"Ah cut, so sleepy!"

"Master? You are not dead? Did we succeed in ascent, is this the upper bound!?'

Storm Winged Dragon After hitting a hate, you can see Ling Tian faint smile looking at him, and he is immediately energetic.

"Of course it is the upper bound, why, you think I will die so easily! ? "

Ling Tian glanced horizontally at the storm Winged Dragon.

Actually, today's A Bao can't be regarded as a Winged Dragon anymore. He has swallowed a lot of broken dragon souls in the Dragon Palace. Now His astral body has already degenerated his wings, and it is no different from the orthodox Dragon Clan.

Besides, his body is blue and black, surrounded by storms, it is the serious storm Dragon Clan, although it has not yet arrived. Transcending Tribulation achieves the position of immortality, but it’s just a bad one.

"A Bao has never doubted his master. You are a wise and martial artist. On the day of trifling Dao Tribulation thunder, you can be Master’s opponent. ? Why, does the master want to take the Abao, smash the upper realm, and soak in the peerless beauty of all races? "

"A Bao is already in a hurry! "

The storm dragon surrounds Ling Tian's arms, constantly twisting his body, looking like there is nowhere to vent.

"Soak your sister! "

Ling Tian hissed, and I don’t know when this A Bao became so sassy!?

"Master, A Bao does not have a younger sister, otherwise, Definitely contribute to the owner to enjoy! Being able to follow the master is the glory of all Dragon Clan! "

A Bao continues to flatter you shamelessly.

"Too lazy to care about you! "

Ling Tian stuffed the wind Tyrant Dragon into the Qingxu Cauldron, and said: "I will recast your body now, if you pull those useless to me again, I will abolish you!" "

"Master of the wise Shenwu, A Bao knows that he is wrong! "

Feng Tyrant Dragon shook all over, curled up in the Qingxu Cauldron, and closed his mouth.

Ling Tian took out the six-lined cauldron and began to smelt gems.


The refining process is naturally very smooth, but two hours, a heavy iron fan is finished.

After the iron fan is closed, it is four feet long. , The whole body is pitch black, like a ruler, and like a heavy sword without a sharp edge.

The grade has reached the extreme of quasi-Immortal Artifact, and it is no longer suitable for Storm Dragon.

Storm The dragon was impatient for a long time, and roar got into the iron fan.

In an instant, this dark fan bloomed with a faint fairy light, which was very extraordinary.

Ling Tian played with it. After a while, the iron fan was put away with satisfaction.

However, as soon as Ling Tian was about to take down the Formation and leave the refinery room, his complexion changed abruptly.

The courtyard There is someone here!

Heart startled, Ling Tian lifted the breath and was ready to fight with all his strength.

However, when Ling Tian walked out of the refining room, she saw that Qiaoxiao Yanran , When he was faint smile looking at his own person, he was surprised.

"Third Young Lady! ? "

Yes, the person here is the Third Young Lady who hasn’t seen him again for a month, Lu Zhiyao.

However, this time this woman appeared directly in Lian Lian. Outside the chamber, the appearance of waiting for her is what makes Ling Tian involuntarily puzzled.

This woman has always been mysterious, and even Ling Tian can't see through it. Now she comes to the door, afraid There are pictures!

"It's over! ? "

Lu Zhiyao was very satisfied with the astonishment on Ling Tian's face, and suddenly asked.

