Mrs. Yunhou is fairly calm, but Qin Mingyue screamed softly, a little unbelievable.

In Mangshan, Ling Tian also gave her the countenance Halt Pill, but the color is not as good as these three grains.

"No, I normally use the high grade Countenance Halt Pill, but it is far worse than these three."

Mrs. Yunhou looked towards Ling Tian and asked: "Do you know the value of this Samadhi Countenance Halt Pill?"

"Ling Tian doesn't know, but Ling Tian knows that no matter how good medicine pill is, it is the most valuable if you use the right person!"

"hehe, it's the same clever mouth as Yueyatou!"

Mrs. Yunhou was nodded, and her gaze looking towards Ling Tian softened a lot.

"Yes, I like this gift very much."


In Piaoyun Pavilion, Qin Mingyue and Ling Tian have been Stay with Mrs. Yunhou until the evening.

Mrs. Yunhou seems to be very interested in the affairs of Lingnan, and has asked a lot. The three of them talked very happily.

Until the Yunhou Mansion banquet began, several people gave up.

Ling Tian sits crouched at the end of the great hall of Yunhou Mansion's dinner.

While listening to Qin Shaoyang's narration beside him, while looking at the stalwart figure shrouded in the silver halo in the far distance, he also shook his head and sighed.

Too many people.

The family banquet held once every half month in Yunhou Mansion gathered thousands of people.

Ling Tian has never seen such scenes.

"Oh? You mean, your mother, is Yunhou's youngest sister?"

Withdraw his gaze, Ling Tian took a sip of spirit wine and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, Yun Family has a total of seven brothers and six sisters. My mother's name is Ten Third Sister, which is the youngest, and of course the youngest. Now Yunhou is the youngest among brothers. Yes, but the martial arts strategy is Peak. The previous Yunming was the youngest son of my Big Uncle family, and the opposite Yun Qiaoer was the youngest daughter of the aunt’s family. In short, the twelve brother sisters are better than My mother’s aptitude innate talent is high, and her family background is much stronger than my father’s." Qin Shaoyang took a sip of wine and smiled bitterly: "Otherwise we won’t sit at the end! Young Master, I’m so fed up with this. Hierarchical oppression!"

"Come slowly, the respect given by others is not true respect. If you want respect from others, fight for yourself!"

Ling Tian patted Qin Shaoyang's shoulders "Come on, do it!"

"Do it!"

Brother two binge drinking, Ling Tian asked again: "Shao Yang, it is you that shrouded the silver halo Uncle Yun Prefecture, who is the old lady in the middle?"

As soon as Ling Tian spoke, Qin Shaoyang covered his mouth and motioned for him to silence.

"Brother Tian, ​​you can't talk nonsense about this! Otherwise it's not yours!"

Qin Shaoyang glanced at all around and asked quietly: "You know where Yunhou Mansion, who is the largest?"

"Yunhou Mansion, of course, is the largest in Yun Prefecture Hou!"


Qin Shaoyang I shook my finger. In Yun Prefecture, my uncle is the largest, but in Yunhou Mansion, my grandma is the largest. Nuo is the old man you mentioned..."

"Your grandma? Yunhou's mother? "Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, somewhat dumb.

"That's right. Grandma was named Mrs. Yun Guotai by Martial Sovereign, you have to call it Old Taijun! In Yunhou Mansion, grandma is the head of the family! "Qin Shaoyang nodded and said.

"so that's how it is! I understand! "Ling Tian rubbed his fingers, thinking in his heart.

"Well, it's a coincidence that we are here this time. 1 month later is grandma's birthday. By then, Yun Prefecture City will be run wildly. Come to congratulate, thousands of people come to dynasty! The level of excitement is no less than that of the Shanghai Yuan Festival! "Qin Shaoyang eyes shined, said.

"What a coincidence? ! "

Ling Tian thought, "Then you, a grandson, should prepare birthday gifts?" "

"Oh, really. This is an annoying thing, the past few days, you have to help me look for gifts..." Qin Shaoyang was a little worried with his hand on his forehead. He can't handle this thing.

"Hmm! "

The wine has gone through three rounds, and the dishes have passed the five flavors.

Ling Tian was looking at the singing and dancing above the great hall with great interest, suddenly shocked his shoulders, making him abrupt. Surprised.

Suddenly turned back, but found that at some point, Dai Bingde was already standing behind him.

"De Lao..."

Ling Tian quickly got up.

"Don't say anything, follow me outside for a walk..."

Ling Tian glanced at Qin Shaoyang, who was already lying on the table next to him unconsciously. , Nodded, followed Dai Bingde and came out of the great hall.

The Yun Mansion is deep and the moonlight is shining.

"Lao De, why didn’t I see you in the great hall before. "

Walking with Delao for a long time, Ling Tian finally couldn't help but ask.

"hehe, that was the Yunfu family banquet, and I was just from Yunfu The servant..." Dai Bingde stopped, smiled and shook his head.

"Lao De joked, you are Chief Steward of Yunfu, with such a high cultivation base. Respect for status..."


Dai Bingde interrupted Ling Tian.

"I was born in Yun Family, but I Not surnamed Yun. My father is a domestic slave in Yunfu. Although my innate talent is good, I am also very competitive. I accompanied the old Yunhou to fight in the north and south, and won a lot of feats. But I have always been a slave of Yun Family, and it has been imprinted in my blood since the day I was born. "

"Yunfu family banquet, Yunhou invited me countless times. However, I refused..."

"so that's how it is. "

Ling Tian complied and didn't say more.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are a smart man..."

Dai Bingde is inexplicable After saying something, he stepped forward and continued walking.

"I heard that you have met Mrs. Yunhou? "Dai Bingde asked suddenly.

"Yes, Mrs. Yunhou treats people very well. "Ling Tian nodded.

"hehe, the couple came from the first-class aristocrat Cui Family in Zhong Prefecture, and their character is naturally excellent. "

Dai Bingde didn't care, and asked: "Did you know that Zhong Prefecture has Five Great Families?" "

"Ling Tian doesn't know. "

He really hasn't understood this.

"Li, Cui, Yang, Wang, Zhang! This is the Aristocratic Family of the five nobles in Zhong Prefecture. They are all first-class, and they are the existence of aloof and remote in the first-class. "

Ling Tian nodded, "Junior knows." "

"By the way, I heard that you are in Lingnan, and you also have a family. You seem to be in Xiaofeng Town, right? "

Suddenly, Dai Bingde in front stopped and asked again.

Ling Tian's heart was shocked, and an inexplicable oppression surged from the bottom of his heart.

He didn’t understand why Dai Bingde suddenly mentioned Aristocratic Family, and finally mentioned Ling Family.

How could Dai Bingde have heard of a family with a large rural village? It was investigated!

This Dai Bingde, check yourself!

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