Lei Jingtian is a squat.

He is not worried about waiting for three things to wait, but he has offended Zhou Heng. What should he do in the future?

Although there is no private competition within the school, there are many ways to make a whole person!

How to do?


His feet are soft, and he has been smashed down. He has repeatedly smashed his head and said: “Senior Brother Zhou, my dog’s eyes are not beads, I shouldn’t be rude, but I also want you to have a lot of adults, don’t lower oneself to somebody’s level with me. !”

No one is not ashamed of him, bowing in front of the powerhouse, is this not a normal thing?

Zhou Heng is about to break the record, and in the history of mathematics, which record-breaker does not become a powerhouse of Crossing Yang Star?

This is a wise move!

Zhou Heng faintly smiled, he is not so careful, bet with Lei Jingtian just for fun. He waved his hand and said, “You retreat, I have forgotten who you are!”

Lei Jingtian is overjoyed, forgetting who he is, naturally forgetting the embarrassment between the two, it will not be okay!

He quickly climbed up and left the crowd, only dare to stay in a far place.

The record breaks soon, he doesn’t want to miss such a historical moment!

– Although this is not really a record, just on the list, but maybe Zhou Heng can really break it? And the time to go back to the last time on the list, it is already 330,000 years ago!

The sensation is still going on. Not only have more students surrounded, but even the top of the school has been alarmed. At least ten Star Emperors, and even more powerful ones, are floating in midair, observing every move here.

Zhou Heng has no distracting thoughts in his heart.

Two thousand five hundred and two!

Breaking the record, no no no, on the list!

As this number emerges, Wall of Strength also emits a soft rays of light to wrap Zhou Heng, his identity token is followed, and then the ten names in the fourth column of Wall of Strength have changed slightly. Variety.

The tenth name has been replaced by Zhou Heng, and the number of 2,052 is also the new top ten record!

“Really broke the record!”

“Although it’s a small record, it’s only a few hundred years of happening!”

“More terrifying is that this guy is less than fifty Divine Idol now, which means he has a lot of room to grow!”

“When he reaches more than 90 Divine Idols, maybe he can really break the real record that hasn’t been played for four million years!”

“four thousand four hundred 40 four yuan force!”

“It has always been considered the ultimate explosive power of Bright Immortal!”

When the lowest record is broken, everyone is uplifted. No one has ever experienced such a moment. After seeing a new name, it will be engraved with at least a few hundred thousand old names. You can’t add it!

This means that a new era is coming!

Zhou Heng didn’t stop. It was only on the list that it was estimated that the contribution was limited, and he had sixty gaps from Divine Idol on 99. This requires a lot of Spirit Pill to fill.


He made a punch with no expression, and he was arrogant on the list. He was the only one in terms of combat power. He won the entire level of Bright Immortal, and even Star King could barely resist!

Two thousand six hundred and thirty two!

Broken record!

Wall of Strength re-distributed soft light and wrapped Zhou Heng’s wrap. After a flash, Zhou Heng’s name rose.

Not finished yet!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two thousand seven! Two thousand eight! Two thousand nine!

Zhou Heng constantly punches, golden brilliance spreads all over his body, so that he has the genius of the gods, dazzling and indescribable!

Many girls are showing the color of flowers, this world advocates powerhouse, looking at Zhou Heng that Wuwu’s inexplicable appearance, which flower girl can stop bang bang jumping heart?

This man is fascinated!

Three thousand! Three thousand one! Three thousand two! Three thousand three!

Zhou Heng’s strength for each promotion is not great. He is one hundred and one hundred, but he is very stable. He quickly jumped his name to the third position and made his strength jump to 4,000 yuan. level!

At this time, the entire school was alarmed, and the students of the Star King Institute and the Star Sovereign Institute also rose to the sky and watched in every corner.

Perhaps, someone really broke the ultimate strength of Bright Immortal, refreshing the record of countless years!

Four thousand one! Four thousand two! Four thousand three! Four thousand four!

Arrived! Arrived!

Everyone’s eyes are concentrated on Zhou Heng. No one is now Zhou Heng. All they care about is whether Zhou Heng can break the record of the Great Origin Learning Institute and even the Great River Learning Institute. Thousands and four hundred 40 Quaternary force’s ultimate strength!

If you can’t make it, it’s just the next punch!

Zhou Heng is a fist, his eyes are sharp like a sword, and he is banging!


The entire school seems to be shaking, and the Wall of Strength is like a wave of water, jumping out of a new number!

Four thousand four hundred 45!


It’s really broken!


Everyone is cheering, although it only increases the strength of the limit power, but it means that the so-called 4,400 40 quaternary force is not the limit of Bright Immortal, which has incomparable significance!

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, it is not easy to take back the fist, call, to control the power of Five Elements rune so accurately!

His eyes looked toward the record representing Star King, the lowest is also more than two thousand, but the counting unit is different, from the yuan to the star.

