“Kid, your eyes are sharp!” said the middle age person, his voice was very hoarse, and he was very uncomfortable. He didn’t know if it was for this reason. He kept silent. .

Zhou Heng just smiled and took it back. He said: “If the Senior does not participate, we can learn from each other!”

When the words came out, the young man in green clothes could not help but reveal the hesitation.

He absolutely did not think that his escort would be recognized when he put away the breath! This person turned out to be just a Bright Immortal, which gave him an inscrutable feeling about Zhou Heng.

If you are fighting such an opponent, you are not sure!

It can be said that the Star King is also pulled in to “learn”, how can this shameless person say such a thing? He is a young master with great status. He is overbearing and arrogant, but he still has to face!

Damn, it seems that I have dug a hole to bury myself. What should I do?

The green-shirted youth did not have much urgency. For a while, they did not know how to answer Zhou Heng.

“Senior Brother Zhang, Origin Learning Institute with the Great waste of what to say, let them lick the shoes became not lick it Zousi them!” Just then, the woman is in green around conspire youth Said.

“Yes, right!” Green Youth is nodded, why should he be led by Zhou Heng? He has mastered the power of Star King, why should he follow the path of Zhou Heng?

I was almost cheated!

“Kid, you hate it!” He looked at Zhou Heng. “So, this Young Master not only wants you to smash the soles, but also to abolish all your Divine Idol… Hey, let’s stay with you! Look, this Young Is Master very kind?”

The other three people laughed haha ​​haha, and Star King closed his mouth after saying a word, and no more buzz.

Liu Hu Seven people are filled with indignation, use Star King to pressure them, what glory is there to win?

A group of bullies!

Zhou Heng’s gaze was swept away on Star King’s body. Without the presence of this master, he had to pick up the green youth four. It was really like playing. Now, his strength is soaring, from Bright Immortal to Star King, this is an insurmountable scorpio, even if he is a monstrous talent like him can not go against the sky!

But the fight is not to beat, but they are not the hope of not getting out!

Very simple, this is the green youth!

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, in the midst of spiritual power, the power of the eighty-nine Divine Idol was in full swing, and he showed his strength without reservation.

“Eighty-nine Divine Idol!”


After the green clothes of the four young people sensed Zhou Heng’s breath, they could not help but exclaim, that is, the Star King is slightly discolored.

Bright Immortal is a very special realm!

Any Star King can be above the Ximix Road Divine Idol’s Bright Immortal, and it’s just a hand to play, it’s really like playing. But, but! As long as you don’t enter Star Sovereign, Star King is ready to be overtaken by Bright Immortal!

One step ahead does not mean that you are leading step by step!

In a simple example, two people reached 9 Dharma Bright Immortal at the same time. The poorly qualified person immediately broke through. Five hundred years later, he formed five Stars and became the Star King of 24 Stars.

The other person, his qualifications are very good, reached 40 Dharma Bright Immortal for 500 years, and finally broke through!

Star King of 50 Stars!

Although the person in front of the earlier breakthrough through the Star King, it has pressed the other party for five hundred years, but once it is surpassed, it is the general gap between Heaven and Earth!

Therefore, any Star King is not qualified to look down on a Bright Immortal, they may be overtaken by Bright Immortal, who could have been killed by a single finger, and opened a large distance.

Zhou Heng is now 79 Dharma Bright Immortal. As long as the breakthrough, he is the Star King of 89 Stars, and it is almost reaching Star King’s Peak!

genius! No, it is a super genius!

To reach fifty Divine Idol breakthrough, you can call it a genius, the words of Divine Idol, eighty-nine… Super genius, a few freak of a hundred years!

Any Star King must not underestimate Zhou Heng, because he may press his hand at any time!

After the shock of the green youth, the face could not help but float.

He is arrogant, he is arrogant, but he also has self-knowledge! His limit is at most 70 Divine Idol, but now it is only 51. The gap is so great that he can not let him envy hate?

He is also a genius, but he can be eclipsed in front of the other party’s glory!

Just then, Zhou Heng suddenly moved!

Hey, he figured out and rushed toward the green youth.

The thief first smashed the king, and as long as he took the person, he could come out with him.

“Senior Brother Zhang!” The other three men and women shouted at the same time, and they stopped at Zhou Heng. This is the best chance to flatter!


Zhou Heng was in a momentum, Violetflame Sky Dragon started, and the three men suddenly walked away and succumbed to the ground. That is, the green-shirt youth also completely lost their resistance, and the eyes were horrified in their eyes.

“hmph!” At this moment, the Star King sneered, one hand to explore, suddenly there is a black Star emerges, the horrible atmosphere flows, such as the king!

