Chapter 821: New Network Project

The flickering runes faded one by one, the buzzing crystal device began to enter the cooling process, and Rosetta Augustus, sitting on a special seat, opened his eyes, from somewhere between real and illusory. Between the mental state sober.

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling his spirit relaxed for a long time, and then left the magic device relentlessly.

"If you feel exhausted, you can take a break from it," Ms. Windsor Mapel said next. "It won't heal the curse, at least it will make you easier."

"Although the use of soul anesthesia to reduce stress is effective, long-term use can weaken people's will," Rosetta said lightly. "That's all right. Ms. Mapel, how is it?"

Windsor Mapel stared at Rosetta quietly, and nodded gently: "I tried to induce your soul and consciousness. The spiritual pollution situation has indeed returned to normal levels, but no external interference has been found. Signs can basically rule out the possibility of someone tampering with your spiritual world. "

"... Isn't it because of myself ..." Rosetta groaned slightly. "Ma'am, what do you think of this?"

"As a scholar, I will not make judgments in the absence of evidence, but I can talk about my thoughts. The curse suffered by the Augustus family is related to the spiritual pollution left by the gods. Beyond time and space, confuse reality, and hardly be affected by ordinary forces-the curse of your body has fluctuated abnormally in recent days, and the reason has nothing to do with your own mental state, it means that the source of the curse has been disturbed, What can disturb it must be the same or similar force ... "

"Similar or similar power ..." Rosetta frowned slightly. "The churches in all places have not been abnormal recently, and there has been no direct drop of gods in this world for a long time. Even the Church of the Light of Cecil Empire has undergone a great change. , Has not affected Tifeng ... "

As he said, he suddenly looked up: "Ms. Mapel, have you heard anything from you recently?"

"The magical communication towers in various places have not reported anomalies-but the coverage of the communication towers is limited, and the mages on the bottom may not be able to accurately identify the extraordinary phenomena related to the gods. Therefore, many intelligences are delayed and it will take a long time to reach the capital. "Windsor Mapel shook his head." I will follow the intelligence in this regard and I will report to you as soon as possible. "

"Um ..." Rosetta nodded slightly, then frowned, "The messaging tower ... if there were more messaging towers or their coverage would be wider."

"The cost problem is really difficult to solve, and there are not so many mages to maintain those large facilities," Windsor Mapel said helplessly. "In fact, after completing the Empire Avenue project, especially after obtaining the magic train, the remote areas and the Imperial City The communication efficiency between them has been much higher than before. It used to take nearly a month to send the information from the west to the emperor that the information tower could not be used because it was not important enough. Now it only takes a few days. It is a very big improvement. "

"Still not enough-remember the warning given by the Ministry of Industry's advisory group? The factory's throughput cycle is calculated in days or even hours. If raw material fluctuations in remote areas are not timely reported to the city, it can cause an avalanche-like phenomenon within a few days. Loss, and the flow of funds behind it requires timely information transmission-machines speed everything up, Aldernan's ability to respond and control the southern and western regions is far from enough. "

"Those factory owners ..." Windsor Mapel frowned subconsciously, with a bit of scorn in his tone. "Your Majesty, IMHO, they overstated the facts and tried to highlight them with 'professional words.' It ’s important, but in fact they just want you to let go of some of the tower ’s permissions, and you want to divert a small amount of messaging quota from the Royal Mage Association. ”

"I can see it," Rosetta said calmly, "but at least part of what they say is true-especially with Cecil's rise, our shortcomings are becoming lethal."

Cecil ...

Hearing this word appearing more and more frequently in the Empire newspaper and various internal sources recently, Windsor Mapel couldn't help but look serious.

She is a senior mage, but she is also an adviser to the emperor. She is one of the "national key members" who will frequently come into contact with empire affairs. Of course, she will not know anything about the situation of the country. She knows Rosetta was worrying, and he knew it was justified.

Without a fast-growing Cecil, there are a lot of things that Tiefon people don't need to worry about at all, and no one will even realize that certain things are worth worrying about-just like the short board of a messaging tower, every Tiefon People would think that the number of empires with sufficient mages and the communication towers in various important provinces are sufficient, and after the newly renovated main roads and new means of transportation in the empire are used, the efficiency of information transmission is improved with one It is more than enough to cope with the current state of the empire. No one will feel that they are inefficient, and even many people will feel that they are sufficiently advanced that there is no need for improvement in a century.

But there is a rapidly rising Cecil next to it-this fast-growing "neighbor" has brought many "new things" to Tifeng people, such as magic guidance technology, such as competitive pressure.

Intelligence personnel risked and sent a lot of useful things, a considerable part of which was a description of Cecil's cutting-edge technology, and these descriptions made Rosetta and the more discerning lawmakers aware of some shortcomings of the empire in advance. board.

This is probably the pressure of comparison.

"Their magic-net communication has developed rapidly. Although they are all based on long-distance fast communication technology based on messaging, they obviously solve the problems of cost and labor occupation. This is the consistent advantage of magic-guide technology. "We have taken full advantage of it," said Windsor Mapel slowly. "We have always been proud of a professional and large number of mage teams, but it is clear that the Cecil's method of replacing these mage with machines is more efficient. , At least in communication technology. "

As the president of the Royal Mage Association, it was not easy for her to say these words, but she knew that even if she did n’t say it, the wise Rosetta Augustus had already learned, let alone her teacher, Daniel is now the empire's leading magic wizard, and many of the things he has created have shaken every old-fashioned traditional mage in the association—the facts cannot be disputed.

