Chapter 822: three phases

Getty and Carmel and others got their recent work arrangements and soon left the study. The large room seemed quiet, and finally only Gowon sitting behind the desk and Vero standing in front of the desk. Nika / Ophelia.

Of course, Amber was on the scene, but she has been soluble in the air for a long time and can be ignored.

Gao Wen glanced up at Veronica holding the platinum scepter and nodded calmly: "There are some issues we can discuss about this 'upper storyteller'. Sit down."

Veronica nodded, seated herself on a high-back chair next to the desk, and said softly, "Your action provided us with a valuable reference example-this should be our first time so intuitive, Such a close contact with a deity, and a deity in a state of reason. "

Gao Wen Shensheng said: "Strictly speaking, it is still different from the real world gods. It is not yet certain whether the upper narrator brewed in the sandbox world is 'complete' and he has experienced madness, death, and division. It ’s hard to say what has changed in this process. "

"But it is sufficient as a reference," Veronica said. "At least we can analyze many god-specific traits from him."

"For example ... the purity of divinity and the response to mortal thoughts," Gao Wen said slowly, "the upper narrator consists of two parts, divinity and humanity. Humanity seems radical, chaotic, full of emotions, and irrational, but it also Smarter and more cunning, more divine, I can feel that He has unconditional protection and attention to his people, and he will take action to satisfy the common trend of believers. In addition, from a certain point of view, His The human part actually acts to satisfy believers' thoughts, but in a different way. "

As he said, Gao Wen frowned slowly: "This confirms my previous conjecture: All gods, no matter whether they are ultimately crazy or harmful, he acted in the early stages for the protection of mortals ..."

"The rebels never deny this possibility, and we even think that until the last minute of the madness, the gods will retain the instinct to protect mortals in some ways," Veronica said calmly. "There is too much evidence to prove that gods treat mortals. The sanctuary of the world, in the primitive era of human beings, the existence of the gods even allowed the fragile mortals of that time to avoid countless calamities. The crazy degeneration of the gods is a gradual process-at the end of this action against the 'upper narrator' Since then, I have confirmed this even more. "

Veronica said, lowering her head slightly and pressing her fingers lightly against the chin, as if thinking, as if organizing the language: "We can think of the 'upper narrator' as an earlier deity-- In the early days of birth, the more pure thoughts allowed him to have a more pure deity. This is the stage closest to the 'essence' of the deities, while the deities in the real world are in the later stages. According to our observation records of that year, God is already in a very chaotic and paranoid state, and this situation is obviously going to worsen ... "

"We may be able to divide God into several stages accordingly," Gao Wensi said. "The gods that were originally born in the mortal trend are pure individuals that arise from stronger spiritual mappings. They are usually because of comparison. A single emotion or desire is born, such as the fear of death and the fear of nature. This is the 'primordial god', and the upper narrator is at this stage;

"After the birth of the gods, they will be constantly affected by the ideological trend of mortals, and as the effects become more persistent, they will be mixed with too many 'impurities' themselves, so they will become more and more chaotic and more inclined to crazy It is the longest stage in the entire 'life cycle' of a god. This is the 'god of the pollution period';

"At the end of the day, pollution reached its peak, and the gods completely became a chaotic and crazy existence. After all reason has been wiped out by those chaotic thoughts, the gods will enter their final stage, which is also the stage where the perverts are desperately trying to confront— —'Crazy God. '"

As Gao Wen's voice dropped, Veronica nodded gently: "According to the characteristics of the upper narrator, your division should be correct."

"... So, not only divine nature pollutes human nature, but also human nature pollutes divinity," Gao Wen sighed softly. "We always thought that the spiritual pollution of the gods was the first and most powerful pollution, but we ignored it. The huge number of mortals also has a huge impact on God ...

"The complexity and differences of mortals have caused the gods to continue to fall in a crazy direction since their birth. The gods who shelter everything are created by the mortals themselves. The mad gods who ultimately destroy the world are also made by the mortals themselves."

"This world is like this," Veronica said quietly. The rebel who has lived for a thousand years has a calm tone, beautiful and crystal-like eyes with only machine-like calmness. "Neither justice, It is not biased, it just has a set of rules, all of us-including God-have to run in this set of rules. The only irony is probably the 'rebels' like us, we are a group of people who refuse to follow the rules The mortal who obediently dies, and refuses to die, is probably the greatest rebellion against this world. "

Gao Wen was silent for a few seconds and shook his head with an sigh. "... Survival is the instinct of beings. Morality is confined to ethnic groups. In a sense, man and God are poor worms."

Just then, an amber voice came from the nearby air: "But why human nature must pollute the divinity? If mortals are complicated and chaotic, isn't it the same for mortals at the beginning of the gods' birth?"

Gao Wen glanced sideways and grabbed amber out of the air, Veronica said, "Because we are always developing, the ethnic group is getting bigger and more complex, not just This is true in the material as well as in the mind.

"The ancient people who originally brewed the" gods "may simply be in awe of certain natural phenomena. Their biggest wish may be to eat and wear warmth, but to survive the next day, but how about us today? How many mortals are there? How many expectations and impulses about the future are these desires, and these will point to the **** who was originally just to protect people from eating and wearing warmth ... "

Amber listened to Veronica's words and frowned slowly.

"This sounds like a dead knot ... unless we never develop, even the population does not change, and our minds must remain unchanged for thousands of years to avoid the production of mad gods ... but how is this possible?"

"This is indeed an endless loop," Gao Wen said faintly. "That's why we have to find a way to break it. Whether it is death, everything will try to create a **** completely dominated by human nature, or the everlasting person will try to break the steel seal of the mind The way to cut off the 'pollution link' between man and God is to try to break this dead cycle, but ... their way has not been successful. "

Amber suddenly looked up at Gao Wen: "Are there other ways?"

