The adult Scarlet Moon Bird is Star King. If you want Bright Immortal to fight this Monster Beast, if you take their feathers, it will really kill people!

The school is not so harmful. .

This Monster Beast likes to use its own feathers to build a nest, so it’s not difficult to sneak in a few feathers as long as the Scarlet Moon Bird is not in the nest. Bright Immortal is entirely possible.

There are dangers, but as long as you understand the habits of Scarlet Moon Bird, there is generally no problem.

Otherwise, Liu Hu will not take over this task.

Of course, Zhou Heng doesn’t have to be so cautious. He is now Star Sovereign – and that’s it. Don’t say that the adult Scarlet Moon Bird is just Star King, and that is Star Sovereign. He also has enough control for the tiger’s mouth.

He quickly locked a Scarlet Moon Bird nest and flew directly, but the thing was so smart, he had already prepared for a big kill, but the nest is empty, maybe the Scarlet Moon that lives here. Bird went for food.

Zhou Heng did not intend to wait, he freely unplugged a bird feather, and after entering the Dantian space, he began to return.

The power of a person is limited. To quickly improve the cultivation base, you must rely on the university to rely on the resources of the school to complete the accumulation of spiritual power. Of course, the higher the realm, the less help the school can play. After all, the cultivation base is high and the promotion is even harder!

Before that, he first refined the life of the Black Sword.

The two Star Kings actually didn’t even make him a new Star!

Can’t underestimate the gap between Star Sovereign and Star King!

It was time to fly now, and Zhou Heng returned to Pale Water Town in just one day and immediately left with the Teleportation Formation, which was faster, but after a small half-day, he returned to the Great Origin Learning Institute.

Delivering Scarlet Moon Bird’s mission, he added three contributions and also harvested the huge thousand Great River Coin.

Compared to the value of hundreds of thousands of contributions that he did not move before, these three contributions are simply pitiful! But who makes this a task for Bright Immortal Rank, it is already good to give three contributions.

“Brother Zhou, you can come back!” Zhou Heng just came to the door of his yard and heard the voice of Qi Yuan.

“Hey? Was it despised by the dream lover?” Zhou Heng was in a good mood and couldn’t help but make a joke.

“You guys took all my belongings and ran without a word. Do you know how miserable I am these days?” Qi Yuan screamed.

Zhou Heng couldn’t help laughing heartily. He did roll up the Great River Coin from Qi Yuan. He used a part of it and some of it was placed in his spacecraft. He never found a chance.

“Hey, the money is still you, the ones that use it will use this replacement!” Zhou Heng, in addition to returning the remaining Great River Coin to Qi Yuan, threw the four Bright King Pill he had not used. .

“Bright King Pill!” Qi Yuan couldn’t help but squint, showing a strong surprise.

There is a sale in this school, but the price… not only millions of Great River Coin, but also a thousand points of contribution, which Bright Immortal Rank students have this net worth?

Only students from the Star King Institute, the Star Sovereign Institute or even the Star Emperor Institute can afford it!

Just what did they buy?

There may be friends and relatives of Bright Immortal, or use this high-end goods to open a leg of a beautiful woman named Fairy, who knows!

Qi Family Although rich and imposing, although there is a background of Deputy Dean, he can’t really eat a few high-end goods like Bright King Pill! No way, although the raw materials will not be scarce, but alchemy has a problem of the rate of success, the low-end Elixir Master is not good, the high-end Elixir Master is not empty, and the annual output is ten, and they are all robbed. I have to break my head!

Now Zhou Heng is throwing out four, how can I not let Qi Yuan be surprised!

“Brother Zhou, is this really for me?” He couldn’t believe it.

“Don’t give it back to me!” Zhou Heng said casually.

“Who said no!” Qi Yuan quickly put Bright King Pill away, for fear that Zhou Heng would really take it back, and then said, “Brother Zhou, you won’t be robbing which Elixir Master?” This Bright King Pill is too little. Where can I find four out?

“Well, now you have taken it, it is an accomplice!”

Seeing Zhou Heng refused to vomit, Qi Yuan can only shrug, and some things should not be carefully asked, everyone has their own secrets!

“Brother Zhou, I will go back to refining these Bright King Pills, and I can breakthrough after the estimation!” Qi Yuan is a positive color. “At the time, I am better than Brother Zhou!”

“haha, after waiting for your breakthrough, let’s talk about it!” Zhou Heng said with a slight smile.

“This is what you said, don’t say that I bully you!” Qi Yuan is very looking forward to the authenticity. The previous Zhou Heng is so powerful that he can look at this enchanting, even if it is only once in a while.

But he is destined to be disappointed!

Zhou Heng just gave him a smile. The surprise is to tell him after the breakthrough. Now tell Qi Yuan that he is already Star Sovereign. Does this guy want to die?

