Zhou Heng paused, smiling and looking at Lei Jingtian. .

Lei Jingtian’s face was red and white. He had already predicted that the situation was not good, but his words had already been boasted, and he was still in front of that many people, how can he get back?

“Don’t be proud, you are not super-“


An iron fist slammed into the Wall of Strength, and in a wave of motion, the number of “seven hundred and fifty-six” appeared.


Lei Jingtian suddenly paled and his mouth twitched.

“Junior Brother Lei, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, you don’t know if you can’t lose!” Zhou Heng said with a slight smile.

In the same branch, everyone has the same realm. Although Divine Idol is different, it does not completely determine the combat power. Warrior has never been willing to lose, so the same class is called the Junior Brother.

“Big man, don’t want to play with it, or Tiantian tells mother and his grandfather, let them pack you!” Jiāng Zishuang, but Ghost Spirit Essence, immediately threatened.

Lei Jingtian bit his teeth, his body slammed for a while, suddenly softened his knees and slammed down, bang bang bang, he even slammed three heads.

All around The people suddenly feel awkward, really gimmick!

However, as everyone knows, if there is no Jiāng Zishuang, then Lei Jingtian 99% will leave with a reason, anyway, the school can not easily rise, he is afraid that Zhou Heng will attack him?

But after Jiāng Zishuang spoke, this situation is different!

Behind her, there are two college students, and one of them is the existence of Deputy Dean. What a terrible force?

Lei Jingtian But a loose man, is he qualified to compete?

Zhou Heng has no sympathy. Who let Lei Jingtian first insult him? This is called by yourself! If he does not have Chaos Heavenly Scripture, the person who is now humiliated is him!

“Zhou Heng, let’s make another bet, you have to break any of the above records, I will give you three more heads!” Lei Jingtian stood up, he looked around the eyes as nothing, just staring at Zhou Heng .

The audience is stunned!

Just kidding, breaking the record on Wall of Strength?

Do you know that these records were formed millions of years? Those who can leave a name on it are all the genius of an era. Just look at the four names and you will know that although there are 40, more than 30 of them are duplicates!

In other words, there are more than a dozen people who can stay in the name of Wan Shiyong!

On average, a few hundred years to produce such a arrogant! And which of these people did not become the big man who changed the color of Crossing Yang Star?

To break the record, you must first have at least ninety Divine Idol!

Zhou Heng ? Even fifty Divine Idols have not been reached, even if he has mastered some sort of high-level cultivation technique, but he wants to surpass the explosive power of ninety Divine Idols? Totally impossible!

Lei Jingtian is so gambling, in fact, it is difficult to Zhou Heng, then as long as Zhou Heng admits that he can’t do it, his face can at least save a little bit.

For a time, everyone looked forwarded to Lei Jingtian’s eyes will not be brought to the disdain!

Warrior is not afraid of losing – who has not lost, but he is afraid that he can’t afford to lose, and he has to be careful when he loses!

Such a person, not worthy of being called Warrior!

“Dare?” Lei Jingtian looked at Zhou Heng in vain. “If you can’t do it, give me three heads!”

Hey, is it forced to die?

Zhou Heng sighed, is he a disaster star? Run here to try the power can meet such a shit thing!

However, he has never been a person who is afraid of things!

The tiger does not show up, is he a sick cat?

He has a hard look, although he doesn’t want to use Five Elements rune in public, but now he needs to contribute value, then use it again!

“Okay, this bet is playing!” Zhou Heng said.

“This guy is crazy!”

“Although he has a special cultivation technique, it can be said that it is necessary to break the record, which is too exaggerated!”

“Yeah, we are all Bright Immortal, we can only practice 5-Star cultivation technique at most, otherwise the tyrannical force will cause irreversible damage to our body! That power enlarges 5 times, even if it is fifty Divine Idol, That is the power of seven hundred and fifty yuan!”

“Even if I count the difference in Divine Idol’s solidity, I will die for a thousand dollars!”

“You have to break the record, at least to reach the strength of 2,466 yuan!”

“There is still a lot of 1 time, it is impossible to achieve!”

“hehe, this kid has 5-Star cultivation technique, which is definitely a big family of Young Master. It’s too smooth since childhood!”

“So I don’t know how tall and thick!”

“Live it!”

When Zhou Heng agreed to come down, everyone was stunned. If you don’t do it, you won’t die. This guy promised to play this bet. Isn’t this going to kill himself?

Sure enough, the big family came out, believe oneself infallible!

Hey, out of the family, do you think that the whole world will still turn around you?

Zhou Heng smiled lightly. He was originally rushing to break the record and earning the value of the contribution. Whether he or she bet with Lei Jingtian, he would do it, not to be inspired.

Although there is no advantage, it is to watch the monkeys play tricks, and the picture is lively.

