Eighty-nine Divine Idol!

The limit of Bright Immortal is only ten Divine Idol!

In fact, he still has a piece of material in his hands, but he has lost one of the main materials, Winter Star Grass. He still can’t refine it, but he only needs to refine this furnace… even if it is the bottom 10 It is also enough to make him the ultimate 89 Dharma Bright Immortal. .

The key is to go to get Winter Star Grass.

Zhou Heng went out and found that Black Skull and Little Fire are still asleep. There is a strong breath in the body, and Star’s rays of light are faintly visible!

He was not the first time to see such a scene, as was the case with the Golden Dragon Sovereigness breakthrough Star King!

Are these two guys going to be Star King?

Hey, the black stove must have eaten with little Fire, earthly treasures, otherwise the two guys can’t breakthrough at the same time!

I hope their hands and feet are clean enough not to cause trouble!

Zhou Heng went to the Precious Medicine Pavilion again, but this time he was not going to buy medicinal ingredient, but to ask the news of Winter Star Grass, where to pick up this spirit medicine.

Cloud Praying Mountain, Azure Winds Canyon!

This is the news from the Precious Medicine Pavilion. In fact, the Precious Medicine Pavilion will also receive spirit medicine, but it is incomparable to the price they sell. Anyone will call a business!

But who can let the school buy medicinal ingredient will also be accompanied by the contribution value, although it is very pitiful, can not be accumulated and can not be ignored!

Zhou Heng went to Soaring Firmament House again, where the mission was released. Since he was going to Cloud Praying Mountain to look for Winter Star Grass, why not make one or two missions and earn some contribution?

After all, the contribution value will not be lost because he entered Star Boundary. On the contrary, it will only be more valuable.

He found a circle, and there was only one mission for Cloud Praying Mountain, which was to kill the Scarlet Moon Bird and bring back the bird feather of the Scarlet Moon Bird, a mission issued by the Formation Mark Master. It is said that the Scarlet Moon Bird feather is a kind of New materials.

Here, not only do the colleges and universities release tasks, but students can do the same. As long as someone can see the reward, of course, because the contribution value cannot be transferred, the tasks issued by the students can only be given to Great River Coin. The force will drop a lot.

The tasks issued by Soaring Firmament House are protected by the university. Even if the students are privately released, the reward will be deducted when the task is submitted. After the task is completed, it will be issued directly. There is no refusal.

However, private transactions are not within the scope of academic protection, at your own risk!

The school is very dark, and this task also needs to pay a certain contribution point, the amount is equivalent to the 10% that can be obtained to complete the task. If the task is completed, these contributions will be refunded, but if they fail, then I am sorry.

For this reason, many people will find teams to work together to complete the task, although this will make their own income decline, but it will undoubtedly improve the success rate of completing the task.

The reason why the school has such a rule is actually for the sake of the safety of the students. It is not entirely black.

Zhou Heng After receiving the task of killing Scarlet Moon Bird, it was not long before the identity token suddenly fluctuated, which was asking for communication.

– This identity token has the role of a communication stone, but only within a very small range, Bright Realm’s stuff is very tall.

After he thought about it, he opened the newsletter. Basically, it must be the other students who received the killing of Scarlet Moon Bird. Otherwise, it would not be so smart.

“This Junior Brother, we have seven people here, we are planning to leave, are you interested in joining us?” Without waiting for Zhou Heng to speak, there was a hearty voice on the opposite side, screaming in the ears of Zhou Heng. .

Zhou Heng is still at the beginning of Bright Realm. The situation here is dark and cloud, where is Cloud Praying Mountain? How to walk in the mountains? He didn’t know at all.

After working with others, after he has completed the task, he will go to find Winter Star Grass and even leave halfway.

Therefore, he quickly said: “Where are you? I will come here!”

“Already at the entrance of the school, you have to be late, we must have already set off, will not wait for you again!” said the man.

Zhou Heng nodded, said: “I am coming soon!”

He didn’t have time to go back to inform Blackbird and Little Fire, but the two guys are now rescuing Star Boundary, and it is estimated that they can’t hear them, forget it, no matter what, I hope these two guys will go out before he returns. , 10 million Don’t mess things up!

He studied a ** token, especially the communication function, but found that this function can only be started under very special circumstances. If you receive a common task before, you can also start it when you are in danger. The Great Origin Learning Institute in the nearby area asks for help.

There is no fixed one after another correspondence, just like Zhou Heng wants to talk to Qi Yuan about leaving, but he doesn’t know how to contact each other.

Forget it, regardless of him, let the other party think that he is still closed.

Zhou Heng went to the entrance of the school, because the distance was far, and he was not familiar with the environment. It took him about twenty minutes to come to the door.

As he walked and contacted the previous person, he came to the door and saw a young man waving his arms, a Tsing Yi, apparently a student of the Bright Immortal Institute. The two looked at each other and knew that the other person was the one they had to wait for.