Two thousand three hundred and six 16 Stars force!

Obviously, from Bright Immortal to Star King, this is an advanced by leaps and bounds. If you use the force to measure, there will be hundreds of billions and tens of billions of big numbers, so a new unit of measurement is replaced.

He can barely withstand Star King’s blow, and if he can estimate the ultimate explosive power, he can reach 1-Star.

This, he will not try.

It’s too exaggerated!

Looking at his name, Zhou Heng lightly smiled, now he should have enough contribution value!

“Zhou Heng, successfully broke the record of 4 million dust, climbed the Wall of Strength, Bright Immortal layer, and broke the limit value of Bright Immortal Rank 4,400 40 quaternary force, which is the glory of the school!”

“Special reward contribution value is 3,000 points!”

In the sky, a person who can’t see clearly said that the sound should be an old man.

This person obviously has a very high reputation. After the words were issued, no one raised objections. In fact, this record was broken in the eyes of the public, and it was recognized by Wall of Strength. Who can deny this achievement?

Three thousand contributions!

Zhou Heng calculated that the previous five hundred contributions have produced twelve Bright King Pills. If the value of three thousand contributions, theoretically, 72 Bright King Pill can be obtained.

He only needs sixty Bright King Pills!

OK, Star King, I am coming!

He put away his thoughts, but after he swept his eyes, he was shocked.

Everyone looked at him with a mad look, as if to strip his clothes.

“Zhou Heng !”

“Zhou Heng !Zhou Heng !”

“Zhou Heng !Zhou Heng !Zhou Heng !”

I don’t know who shouted first. The entire Sandrage Field was boiling and shouting the same person’s name.

Zhou Heng had a smile, and after holding a fist to the left and right, he quickly squeezed out the crowd. He suspects that if he does not leave, he will be overthrown by countless spring-hearted sisters!

After coming to the Precious Materials Pavilion, Zhou Heng discovered another problem. His contribution is a lot, but the money… very few!

Although Qi Yuan had bought most of the spirit medicine before, it also spent all his savings. Now he is only poor enough to leave his clothes. Is it necessary to take the clothes?

And this is not enough!

Looking for local tyrants!

Zhou Heng quickly went to Qi Yuan, who was so poor that he was left with money.

“Brother Zhou, you are really amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, and you can’t stop it!” Qi Yuan jumped out after seeing Zhou Heng, his expression was quite complicated.

“Less nonsense, how much money do you have?” Zhou Heng was anxious, seeing Star Boundary in sight, he didn’t want to delay for a second.

“Brother Zhou, you don’t want to rob me?” Qi Yuan said said with a smile.

“By the first, I will pay you back!” Zhou Heng said, money is nothing at the powerhouse. He is now worried about Great River Coin, but as his strength improves, someone will hold a lot of it. The Great River Coin is delivered to your door.

Qi Yuan nodded , right hand A touch of land, a lot of Great River Coin immediately on the ground, are worth a thousand. He asked: “How much do you want?”

“The more the better, the more you will return to you!”

“Brother Zhou, you are really welcome!”

Zhou Heng took Qi Yuan’s family into the space instrument and then went to the Precious Materials Pavilion.

He spends a lot of money, regardless of the value of the contribution, or the Great River Coin, which does not have a trace of value in itself. It only makes sense to switch to real materials.

However, after the sweeping, he discovered that there are actually seven hundred contributions left!

In other words…

“Zhou boy, you can only make four furnaces of Bright King Pill, and the fifth furnace, Winter Star Grass is not enough!” Fire God’s Furnace said immediately.

He actually bought the Great Origin Learning Institute!

In fact, it is normal. Bright King Pill is the most useful medicine pill for Bright Immortal. The demand is naturally big, and 2-Star spirit medicine is definitely not a street product. It will take at least tens of thousands of years to mature, even in Bright. Realm doesn’t know how much.

Moreover, there is also a Sky Elixir Institute in the school, which will definitely give most of the spirit medicine to those Elixir Masters to burn!

It’s a waste, give them alchemy, at least ten dan and five waste!

Zhou Heng was not so arrogant. He went to the medicinal farm to ask for the spirit grass. After he sent Jiāng Zishuang back, he set out to make the materials in his hands into Bright King Pill.

The four-furnace medicinal ingredient can theoretically produce 40 medicine pill – it was luck to refine 12 tablets before, but it is always good luck to not return.

It turns out that Zhou Heng’s luck, or Fire God’s Furnace, is the best. The four medicinal ingredients have produced 50 Bright King Pill!

Without hesitation, Zhou Heng immediately began to retreat.

The retreat lasted for two months, during which Qi Yuan came to see him several times, but because Zhou Heng was retreating, he couldn’t get in, he could only go and go – every yard has a strong Defending Formation, non-Master allows outsiders to enter.

If you want to forcibly smash, you must at least be Skyriver King!

The defense here is linked to the entire school! (To be continued.)

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