Gao Wen looked at those bright eyes, and slowly smiled: "It's man-made, and there will always be roads."

"I hope this way is found earlier," Amber pouted, and muttered, "Good to people, good to God ..."

Veronica heard the words of Amber, but as a rebel she did not make any rebuttals or warnings. She just listened quietly, her eyes calmed, as if thinking.

Gao Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, his thoughts undulating in his heart.

The development of mortals ... in a sense brewed the poison that polluted the gods and buried the hidden dangers of human beings' own destruction. However, the development itself is the only resistance that mortals can make when facing this cold and hard world .

This icy rule is not very friendly, but neither man nor God has a choice.


Magic Technology Research Institute, Druid Research Center.

The gray-haired Byron stood on an unobstructed open space, watching nervously the technicians not far away busy around the platform, debugging the equipment, he tried to make himself look calmer, so he stood straight on the spot , But those who are familiar with him can see the nervousness in the depths of this empire general from this calm standing posture-

It is rare for a normal Byron to be so established.

Pea sat quietly in a chair next to Byron, looked up helplessly at his adoptive father, lowered his head, picked up the writing pad he never left, wrote a line of text on it, and then poke it with a pen. Byron's elbow passed the tablet:

"Dad, relax, you will influence everyone."

Byron glanced down at the contents of the tablet, and made a somewhat stiff smile: "I ... I'm quite relaxed ..."

Seeing this, the pea sighed helplessly, and looked at a lot of machinery and equipment and technicians not far away.

Pittman stood between a bunch of assistants and researchers, wrinkled faces with the usual rare seriousness.

The crystal resonance device embedded under the experimental table emits a pleasant buzzing sound. The complex crystal clear image is displayed above the projection crystal inlaid in front of the experimental table. Details, paying attention to every change in it.

"There should be no problem. The response is the same as the last test. The survival of the artificial nerve cord is good and the signal transmission is clear," said an assistant. "Next, see if the new skull base contacts can work as expected. ... "

"Finally, it's time for acceptance ..." Pittman sighed softly, and then carefully, as if holding a treasure, picked up the strangely shaped silver-white device placed in the center of the platform.

It is a "snake-shaped device" composed of silver and white metal nodes less than half a meter long. The whole looks like a flat spine with a triangular structure at one end that seems to fit the neck, and the other end extends out. With a few "tentacle" general terminals, the whole device looks delicate and weird.

This is the "neural thorn" after the improvement.

Pittman grasped the triangular structure of the nerve thorns with one hand, holding its terminal nodules under one hand, and came to Byron and Pea.

"Ready?" Byron asked immediately.

"It works," Pittman rolled his eyes. "Just for safety and security, we checked again."

His remarks did not relax Byron much, the latter still couldn't help frowning, confirming again: "In case something goes wrong ..."

"First of all, this is a non-implantable nerve cord. It depends on the skull base contacts to establish a connection with the brain. The skull base contacts themselves have a fusing mechanism. As long as the user's brain wave disturbance exceeds a safe value, the contacts will break themselves. Opened. Secondly, so many experts are watching here. The laboratory also has the most complete emergency equipment. You can plug your heart back and let it continue to jump for decades in the place where it should be. Do n’t be blind here. Nervous. "

Byron opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but the pea stood up from his chair and quietly pushed Byron away.

Pittman glanced at Byron: "The peas are much braver than you."

Byron's lips moved twice, and there seemed to be more to say, but he closed his mouth eventually.

In this case, don't continue to question the professionals, and don't add confusion to the experimental project-this simple truth, even a mercenary half-knight knows.

"Pea, sit down on this chair," Pittman led the girl to a nearby chair, and the latter had his hair tied when he went out today, revealing a smooth neck that Pittman held in his hand. The world ’s first set of "neural thorns", a little close to the back of the pea, "a little bit cold, and then a little numb, but it will soon pass. After that the tray will stick to your skin, Make sure that the contacts at the base of the skull are effectively connected-the effect of 'gluing' is very stable, so if you want to remove them later, remember to press the next few buttons in order first, otherwise it will hurt ... "

Pittman took the precautions seriously, before finally fitting the silver-white device behind the pea's neck.

A very slight "click" sound came from the silver-white metal joint. This device, which uses a combination of magic conductive material, light metal, and biomass-like biomass, sensed brain waves and immediately seemed to get life. Triangle A swatch-shaped tray was adsorbed behind the pea's brain, and a dark red light flow quickly flowed between the neatly arranged metal "knots". The internal rune was activated for the first time, the whole nerve thorns contracted, and then relaxed. Expand it.

The pea's neck shook agitatedly, but there was no uncomfortable expression on his face.

Pittman stood up, glanced at Byron next to him because he was nervous, and looked back at the pea.

"We've installed a small speaker in your nerve thorns-you can now try to 'speak'. Focus on what you want to say clearly, and it might not be very good at first Easy, but I believe you can quickly grasp ... "

Pea turned his head hesitantly, as if still adjusting to the wonderful touch coming from the back of her neck. Then she frowned, trying to focus her attention in the way that Pittman explained, and in her mind outlined what she wanted to say.

A weird, fuzzy noise came from the nerve thorns behind her head.

Then came a second burst of noise, which seemed to be mixed with some broken and messy syllables.

The pea tried a few more times, and finally, those syllables started to gradually continually, and the noise gradually calmed down.

She took a deep breath, focused again, and then fixed her eyes on Byron next to her.

An intermittent but clear voice passed into the ears of this nearly half-year-old knight: "... daddy ... thank you ..."

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