He opened the prohibition of the yard with an identity token and strode in.

Blackbird and Little Fire are still retreating. The Star Light that they are moving on is getting stronger and stronger. The period of breakthrough may be today, maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and soon it will be very fast.

Zhou Heng took out Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, and he is now breaking into Star Boundary, and is qualified to study what makes Bright Realm powerhouse a treasure.


When he discovered God on the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, the whole world suddenly changed, forming a vast starry sky, and numerous Stars were densely covered, forming a mysterious combination, with an indescribable charm. .

But what does this mean for cultivation?

“Zhou boy, can only say that you are ignorant, and later you 10 million don’t say that you are this Eminence training!” Fire God’s Furnace’s voice sounded.

“…you really owe it!” Zhou Heng squeezed his fist and made a loud noise.

“hehe, don’t be impulsive! Don’t be impulsive!” Fire God’s Furnace quickly asked for mercy, and talked about the topic. “You have to know that when the number of Stars reaches a certain size, there will be a strong rejection between each other, and you want to form a new one. The Star becomes very difficult.”

“And Star Core contains the most pure secret of the world, so that Warrior can refer to the arrangement of Star, re-architect the Star of the inner space, so that it can accommodate more Star!”

“The more solid the foundation is, the higher you will be. In terms of your most basic mortal world, this is a process of expanding the inner space. The different people and the inner space of expansion are different. This has already decided. Your future future!”

“Some people are strong and strong, they skip the mortal world directly, but they don’t know that this is not conducive to solidifying the foundation. It will let them spend a lot of time and energy to make up for this!”

“However, Xian and Fan can only form Star Rank’s Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, because the two Worlds can’t form Skyriver, Comet and Black Hole. Warrior like Skyriver Boundary, Comet Boundary, Black Hole Boundary needs to be higher. The Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, the low-level Sky Profound Spirit Crystal, still works for them, but it is not the best!”

Fire God’s Furnace didn’t play tricks this time and explained to Zhou Heng in detail.

Zhou Heng nodded, Fire God’s Furnace is straightforward and easy to understand.

On the basis of the basics, no one should be more secure than him. When he was a mortal, his Dantian space did not know how many times larger than other people in Realm. He thought that these advantages disappeared after entering Immortal Boundary. I think this will also affect the formation of Star, Skyriver, Comet, Black Hole!

The larger the Dantian space, the more Stars it can hold before it produces absolute repulsive force!

“You Dantian space, tsk tsk tsk, maybe you can create a miracle, forming more than 10,000 Star!” Fire God’s Furnace is full of envy, if its predecessor is not made into a pill furnace, one day it will It can also become a metal-based creature and embark on path of cultivation.

In addition to the family name of the wood, it is extremely difficult for Five Elements to form a real life. Once formed, it can have great power and fall over the sea. The growth surname is much higher than that of humans and Monster Beast.

This is the pain of the oven, and Zhou Heng is also embarrassed to poke, so he did not pick up the topic.

Next, it’s time to switch to the Star King Institute, or the Star Sovereign Institute, because from now on the spin grass he needs is only eligible for Star King or even Star Sovereign.

As for whether you are entering the Star King Institute or the Star Sovereign Institute, you don’t know, because his current state is really special. I really don’t know what the school will think.

This is not his heart-wrenching thing, too lazy to pay for this brain.

He went to the Ancient River Palace, which is the office of the university.

But here is not what you want to enter. There are four people guarding the Main Palace. Although they are all Bright Immortal, if they are hard, they must be regarded as a provocation to the Great Origin Learning Institute. The suppression.

For example, Skyriver King!

Zhou Heng stopped at the door, lightly smiled, said: “My name is Zhou Heng, I used to be Bright Immortal. Now I have broken through… Star Boundary, specially come over and report!”

The four people didn’t take it for granted. Although Star Boundary was difficult to break through, it couldn’t hold the base of Bright Immortal. There are always a few people who can jump to this realm every year. Just when they turn to think again, Zhou Heng, how famous this name is!

Ah, yes, Zhou Heng, the guy who just broke the Wall of Strength Bright Immortal record not long ago!


Did he break into Star Boundary?

So fast!

The four people suddenly did not dare to neglect, this may be a future superpowerhouse, even if they can not pay the other party, they can not be offended at will.

“If you want to report the breakthrough, you have to go to Guan Xuan’en Eminence Guan –” said a Ming Xiu, and immediately, “Senior Brother Zhou, please come with me, I will take you there!”

“That is man thanks!” Zhou Heng said with a smile.

“Please!” The two went forward together.

“Rely on, flatter!”

“He was one step ahead!”

The rest of the three are unwilling to say, but Zhou Heng has gone far, and they are not good enough to catch up.

This is an opportunity to get closer to a future powerhouse! (To be continued.)

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