The guards also saw the strangeness of Zhang Xiaosi'er, and immediately turned around. After seeing that it was Ling Tian, ​​they swarmed up and surrounded Ling Tian.

"You are Ling Tian!?"

Stand up from the guards a Martial Artist who looks like a commander, with a top helmet and a crown, wearing a stalwart, sturdy figure and a face rough.

A dark red face, full of frightening overbearing aura, staring at Ling Tian firmly.

"Yes, I am Ling Tian, ​​why?"

Ling Tian put his hands on the front, patted Zhang Xiaosi'er's shoulders, and let them don't be impatient.

Xuan even walked out of the refinery courtyard under the gaze of everyone, and stood still on the square outside.

At this time, all the Refiner Masters in the surrounding refinery courtyard rushed out, and there were also many young masters and servants from the Zhang Mansion, thousands of them.

With such a big battle, Ling Tian really didn't expect.

It seems that the minions of this group of Second Young Lady really want to show themselves well in public,

But it’s also good, this kind of face slap is fun to play.


The leader suddenly shrinks, "Li Yuan is my cousin, he disappeared a month ago!"

" I checked all the entry and exit records of Zhang Mansion. You also left Zhang Mansion that day, and there was a festival before you and him!"

"You can only kill him!"


Ling Tian hearing this, couldn't help being astonished and laughed, "It's ridiculous, there are so many people coming in and out of Zhang Mansion every day, why are you so sure?"

"This is your evidence?"

"I'm so laughing!"

"Yes, Ling Tian big brother, but Martial Sovereign battle strength, how can you kill Li Yuan?" Zhang Xiaosi'er also helped Ling Tian speak.

The people around are also discussing spiritedly, and they are mostly puzzled.

It is true that Ling Tian and Li Yuan had a festival before, but if they say that Ling Tian can kill Li Yuan, they still don't believe it.

"Don’t quibble here. You killed my cousin. I have asked the Second Young Lady for instructions. Today, I will take you down immediately and escort you to the army camp to be executed!"

The commander was furious. He had learned from Zhang Mansion Second Young Lady that Li Yuan had been ordered to assassinate Ling Tian a month ago, but after that, Ling Tian returned safely, but Li Yuan was a Has never returned to the team for a month.

So, they have to admit that Li Yuan is dead.

Regardless of whether this Ling Tian has that ability, but apart from this possibility, they can't think of anything else.

Li Yuan, you can't die in vain.

So, today Second Young Lady remembered this before leaving, and ordered her men to come and capture Ling Tian.

So, Ling Tian was not given the opportunity to speak too much, and the commander shot directly.

He roared, his body leaped forward, his big hand stretched out, and he smashed his head towards Ling Tian with the force of thunder. The terrifying vigor spread, and it immediately aroused an unusually harsh splitting the air sound, the sound is terrifying, just like the collapse of a huge mountain.

The cultivation base of this commander was in the forefront of the guards of Zhang Mansion in the late period of Loose Immortal.

As soon as you make a move, in this small refinery courtyard, no one can beat it.

Ling Tian is like never seen, not dodge or avoid, and the body stays still.

"Ling Tian big brother, be careful!" Zhang Xiaosier and the others were all lifted off by the sudden violent breath of the commander. At this moment, they woke up and saw this scene, and their complexion suddenly changed. Yelled out loud.

"This guy is crazy!" Many of Zhang's servants also cried out in shock.


Almost just when the giant palm that ruled like a mountain fell on top of Ling Tian's head, Ling Tian finally moved, before his footsteps Step on, the body violently advances, and the right palm suddenly rises.


In the violent sound of chirping, Ling Tian's palm and the commanding giant palm shook, and the huge force surged away, the guard amidst the grinning smile Commanding that complexion changed suddenly, groaned was directly blown out.

This commander didn’t expect that this trash messing around in the refinery courtyard was so powerful that he was not in the late stage of Loose Immortal, and his complexion changed suddenly, but he didn’t even have time to make it. Any response, that silhouette has already come in front, a fist rapidly expands in the pupil.


After another loud noise, the body of the commander flew out like a kite with its string cut, and slammed into the center of the square. He cracked the hundred zhang bricks, almost when he fell to the ground, he let out a miserable howl like an injured wild beast and almost fainted.

For a time, the wide square was plunged into deathly silence.

Everyone looked at Ling Tian dumbfounded, the crowd was so quiet that needles fell, especially Zhang Xiaosier and other masters in the refinery courtyard, it was hard to believe their eyes, Ling Tian just shot With a palm and a punch, he actually defeated a leader of the late Loose Immortal with no difficulty?

Ling Tian, ​​who can be shot, a month ago, was just a Martial Sovereign that even Li Yuan could not deal with!

How come it looks so powerful now.

Moreover, from the body, there is no sense of how much Origin Qi fluctuation is. Is this just relying on the fleshy body?

"Hehe, want to take me, do you have this strength?"

Ling Tian brushed off the dust on his body, and didn't even look at the leader.

His words were arrogant to the limit, and in front of the guards, he was beyond madness.

In Zhang Mansion, the guards have always been arrogant, especially the East Pavilion of Second Young Lady. They all come from the army, and they are usually domineering, and they never release such people from the Refining Institute. In the eyes.

No one has ever dared to be so overbearing, in front of so many clansman in Zhang Mansion, bossed shamelessly on the guards.

Those East Pavilion guards were so angry that they couldn't wait to step Ling Tian under their feet on the spot.

"What are you waiting for? Come on with me and kill him!"

On the square, the leader struggled from the ground with a roar.


In an instant, a group of guards stepped out. They had a dignified aura. They all had the deep cultivation base of Loose Immortal Mid-Peak, and their aura was as solemn as a mountain.

They stand together, like a mountain range horizontally in front of everyone, the powerful imposing manner makes people look at them.

"Hehe, do you want to bully the less with more? Okay, you guys go together!"

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth evokes a smile, and between the long hair fluttering, the edge is flamboyant Extremely. Without waiting for a response from everyone, his arms stretched out and moved towards the group of guards and rushed forward.

Another initiative!

This kind of action has completely ignored the East Pavilion guards.

Anyway, Ling Tian also gave up, and even if the Third Young Lady wanted him to go to the Ancient Cave Mansion together, then he would simply make a fuss!

Finally, Lu Zhiyao will be settled.


Ling Tian's Bloodline Strength that suddenly started, under the blessing of the Dragon Emperor Supreme Art, a huge pressure suddenly rose, and immediately made the guards somewhat Unable to kick, the clanging sound rang out, and they all involuntarily pulled out their weapons.

Dang dang!

Ling Tian's group of guards quickly fought together, Origin Force violent, swords and swords.

However, these guards tried their best, and they insisted on holding on under Ling Tian's offensive. Almost all the methods that could be used were used, but there was not much power to parry in a moment.

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