Chapter 820: The story continues

Magnum's expression stiffened.

After a few seconds, the corners of his mouth shook: "You're not doing such a rough job?"

"Yes," Yuri nodded calmly. "And I suddenly felt that way was fine."

Magnum: "..."

In the end, it was Semmler who stood next to him. The somber and serious archbishop looked at Magnum, who apparently appeared in the hall in the form of an illusion, and nodded: "Then you are now similar to Celine Bishop Na's status is 'alive'? "

"I don't know," Magnan lowered his head and looked at himself in confusion, and saw Selena standing next to him. "I entered a turbulent state before. When I recovered my consciousness, I found myself locked up. In a shimmering space, I don't even know what happened ... "

"You carried out the brain servant transformation without adequate preparation, which caused your soul to be completely withdrawn. I collected those fragments," Selena explained briefly, allowing Magnum to quickly grasp the current The situation, "At present, you and I have become a ghost in the network. There have been no problems in recent years, but after that you have to consider looking for the" mental calibration point "in the real world."

Magnan blinked, digesting this fact for a short time, and finally sighed in a complicated mood: "This is really different from what I originally imagined ..."

Semmler nodded, looking at Selina: "So, he's completely disconnected from his body and can't go back?"

"It's true-this is not a simple soul separation, but also a broken reorganization of the soul and a 'death'. For now, there is no technology to restore him in similar situations."

Magnum suddenly felt a bit of a crisis from Semler's words, and asked subconsciously: "Bishop Semler, what do you ask?"

Semler looked at Magnum and said very seriously and lightly: "The body is useless to you, and I will arrange for someone to burn it for you."

"Ah ?! Wait a minute! Don't burn!" Magnum was startled and yelled immediately after responding, "What if you can rescue?"

"We are going to transfer the headquarters of the Order, including all brain servants. We have limited manpower and time. We can bring more supplies with less body," Saimler said very frankly. To the slightest meaning of jokes or pranks, this actually makes Magnum's expression even more distorted. "Anyway, now that your soul has survived alone, your body can no longer use it. As for rescue, did you not hear the words of Archbishop Selina just now? This is something that is impossible with current technology ... "

"Usable! In case there is a breakthrough in the technology in the future!" Magnum has a big voice even in the form of soul, and almost all the hall heard his shout. "Anyway, you have to transfer so many bodies, you guys. Is it worse for me? "

"The Archbishop of Semler," Wendy suddenly broke the silence, and proactively said, "Respect the opinion of Archbishop Magnum. We are indeed not bad for this" expenditure. "And considering that Archbishop Magnum just did Contribution, we are now not a good choice to abandon his body. "

"I just started from the perspective of efficiency and pragmatism," Semler said with a stern expression. "But you also make sense, I agree."

"Ah, Ms. Wendy, you are truly upright!" Magnum suddenly showed a very moved look. "Thank you very much for your help, but I want to correct it, my body should not be a corpse now. With the soul, at least he has breathing and heartbeat ... "

Obviously, no one cared about this detail, and no one responded to Magnum's words. The latter shrugged in embarrassment, and then suddenly seemed to think of something: "Well, when I was wandering in that shimmering space just now I heard some voices faintly, and seemed to mention the pursuit of saints and the like ... I want to ask is this saying me? "

Seemler and Yuri didn't seem to hear it, Wendy shifted her eyes calmly, Selina looked silently a little further away, as if she had stayed away from start to finish.

Magnum blinked, looking around, shrugging his shoulders awkwardly and indifferently, and prepared to ask again in a few days.


Cecil Empire, hours later.

The dawn sunlight shone into the bedroom, bringing a hint of warmth in the end of winter. Gao Wen, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes. After seeing the familiar ceiling, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that only a short night had passed in the real world, but for him facing the "historical memory" of the upper narrator, at this moment, it seemed as if he had just separated from the history of thousands of years. Feeling lingering in his mind, it took him some time to recover slowly-originally he should have woke up earlier, but fell asleep to organize his memory and mental state until now.

This sense of separation may cause worse results for ordinary people, and may even cause irreversible psychological trauma, but fortunately, all this is not a problem for Gao Wen-he is already familiar with the experience of soaking in the years, Occasionally experience it again and it feels like going home.

After the information storm in his head was gradually subsided, and all kinds of memories were sorted back to their original positions, Gao Wen sat up from the bed and looked around the room.

Amber did not leave all night, sitting on a nearby easy chair at this moment, had fallen asleep, drooling because of awkward sleeping position.

Tyre was still entangled in the corner, but her tail was tangled in twists and turns. Half of her upper body was entangled in her tail. Her sleeping position was difficult to describe in words.

Gao Wen would not even be able to reason why the tip of Tir's tail came out of that big cricket ...

Probably the true six senses, Amber woke up soon after Gao Wen woke up, she suddenly opened those amber eyes, first glanced at Gao Wen sitting on the bed, and then quickly wiped Rub the drool next to your cheeks, and suddenly stood up: "Ah, you are back? Is the situation over there?"

"Resolved," Gao Wen stood on the ground, taking a deep breath against the rising sun, and then exhaled slowly as if he wanted to drain all the gloom and gloom out of the body. "No **** has come to the world. After today, all People can still sleep peacefully. "

Amber stared at Gao Wen with big eyes, then suddenly laughed: "Oh, let me just say, you can do it."

