“Hahaha, although we are enemies, I have to admit that you are the most difficult and most innate talent I have ever seen, Bright Immortal!” Yang Chen first praised Zhou Heng, but then his face It also becomes gloomy. “But you definitely can’t see the sun of tomorrow!”

Zhou Heng made a snap and hooked his finger and said, “Hurry up, what time do you want me to wait?”

“courting death !”

Jin Huanqi and Yang Chen are both furious, and this kid is still so stunned at this time, it really makes them intolerable! And they didn’t want to endure it. Zhou Heng had a lot of secrets in it, and even Star King had to be heart-warming!


They have rushed out, won Zhou Heng, and forced Zhou Heng’s secret to be the basis of their cooperation. As for the naturals, they will each go their own way, or one of them will be destroyed. Then the cultivation technique and the treasure are their own. . .

Zhou Heng has a hand in hand and has no intention of shooting.

This kid is facing two big Star Kings, knowing that he has no chance of winning, so give up resistance directly?

Hey, even if obediently surrender wants him to suffer the most painful torture before killing him!

On the other hand, Zhao Family did not go far, and stopped at the top of the treetop outside the casual li to see the situation here. At this time, Zhao Yaxuan also woke up in sorrow. When he saw this scene, he could not help but be shocked. Calling up.

She is full of good feelings for Zhou Heng, a young man she just met. She always feels that her partner has a unique and attractive appeal, which makes her involuntarily feel good about it.

“Your Majesty!”

Zhou Heng suddenly sighed softly, but his voice was not high, but it was full of real feelings. The mountain winds that were nearby were stopped.

Your majesty?

How confident is this guy actually calling two Star Kings? No, no, no, it鈥檚 not self-confidence, but arrogance to blindness. Do you think that this world is born of him and turned around him?

Zhao Family Several people have the feeling of spurting blood. At this time, they don鈥檛 run, but they still utter rants. I really don鈥檛 know how such people lived to the present!

But then think about it, a Bright Immortal meets two Star Kings, can you escape?

Since you can’t beat it, you can’t escape it, then you can get used to it.

Bang! Bang!

Zhao Family A few people never read, but they listened to two heavy voices. Their eyes suddenly burst out at the same time. Their faces were full of ghostly shocks, because Jin Huanyu really got down!

It was so heavy that even the leg bones were directly broken. The broken bones were worn out from the thighs, and the blood was rushing. The white leg bones gave a very strong feeling.

Really… squat!

How can it be!

why! Why are the two Star Kings going to face a Bright Immortal? This is totally unreasonable! To say that these two people are Zhou Heng’s men, just to play with him to let Zhou Heng pretend to force, is the price too big?

Hey, why bother, and also stumbled the leg bones, this money is too big, right?

“You, you, you, you–” Yang Chen licked look at towards Zhou Heng, and there was an indescribable fear in his eyes.

Jin Huanzhen is no better than where to go. His face is like a dead child. He is constantly twitching, and he is so pale that he can鈥檛 see a trace of blood. When he said that he is a zombie, there is absolutely no objection.

They are parties, how can they not know what is going on?

Zhou Heng’s body suddenly spilled an irresistible momentum, and they shook them down because they were too urgent, they even shook their leg bones!

Star…Star King?

No, Star King can’t have such a terrible momentum, it’s Star Sovereign or even Star Emperor!

No matter what, since Zhou Heng did not lift his hands and his feet did not move, they broke their legs. How can they compete against each other?


This kid was just a very high-end Bright Immortal. How did he jump into Star Boundary?

No reason!

The threshold of Star Boundary is likely to cross the past so quickly. Even if it gets an opportunity, even if it is a genius, it will take months or even years. The clumsy people can really cross this level for tens of thousands of years. Not unusual.

Can be a few days… Are you playing me?

Jin Huanqi both raised the cold chill from the bottom of their hearts. They had chased Zhou Heng several times before, and now the position of strength and weakness has turned upside down. Will Zhou Heng let them go?

They are all forced to stand up. As a Star Boundary Warrior, the broken bones of the district are not enough to make them lose their mobility. It is not a problem to rush to run with spiritual power.

Of course, after all, spiritual power can’t really replace the hands and feet, which will always affect their combat power.

“Who made you get up?” Zhou Heng said solemnly, hey, a momentum suddenly swayed.

Pa! pa!

Jin Huanzhen and Yang Chen squatted again. Under the huge impact force, their broken bones collapsed again. Several broken bones with blood fragments flew out and landed in the nearby grass.

Hey, hey, not only that, but this force also hurt their guilt, let them vomit blood.

On the other side, Zhao Family is also surprised to vomit blood!

is this real? Not your own eyes spent?