He knows that Zhou Heng is 79 Dharma Bright Immortal. He knows that Zhou Heng’s goal is to be a green youth. He knows that Zhou Heng wants to hold a green youth, but what about this? Bright Immortal is only Bright Immortal after all, let alone 79 Dharma Bright Immortal, is the limit of 89 Dharma Bright Immortal is not a copy of the Star King **?

In the future, you may indeed be jealous of me, but I can now ** you for five hundred years!


Star emerges, the black starlight shines, and there is an inexplicable quaint atmosphere that seems to be the profound mystery of the universe Star.

“Be careful!”


Liu Hu, seven people shouted, and with their strength, they can only scream at this time.

Zhou Heng’s mouth showed a smile, and he deliberately “exposed” strength, naturally it has a purpose!

Five Elements rune now!

Hey, golden shines and shines toward the stars.


A loud noise, a cloud-like dust column straight into the sky, even if separated by a hundred miles, you can see Qingqing Chu!

After all, this is the power of Star King Rank!

what happened?

Liu Hu Seven people are very nervous. They were repulsed by a violent force. In front of them, all the trees and stones were shaken and smashed. There is a giant that does not know how wide. The pit came.

Mud Raising Heaven, can’t see clearly!

After a while, the dust was falling and the air slowly became clear.


Liu Hu Seven people are all in sorrow. I saw a huge crater of thousand zhang diameter in front of them, deep into hundred zhang, and in the center of this crater, there are two stone pillars standing abruptly. .

There are three people standing on the stone pillar: Zhou Heng, the middle-aged Star King… and the green youth who is pinched by Zhou Heng!


Zhou Heng has succeeded!

When the tiger mouth pulled out his teeth, he actually took the green clothes Tsing Yi as a hostage under the eyes of Star King!


For a time, Liu Hu was too late to worry about his situation, and he was admired by Zhou Heng! It’s no wonder that people can break the record that has been dusty for millions of years and even think it is impossible to break. Look and see!

This is strength!

Zhou Heng within the body’s spiritual power is still somewhat fluctuating, Star King after all is Star King, even if it is just a single blow, he can’t force it! Moreover, if the other party is too small to look at him, if he does his best to get out of it, he will definitely be shaken off and cannot achieve the purpose of taking hostages.

He deliberately exposed the strength of 79 Dharma Bright Immortal, which is to paralyze the Star King, and in fact, Star King can really **Bright Immortal, but who let Zhou Heng master Chaos Heavenly Scripture?

This is the only thing that can be produced in one world. If you don’t want to, then you are too sorry for Great Dao of World!

“Let’s let go!” Star King looked ugly, and he naturally knew he was put together, which made him shy and angry! The other party is just a Bright Immortal. If something goes out, what is his face?

“Have your head been smoked?” Zhou Heng smiled. “Do you think I caught him to play with you?”

“Hostage, don’t you feel embarrassed?” Star King icily said.

“haha, it’s a big joke!” Zhou Heng sneered. “You are inexplicably asking us to swear, but don’t rejuvenate others? What’s the matter, wouldn’t it be shameful for me to have this Bright Immortal and your Star King battle for three hundred rounds? ”

“Hahahaha!” Liu Hu Seven people are laughing.

“It’s still Star King. It’s a shame to say this kind of silly words!”

“Let’s read a book when you were young, don’t laugh at him!”

“Reading is nothing, but you don’t know anything and you have to be embarrassed. This is his fault!”

“Shut up!” The Star King was severely shouted, and the violent breath swayed. Liu Hu was seven people who were bored and uncomfortable to vomit blood. .

Zhou Heng didn’t talk, just tightened the five fingers. “Hey–” Green-shirted youth was suddenly awakened, and all four sides were struggling in vain. A pretty handsome face was already flushed.

“Stop–” Star King can only take up the momentum, grievously, “putting my Young Master, the conditions are up to you!”


Zhou Heng a slap in the face, the green youth half of the teeth suddenly flew out, white broken teeth, red blood, horrible to see.

“You, why are you?” Star King wanted to rush out in anger, but eventually he restrained it.

“No reason, just want to pump!” Zhou Heng indifferently said.

What is the reason for this **!

Star King was so angry that his nose was smashed, but his Young Master was pinched by Zhou Heng, and he didn’t dare to act rashly!

Pa! pa! pa!

Zhou Heng took another three slaps, which made him feel better. He smiled lightly and said: “You go back to the foot of the mountain. When the distance is enough, I will let people go!”

“How do I know that you won’t say anything?” Star King coldly said.


Zhou Heng is another slap in the face, looking at the Star King, the meaning is very obvious, is there any qualification for bargaining?

Star King slammed his foot in hate and slammed his head. (To be continued.)

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