After the Star King exited the severe dozen li, Zhou Heng told Liu Hu seven people: “You go first!”

“Senior Brother Zhou, let’s go together!” The seven people were very loyal and said they would go back together with Zhou Heng. .

“You will only drag me down when you stay!” Zhou Heng tells the truth, although this kind of thing is full of positive energy, sometimes it will be mistaken.

Liu Hu Seven people are all depressed. Indeed, without Zhou Heng’s shot, they are not smashed by the beaten, and they can only lick the soles of others.

Strength, this is strength!

“I still don’t want to leave, really want to kill me?” Zhou Heng coldly said.

“Senior Brother Zhou, you must come back safely!” Liu Hu said seven people, one bite, ran to the mountains, and ran a long enough distance before turning back to Pale Water Town.

After such a thing happened, they naturally have to go back to the school to avoid the limelight, otherwise they will meet the green youth in the mountains, they will die without a burial site.

Zhou Heng stood still, just staring at the Star King at the foot of the mountain, and the other’s eyes were staring at him.

“Kid, you are dead! I will kill you! Kill you!” Green clothes youth with a hoarse voice, looked towards Zhou Heng’s eyes full of resentment.

Zhou Heng shook his head and said: “Have you ever told you that you are actually an idiot?”

“I am an idiot?”

“Of course, otherwise, this threatening statement should know that you will stay until you leave!” Zhou Heng looked at each other with pity. “You said so, if I let you go, then I Not really stupid?”

He smiled and smiled: “Do you think I am a fool?”

The youth in green clothes only felt a cold chill from the soles of the feet and instantly spread his whole body. It was a fear of death. He overestimated the deterrent power of Star King, or, in other words, underestimated Zhou Heng’s killing decision!

“No, don’t kill me! I can forget everything today! I swear! I swear!” He struggled with excitement, while yelled, “Uncle Jianchun, save me! Help!”

Hey, the Star King under the corner of the mountain also saw that something was wrong. The figure immediately flashed and flew toward the mountain.

“I do not believe!”

Cold light flashed, Black Sword has been sacrificed, sword qi vertical and horizontal, the head of the green youth was cut off. Zhou Heng kicked off the headless body of the Green Youth, bang bang bang, violent momentum, and the other three unconscious men and women died at the same time!

He turned sharply and rushed toward the north.

“The kid of the murder, come to life!” That Star King was furious and shouted, squatting, chasing after him.

There is no expression on Zhou Heng’s face, and the speed is instantly raised to the extreme. In the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step, he is as fast as electric.

He is still Bright Immortal, and this method can still play a powerful role. In the course of his life, he also resonates with the earth with the soil rune in the Five Elements rune, taking his speed to a new height.

Behind the Star King, but he can fly in the air, but this is a mountain forest, the terrain is complex, everywhere is a few hundred zhang of the sky, the dense leaves are spread, layered, the vision is penetrated.

And some trees have more hindrance to the knowledge of the gods, increasing the difficulty of chasing.

The farther Star King chased it, the farther he was. After half an hour, he completely lost Zhou Heng’s trace. He couldn’t help but scream in the sky, the sound waves were like thunder, and he was rolling in the sky.

But there is no shortage of Monster Beast in Cloud Praying Mountain. This whistle is like a provocation in Monster Beast. Immediately there is a wolf howling, the sound is broken through the cracked gold, and the pressure is even better than that. Star King is even scary.

The middle-aged Star King didn’t dare to fight at all. First, he couldn’t do it at all. Secondly, he might lose if he played it. Maybe he had a bigger name.

He did not leave, but continued to follow the clues, otherwise he would return to the body of the green youth without hesitation, and it must be the end of the Zhang Family.

Zhou Heng rushed to the ground, and after half an hour, he finally took the person behind him completely.

He came to a stream and held a clear stream of water on the side. The feeling of coolness made his fatigue seem to disappear instantly. But at this moment, the feeling of uneasiness came again.

The ghost is not scattered!

Zhou Heng slowly stood up and said: “When is it sneaky to hide, come out!”

“ga ga 嘎, kid, I can’t think of you so much!” In the laughter, an old man with a vest slowly walked out of a bush, a look of senile, as if at any time. If you fall, you can’t climb anymore.

This is a Star King!

Old man did not hide the breath at this time, the tide was like a wave, the power of Star reverberated, the breath seemed to be in essence, and it could be a smashing one.

Zhou Heng is only alert in the heart, this is a swindle, I did not expect the other party really came out!

Yes, now that I have come to the mountains, I can take it out with impunity!

In addition, the Pure Yang Learning Institute happened before, and Liu Hu even pushed back to mention the matter, but also pushed Zhou Heng’s death to the Pure Yang Learning Institute and pushed it to Zhang Family.