Zhou Heng smiled at Lei Jingtian, the smile was very strange, and Lei Jingtian wondered for a while, but he did not know that he had become a monkey in the heart of Zhou Heng.

“Don’t delay, come on!” Lei Jingtian was very uncomfortable with Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng shook his head and said: “If you don’t do it, you won’t die. Why do you have to look for embarrassment, and you are so impatient! I have seen the shackles of Five Elements, but like you, you are still awkward. It was the first time I saw it!”

“Let’s play tricks, hit fast, you’re going to fight!” The only thing Lei Jingtian can grasp now is this bet!

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-six yuan!

This is a power that cannot be surpassed at all!

“Since you are so anxious to give me a gimmick, how can I not fulfill you?” Zhou Heng laughed, right fist swung out, a light golden brilliance flashed.


Nine hundred 40 three!

“Hahahaha, it’s a long way off! It’s a long way off!” Lei Jingtian laughed. “Kid, give me a girl! Shantou!”

“Emergency!” Zhou Heng said lightly, he has been adjusting the power of Five Elements rune, don’t let out more than 5,000 yuan of power, it’s too exaggerated!

Because Zhou Heng was also a fist punch, everyone did not have too many strange things, except for Lei Jingtian, no one urged, waiting for Zhou Heng to continue to punch.


One thousand and fifty-eight!


One Thousand One Hundred Sixty Three!

Every punch has been blasted, and this value has been quite improved. Although it is only one hundred and one hundred, it only takes ten punches to break the thousand.

When this number reaches more than 1,500, everyone can’t calm down!

No, a person who doesn’t even have 50 Divine Idols can blast more than a thousand yuan?

Impossible! It is impossible!

Some people have used the limit case before, and Zhou Heng can burst out to a maximum of one thousand yuan, one thousand five… How is it possible!

“Unless… he has mastered a cultivation technique that exceeds 5-Star!”


“Yes, it’s impossible! Bright Immortal can withstand the power of the 5-Star cultivation technique, otherwise it’s a dead end!”

“Unless… is this guy’s physique strangely different from Bright Immortal?”

“Yes, you noticed that there is no such thing. The strength of this guy is step by step. Isn’t it that he can’t burst out of such powerful power at once? Must it be gradual?”

“Yes, yes, I was told by you, I thought about it!”

“So, this cultivation technique has a big limit on the surname, as long as the quick fix is ​​made, let him accumulate strength!”

Zhou Heng listened to everyone’s arguments, and his heart was lightly smiled. What he wanted was such a misunderstanding.

He deliberately created a “defect” in which the Five Elements rune needs to accumulate step by step to reach the limit, so that the number of people staring at him will naturally be much less! Of course, as long as he breaks the record, there will be many people who will stare at him. This is absolutely impossible.

Just enter Star Boundary!

He said in his heart, as long as he entered Star Boundary, he was basically Star King of 99 Stars, and even stepped into Star Sovereign directly, even if he was on Star Emperor, he could not win and have enough self-protection ability!

Contribution value, he has to set!


One thousand six hundred 40 four!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the value on the stone wall breaks through two thousand, all around the people have no sound at all. Everyone is protruding their eyes. The people with exaggerated expressions are even more rounded, and some still I spit out my tongue like a pug.

This kind of movement also attracts the outside people, because the Wall of Strength is high enough and large enough, the numbers shown above will not be blocked by the crowd, and the Qingqing can be seen from afar.

“Breaking two thousand yuan?”

“Is this the Star King testing power?”

“You are stupid, how can Star King cost two thousand yuan!”

“Who is that, the level of Bright Immortal can break two thousand dollars, and as far as I know, there are no more than ten people in the entire Bright Immortal Institute!”

“Rely, 2,100 yuan!”

“Then up to seven people!”

“Two thousand two hundred!”

“Up to three people!”

“Two thousand three!”

“There is only one person, the freak Ximen Dong! That guy not only has 91 Divine Idol, but also has a trace of bloodline from the ancient giant ape, brute force, and only he can barely reach 2,300 yuan!”

“You are wrong… look, two thousand four hundred!”


Regardless of the distance, when the value of the Wall of Strength is broken through the 2,400 mark, it is coming.

Although it has not exceeded the minimum “wall” requirement, the distance of 2,466 yuan is not far behind.

All around, the original gaze of the look towards towards Zhou Heng is full of fanaticism!

They thought that Zhou Heng was a rich boy who didn’t knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. It turns out that this guy has the supreme power!

Warrior advocates the powerhouse, and once Zhou Heng reveals the strength of the second place for the new students, it immediately turns the senses of the people into disappointment and even fanaticism!

Moreover, the second is so fierce, how will the first one be strong?

“Auntie!” Qi Yuan sneezed in a corner of the school. He touched his nose. “Who is talking about me?” He was blank, but he didn’t know that his image had been infinitely high in an instant!

I hope he won’t fall, otherwise it’s so high… (to be continued.)

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