Gao Wen nodded: "You need to inform others, there are still many things to deal with."

Then he glanced at Tier in the corner again: "You have to find a way to wake her up-you have to inform the siren deep in the sea, don't wait any longer."

"Then you can find a way, I'll tell Herdy and Carmel them!" Amber ran to the door without saying a word. "They are waiting for your news. They must be awake early ..."

Before Gao Wen had time to say anything, Amber ran out of the door like a gust of wind, leaving him and a sleeping Siren in the room.

Apparently Amber knows how hard it is to wake up a sleeping Tyre. She would rather run through the central city early in the morning than try to wake Tier ...

Gao Wen looked at the door with a stunned look, and turned to look at the sleeping Siren who seemed a little more abstract than before, and shook his head helplessly.

Anyway, I tried boiling water, and throwing it out along the window didn't necessarily work. She was salting like she went home. It was estimated that she was cut with a sword, and she was resurrected and went back to her room to continue sleeping ...

After thinking about it, Gao Wen bent down and reached Tear's ear (assuming her hearing organs were indeed ears), and muttered quietly, "Your little biscuit is gone."

Tier Ji Ling woke up suddenly, the messy tail rolled on the ground, and the whole man embarrassed and fell to the ground, then whipped up and said, "What, who said? I haven't ... hey?"

Tier finally woke up, turning his upper body 180 degrees to look at Gao Wen, who was standing aside, only to notice that the morning had arrived, and remembered the reason why he slept here: "Are you ... back? How is it going? "

"Sorry," Gao Wen shook his head with a smile, "you're waiting for nothing."

Tyr hesitated, then understood the meaning in Gao Wen's discourse, but the siren who lost the little cookie suddenly laughed, and said happily, "Isn't this a good thing?"

Then she propped up her upper body, the long snake tail stretched out, and slowly arched towards the door, waving her hand while arching: "Then I'll inform the sisters first, and come back soon to make up ..."

Miss Kraken left, leaving only Gao Wen in the room. The morning glow gradually became brighter and turned into bright sunlight. She leaned into the room through a large floor-to-ceiling window, and Gao Wen turned around and welcomed the giant sun. The glance narrowed his eyes slightly.

Cecil is at dawn, but it should be morning in the Orlandale area, and if everything goes according to plan, the migration of the everlasting should have begun.

Next, this huge machine of Cecil will operate in secret. The military intelligence bureau successfully established in Tifeng in the last two years will also be active simultaneously. Railway investment company, "track plan" informant, "25th" The three units will cooperate to take advantage of the cover of several recent increased trade orders to transfer the most core sleeper technicians and technical data to Cecil before Rosetta Augustus becomes aware of it, and later The lower-priority priests will continue to be transferred in a slower and more secretive manner for one year, until the transfer is completed or the operation is terminated.

All plans are in place. The Military Intelligence Bureau led by Amber and the overseas railway organization controlled by Herti have made all preparations for this. Next, it depends on whether the Everlasting Side can make a perfect cooperation.

I hope they can perform well enough in the process of editing and editing ... Selena and Meghal III are smart people, they know what to do.

"What's the good thing ..." Gao Wen squinted his eyes, whispered to himself, watching the bright sunshine shining in the sky.

Some stories are over, some stories ... but they will continue.


Rosetta Augustus came to the highest minaret of the Obsidian Palace. He pushed open a door inscribed with many runes, inlaid with gems and magical metal, and entered the magic laboratory on the top of the tower.

The laboratory is spacious and bright. The alchemy test bench and the arcane test bench inscribed with the magic array are neat and clean. The scrolls of all kinds of esoteric precious books are placed on the large bookshelves next to the wall. Two are rune armor pieces and bronze. The assembled puppet of the torso was busy tidying up some sundries, and the movement was light and silent.

Seeing Rosetta enter, the two puppets immediately bowed and saluted, and then returned to work.

Rosetta looked straight into the depths of the room. A dignified and sturdy lady in a lilac robe came from there. She was the current president of the Tifeng Royal Mage Association and the chief of Rosetta the Great. Mage consultant, legendary Ms. Windsor Mapel.

This magic laboratory located in the Obsidian Palace belongs to her. It is not only one of the places where she works, but also a symbol of her special treatment and status in the Empire as a rare outstanding genius in recent years.

"Salute to you, my Majesty," Windsor Mapel bowed in front of Rosetta, "What do you tell me?"

Rosetta nodded: "I feel the cursing power has subsided, and the thing has calmed down."

The “madness” curse of the Tifeng royal family is a semi-public secret, and the presidents of the Royal Mage Associations as the best occult experts in the empire will naturally be the direct informants of this secret. For two centuries, these outstanding The casters are responsible for analyzing the curse and trying to find a way to deal with it. Although there have been no significant results to this day, the royal family still maintains trust in them.

On private occasions, members of the royal family of Tifeng often talk directly to Windsor Mapel about the "curse of madness".

"Fascinated?" Windsor looked at Rosetta in surprise, "Is that what just happened?"

"After waking up in the morning, I felt that it was receding a little bit, and after a few hours it returned to the previous 'normal' state, without rebounding and continuing to diminish," Rosetta said in detail of what she felt, in Windsor · In front of Mapel, he treats himself as an ordinary patient, which helps the legendary mage to better judge the situation. "I think there must be reasons for mysticism behind this change. I want you to check it for me. . "

"Of course ... we can start now."

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