Why, now, don’t you come down! ? "

"Still, wait for me to kill it! ? "

Ling Tian raised his head, looked towards the top of the giant hall, always indifferently watching all the fiery red figures in front of him.

Then, Flying Dragon Beast!

"Hehe, good. It's worth my shot. "

On the top of the giant hall, the flame figure suddenly smiled, and the arm he was holding fell down.

He even took out a flaming sword from behind.

"This is the weapon I got from your Human Race expert. I don't know what its name is. But since I got it, I have never failed! "

After the figure finished speaking, Ling Tian below the knife pointed, "My name is Yan Zhou, comer, common name!" "

"hehe, my name, you don't need to know, because you are going to die. "

Ling Tian sneered with his hands.

The other party was full of contempt for him, so naturally he wouldn't give much face.

Moreover, his dragon blood is overpowering. The blood essence needed to determine the Third Layer is precisely this blast of Flying Dragon Beast.

In the dark, it seems that there is already providence.

He hasn't found any primordial sutra. A clue, but I came across the Flying Dragon Beast which is necessary for this advanced Fleshy body.

Now, his body of the crystal has made him feel powerless.

So , This explosive Flying Dragon Beast, he must kill no matter what.

This blood essence is also what he must get.

"He he he. .."

Above the giant hall, that Yanzhou extremely angry laughs.

As the Monster Race Young Master of Heavenly Absolute Mountain, he has enjoyed the respect since he was born. , When would anyone dare to talk to him like this?

"you think you can kill me..."

"Are you worthy! ? "

Above the giant hall, Yan Zhou suddenly put away his laughter, his face was cold, the blade was lifted, and endless Raging Flames burned up in the sky above his head.

The blade was biting. , The dazzling blade light stirred the fire cloud in the sky, Yan Zhou waved his big hand, condensed all the fire cloud on the edge of the blade, condescending to Ling Tian, ​​slashing out a terrifying knife, the blade light is in the flames, extremely violent!

The fleshly body strength used by the Monster Race Young Master might condense Blade Qi!?

Ling Tian was also a little surprised, but the blade light was approaching the extreme, in midair's Ling Tian, ​​it was too late Think about it, gather vitality directly on the Thunder Sword, and cut out a sword qi to greet you.


sparks flying in all directions, true essence rushing away.

In the confrontation of the swords, the air clank and clank not only seemed to have the trembling of gold and iron, the fire fell from the sky, the wind and the fire were fierce!

Ling Tian’s sword qi, in contact with the blade light of the hot day At the moment, the two broke apart!

Moreover, Ling Tian’s sword qi failed to advance and collapsed.

Ling Tian frowned, and a huge message came from ahead. The power of the blade directly engulfed him,


In an instant, Ling Tian spewed a burst of blood, and his figure was even more blasted from the air by Yan Zhou. !

Like a meteor falling to the ground, Ling Tian smashed the ground into a deep pit.

Just 1st move to fight, Ling Tian completely lost the wind!

" Ahem, so strong! "

Ling Tian climbed up from the pit, but at this time, on his chest, the Clearlight Armor of Tianlan was slashed by Yanzhou, and even the body of the rock crystal was torn into a huge The blood flowed across the mouth of Yan Zhou!

This is the first time I have suffered the heaviest injury since it was refined into the body of Panjing.

The sword in Yan Zhou’s hand is absolutely Not ordinary!

Moreover, Yan Zhou deserves to be Dragon Clan, Strength of Fleshly Body, too powerful!

However, Yan Zhou above the giant hall looks down from the pit Ling Tian who got up, his fiery pupils also shrank.

The other party was not killed by him!

This is unbearable!

I don’t want to Give Ling Tian any chance to breathe, above the giant hall, Yan Zhou turned into a fire shadow, and then flickered down.

After a Blade Qi, Yan Zhou began to get close.

Ling Tian's expression was dazzling, almost a subconsciously reaction. He instantly turned sideways and smashed the wall of a Blade Mountain in Yanzhou's Tearing Space. Then his wrist shook, and Thunder Sword slashed towards Yanzhou at an extremely tricky angle.

This sword goes straight to the back of Yanzhou's neck.

His sword is ruthless, and Ling Tian's sword is not weak.

If it hits, Yanzhou is not Death is hurt!

This sword is fast and cruel, and the angle is even more tricky, immediately let Yan Zhou fall to the wind. But to others, Ling Tian seems to be wandering around a garden pavilion, stretching out his hand Plucking flowers is as easy as freehand brushwork.

Compared with Yanzhou, although the former's Blade Technique is fierce, but it is really better than close combat. Ling Tian's sword dao attainments, the realization of Yuan Yantian this Monster Race can be compared.

"en?! "

Yan Zhou is frowned, and his heart is also astonished.

His artistic conception of this blade has not been completed yet, his blade is still fierce, and Yuwei is still fierce. But Ling Tian's sword is already fierce. It's time to touch his vitals, no matter whether he advances or retreats, this sword is extremely deadly.

More importantly, Ling Tian's sword is very fast, and the distance is so close, so fast that people don’t have any A chance to hesitate.

Advancing or retreating will bury a larger weak spot, but if you do not advance or retreat, you will be severely injured by a sword in a flash.

in a flash, Yan Zhou made a move that everyone didn't expect. He hardly hesitated and made the action in a flash.

Yan Zhou clenched the right hand of the fire blade. , Suddenly let go, at the crucial moment, turned around to right hand at a speed so fast that people could not see clearly, stretched out two fingers to clamp the tip of the thunder sword.

For such a scene, Ling Tian who watched was shocked, but it was not over yet!

Suddenly flames burst into the palm of Yan Zhou’s left hand, he directly held the blade of in midair that was about to fall, and carried the flame. blade light, and moved towards the top with a more ferocious momentum.

Ling Tian's left hand fingers are brought together, and when this blade is about to rise, he uses two fingers to hold it down.


Too fast!

In this scene between in a flash, the movements between the two, the demonic beasts you see, and even the small shadows in the distance are thrilling. The heart bears a bit No, in such a moment, the two are both wise and brave. As long as they are slightly weaker, not only will the winner be divided on the stage, but one person will be killed or seriously injured.

Ling Tian found that the sword was being attacked.

The opponent clamped it, and the flames between the fingers and the breath made him unable to penetrate any minute.

"hmph, are you strong? ! "

Ling Tian's mouth twitched. It was the first time he encountered such a difficult situation.

However, in the thundering sword, Xiao Lei was even more furious.


The sword is charged, which means that he is also restrained.

How can he endure this.

Immediately, Xiao Lei rushed out of the sword and faced it. Yantian is angry roar.

Dragon's Might oscillates. How powerful is Xiaolei’s Dragon Clan Bloodline? How can it be compared with Flying Dragon Beast, when it was violently violent from the thundering sword. Dragon's Might shook open!

Seeing the momentum, Ling Tian immediately drew the sword back, with one arm, and the person was already a kilometer away.

"Falling stars! ! "

At the next moment, Ling Tian chopped down hundreds of sword qi, swallowed Yanzhou, and then suddenly killed him at a faster speed. Between coming and going, even a blink of an eye No, under the blessing of the flame sword power, the flame of this sword evolving roars like a dragon.

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