In the flagship.

The leaders of all parts of the army came forward to report the damage and gains.

However, what surprised Long Xuan and many other powerhouses is that this border has almost assembled all the troops of the three Demon Country, but the resources in the camp are very few.

The only thing that can be used is the battle halberd of the witch clan.

The biggest gain may be the Ancestral Item of the three Great Demon countries.

Even the heavenly demon war soul on the demon's body is an extremely strange energy, which can't be used at all.

"Grandma, I feel a bit lost in this battle!"

Leng Aotian murmured.

"Hehe, it's not a loss. After all, we have broken through the army of the Three Great Demon countries. In the next step, we can drive straight ahead. I am afraid that this expedition will not take as long as we imagined. "

Hong Lao shook his head.

"Yes!" Ling Xiao nodded closely, but frowned instead: "But, I always feel a little too relaxed. The Three Great Demon Kingdom is so easily destroyed. Was it such a plan for Wu Demon Country that day?"

"Perhaps, they were far from expecting that Ling Tian is so powerful. After all, if Formation is not Ling Tian, ​​we at least have to I was entrusted for half a month. "Jing Chan Master took a deep breath.

"Tai Xuan senior, I don't know, what do you think?"

Suddenly everyone looked towards Li Tai Xuan.

But Taixuan shook his head, "There must be something strange here, and it faintly makes me feel uneasy."

Speaking, Li Taixuan is in the sky and is in the sky. Directly Bu Yi Gua.

But in the end, the pattern, light and shadow in the air collapsed and there was nothing.

"Good or bad, Heavenly Dao is unpredictable!"

"It's strange, I don't understand, what on earth does this magic witch clan continent have that can make this continent's secret, Everything is covered."

Li Taixuan frowned tightly, and finally looked towards Ling Tian, ​​"Ling Tian, ​​you are the commander of the army, what do you think?"

Ling Tian then He was sitting on the main seat, his eyes shrank all the time, hearing this immediately eyes shrank, but he condensed his eyes but shook his head, "I didn't think about anything."

"Since Heavenly Dao of this realm is messed up , Then there is no need for contempt."

"It's nothing more than counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir!"

"No one can stop me from destroying the Witch Clan ."

"This continent makes me disgusted."

Ling Tian slightly narrows the eyes.

I don't know why, it seems that it is the induction in the bloodline's bone marrow that makes Ling Tian inexplicably jealous and hate the witch clan, especially this dark land.

"Then what you mean, is that our army will start to pull immediately and directly kill Tianwu Demon Country?"

Ling Tian Tai Xuan raised his eyebrows.


Ling Tian nodded, but just about to answer, his complexion changed completely.

When the figure moved, it disappeared into the great hall.

Next moment, Li Taixuan's face also showed a touch of surprise, and immediately flew out of the great hall.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it. Although they didn't know what happened, they still followed out.

Besides the flagship, I saw Ling Tian hanging high above the army fleet, looking at the depths of the witch continent, his eyes deep, his complexion, and even more grim.

"What's wrong!?"

"I don't know, I didn't sense anything?"

"Ling Tian should have found something?"

In the army, a lot of Human Race powerhouses are all looked at each other in blank dismay.

But their divine sense spread, but they didn't find any abnormalities.


However, at this moment, a thunderbolt exploded, but it suddenly rushed from the distant sky. Next moment, everyone saw that the sky seemed to burst, and the fiery-red lava exploded from it. In between the messages, it condenses into a golden red long spear, like a Divine Weapon outside the sky, which is as long as one thousand feet, bursting out!

"It is the divine ability of the witch powerhouse!"

"The Chijin Magic Spear is the Lord of the Heavenly Wu Kingdom!"

Li Taixuan cry out in surprise.

The army also looked at the peerless divine ability that looked like a doomsday gun, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This spear, I don’t know how far away it came from, tore the void, it’s so terrifying!

Tianwu Demon Country, as the first Royal Family of the Demon Clan, is it really terrifying?


However, in the face of the great divine ability from outside this day, Ling Tian, ​​who is above the army, was coldly snorted, but did not take it seriously.

Immediately, Ling Tian manifested the Optimus Rod in his hand, and the power of Loose Immortal surged, almost immortal-like aura poured into it, and between raising his hand, a rod greeted him.

“clang! ”

In a flash, the shadow of the wand appeared, and the long spear was in opposition.


Two terrifying divine abilities collapsed, the aftermath swept the mountains and rivers, and all the vegetation and rocks within a thousand miles were shaken to dust.

The terrifying loud noise and impact, when the Martial Artist of the three races can not help but sway in heart and soul, panic.

Such a powerhouse confrontation, just looking at it from a distance, makes them unbearable.

"hmph, sure enough! You, the junior of Human Race, are somewhat capable, and destroyed my Three Kingdoms warrior of the Witch Clan in one day!"

However, after the storm cleared, Where the sky cracked, a golden-bright and dazzling light and shadow appeared.

This light and shadow looks like the witch clan, but the figure is huge, and the golden light flashes all over, with eight pairs of golden light wings on the back, which looks full of majesty.

"You were the master of Wu Demon Country that day!?"

Ling Tian slightly narrows the eyes, "hehe, why, the body doesn't come, but you want to create an Avatar Come out?"

Although the light and shadow aura wins, it is only a projection.

"hahahaha, dare not?"

"On this continent, I am Sovereign, there is nothing I dare not!"

" Now, waiting for the Martial Artist who invades my witch, you will definitely die!"

"I am here to wait for an appointment with you!"

"Half a month later, heaven Wu Demon Country Look at Duanshan! My god, Lord Wu, wait for your army to come and die!"

The Lord of Wu Demon Country looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "when the time comes, just look at it!"

Do you have the guts to come!"

"I promise you that, this time, I will let you wait for the tens of millions of troops, there will be no return!"


coldly snorted, it is hard and crumbling, and there is no breath.

So, there is nothing left.

It seems that the master of Demon Country has never appeared before.

However, this day Wu Demon Country’s place is actually an appointment!

With such a strong appearance, it seems that Ling Tian and the tribal army are not regarded in the eyes at all.

This, the three tribes can't help looking at each other in blank dismay, with fear.

Perhaps, Wu Demon Country really has everything ready this day.

"Ling Tian......"

Li Taixuan frowned, looked at the figure floating in the sky, and thought for a while, "Let's continue to discuss and formulate a perfect solution."

"Perhaps, Wangduan Mountain will be the place of our decisive battle."

"No need."

Ling Tian in the sky can hold Qingtian Stick, but shook his head.

"Wangduan Mountain is extremely dangerous."

"You can wait to clear out the remnants of the witches of the three Great Demon kingdoms."

"This battle, I, Ling Tian, ​​should do it alone!"

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