"Magnet communication is good technology ..." Rosetta looked serious. "We have to master it or find ways to improve our messaging tower, no matter how much it costs."

As he said, he suddenly asked: "A merchant sent a 'Magnet Terminal' before, did you analyze the results?"

Talking about the field of technology, Windsor Mapel's expression immediately became serious-she knew what the "magnet terminal" that Rosetta was referring to was a respectable western businessman risking being cecilian The risk of hanged secretly took a machine across the border, the merchant hid it in a fur and spice dump, hid it from Cecil's border inspection, and dedicated it to the emperor after returning home, and that precious machine is now Lying in the laboratory of the Imperial Industrial Association, the technical team led by Daniel was analyzing.

"We dismantled it into parts and restored its complicated and exquisite runes and crystal structures. Maybe it won't be long before we can copy an identical machine, but it doesn't make sense," said Windsor Mar Pell shook his head. "The Cecilians stuffed a very weird set of runes into that machine. It's not regular communication, and it even has the characteristics of divine magic. No one can read them at this time. Specific function and meaning, I am very curious where did the Cecil people get inspiration from, to form such a weird magic circle ...

"Teacher Daniel reminds us that if we can't fully understand the meaning of each part of the runes, it is very dangerous to copy the equipment rashly-the Cecilians may have hidden traps inside, and they may be able to directly intercept or even eavesdrop on our copy device of."

"Master Daniel is a wise man, and his reminders are always very pertinent," Rosetta nodded slowly. "Take care of that machine and find out what we can use from it. Others ... we will always Figure it out. "

"If only a prototype of the Monet terminal can be obtained, or the original rune prints ..." Winsor Mapel sighed. "The prototype has not been simplified and optimized, and it often contains very obvious Technical ideas may help us to unravel the secrets of those runes ... Of course, this can only be thought of. "

Rosetta looked cold and did not say a word.


In the Cecil Palace, a study with blue velvet tapestries, Gao Wen told Herti and others in detail about their experiences in the dream world, including the end of the sandbox one, the confrontation with the upper narrator, and the sleeplessness. The current status of the reporter after the incident.

The strange and inexplicable "Crisis of God" made everyone in the study's eyes widened (except for Carmel, who lighted up), the strangeness of the gods and the danger of things touched everyone deeply And what made them even more emotional was that all this happened last night—

The calm and calm night lasted, Cecil was peaceful at night, but a world beyond reality turned the world upside down, and even a divine crisis broke out in the distant Tifeng, which really gave Herty and others a serious sense of unrealism.

After slightly digesting the huge amount of information brought by her ancestors, Herti soon entered into work. She thought while saying, "The transfer work on the Everlasting Side should have begun, and I will start the Empire side immediately. Butt-before Aldernan's response, we should have time to transfer those core personnel and technical information ... "

"A part of the technical data will be sent first through the spiritual network," Gao Wen said. "Although the headquarters of the everlasting people is gone, their mental network is still running, but it will enter the most inefficient 'basic mode' and cannot be any longer. The city that supports the dream city, the transmission of simple data is not a problem. Of course, for obvious reasons, the most core technical information will not be sent over, and the everlasting people will take them until the train we send to take them to a safe place. local."

Hetty frowned subconsciously: "It's time for this ..."

"Normal response-if they don't, I will worry about the intelligence of those core talents and the authenticity of those materials," Gao Wen said with a smile. "Relax, the sleepers have the power of the mind and lurk in the territory of Tifeng For many years, they have been experts in life-saving and absconding. They should not worry that they will be caught and killed by Augustus before they escape. "

"Your Majesty," Carmel floating aside, said, "Since the everlasting mind's network is going to turn into basic mode, will our origin laboratory be affected?"

"Theoretically ... it can continue to operate, because the space of its own origin does not occupy the computing power of the city of dreams, and it is built on the 'foundation layer' of the spiritual network, which is a layer that will maintain operation under any circumstances. Gao Wenluo thought a little, and gave a speech of "wool wool to death", but then turned the word forward. "But I am ready to transform and transfer the space of origin, including the large-scale mental network of the everlasting person, for a large-scale Transformation, making it more controlled by us and more harmless. Now it is obviously the most suitable opportunity. Therefore, I plan to temporarily close the current space of origin-Carmel, where has our own 'immersion cabin network' progressed? Anymore? "

"Networking has been successfully implemented in a laboratory environment, and simulation runs have been performed without the everlasting mind network. Now the overall stability of the network is being adjusted to increase its adaptability to the magic net communication system and to immersion. The cabin has been modified to make it less burdensome and more suitable for untrained ordinary people-the special machine sent to Gülen is a successful example, and we are studying the civilian version based on it. "

"Very well, this is the key to transforming the Everlasting Order and building our own network," Gao Wen nodded with satisfaction, and gradually smiled. "Since this is going well ... Carmel, I want to Give you a new project that can move forward with what you have at hand. "

Carmel made a buzzing sound: "New project?"

"'The Narrator's Neural Network'," Gao Wen said with a smile, "the future cutting-edge communication system will be built on it."

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