounded, only to see Jiāng Zishuang coming from a distance, a white dress, black hair, small face is very delicate, anyone who looks at it will have pity .

How did this little girl come?

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but frown, but she was a little demon with a cute coat!

“Hey, uncle, what kind of expression do you have, don’t you want to see the lovely Tiantian?” Xiaotou said with a small mouth, “uncle you don’t keep your credit, obviously want to see Tiantian and mother, the result is left, etc. I don’t see you coming, you are negative, heart, person!”

It’s a big kid!

“Hey, isn’t this the only collection that Sky Formation Institute has enrolled this year?”

“She is not simple, mother Yang Yuhua is a division of the Sky Formation Institute, and her grandfather Yang Yonggeng is the Dean of the Sky Formation Institute and the De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De

“How can this new student know her?”

Someone recognized Jiāng Zishuang and suddenly attracted the attention of everyone. Sky Formation Institute, Sky Elixir Institute, these two branches are not comparable to the usual Warrior, not only in the school as a gem, even if they leave, they must be the guests of the various powerful forces!

“Yang Yuhua is a beautiful woman, and Tái Nianning of the Sky Elixir Institute, and Geng Xinnuo of our Sky Martial Institute, and the three beautiful girls!”

“hehe, not only beautiful, but also a widow!”

“Hey, whisper, if you say this, you may have to die! You know how many people are pursuing Huayuhua? Which one is not a big one, and which one can crush you hundreds of times.” !”

Zhou Heng’s eyes swept, and if these people said something nasty, he would find them after the account!

“Uncle, what about puppies?” This girl looks around and apparently has “transferred love”. The interest in Little Fire is far above Zhou Heng.

“Let’s lie at home!” Zhou Heng stared at the stone wall, with the body’s spirits boiling, and thirty-nine Divine Idols rushed out of the power of terror, slamming into a punch.


A brilliance flashed on the stone wall, but it was completely motionless! This is nature, and even the power of the Star Emperor can withstand. The power of Zhou Heng, the 39th Divine Idol, can be destroyed?

The wall becomes transparent like a mirror, and a line of numbers comes up: one hundred 70 nine!

Just so little?

Zhou Heng was frowned first, but it was immediately opened.

Being able to leave a record on this stone wall, but the school has not known how many years of elimination, each person on the list must have at least 80 Divine Idol, and then use the growth technique to increase the strength. The numbers come.

He only has thirty-nine Divine Idols, and he doesn’t run any cultivation technique. Even if Divine Idol is more condensed than others, it won’t be much stronger than the normal 29 Dharma Bright Immortal.

One hundred 70 nine yuan force is a relatively real number, but it is unreasonable.

“Hahahaha, it’s really the guy who knows the immensity of Heaven and Earth. It’s not even over two hundred yuan. It’s overestimating him!”

“hmph, this strength is still a shame!”

“Right, this guy I know, it seems to be the second place in this freshman assessment! Yes, it is him, I have seen his portrait, called Zhou Heng!”

“What, newcomer second is this level?”

“What happened? Is the quality of this newcomer so bad? Can this level be second?”

“Then I am not born, or else I will be admitted to the university in the next few years. Can I not get the second or even the first?”

With the spread of Zhou Heng’s identity, everyone can’t help but this strength can also get second. Yes, there is definitely a good way to get this second place!

Really shameful!

Warrior advocates strength, and the most shameful thing is that this kind of falsification, when people look at towards Zhou Heng again, not only with ridicule, but also full of contempt and disdain.

“Kid, look at the point, let the big brother teach you how to play!” A sturdy man came over, looks like he is in his thirties, and his muscles are tied. He walks to the Wall of Strength and flashes through his body. A black light, a right fist suddenly became bigger than the human head, hey, he punched the wall.

In the glory of the glory, a number also jumped out: 680!

He has sixty-seven Divine Idols, but he has reached the limit, either breaking through or stuck all the time.

“Hey!” He pointed to the number on the wall, and then spit on the ground and spit on his face, his face scorned.

“Uncle, he is despising you!” Jiāng Zishuang was so strange that he jumped up immediately. “Uncle, can you bear it? I can’t bear it forever!”

“You add less chaos!” Zhou Heng turned the little girl aside, then looked towards the stone wall and re-condensed his right fist.

“Not convinced?” The sturdy man stunned. “Even if you make another hundred punches, there will be no change!”

Zhou Heng did not send a fist, turned his head to the other side, said with a smile: “What if my score exceeds you?”

“haha, if you can surpass me, my Lei Jingtian will give you three heads!” The sturdy man is confident.

In fact, he was 57 Dharma Bright Immortal. The punch was not only full of effort, but also the 3-Star cultivation technique, which is the most advanced cultivation technique that the Bright Immortal Institute’s discipline can redeem.

How can Zhou Heng surpass himself?

“Do not say too full!” Zhou Heng indifferently said, violently punched out, in the brilliance of light, a new number jumped out: two hundred and fifty-four.


Without waiting for anyone to speak, he punched again and the new number jumped again: three hundred and twenty-seven.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four hundred twenty three! Five hundred and ninety! Six hundred and sixty six!

When I hit the sixth box, this number is very close to the score of 688 in Lei Jingtian.

At this point, everyone believes that Zhou Heng will be able to break seven hundred when he makes the seventh punch. After all, it is too easy for him to punch a fist!

But this guy is not even 50 Divine Idol, how can it break out so powerful?

Everyone is shocked and strange. (To be continued.)

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