"You know it! ? "

Ling Tian rolled his eyes and suddenly said: "Quanju Pavilion? Is that your property? You keep following me! ? "

"hehe, you are pretty smart. "

"But, you guessed it wrong, I didn't have the wealth of Quanju Pavilion. As for tracking you, it's not me. "

"You can easily trade medicine pill and Weapon in Quanju Pavilion. In their eyes, it is too easy to find. "

"Besides, you still use their ore. If it weren't for me, Zhao Min's elder sister, it would have been anxious. "

Lu Zhiyao paced and smiled and said, but watching Ling Tian's face become more gloomy, she said: "But you don't need to care, after all, they are trading companies, and they have this information. It's their own business, and they are not malicious, otherwise, you would have been arrested a long time ago. "

"I just didn't expect, you are really capable, not only can refine tools, but also pill concocting, and even identify ores! ? "

"You don't know, when Zhao Min's elder sister knew this, she was so interested in you. "

Ling Tian still has a gloomy face, "Third Young Lady, you have a life-saving grace for me, I have nothing to pay for it, but you have been observing me for so long. It's better to be straightforward and straightforward! "

"hahahaha, you are a refreshing person, okay! "

"We said inside! "

Lu Zhiyao walked into the refining room, Ling Tian thought for a while, and followed along.

"What! ? Ancient Cave Mansion! ? "

In the secret room, Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, looking at Lu Zhiyao who was holding his hand and facing him, browse slightly raise.

He didn't expect, Lu Zhiyao looked for What I call it turned out to be exploring Ancient Cave Mansion.

Although there are many such things in Spirit Realm, every news about Ancient Cave Mansion is extremely precious.

Because of this, there may be some great opportunity hidden.

There is even a legend that Martial Artist fell in an Ancient Cave Mansion. After he came out, he closed-door cultivation for a hundred years, and then became Immortal. King, the Legendary that established the fairyland.

Of course, these legends cannot be verified, but they are enough to make Martial Artist crazy about the Ancient Cave Mansion.

"Yes, I I don’t want to hide it from you, that Cave Mansion was discovered by Quanju Pavilion Pavilion Lord Zhao Min’s elder sister from a broken picture, which is in the green Mount Mang of the five ten thousand li beyond in Shuofang City, but I want To enter it, you need Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Five Elements to start Formation together! "

"Moreover, the fire must be above 18 Layer! "

"I think you should meet the standard, right? "

"That day you were in the Demon Dragon Valley and burned the demon dragon with fire. It was not an ordinary fire. "

"Furthermore, you are also proficient in the art of stone-scene, the Qing Mount Mang, once the mining area of ​​the Qing Mang snake tribe, maybe we can still have unexpected harvest. "

"So, I think no one is more suitable than you. "

Lu Zhiyao turned around and said categorically.

"So then, I have no choice? "

Ling Tian raises his eyes, let alone, for this Ancient Cave Mansion, Ling Tian is really interested in it.

Relying on those medicine pill, he can recover from the year of the monkey. battle strength, but if you can gain something from Ancient Cave Mansion, you may be able to return to Peak directly!

"That's right! You have no choice! "

"Your life was saved by my Lu Zhiyao. I believe in your character. You are so busy. You have no reason to refuse. "

Lu Zhiyao has decided Ling Tian's appearance.

"Okay, it's a deal! "

"I'll go with you! "

"When to leave! ? "

Ling Tian took a deep breath, and agreed.

"I will leave tomorrow! "

"So fast? "

"That's right! You have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow, come to Xige Cuiwei Building to find me! "

After that, Lu Zhiyao threw down a storage bag and left.

Ling Tian opened the storage bag, but found that it was full of good things. Yun Yuan Dan and Spirit Soul Dan!

2nd day.

Ling Tian converged his spirit, pushed the door directly, and prepared to go to the Cuiwei Building.

Yes. As soon as I arrived at the door of the Fifth Refining Institute, I found that a large group of guards had surrounded the courtyard door and had no water.

Zhang Xiaosi'er Old Zhao and the others were all trapped. Inside, a face of shame and anger.

However, seeing Ling Tian coming from a distance, that Xiaosier's complexion was very anxious, and desperately winking at Ling Tian, ​​let him go back quickly!

May Ling Tian slightly narrows the eyes, coldly snorted in my heart.

Sure enough, what should come is still to come. Now looking at this posture, before leaving Zhang Family, I really want to give these Let's see a little bit of color!

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