This old man, though a slap in the face, is a full-fledged Human Clan. It shouldn’t be Niu Gang, please come out – and the other person’s own surname may be bigger. Jin Huancheng’s words, his Laozi is just Star King, even if you can call Star King, but the cost is too high, it is estimated that Jin Huancheng can not afford!

Then, only the last one is possible!

“Are you a Páng Family?” Zhou Heng indifferently said.

The old man was slightly stagnation, and even laughed and laughed: “Young people guessed well, old man Péng Ao, is the offering of Páng Family! Since you already know the identity of the old man, don’t obediently surrender?”

Zhou Heng laughed, said: “Old guy, have you been hiding in the dark? If you do, you should know that Young Master is not a scorner. If you want to complete the task, let him go and fight!”

“I really don’t see the coffin, I don’t cry, the area is Bright Immortal, it’s eighty-nine Divine Idol. If you don’t enter Star Boundary, it’s just an ant!” Péng Ao said disdainfully. In his opinion, this mission is extremely simple!

Of course, Zhou Heng’s shots made him slightly startled, but that’s all. He just needs to pay a little attention. Besides, he was alone, but no hostages hijacked Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng was awe-inspiring, but it didn’t have much volatility. He followed Golden Dragon Sovereigness and Bright Realm had been fighting a Star King’s demon tiger for a long time. Although there was Little Fire’s help at that time, it is undeniable that he only It is the main force of confrontation!

Now his cultivation base has skyrocketed and he has the power of 88 Divine Idol. It is hard to beat the Star King. It is not impossible to get out of it!

He also has a few cards – Chaos Heavenly Scripture, Soaring Heaven Nine Forms, Violetjade Dagger!

Chaos Heavenly Scripture with him, the Five Elements rune can make him barely bear the bombardment of Star King, and the words of Violetjade Dagger… can break the power of the ultimate Star King, which is the power of 99 Star!

Nine is the number of poles, 99 is the extreme number of poles, and on this basis, it will rise into a grid, which will form a qualitative change. One hundred Stars will exceed the scope of Star King and leap into Star Sovereign!

In the end, he now has the power of eighty-nine Divine Idol, and instantly vents all the spiritual powers within the body… At least 50% of the possible surnames smashed Star King’s defense!

With Black Sword’s sharpness and arrogance, as long as this sword is on the top of it, what about Star King?

“Old guy, just say you don’t practice fake style, come over to fight!” Zhou Heng’s fighting intent went straight to the sky, and he didn’t play against Star King, and even slaughtered one.

“ga ga, ignorant children, old man let you know what is the power gap!” Péng Ao had seen Zhou Heng’s weirdness. Now, although it’s extremely disdainful in his mouth, he’s not afraid to have the slightest slack in his heart. The force surged, and his power came out without reservation.

Hey, 47 Stars emerge from his within the body, each one looks like a house-sized, all red, like a bloody star.

Strong pressure to open, ordinary Bright Immortal has to prostrate oneself in admiration!

Zhou Heng is clenched with his fists. Black Sword and Soaring Heaven Nine Forms are his fatal blows. Now it is not yet exposed, but Chaos Heavenly Scripture is already open on top of his head, with colorful rays of light falling. He is protected in it.

“What is this treasure!” Péng Ao couldn’t help but reveal the astonished color. He could sense a supreme breath from this treasure, even if he was not qualified enough to study, but believe that under long-term contact, when it helps He comprehend the profound mysterious world!

“I don’t know if you want to hear it, or you won’t hit you!” Zhou Heng said with a smile, Chaos Heavenly Scripture trembled, and the colorful brilliance became more sacred and noble.

This sentence is really true, because the secret of Heavenly Scripture has always been circulated in the highest circle of the world. Even if the old guy is Star King, running to Immortal Realm can be called king, but he can’t change his name in Bright Realm. The facts of the underlying personnel.

——The cost of shuttle between the two worlds is too great. What qualifications does he have to qualify? Since it is impossible to lower the bounds, it is limited to an 4 Origin Star in the Crossing Yang Star area, and it is a running dog that does not enter the flow. Why do you know the secret of Heavenly Scripture?

It’s just that Péng Ao obviously doesn’t think so. The district Bright Immortal actually dared to laugh at him. This is really unbearable!

Kill this kid and win the treasure!

Otherwise, if Zhou Heng is brought back alive according to the order received, the secret of this treasure will never be guaranteed.

“Kids, such a treasure you don’t deserve, or give it to the old man!” Péng Ao is finally shot, the body flashes, 47 Stars burst into the starlight.

Zhou Heng The whole person is sinking toward the ground, the strength of the other party is too strong, and the attack has not really hit it, it is already so terrible!

As soon as the fist condensed, he launched a counterattack without showing weakness!

Let him also kill Star King at Bright Realm! (To be continued.)

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