When the sword force broke the coercion of the dragon and ape, Ling Tian's shoulders shook, boundless vitality and Sword Soul poured into the thundering sword, the strong rays of light seemed to be enough to smash the mountains, in a moment , Ling Tian waved his arms, vented with all his strength, and split three swords.

Thunder sword 4th layer, moonslash!

Thunder sword 5th layer, thunderstorms go through the sun!

Thunder sword 6th-layer, thundering sun and moon!

Sword light is like an endless evolution of thunder, boundless, with lightning, fire, and stars blooming at the same time. Every sword is an irresistible trend!

People can't resist.

The sword power transformed by one hundred thousand sword shadows is really too powerful.

Even if Ling Tian has not yet displayed the strongest secret technique of swordsmanship, but with the blessing of Grade 9 Sword Soul, these three swords are still too sharp!

hong long long!

The three swords are superimposed, and the golden dragon ape who took out the golden body is also a little unbearable. The offensive condensed by the dragon claw is directly crushed, and the whole person is directly cut and flew out like a cannonball.

"Damn it!"

Being cut wyvern ape furious, he really did not expect that the sword force that erupted after Ling Tian's sword would be so fierce. Far stronger than any Human Race he has seen before!

Didn’t it mean that Heavenly Absolute Mountain can only be entered by Martial Artists of the golden realm?

Will this Human Race be a golden body? This is too terrifying!

Ling Tian's face has been sneered all the time.

In the sneer, it was full of killing intents.

Although the dragon ape is powerful, Ling Tian is too lazy to bear it, the sword is in his hand, this is his sharpness, this is the real Ling Tian.

Dragon Ape wants to stop Ling Tian’s footsteps, which is simply courting death. Although this is a sixth rank demonic beast, the battle strength is comparable to the ordinary Primordial Spirit and even stronger, but the fleshly body strength of Monster Race , Is not much more tyrannical than Ling Tian.

And Ling Tian has a powerful fleshy body, as well as tyrannical equipment and martial skill blessings, Long Yuan is not worth mentioning in front of Ling Tian!

Dragon Ape, who was thrown into the air as soon as he punched it, fell on the spot. Even if it was his Human Transformation, he still couldn't take advantage of it.

Dang dang!

Dragon Ape was heavily wounded by swords all over his body, densely packed, even if his fleshy body is strong, but facing Ling Tian's sword power, it is still not enough to look at.

If it weren’t for the fact that the fleshy body was terrifying, it might have been hit hard like the giant bear before.


The rays of light on the dragon ape suddenly burst open, pulled out a flame stick, and killed it.

Flash thunder escape!

Amidst the overlap of the afterimages, Ling Tian's real body avoided in a flash, and appeared expressionlessly on the side of the dragon ape. The cold light of a sword is as high as stars twinkling, but with a flick of the wrist, the sword light changes in an instant, and the biting sword glow penetrates the void like electricity, piercing the center of the eyebrows of the dragon ape.

Long Yuan was shocked, even if his fleshy body was amazing, he didn't want to test the sharpness of this sword.

I dodged, but the thunder sword still pierced his arm, blood gushing.

In such a fierce match, Long Yuan was surprised to find that his fleshy body really couldn't hold Ling Tian's Fire Sword.

"I don't believe that I can't kill you! Great flame demon Dragon Clan, give me strength!"

Seeing Ling Tian pressing harder step by step, the dragon ape immediately roared, and he moved his body The accumulated Dragon Vein power was activated, and the twinkling dragon shadow on his body was fierce and fierce.


On the stick of the sword-pointed dragon ape, this time, the dragon ape was not retreated, but Ling Tian was shaken back, and the dragon ape was snered directly Pounced.

"Falling Stars!"

Ling Tian's body shape changed, not in a hurry, another sword struck the past with a lightning-like Mercury sword.

puff puff puff!

Liuxingchen derives hundreds of tiny sword qi, and directly takes the dragon ape, the dragon ape that was swallowed by it overflowed with blood from the corners of its mouth, and was directly shaken back for several steps, and the inner Qi blood was tossed. , Very uncomfortable.

"Damn it!"

The dragon ape, who has been crushed and beaten all the time, was furious. He has not been able to give Ling Tian any pressure, or even touch it in the true sense. I didn't manage to touch Ling Tian.

In contrast, Ling Tian's sword moves have always suppressed him, and his face is flushed with anger, and he is extremely irritable.

In his anger, he rushed forward and slapped it with a palm of his hand, which was like the claws of Dragon Clan, and fiercely grabbed it again.

"I want to crush you!"

Relying on the blessing of Dragon Vein energy, the dragon ape rushed forward desperately. This style of play is quite fierce, confident that the fleshy body is stronger than the opponent, and the injury is exchanged for injury, driving Ling Tian to death.


Ling Tian face doesn't change, the lightning flashes quietly, the electric light flickers in the air, and he takes him away.


The ground was slapped by the claw of the dragon ape, trembling violently, and the mountains and rocks turned into powder. However, I just couldn't meet Ling Tian.

"It's over!"

But Ling Tian didn't give him a chance to react, he pulled away and flew back, breaking through the air at a faster speed and killing him fiercely.

Ling Tian holds a thunder sword in his hand, and while his long hair is flying, the flame sword power that diffuses between Heaven and Earth is all fused in this sword.

Let Ling Tian’s thundering sword, the flame rise, a Heavenspan Flame Sword Qi, the breath condenses.

Three Yang True Fire cut!

This time, Ling Tian will really use his ultimate move!

"The dragon ape shakes the sky!"

The eyes of the dragon ape flashed with a hideous color, and he immediately sneered!

A raging flame ignited on his body. At this moment, he had chosen to burn the power of Monster Race crystal core, and at this moment, it seemed to use Monster Race's rare martial skill!

Above its dragon claw, it blooms terrifying pressure, so that the dragon claw grows so large that there is a hundred zhang, bathed in the flame of Flame Dragon, Tearing Space, and catching Ling Tian!

"Playing with me, you are not worthy!"

"It's over!"

But at this moment, Ling Tian is holding Flame Sword Qi. , But above the sword qi, when the sword power climbed to the peak, Ling Tian directly volleyed down!

Three Yang True Fire slashing is Ling Tian’s strongest sword move secret technique today, how powerful is the energy.

Dragon Ape simply cannot imagine.

When the sword qi shrouded the dragon ape’s head, it instantly dazzled his eyes. The burning Monster Race pressure on him, under the force of the sword, shattered with a sudden, Flame Dragon-like flames. , All went out.


When the sword was cut down, the dragon claw of the dragon ape was cut to pieces, and the sword qi swallowed the dragon ape, leaving a hideous wound on its body. Blood splashed, his whole person was smashed out, exhausted all the dragons and apes, and he couldn't fight against these three Yang True Fire cuts of Ling Tian at all.

The splash of blood even caused the Monster Race army to exclaim like a shock.

The Dragon Ape Monster King also lost!


Long Yuan crashed to the ground, looking at the wound on his chest, this sword almost cut him in half!

What sword skill is this? !

Long Yuan looked towards Ling Tian in shock. But the moment he raised his head, his pupils suddenly shrank, and a ray of sword light continued to expand in his pupils.


He didn’t have time to do something. The thunder sword that flew from Ling Tian's hand passed it through his chest. The powerful force flew upside down with the body of the dragon ape, and finally the sword smashed the mountain. Wall, nail it directly under the giant temple on the mountain wall!

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