Zhao Family The Star King is even more remorseful. If he can always support Zhou Heng, then he can now have a relationship with Zhou Heng!

The friendship of a powerhouse is worthless!

In particular, if his granddaughter can marry Zhou Heng… Zhao Family is really developed!

Unfortunately, everything was pushed to the door!

“You, you break through Star Boundary!” Jin Huanyu was shocked and unwilling to look at Zhou Heng. Now, only Zhou Heng breakthrough Star Boundary can explain, but why this guy can be so short Completed the breakthrough in time?

It must be that he has mastered the cultivation technique, and he is almost invisible, so that he can almost see the realm barrier as nothing!

Jealousy envy hate ah!

鈥淣ot bad!鈥?Zhou Heng smiled faintly. 鈥淓veryone said that he was in Hedong for 30 years and Hexi in 30 years, but for me it was a debt in June, and now I am strong, you are weak, It鈥檚 time for me to get back to you!”

“Junior Brother Zhou, how can you say that there is no humanity, Little Brother is your Senior Brother!” Jin Huanzhen suddenly changed his face, full of affection, full of distress.

Seeing his expression, even Yang Chen is not shameful.

He has to be a bit harder because he can’t kill Zhou Heng’s revenge on the Young Lord, then he is back to the Zhao Family. He is also a dead end. If he doesn’t return to Zhao Family, his wife and children will be cruelly executed, and he will also Hunted by Zhao Family, even if you don’t die, you should always be a wild dog!

Every family hates the infidelity of infidelity, so even if he goes to the enemy of Zhao Family, he will not be sheltered and will only be executed mercilessly!

Zhou Heng extended the right hand and pressed down slightly, bang! Bang! Jin Huanyu was shocked and smashed to the ground. Every bone was screaming and under the pressure of being crushed into a crush.

鈥淎h鈥斺€?鈥?Jin Huanqi and the two people did not have the strong will of Zhou Heng, and immediately screamed.

“Shut up!” Zhou Heng unsettledly shouted, right hand one control, Jin Huanyu can only issue w煤 w煤 w煤’s boring, no longer screaming.

But this does not mean that the pain they have eaten has been alleviated. On the contrary, because it is impossible to vent, the pain becomes clearer and clearer, and they give birth to the urge to die immediately.

Pa! pa! pa!

Their strength can not compete with Zhou Heng, who is already Star Sovereign. The bones are broken, the blood is splashed, the bones are exposed, and the bone marrow is flowing.

These two people can no longer be called people, can only be said to be two groups of rotten meat!

The Zhao Family in the distance couldn’t make a single sentence. I only felt that I was all cold, and I couldn’t describe an indescribable cold from the bottom of my heart.

“Zhou Heng, you won, give me a good time!” Yang Chen couldn’t help but choose to give in.

“No, no, Junior Brother Zhou, we are with the Great Origin Learning Institute. You can’t kill me. This is a taboo! I just got the temptation of my younger brother, and I will be devastated by the lard to catch up with Junior Brother Zhou. !Junior Brother Zhou You can rest assured that in the future I will be led by you and be your loyal slave!鈥?Jin Huanqi did not want to die at all, shamelessly seeking for Zhou Heng.

“Let you be a slave like this? I can’t afford to lose this person!” Zhou Heng coldly snorted, Black Sword is a sacrifice, tormenting people is not a pleasant thing, since it is enough, it should ended.

“NO-!” Jin Huan’s gods screamed with horror.

Black Sword crossed and everything was calm.

Zhou Heng stood up and set his eyes on the other side of the Zhao Family. They scared the five people to retreat incessantly, worried that he would settle accounts after the fall and pursue their previous stay.

But how can Zhou Heng be so boring, he can fully understand the practice of Zhao Family, and there are several people in the world who are willing to work hard for unrelated strangers, not to mention who they are helping.

Of course, Zhou Heng did not mean to continue to walk with the Zhao Family. He turned to the five people lightly smiled, and his body shape leaped away.

Looking at Zhou Heng’s silhouette disappeared, Zhao Yaxuan could not help but reveal the color of the fall. She knows that it is never possible to see Zhou Heng again in this life.

Zhao Family’s Star King is the shoulder of the granddaughter, saying: “He is the dragon in the sky, you are just a mortal on the ground, you two can never be together!”

Zhao Yaxuan nodded, even if there is nothing that happened just now, how can Zhou Heng see her ordinary people? After all, their life is only a short-lived intersection here, and there will never be another chance to meet.

But to understand this is very simple, but how difficult it is to really let go!

“Let’s go, we take medicine, go back and find a good wife!”Zhao Family’s Star King said with a smile.

鈥済randfather!鈥?Zhao Yaxuan shrugged his feet.

Forgot him!

Can you really forget it? (To be continued.)

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