For a time, Ling Tian had a feeling of being stared at by a beast.

He naturally fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, but Ling Family can’t. Although he had made thorough preparations, in front of Yunhou Mansion, those were just tricks.

"Yes...but the Ling Tian family is in the end. There are only a hundred people in the family, most of them are mortals..."

"The family background is destined by God. We Don’t want it. But you can’t undervalue oneself. You are very good. In the future, Ling Family will have a place in Yun Prefecture. You believe me..."

"You can see both of you very young Master and Lady Come here, what's your comment?" Seeing Ling Tian not speaking, Dai Bingde asked again.

"This, Ling Tian is an outsider, it is not good to evaluate..." Ling Tian shook his head.

"You! I am also an outsider, what can't be said!"

Dai Bingde shook his head, "I will evaluate for you, they are very poor, they are just a group I don’t expect anything!"

"De Lao..."

Ling Tian didn't expect, Dai Bingde’s evaluation would be so sharp.

"This is a fact, and there is nothing to say. The Yunhou Mansion today is far worse than before. Together they are not as strong as you."

"So, Ling Tian you Remember, Yun Family is the master of Yun Prefecture. It’s up to you where your Ling Family can go."

After Dai Bingde finished speaking, he pointed to the front, "Let’s go, this is me." In my house, go in and have a drink with me!"Ling Tian looked along Dai Bingde's gaze, but found that there was only a dilapidated attic in the corner in front of him.


Sitting in the spacious carriage of Yunhou Mansion, Ling Tian shook his body along with the car. But his eyes are straight.

He has thought about it all the way.

I was thinking of Dai Bingde’s unfathomable mystery today.

"Foreigners, domestic slaves, Yunhou Mansion, Ling Family!"

After a long time, Ling Tian sneered.

"Dai Bingde, you are really a loyal dog of the Yun Family!"

Said that many, it is nothing more than knocking on the side, hinting, and threatening.

Those who obey and those who fail will perish. Not only do they have to work for the Yun Family, but also servility must be planted into the bones and blood!

"hehe, my descendant of Ling Family, how is it like you? Yunhou Mansion...huh hmph!" Ling Tian's mouth bends, and the rays of light flicker in his eyes.


After getting off immediately, Ling Tian was surprised.

After taking a look at it two steps, he asked the coachman of Yunhou Mansion: "Master, did you send it to the wrong place? I'm going to the Purple Cloud Sect station in the southwest sect square!"

"That's right, it's here, Ling Young Master, you can talk and laugh, the little one has lived in Yun Prefecture for twenty years, and he will never send it to the wrong place!" The coachman smiled and urged The carriage is gone.

"This...what's the situation?"

Ling Tian turned around and looked towards the original residence of Purple Cloud Sect, dumbfounded.

Although it is night, the entire row of houses is bathed in green golden rays of light.

The courtyard wall and the roof tiles of the house are all made by Lapis Lazuli, golden light and exquisite.

The gate is even more majestic. It is three feet high, and the whole body is rippling with five-colored vermilion light. From time to time, there are rays of light wandering, one after another majestic energy fluctuations, it is even more paved. Come.

Where is the dilapidated scene seen in the morning?

"Ling Martial Uncle!? Martial Uncle, you are back!"

The door opened, but the wooden iron gall came out.

"Iron egg, what's going on? Who did it?"

Ling Tian pointed to the courtyard wall and gate, and asked in a daze.

"Who else? Those three tigresses that came in the morning, if you walk on your front foot, they will start tearing down the wall. We won't do it if we don't agree!" Mu Tiedan shrugged.

"There is such a thing? They are really crazy!"

Ling Tian shook his head and walked into the house.

"hehe, Martial Uncle, this is not all, you will know it when you enter the room and take a look, tsk tsk, I can’t think of it, Martial Uncle’s face is so valuable, the disciplines have followed!"


"What are you doing?"

Ling Tian crossed the wooden iron gall, shook the head and pushed open the door of his room.


Rao is Ling Tian, ​​his eyes rounded when he saw the splendorous and majestic furniture in the room.

He had seen it during the day, except for the dusty tables, chairs and beds, there was no tea in the room.

Nowadays, the house is full of furniture made of precious materials, which is completely new.

"This...Is this what they did?" Ling Tian asked, pointing to the furniture in the room.

"Of course, we have all changed. It is said that these things are worth this number!" Mu Tiedan stretched out three fingers.

"Three hundred thousand spirit coins?"

"Wrong, three million spirit coins!" Mu Tiedan pointed out: "I have never seen so many in my life. What about the money, Martial Uncle, you rest earlier, I'll go back to sleep first!"

After speaking, Mu Tiezhu walked away.

"Oh! What is this called?"

Ling Tian glanced at the room, sighed helplessly, and walked in.

Three million may be in his eyes now, and in Yun Prefecture, it is really not a big sum, but it is not small.

For the three Genting Trading Company and Divine Weapon Fudanhui, they are all businessmen in plain terms. They want them to pluck their hair without any purpose, so Ling Tian didn't believe that they were killed.

But, is it just for yourself?

Ling Tian is full of slurries now, what Bai Feiyun said to him at the beginning, he didn't think it was so complicated, now it seems that he really can't find the clue.

The city of Yun Prefecture is too big.


Passing around the front room, Ling Tian opened the curtain of the back room bedroom, his heart suddenly tightened.

A glance at all around, Ling Tian's eyes condensed on the bed.

At this time, I saw Lin Yanyan wearing clothes and sleeping in Zhengxiang wrapped in a quilt.

"this girl..."

Ling Tian glanced at the bed, but also a little curious.

The bed was shrouded by rays of light. It turned out to be an Aura Isolation Array, and the Formation level was quite good. Ling Tian didn't deliberately examine it, but didn't even notice Lin Yanyan in it.

"Yanyan, go back to sleep..."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and patted Lin Yanyan's ruddy little face and said.

"Well, why... why did I fall asleep?"

For a while, Lin Yanyan opened the trembling water and rubbed his head from the bed. Got up.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are back, don’t get me wrong, I just want to see if you come back, I don’t know why I fell asleep, I’m so sleepy now, maybe it’s seasick, I went back to sleep, You should also rest early..."

Lin Yanyan became silly, waved his hand, and went out by himself without even looking at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian Yaoyao head, sat quietly on the Huanghualing Pear wooden table in front of the window, poured a cup of tea, and took a sip.

"Your Excellency, don't you need me to invite you out? It's too much to enter my mansion without permission!"

With a loud sound, Ling Tian smashed the tea cup down on the table.

"How did you find me?"

Sure enough, Ling Tian tone barely fell, and thousands of black air that was as thin as a hairspring condensed on the opposite side of Ling Tian. After a while, a A figure wearing a black cloak and black armor sat on a chair and asked indifferently.

"How did you sneak into my place? I think, should I ask first?" Ling Tian raised his eyes and expected it.

Lin Yanyan is so lethargic that he has followed his way!

This person was the one who had a fate in Qianxi at the beginning, the dark Blade Sect shadow, overcast and blue.

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