“Hey, you are Zhou Heng!” The young people recognized Zhou Heng. “Yes, it’s you, broke the record of Wall of Strength Bright Immortal two months ago!”

The identity token is the same as the communication stone. It can only play the role of communication. It can not see the appearance of the other party, nor will it display the identity information of the other party.

Zhou Heng nodded, said: “I am Zhou Heng, haven’t asked Senior Brother how to call it?”

The other person looks older than him, and it is nothing to call a Senior Brother.

But the other side is quite flattered, because Zhou Heng is now a super celebrity in the Great Origin Learning Institute, not only breaking the record that has not been played for more than three million years, but also proves that 4,400 40 Quaternary Force is not Bright Immortal Peak!

This can be loaded into the history of Bright Realm!

Now that the “big man” like Zhou Heng actually calls himself Senior Brother, can he be flattered?

“My name is Liu Hu, and I will ask Senior Brother Zhou to take care of me in the future!” The young people quickly said that the strength of 37 Dharma is not that strong. “Senior Brother Zhou, please come with me, we will leave now!”

Although Zhou Heng called him the Senior Brother, he didn’t dare to be a self-sufficient Senior Brother. He still has this measure.

The two walked side by side. After a long walk, they saw six men in front, standing or standing or squatting, but it can be seen that these people are together and they wear azure clothing.

“Senior Brother Liu –” a young man greeted him and said, “Who is this person, the shelf is so big, it has kept us waiting for so long!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, this is Zhou Heng Senior Brother Zhou!” Liu Hu quickly yelled.

“Zhou Heng? The record-breaking Zhou Heng?”

“real or fake?”

Everyone else has come up. After all, not everyone has seen Zhou Heng. Naturally, everyone can recognize him at a glance.

“Of course it is true. If I have seen it with my own eyes, will you admit it!” Liu Hu gave everyone a look and said, “Well, I haven’t just started to go, so hurry!”

“Get off! Depart!”

Everyone is said with a smile. Can you contact Zhou Heng, the actor, when you are on the road?


“Brother! Brother! Zhou Heng, the trickster left the school!” Jin Huancheng ran in like a wind, yelling at a man who looks like him, but obviously calm and majestic, “Brother, you must avenge me.” Kill the quail!”

This Jin Huancheng is the 纨绔Young Master that Zhou Heng hit during the registration. After being taught by Xiao Xiao, he was resentful to Zhou Heng. He did not know who Zhou Heng was, but after the freshman assessment, Zhou Heng took the stage as the second, and he was recognized by him.

Seeing the enemy, natural eyes!

Unfortunately, Zhou Heng has not left the school, and he has nothing to do. When Zhou Heng broke the dusty record two months ago, he even licked his nose and smashed the things in the house!

But this is still a loss!

He is the son of Star King, still a little bit of power, let his henchman stare at the gate of the school all day long, is to keep the opportunity to Zhou Heng to go out.

Now, he finally waited for this day.

Of course he can’t go against Zhou Heng, he can only work on his big brother!

Jin Huanzhen, the Star King Institute, entered the Star King Institute from the Bright Immortal Institute more than 500 years ago and now has a sixteen Star cultivation base!

From the number of Stars, this person’s foundation at Bright Immortal is not solid, because at least 50 Divine Idol can be called a genius, then you can have 50 Stars when you break into Star Boundary. !

But Star Boundary blocked 90%’s Bright Immortal, and it was already a happy event to burn the Buddha!

Jin Huanzhen’s qualifications are by no means good. He can break through Star King. It was a fortuitous encounter five hundred years ago. This is his secret and will never be told to anyone.

He glanced at his younger brother, and there was a trace of disdain. But who can make this guy a pro-younger brother, can’t you slap it to death?

“don’t be impatient, let’s go and find out where this kid went!”

“I have already inquired, and the guy took over a mission and went to Cloud Praying Mountain!” Jin Huancheng said.

Jin Huanzhen couldn’t help but look at this disappointing younger brother. His eyes flashed a touch of astonished color. I didn’t expect this younger brother to be as stupid as he imagined. He is nodded, said: “My Jin Family’s majesty must not be insulted, I will kill him personally!”

Jin Huancheng suddenly became happy, as long as the big brother shot, Zhou Heng will die!

Star King wants to kill Bright Immortal. Isn’t it a stretch of hand?


In another place in the school, Páng Shaolong lay down like a zombie. He was interrupted by Zhou Heng’s bones and did not fully recover in two months. However, the rich and powerful people are different. He was obviously taken away from the enrollment card and lost all his ability to act. He was actually admitted to the school!

He pointed at the door: “Go to inform me, Zhou Heng has left the school, the goal is Cloud Praying Mountain!”

At the door, the shadows flashed. (To be continued.)

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