
Suddenly, Ling Tian laughed wildly, in the laughter, wantonly publicity, watching the world, shaking the past and present.

And again, full of sorrow and bitterness.

Peak, Peak!

Waiting for this day, Ling Tian has been waiting for too long!

"Stick, come!"

However, Ling Tian put away his smile, and between raising his hand, a black stick fell from the sky and was held in his hand.

At this time, on the black stick, a carved Totem of Hellfire has appeared.

This is what Lao Hou described himself when he was in Thunder Tribulation.

It looks very beautiful.

Upgrading to Immortal Artifact, starting with this stick, Ling Tian was shocked.

Tough and heavy.

Different from the extreme sharpness of Abyss Dragon Sword, this stick seems to be able to shake the sky, move the earth, and set the sea!

"The name of Dinghai is not worthy of you."

"When I first saw you, you were in the deep sea like the sky. From then on, this stick will be called Qing Heaven."

Ling Tian raised his hand, the Torch Dragon True Flame Condensing Pen, on top of the stick, dropped the word Qingtian.

Immediately, Ling Tian raised his hand suddenly.

In those pairs of eyes, there is endless domineering, as if there is a mighty force in the eyes, swept away towards the demon witch clan.

pu pu!

Although it is separated by Formation, Ling Tian's gaze down, but it makes countless demons on the city wall a mouthful of blood spurted, Unable to sustain themselves.

It's just a line of sight, and the coercive force is so terrifying.

Ling Tian is going to be straightened, like the Immortal Spirit between Heaven and Earth, with the sky stick in his hand pointing directly at the witch.

"Once, your witch army came to the territory of my Human Race."

"Now, I, Ling Tian, ​​can expedition here with my army."

" Once, the Ancestral Item of your Demon Country set off a swallowing tsunami and wanted to destroy my Human Race Martial Artist."

"Now, all the blood and blood will be paid back."

"Just From this swallowing tsunami!"

"Let me see, how can you stop me, you magic witch!"

"Sea, get up!"

With Ling Tian shouting loudly, on the Qilin Arm armor, there is a burst of golden light, and endless energy is poured into the great rod along Ling Tian's arm.

Suddenly, the sky rods skyrocketed again and again, and finally turned into a nearly ten-thousand-foot illusory shadow!

Qingtian, Zhenhai!

This stick was originally the power of setting the sea, and now it is in Ling Tian's hands.

"Whatever your Formation, let me see, break it!"


Ling Tian angry roar, surpass Loose Immortal Peak The battle strength of the eruption, blessing on the Sky Rod, instantly set off a swallowing sky and sea, like a mountain of water pushing away in a single beat!

How terrifying is the power to lift the sea.

The power of the tsunami cannot be resisted!

"Not good! Take out Ancestral Item, block the impact of this time!"

The expressions of the two demon have also changed at this time, and the Lord of the Three Great Demon Kingdoms is even more frightened. Immediately took out Ancestral Item, trying to consolidate Formation.

However, the Sea Calming Divine Needle iron casts the Sky Rod so terrifying. Above the sea, this fairy soldier is an invincible existence, swallowed by the boundless tsunami whales, mixed with the mighty power of Ling Tian. At the moment Wanjun hit, the Formation was instantly shattered like glass.

The tsunami that spread for thousands of miles immediately engulfed the city wall along the way, and directly rushed through the witch clan continent.


Even though the two demons condensed demonic energy and broke out Heavenspan battle strength, they still could not resolve the tsunami.

Although it looks like the Trifling Sea Power of Water, it is full of Ling Tian's terrifying pressure, which is unbreakable.

Therefore, wherever the tsunami went, the warriors of the witch clan suffered countless casualties.

"Expedition army, kill!"

Above the sky, Ling Tian retracted the Optimus Rod, his gaze is squinting, hanging in the void.

shouting loudly, behind several hundred li's fleet, countless streams of light burst out in an instant, densely packed towards the witch clan continent.

Now that Formation is broken, with Ling Tian here, how can the Demon Witch Clan resist the expeditionary army! ?

"Ma De, the lord of Demon Country left one for me, I must tear him up by myself!"

Long Xuan sighed in his heart long ago.

The demon is not an opponent, but the master of Demon Country can be nothing difficult.


In an instant, the tribe of humans, dragons and demons poured into the witch continent, and was shocked by Ling Tian’s imposing manner just now. The army of the Great Demon Kingdom has long been there. Terrified is now even more like a landslide, unable to resist.

"Damn it, my demon is here, kill these Human Races!"

The two demon were shocked, took out divine ability, and killed no one in the three races Defeat the enemy.

They have the battle strength of Loose Immortal Peak, which is still terrifying.

"hehe, the demon blessed by the heavenly demon, your opponents are me!"

At this time, Li Taixuan and Ling Xiao were also killed, the two Peaks With battle strength, it will be a matter of time before the demon is taken down and killed under the general situation.

And Ling Tian stood in the torrent of the army and stopped moving.

He smashed the Witch Formation with one stick, it was enough.

Such a battle is no longer worth his shot.


A clear blue light flew from behind, and the small dragon girl holding Trident flew up.

"Ling Tian big brother, can I kill it together?"

"Hehe, of course." Ling Tian shrugged, and then pointed at the dragon that was fighting with the Demon Lord Xuan Dao: "Look, that is the lord of Dragon Clan that I told you about, how about it?"

The small dragon girl glanced at that gold-priced Long Xuan, her pretty face was blushing, and she took a sip of Ling. Tian carried Trident and killed him.

The battle lasted one day and one night.

When the corpses of the warriors of the witch clan were everywhere on the coast, the expedition army believed that their battle with the witch clan was finally victorious.

Moreover, it is still above the witch continent.

This is an unprecedented battle.

And on top of a mountain, Ling Tian looked at the battlefield in front of him with his hands, calm and composed.

After a while, a brilliant dragon in golden armor grabbed a Demon Race and fell from the sky, and then threw the Demon Witch Clan on the ground.

"Big brother, the lord of Demon Country you are looking for is this guy."

"If you didn't tell me, I would have killed him."

Ling Tian turned around and found that the lord of Demon Country was there like a dead dog, and his whole skeleton was bloody and dying.

I don't know how it was destroyed by Long Xuan and other powerhouses before.

Ling Tian leaned over and looked at the Lord of Demon Country, and suddenly asked: "Do you remember that there was a small sect called Zhongxiaozong?"

One Listening to Zhongxiaozong, the Lord of Nirvana suddenly opened his eyes, "So what?"

"Hehe, it's nothing, since it's you, then I just want to talk to you now. "

"Back when you destroyed the Chongxiaozong, I was entrusted by others, and one day, I will avenge him."

"Now, this day is here!"

"I will make you suffer and die."

After that, Ling Tian opened his palm, and the true flames of Torch Dragon gushed out, engulfing the lord.


In a short time, the Lord of Demon Country, who was burned in flames, suffered all the torture before slowly dying.

Long Xuan, who looked at him, couldn't help shaking his head repeatedly.

"By the way, big brother, where did the dragon girl in the blue and gold Battle Armor come from? I asked her, she still ignored me!"

Long Xuan suddenly asked.

"hahaha, this, your big brother, I can only help you here, kid, come on!"

Ling Tian patted Long Xuan's shoulder and flew up The flagship warship above the head.

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